General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Rammed the gate?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/13 at 21:26:37

Title: Rammed the gate?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/13 at 21:26:37

Nope,, I say she screwed up, had an accident, people went nuts, she got scared,,

Now I cant find the pic, thecar isnt bent across the front,, just a bump on the top of the left fender.,.

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by pgambr on 10/03/13 at 22:34:06

Also reported she had a baby in the car.

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/13 at 22:51:40

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by mpescatori on 10/04/13 at 04:42:40

I can't believe she was shot dead...  :-X

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/13 at 06:28:34

617C697F6F6D78637E650C0 wrote:
I can't believe she was shot dead...  :-X

I can. The unfortunate reality in situations like this is that the police almost always over-react. I's almost like the default procedure is to immediately start shooting and sort things out afterwards.

That said, I'm a little conflicted about this one. She did hit at least one cop with the car, and was driving pretty erratically. At least in the case of the cops at the White house, I'm not sure what else they could have done. It's impossible to stop a car with your bare hands.

When she finally crashed and got out of the car near the capital I think those officers might have been a little too quick on the trigger. There are conflicting reports about that though. Some say she got out of the car after she wrecked, others say they shot her while she was still sitting in the car.

It's going to be a while before we get the "official" version of what transpired ,and when we do some folks will accept it as gospel and some will be convinced it's a whitewash.

And, as usual, the reports of what was going on, when the incident was underway were almost universally incorrect, some of them wildly so.  

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by mpescatori on 10/04/13 at 06:51:47

546A6B67756968060 wrote:
[quote author=617C697F6F6D78637E650C0 link=1380860797/0#3 date=1380886960]I can't believe she was shot dead...  :-X

I can. The unfortunate reality in situations like this is that the police almost always over-react. I's almost like the default procedure is to immediately start shooting and sort things out afterwards.

That said, I'm a little conflicted about this one. She did hit at least one cop with the car, and was driving pretty erratically. At least in the case of the cops at the White house, I'm not sure what else they could have done. It's impossible to stop a car with your bare hands.

When she finally crashed and got out of the car near the capital I think those officers might have been a little too quick on the trigger. There are conflicting reports about that though. Some say she got out of the car after she wrecked, others say they shot her while she was still sitting in the car.

It's going to be a while before we get the "official" version of what transpired ,and when we do some folks will accept it as gospel and some will be convinced it's a whitewash.

And, as usual, the reports of what was going on, when the incident was underway were almost universally incorrect, some of them wildly so.  [/quote]

1, If you do not feel alarmed by what happened, then you should stop taking whatever you're taking and get real.
The job of the Police is "To Serve and Protect", not to participate in some wacky kind of treasure hunt where he who shoots the most winsn the mostest.
(liberally quoting Gen. Nathan B. Forrest)

2. In this here Continent, an overeacting cop is one fired cop, no quesitons asked.
"Shoot, kill driver to stop car" is NOT within a LEO's freedom of decidsion, "shoot to kill" is an executive decision by the top brass.

3. The official version ? Gimme a break! I've had enough official versions just to save face that I can read between the lines, even when the paper is still blank.
The woman has a 2-3 y.o. child in the rear seat.
All you need is for the Mom to look in the rearview mirror to check/scold the child, if something moves in the meantime and gets into your way you bang into it.
Add to this, you may be in an area you are not familiar with trying to get back home, see policemen all over the place and you get scared.
To say "she has a history of mental illness" over a case of post-partum depression (which, incidentally, is a statistic on 80% of women...) is a lie in cold blood.

Think about itm next time your daughter drives your grandchildren to the Mall...

This diagram is emblematic : US incarceration rates vs. the resto of the world

Something's wrong, folks.

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/13 at 07:40:24

Something's wrong, folks.

Uh Huhh,, but just as my grandparents & parents believed, so do thew masses today. They believed they could vote & impact the direrction of the country by reading papers & watching tv to get the info they needed to be able to vote reasonably.The media is & has been complicit in bringing us to where we are,
LOOK at what Rockefeller said, again.,,
There IS a cabal who runs the country from behind the scenes,
Tyrants have learned that to conquer a people & Keep them requires subtlety, not raw power,,They used divide & conquer ( race, $$, all manner of little crap to keep people focused away fromwhat theyre doing & , instead, focused on their fellow citizens)
People MUST get out of the Rep/Dem paradigm if we are to re-take our country.
When you see someone smeared by BOTH parties? Look what the Bubs did to Ron Paul,, For the Dems to try to destroy him was understandable
, but for the Bubs to hate on him? Its time to reali8ze that when the media starts painting someone as "Bad", it means they want the people to hate them,Until recently, the masses have been predictably blown by the winds of the press & politicians. Bryzenski is Alarmed! He is upset! People are more politically awake than at any time in history,
By that I mean, thereare more like me than has ever existed. The brainwashed who believe the Bubs are right or the Dems are right are diminishing. The freedom loving, Libertarian thinkers are growing in number.

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/13 at 08:13:17

1, If you do not feel alarmed by what happened, then you should stop taking whatever you're taking and get real.

Please reread the first part of my post:

I can. The unfortunate reality in situations like this is that the police almost always over-react. It's almost like the default procedure is to immediately start shooting and sort things out afterwards.

What, in that statement, gives you the idea that I am not alarmed by things like this - or that I'm "taking something" and am somehow dissconnected from reality. I have said several time in various posts that I think that the police in this country have a dangerous tendency to over react in situations similar to this. What I said was that I'm not suprised that things went down the way they did.

I'm happy to know that the cops in Europe are perfect, just like everything else over there - but you and I both know that that's horsesh*t

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by mpescatori on 10/07/13 at 05:21:26

Yup ! European horsesh*t perfumes...

Everything's perfect...

Point taken  ;)

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by Pine on 10/07/13 at 10:29:54

Just cause I aint posted in for-ever.

I am not alarmed.. nor taking anything. Just sadden.

Yes the police are terribly over sensitized to killing ( IMHO).  Especially when top government in threat. I really doubt that lady had ANY desire to hurt anyone, and I don't think she had a death wish. Other than that who knows. 17 shots into an unarmed person, because she did not "co-operate" or react as they would wish/expect demonstrates why some are so scared of the governments new powers.. and their idea to "protect".

I wonder if my grandkids will even know the America I once did.

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by Paraquat on 10/07/13 at 11:07:19

It's already radically different from the one you grew up in.

It happened within your lifetime.


Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/07/13 at 14:51:17

And we're setting on our a$$ and letting it happen. Home of the brave, bullsh!t ! Home of the I'm OK, frig everybodyelse yeaaaaaaaa!

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/07/13 at 16:08:01

The syatem has grown up to make OUR involvement impossible. They have set up a system that holds them not accountable. WAAY back,, cant remember who it was, but I knew as soon as I saw one party's New President pardon the other party's outgoing president for his crimes in office, we the people had been cut out of the picture. Its them against us. Theyre sucking us dry, screwing us, protecting each other. Rs & Ds alike.
Its a racket,& we are the shop owners being shaken down for protection money.

Title: Re: Rammed the gate?
Post by Midnightrider on 10/07/13 at 16:42:31

If she had a baby in the car chances are she had medical problems and the Gestapo killed her. If she intended to hurt someone the car should have been carrying a bomb.  Welcome to the USA, home of the tyranny and land of the gutless. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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