General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> More Gestapo Action!

Message started by Midnightrider on 10/10/13 at 21:21:01

Title: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Midnightrider on 10/10/13 at 21:21:01

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/13 at 03:49:46

When its caught on camera, its not alleged. This is making the rounds.

Heres another solution, Cop gets sued, loses, instead of taxpayers paying the bill, take it from the cops retirement fund, all cops,, they will become self policing, good cops will drive bad cops out, because the bad cops put the good cops retirement $$ at risk.

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Paraquat on 10/11/13 at 06:07:33



Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Pine on 10/11/13 at 07:29:19

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
When its caught on camera, its not alleged. This is making the rounds.

Heres another solution, Cop gets sued, loses, instead of taxpayers paying the bill, take it from the cops retirement fund, all cops,, they will become self policing, good cops will drive bad cops out, because the bad cops put the good cops retirement $$ at risk.

works for me!

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/11/13 at 07:52:29

While such a tactic seems appealing at first, our system has never punished an entire profession for the bad acts of a few members.

School teachers used to pull this crap with classes, holding every kid responsible for the misbehavior of one or two in the class.  It was unfair then, and it's unfair now.

Think of the soldier in Afghanistan who killed several families on a rampage - would you take the damages award out of every soldier's paycheck because they did not "police their own"?

Would you tell every doctor that he has to chip in to cover a sexual harassment award against any particular doc?

So, I fail to see the merit of such a position.

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/13 at 09:40:39

So, screw the taxpayer? My position would drive the good cops to run the bad ones out,, Whats happening NOW isnt "Fair",,.screw Fair.. Lets doi what works, whats going on now isnt changing their actions. Theyre getting worse all the time,, Time for the pain to land on the cops. Get sued, the cops suffer. Thatll change things,

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Pine on 10/11/13 at 10:13:43

202F2329222F24282F382D2F384A0 wrote:
While such a tactic seems appealing at first, our system has never punished an entire profession for the bad acts of a few members.

School teachers used to pull this crap with classes, holding every kid responsible for the misbehavior of one or two in the class.  It was unfair then, and it's unfair now.

Think of the soldier in Afghanistan who killed several families on a rampage - would you take the damages award out of every soldier's paycheck because they did not "police their own"?

Would you tell every doctor that he has to chip in to cover a sexual harassment award against any particular doc?

So, I fail to see the merit of such a position.

ummmm... the math teacher in my sons 10th grade class.. just did this last week...

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Trippah on 10/11/13 at 11:31:03

Believe it or not, that is what the management of the police force is there for.  When working for the Commonwealth of Mass, I (for  a short time) headed a department of 15 people (Speech & Hearing).  In my brief tenure I fired 2, giving me the highest staff to firing ratio in the institution.  Oh well, I also took two staff that no one else would take and found them good slots- they started working well and no discipline problems.  Sometime ya gotta leave the meetings and see to your staff. :o

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/11/13 at 11:40:40

THATS a great point! When a department starts having complaints against it, if the CHief doesnt fire people & straighten things out, then hold him responsible along with the abusive ones,, jail time for all! Its time Americans stop being afraid of the cops,

Title: Re: More Gestapo Action!
Post by Midnightrider on 10/13/13 at 15:57:28

Seems like a Cop with a brain who knows he's being filmed would know better than to try to pull some sh!t like that. He'll probably leave there and go to a bar and get drunk. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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