General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay

Message started by old_rider on 10/09/13 at 09:12:54

Title: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by old_rider on 10/09/13 at 09:12:54

So guys and gals, its getting closer to home now.... I am a retired veteran 23ys. 10mos. and I part of it is disability pay. I am reading and hearing on news channels that some of the payments will not go to the bank at the end of Oct.
So my question is....who else is going to be affected and how.

I am also disabled and receiving soc. disability (soon to stop I hope, I'm getting healthier, but not yet ready for the work force) and hear that my payment on that will stop also... so whats a guy to do?

I hear that HUD is giving out "promisary notes" for disabled vets so they can pay their bills, I might have to go that route if it doesn't show up at the end of this month.

So I guess what i'm saying at the moment is...I'll be completely broke and will not be able to pay anyone if this continues, hope no one else is in this boat.
I will be able to survive for about 3 or 4 months, then the savings will be extinguished and I'll be selling all my stuff to survive.

I love this country and stood to defend it and would do so again, but why are our leaders do this to us?

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by MMRanch on 10/09/13 at 09:35:11

Well Old Rider

I'm in the boat with ya !  :)

32 years federal civil service , medical retired .  

Goverment is stil giving aid world-wide ?    >:(

I understand the park service just bought locks for all the "Out-Houses" allong the Apalation trail , so there must be money out there somewhere !  :-/

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by babyhog on 10/09/13 at 10:35:13

Sorry to hear that, man.  Seems I heard a blurb this morning that they are trying to rush through provisions for vets.  That's great for you guys and I hope for your sake it happens.  But they just need to get the sticks out of the arses and do what's right for everyone!

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by Pine on 10/09/13 at 10:48:57

I sure hate to hear that Old_fella. So far, my wife and I are state employees. My daughter does get federal school loans, that will start hurting in December/January, when the new term starts.

other than that, the Federal website that I use to report our data is down. I have other work I can do, but I guess to an extent, my employer might could say that I need to back off to part time!

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/09/13 at 14:09:29

Secede, declare yourself a foreign country, apply for foreign aid,.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by old_rider on 10/09/13 at 18:31:29

I receive monthly reports from dfas which states I will receive my payments, but seen a news report on TV today that had a senator saying some vets will loose some benefits, they just didn't state which vets or which benefits.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by 12Bravo on 10/09/13 at 18:44:25

Kind of scary since I receive VA Disability Compensation and Social Security Disability. Closing parks and monuments that don't require to have staff is ridiculous, as is sending money to other countries.

As far as I'm concerned, ALL of the politicians are to blame. They need to pull their heads out of their fourth point of contact and do whats right for once.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by verslagen1 on 10/09/13 at 19:14:02

7D7E0E3E2D3A234C0 wrote:
Closing parks and monuments that don't require to have staff is ridiculous, as is sending money to other countries.

And closing parks that run with private money and volunteers is vindictive.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 10/09/13 at 19:56:54

That is not good, my wife is on soc/disability and it is the only income we have at the moment.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by ZAR on 10/09/13 at 20:06:47

What really pi#&es me off is that while they play these games with retirement systems(and it is a game....of using the "emotional" factor)there are literally thousands of Congressional aides,"payback" jobs and who knows what other positions where the lazy parasites sit on their "well padded arses" and continue to draw their pay for doing NOT A darn THING. It's well past the time to trim off the fat.....Staring at the bone and working out!

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by old_rider on 10/10/13 at 22:56:52

I think i'll call the florida state representatives office and ask how can we do we go about turning in all the Political Terrorists we have in office now?
After all, it is terrorizing all the vets and senior citizens is it not? Isn't that what terrorists do? Use damaging scare tacticts to get their points across?

I say now STOP POLITICAL TERRORISTS, call in the National Security Assoc. and put them all behind bars!

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by Midnightrider on 10/11/13 at 00:05:13

OR that will never happen with them running the show. We need one more bill added to the Bill OF Rights. We need the authority by state voting to kick them out during their term leaving with no retirement or benefits. We need to give the people more power since they no longer represent us. How to get it through, I don't know unless we threaten not to vote for them next election.  Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren might introduce the bill. If the president puts his hand on the Bible and boldface lies he needs to be eligible for unemployment also.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by diamond jim on 10/13/13 at 17:19:43

3D3E4E7E6D7A630C0 wrote:
Kind of scary since I receive VA Disability Compensation and Social Security Disability. Closing parks and monuments that don't require to have staff is ridiculous, as is sending money to other countries.

As far as I'm concerned, ALL of the politicians are to blame. They need to pull their heads out of their fourth point of contact and do whats right for once.

I'm in the same boat as you. And the water is looking a little choppier each day.

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by Midnightrider on 10/14/13 at 11:28:18

+1, had to go out on disability when I was 55. He's pissed the Vets off, now he's threatening the seniors and disabled. He's a real leader   >:(

Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by Paraquat on 10/15/13 at 09:13:27

I haven't noticed any difference since the government has been shut down.
Are my taxes pro-rated?

Like, how if there's a storm and I lose cable TV for a week... Comcast prorates my bill for the week I wasn't able to watch TV.

Edit: Why am I still paying sales tax? A portion of that goes to the feds, no? Isn't the office that collects it closed?

Edit again: Isn't the reason for the high cost of gasoline because of the steep federal tax on it? And cigs?


Title: Re: Govt. shutdown and vet/ret pay, soc/disab pay
Post by Sheriff41 on 10/15/13 at 22:01:28

Disabled vet here, too.  25 years USAF.  I'm better off than some since I'm still working, but it'll be tough going without the disability and retired pay.  Trust your government? Hmm. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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