General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Repair.....

Message started by raydawg on 10/10/13 at 20:03:17

Title: Repair.....
Post by raydawg on 10/10/13 at 20:03:17

Having read and talked to many different people about the state of our political affairs, etc, I have noticed one constant, all most all have complaints, but no solutions.....
Of course it echoes our political leaders MO, sad  :-/

What I hope to do with this thread is to engage your thoughts on ideas that might help in getting us back to a more civil climate, for all.

One of the distinct differences about this country is that it truly is a melting pot of diversity like no other country has ever experienced....ever.

With that knowledge, we must continue to adjust and grow into a new political system...

What use to work, won't, as evidenced by the present.

A couple of ideas I have.......  :-*

We have the ability to elect people to office by a popular vote. No more catering to states, cities, to garner their votes, every vote cast would stand on its own accord.

Do away with "parties".

Example: Presidential election, the person who gets the most popular vote becomes the president, runner up, is the vice president. Ditto for US senators, etc.

I believe this would remove the present allegiance to party first before welfare of the nation, state, etc, with the hope of the "middle ground" being the result of working compromise so more people get a equal piece of the legislative process/results.

Ok....lets hear some ideas folks  ;D  

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Paraquat on 10/10/13 at 20:16:03



Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/10/13 at 20:40:47

Until we get rind of the UNELECTED influence of the CFR & trilaterals, etc, we are going nowhere. While the fed reserve exists, we go nowhere. Iceland did it right,

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/10/13 at 22:59:27

Dawg I've already brought everything you said up, in fact I stated we've got to stop the dem versus pub crap.Both Bush and Obama have failed miserably. That means neither party works. I said to do away with the electoral college months ago and go by popular vote, I agreed with almost everything you said but I also added we should have the power to vote them out during their term leaving them with no retirement or benefits. The people have got to have more power to jerk their a$$es around and straighten them up. The sad thing is since the unlimited donation bill was passed the rich will decide who runs now. China could give enough money to one candidate to win. I believe if we quit trying to be Mr Biggy Pants and withdraw from overseas, embassy's, UN and all we might have a chance on controlling our debt and the terrorist. I believe our borders should be temporarily shut down until we get our own house in order. We had 80,000 troops in Japan stting on their asses collecting a paycheck and 60,000 in Germany. Those are the only two countries I've kept up with, I know there's a lot more.. Bring em home, keep em on standby and let them work on our infrastructure. To the ones that can afford it buy American. If you would spend 5% of your paycheck on Ameican made goods you could help create a million more American jobs. How much more does a Hanes T Shirt cost than one made in China. Be sure and check the labels.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/10/13 at 23:10:06

Revolution. Steve I hope it doesn't come to that but if it does so be it. I had rather fight than give into Obama or Congress. Neither one represents me or the majority, there are a few brave ones still holding out but with Obama's threats I don't know how much longer they can put off the king. One of tha Congressmen said in the last 10 days we are closer to a civil war since the last one. Obama is threatening Veterans and threatening not to mail out SS checks to the elderly. That shows how much he cares about our people and this country. Sorry about my rant, not really LMAO

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/10/13 at 23:11:16

Right on Jog. They hunted the crooked SOB's and locked them up.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by oldNslow on 10/11/13 at 06:31:50

6F5E4D5E4E4A5E4B3F0 wrote:


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

We have a way to go before we reach that point. Most folks are not unhappy enough with the status quo yet. But I belive it's coming. And I do believe it's likely the only answer. To fix what's wrong with this country now requires elected leaders who are statesman and men of good will, and an informed, intellegent citizenry, to elect such men. We have neither.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Pine on 10/11/13 at 07:13:09

I guess I am a bit more pragmatic.. but if I could be dictator for a day:

Federal government could only fund project via the state. That is to say, they could not refuse to give road and bridge money to a state that didn't fund Medicare. The only thing the feds could would be to send the money to the state. The state could decide the fate of the money period.  This is actually pretty strong medicine, and would give the states just a tad back of the power they once had.

I would not "out law" parties, but I would level the playing field. I would get rid of any law that supported any party, or existing parties over new parties. I would outlaw "war chests". I would put term limits on senators.

I would redefine "war" as physical manifestation of either defending attacking a country. Not using "war on drugs" and "war on terror" to keep the country in a war-time condition forever.  I would reduce the size of our military to no more than twice the size of the next largest military (unless during time of war as redefined).  This would require shutting down many bases.

I would require any "agency" regulation to be review by congress, and approved. The regulation would be valid for 3 years only. It then must be approved again. No agency could have over 200 regulations. Agency regulations would have to be enforced by the agency and their budget. If they cannot afford to enforce the regulation, the regulation dies. No regulation would be above the constitution, or any national law. All regulations must cover the entire continent.

I would return the US to a commodity based economy. This is actually VERY harsh. The commodity may or may not be gold, but it sure wouldn't be oil (as it is now).

I would terminate NAFTA.
I would require all imports be (first) owned by an importer. Grey market goods, outright illegal items would be a crime by the importer. Offshore tax dodging importers would be shot.

I would not allow ANY "special" privilege's for immigrants. You want to come work here, fine.. great!. But, you do just like every other citizen does. No subsidized fishing boats, no tax breaks because you are bringing in a million dollars with you. I would end "anchor baby mommas". The kids stays, but the parents leave. The parents lose all rights to the child (as they are criminals), or they can take the child back with them, and child loses citizenship. They don't get it both ways.  

I would end any process where-by taxpayer money is sent to other countries to buy their co-operation/friendship.


Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by verslagen1 on 10/11/13 at 09:49:58

1st I'd make them responsible for a balanced budget.
If they spend more than they got, it comes outta there paycheck.
Then I'd do away with the pension system, they gotta provide there own just like me.
And I'd do away with term limits, just as they learn to do the job they are forced out.  and the ones with connections go try their hand in another branch.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/13/13 at 16:13:34

Versy I agree but that will never happen. They have always taken it out of our paychecks and always will unless we have a revolution. We've dug ourselves into a hole we'll never get out of. If you have grandchildren like me they're already $200,000 in debt. The dollar is going to crash and I believe it will be soon.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 15:09:29

Pine you sound a lot like Ron Paul, how come hardly anyone voted for him and the Pubs and the media wouldn't give him a chance to speak?

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Pine on 10/15/13 at 06:41:46

64404D47404E415D5B404D4C5B290 wrote:
Pine you sound a lot like Ron Paul, how come hardly anyone voted for him and the Pubs and the media wouldn't give him a chance to speak?

I was a Ron Paul supporter. As to why "hardly anyone" voted for him.  I know for a fact that in our state, the republican party, basically had to resort to illegal tactics to remove any chance of him or any other candidate to be nominated. I was there and I participated at the district, county, and state levels ( well I was not allowed to go in the state convention).   As far as I am concerned, Mitt "bought" the MS nomination. Given the speech that followed the nomination, I am pretty sure I know exactly what the plan was. Secure the nomination by any means needed, then make attempt to bring back the excluded and crushed  voters, by saying " we know we screwed you, but really its all about beating Obama". ( that really is nearly a quote from the county convention that I attended)
As we saw that plan failed utterly, and the high dollar crooks that stole the nomination, were completely taken aback. Many very rich folks in my state lost tons of money, as they planned on a Mitt win to get back on their investment.  In the mean time, the republican party have now made ENEMIES of those they screwed. Its beyond, turning them democrat.. its what can I do to destroy this party, type anger.

PS: Ron Paul, would have gotten a much higher percentage of the nomination, except for the very dirty, very rotten crap the republican party pulled.  NRP -chose Romney and that was that. All the conventions in every state was a show... not real. No other nominee had a chance, no matter public opinion, no matter how the voters voted.

What didn't you know... a party is a private concern. They make all their rules. And you thought voters decided anything!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by WebsterMark on 10/15/13 at 09:41:24

NRP -chose Romney and that was that

The NRP did not choose Paul because a libertarian can never be President of the United States. His "stick my head in the sand" approach to foreign affairs jeopardizes not only the US, but millions of others.

Now before all you Ron Paul people go ape$h!t on me, separate the issues first. You might have issues with the way foreign policy has been dispensed and I would agree with you in many cases. However, Ron Paul's ideas on foreign policy in general is to pretty much ignore things until trouble knocks on your (or some friend's) doorstep. Sorry, that works fine for Sweden, but not the US. Don't extrapolate mistakes made in Iran over the years as a justifiable reason to ignore Israel for example.

yes, we are the policemen of the world.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/16/13 at 02:47:10

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
NRP -chose Romney and that was that

The NRP did not choose Paul because a libertarian can never be President of the United States. His "stick my head in the sand" approach to foreign affairs jeopardizes not only the US, but millions of others.

Now before all you Ron Paul people go ape$h!t on me, separate the issues first. You might have issues with the way foreign policy has been dispensed and I would agree with you in many cases. However, Ron Paul's ideas on foreign policy in general is to pretty much ignore things until trouble knocks on your (or some friend's) doorstep. Sorry, that works fine for Sweden, but not the US. Don't extrapolate mistakes made in Iran over the years as a justifiable reason to ignore Israel for example.

yes, we are the policemen of the world.

yes, we are the policemen of the world.

Our city has cops, the people pay them
the county has cops, the people pay them
WHO is paying US to police the world?
Youre also wrong about a "Head in the sand" approach. He would counter threats, but he wouldnt be the cop. YOU really dont know much about him except what the media, who were bent on destroying him, want you to know,
If the Bubs really wanted to beat Bammy, all they had to do was unite behind ron paul,No, the game is to hand the ball to bammy. The globalists run the whole darned game,

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by WebsterMark on 10/17/13 at 04:36:50

1) I know a great deal about him. I listened to him and based my decision on what he said. He's not qualified to be President because, like Obama, he fundamentally misunderstands the role the US plays in the world.

2) Ron Paul would have been embarrassed in a national election.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Pine on 10/17/13 at 06:08:05

122027363120370824372E450 wrote:
NRP -chose Romney and that was that

The NRP did not choose Paul because a libertarian can never be President of the United States. His "stick my head in the sand" approach to foreign affairs jeopardizes not only the US, but millions of others.

Now before all you Ron Paul people go ape$h!t on me, separate the issues first. You might have issues with the way foreign policy has been dispensed and I would agree with you in many cases. However, Ron Paul's ideas on foreign policy in general is to pretty much ignore things until trouble knocks on your (or some friend's) doorstep. Sorry, that works fine for Sweden, but not the US. Don't extrapolate mistakes made in Iran over the years as a justifiable reason to ignore Israel for example.

yes, we are the policemen of the world.

I would never take a position that the NRP choose only my candidate. They can choose whom-ever they like. BUT the state conventions that supposedly have voters then determine the finally candidate should be honest and meaningful. As it was they were a farce at least and a crime at most.
Lets make it clear, in the state of Mississippi, no voter had any impact at any level on who the republican candidate turned out to be ( even those FOR Romney).  At every level the "fix" was in, and the rules made sure that only NRP candidate could be nominated. Why even have a convention? Just throw another fund raiser and be done with it. Now if people of the state were told:"by the way, if you vote republican, then you have ZERO input who the party decides will be your nominee".  

It's only an illusion that the voters in MS had any say in who was nominated.  And that makes me mad .. and sad.  

As to Ron Pauls foreign policy. To be sure it is isolationist (in the extreme).  But it is his attempt to use the constitution as the primary litmus test for federal direction.
Question one is always:
Does the constitution explicitly grant me the power to (insert act here).
Other questions he asks are:
Is the sovernty and security of the nation at risk?
Is the act legal?

Of course, the primary sticking point seems to be Israel, for most people. I have no wish to see Israel, be hurt. But basically, the policy over time has been to just make them some kind of "sub territory", a military welfare state of the USA. There will never be peace in the middle east, as long as the USA funds for there not to be. Smarter brains have been working on this for longer than I have been alive, so I wont pretend to have the answers ( nor does RP). But then , continuing the current policy doesn't "fix" anything either.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/13 at 14:58:16

NO Pine, RP's foreign policy is NON Intervention, The media taught you "Isolationist"..HUGE difference

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/18/13 at 12:15:50

Whoever it was who proposed that the runner up in a presidential election should review history.  We did it that way early in our country's history.  I forget when we went to the concept of the presidential and VP candidates running together as a team.
The old way was chaotic, because the typical result was that the pres and the VP were of different parties, and the administration of the pres was handicapped with a VP of the opposite view.  No cooperation at all, and it often deadlocked the administration.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/18/13 at 12:47:31

No cooperation at all, and it often deadlocked the administration.

I can see the value in that.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/18/13 at 19:13:47

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
1) I know a great deal about him. I listened to him and based my decision on what he said. He's not qualified to be President because, like Obama, he fundamentally misunderstands the role the US plays in the world.

2) Ron Paul would have been embarrassed in a national election.

Ron Paul knows the role the US has plyed in the world better than any other candidate and he is well aware of what it has cost us.The role that the US has played in the world has bankrupted us, caused terrorism, the politicians have become more worried about foreign countries than US citizens, have caused millions and millions of innocent foreign citizens and US Troops to unnecessarily die, None of the wars during my lifetime were necesary The rest of the world hates us, over 60% of American citizens agree with me, , Ben Ghazi was nothing but a place to stockpile weapons and give them to rebels who hate us, I could go on and on. Romney lost and Paul would have to but at least Paul had an honest platform to stand on, he never beat around the bush, To my knowledge he never was caught in a lie while Romney was caught in several and if the Pubs dont adopt his way of thinking they're through. He was the only canditate that had a workable plan that would fix the budget. Anyone that cannot manage their own household has no business trying to run someone elses. There wasnt a vote, we decided we were the world police and we can also undecide. Your own party has already split up into two groups since the Tea Party came into existance and none of them have a clue. They dont care about the American people, all Rubuo wants is to leagalise illegals, Lying Ryan wants to starve Senior Citizens. We dont have the money to police or feed or take care of the rest of the world. Its gonna take drastic politics and someone who believes like Paul if we make it. Run a canditate who wants to close the borders, do away with Nafta, withdraw from the UN, shut down our embassy's, bring every soldier home, do away with Obamacare and create a workable cost effective insurance plan, rebuild the infrastucture, roads, bridges, concentrate on bigger and better education, keep lowering the crime rate, right now its the lowest its been in 42 years, wipe out the inner city gangs, send illegals back home, thats just a few and you'll get over 60% of the vote. Bush and Obama have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they are the ones that dont have a clue or they are just plain crooks, probably a little bit of both.

Title: Re: Repair.....
Post by Midnightrider on 10/20/13 at 10:21:25

Jerry I'm not arguing with you but the states like NC you vote for lieutenant gov. and very often you end up with different parties.  I'm for a one party system anyway. The last few weeks should prove my point on that. I just read less than 23% were not happy with the gov. I believe thats the lowest I've seen it in my lifetime. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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