General Category >> The Cafe >> SUV Chased by Bikers...

Message started by EJID on 09/30/13 at 15:21:34

Title: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by EJID on 09/30/13 at 15:21:34

Just saw this story on MSN...makes me sick to my stomach to read about it and watch the video.  :(


Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by HondaLavis on 09/30/13 at 15:43:04

Yeah, I saw it shared by another guy on Facebook earlier, then I watched it on LiveLeak.  I wonder how he ended up in the middle of their group: did they try to go around him and then slowed down, or did he try to drive through their group and that's why they tried to stop him.  If he was paying attention, he wouldn't have hit the first guy, but what the bikers did was a bit much to say the least.  Had the RangeRover tried to plow through the middle of the group and intentionally run them all over, maybe they would have been justified, but as it is...  

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/13 at 15:56:57

Nice of them to incriminate themselves by shooting video...

They should all be sentenced to 5 years on restricted mopeds...
... the car bashers should do time...

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by ToesNose on 09/30/13 at 16:03:08

Yea makes me sick too EJID.  As Serow pointed out I hope they shot themselves in the foot by posting the vid up, maybe the authorities can identify some of them via their tags.  It's a pet peeve of mine seeing groups of hooligans riding through traffic doing stunts and driving recklessly putting themselves and innocent people in danger for no other reason then for the thrill of it  >:(

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/13 at 18:57:06

More I think about it,.. the more I think that guy should have run them all over...
... bunch a' squid punks...

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by kimchris1 on 09/30/13 at 19:25:19

Makes me wonder, how many were only going after
the suv due to say, "following the leader"
Shows me that again the stupidity of some make it
hard on the rest of us.
Their lucky the suv driver didn't seem to have a gun.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/13 at 21:02:58

Looked to me like the bikes overtook the SUV & the guy who9 got run over hollered something at the driver, then pulled in front real close & slowed down,, TOO BAD,, he got run over,, I feel nothing for that fool.,
The driver is blameless as far as Im concerned & coulda run them all down & I woulda felt nothing,,buncha jerks,,
Thats Mob Mentality in action, Run with crowds, wind u0p in it,,

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/01/13 at 09:13:33

Not enough video leading up to the event to know what happened.  The SUV driver may have done something as simple as driving 5 mph below the speed limit in a center lane......and that caused the first guy to confront him and get run over (The SUV driver may have been on cruise and not expecting someone to pull in front of him and slow down.....not sure....I have to go back and see if the bike slowed because the guy used his brakes....or just let off the throttle quickly).  At that point the Mob started their own enforcement......and the fellow reacted in fear for the safety of him and his family.  I am sure that I would want to be in the company of sane people and not a pack of angry testosterone filled trying to flee to safety seemed like a good choice at the time.

It will be interesting to see how this turns out, and who gets charged and prosecuted.  Not sure who is right.....but there certainly are no winners in this one.

NOTE:  I read on that website for the blinking brake light that operates based on deceleration (and not on the brake switch).....that motorcycles slow down far faster than cars when you let off the throttle, and people in cars may not know you are slowing down quickily if you only let of the throttle and don't touch your brakes.  A motorcycle rider can slow down far faster than a car when just coasting....and when you don't use brakes the car driver is not instanlty aware you are slowing down.    

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by old_rider on 10/01/13 at 09:39:09

Found this

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/13 at 10:13:46

Yea, I dint understand why he didnt slam it in reverse & mash some more of them,,

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by EJID on 10/01/13 at 10:18:22

7F7C746279747562100 wrote:
Found this

Good find old_rider I was wondering how it all ended up. I guess that first bump was what caused it. Either way, groups like this trying to take over the road in a mob type mentality give more bad rap to any bikers in general than receiving fans for their stunts. If they want to do stunts/perform they need to do that in the safety/confines of closed courses/private facilities - not on public roads.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/01/13 at 10:41:24

Whenever Mobs take over.......I have little patience for the guilty.  Breaking shop windows, looting, burning cars......I just don't understand why we allow this to happen.  Sometimes it is just a sports game or holiday celebration that sets the mob into action.

If bikers want to take over Time Square so they can break the traffic rules and cause anarchy......"Book em Danno!"

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by verslagen1 on 10/01/13 at 11:31:07

1st mistake was running after the 1st hit.
after that, he was hit&run and deserves their anger.
He should have stayed in his car dialing 911, he should of been ok.
and if they started slamming his car he would of been justified in running after.  using his car as a deadly weapon in self defense.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/01/13 at 12:23:31

3A293E3F202D2B29227D4C0 wrote:
1st mistake was running after the 1st hit.

I agree....but I am curious what caused the first biker to want to take on this SUV driver.  It may have some bearing on why the driver felt so threatened.  Something happened that caused this biker to single this fellow out.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by terpfan1980 on 10/01/13 at 12:24:36

I was assuming that the SUV hit the first rider because the first rider was making reckless lane changes and other moves that put the rider in danger from the SUV.  Totally that rider's fault since the whole mob was out to hotdog it on their crotch rockets.

I've seen similar riders (and perhaps even some of the same ones that were in this pack) on the D.C. area beltway, zooming along past the other vehicles (cars, trucks, mini-vans, 18 wheelers and such) and dangerously and recklessly weaving in and out of the lanes and lane-splitting even though it isn't legal.  Every now and then one of them will pop a wheelie and showboat even more.  Those are the times I wish I regularly used a dash-cam because I'd take the footage into the nearest police barracks and let 'em have it as evidence to use against those clowns.

Like others have said here, I sort of wish the SUV driver had backed up over the bikers when they were trying to surround him, or that he'd just tried to plow right over a few more of them.  Given their behavior, I don't feel much compassion for them.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by old_rider on 10/01/13 at 12:30:55

3D2E3938272A2C2E257A4B0 wrote:
1st mistake was running after the 1st hit.
after that, he was hit&run and deserves their anger.
He should have stayed in his car dialing 911, he should of been ok.
and if they started slamming his car he would of been justified in running after.  using his car as a deadly weapon in self defense.

News story says they were banging his suv already after the first hit, and folks had gotten off their bikes and were denting his suv.....sounds like self defense to me. If I were in a vehicle and a crowd of hollagans were making fools of themselves and endangering drivers I would call 911 also. It would be good to get hold of the 911 call the suv driver made and see what was up.

I sure as hell wouldn't stay around if 20 or so folks were already off their bikes and banging on my vehicle, i'd floor it like he did, says only the first rider was hurt, broke his leg, looks like he deserved it tho, speeding up and then slowing down drastically fast to make the suv bump him or stop, me, if I am in a unruly crowd, i'd signal over to the right lane and not stop for anything.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/01/13 at 13:24:44

So....I hope some of these guys have learned that using a 400 pound motorcycle to play bumper cars against a 5,000 pound SUV isn't a good idea!  The SUV's aren't as agile as a bike, and they don't tip over very easily, and they can shmuush several bikes in a heartbeat!  

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Stones on 10/01/13 at 13:37:31

That has to be one of the worst adverts for bikers ive ever seen  :(

Glad most of us are decent people.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by WD on 10/01/13 at 18:28:44

Stones, think London's Paki gangs and you have your average North American street stunt bike rider.  Who has the intelligence of a goldfish, the attention span of a gnat, and less training than a chimp on a tricycle.

Most of the local (Memphis TN area) street stunters are ghetto rats. Bikes bought with drug money after being run through a chop shop. The black bike clubs around here do absolutely NOTHING to foster relations between the riding community and the general public. Doesn't matter if it is sport bikes, stunt bikes, Harley Davidson or metric cruisers.

Part of the great American underbelly. You're going to "love" living stateside... at least Texas lets you snuff them. They are a protected species in Shelby County TN, better known as the "soiled nappy of the South"... Seriously, words can not describe what a festering cesspool of greed, sloth, indifference and pestilence constitutes the general make up of the city of Memphis.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by old_rider on 10/01/13 at 22:22:55

NightLine news reported on the incident, the guy that slowed down too quickly ended up with a broken leg. Another rider who was trying to pull the broken leg guy out from under the suv got run over when the suv driver bolted and ended up with his spine broken in two places (folks started pounding on the suv and slashed the tires so he wouldn't move, the driver freaked thinking he was being attacked and feared for the lives of his family)

Its crappy all around, we as drivers would hope the first thing was an accident and misunderstanding between the biker and driver, the biker was probably trying to make the suv slow down so his buds could safely perform some stunts, but when he slowed down, it was too fast, and all hell broke loose from there on.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Serowbot on 10/01/13 at 23:38:22

I'm on west coast time... just in time to catch Nightline...
Thanks OR... ;)...

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/02/13 at 05:59:14

5A5951475C515047350 wrote:
the biker was probably trying to make the suv slow down so his buds could safely perform some stunts, but when he slowed down, it was too fast, and all hell broke loose from there on.

Well that could be a believable explanation of why the rider has focused on that did appear to be the only 4 wheeled vehicle in that lump of bikes.  I still don't support the bikers attempt to dominate and rule the highway for stunting.........and this is a perfect examble of why the Law Enforcement agency has a right to require license plates to be in plain sight.  Most of the bikes have plates that can't be seen in the videos, and they can't be identified.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by oldNslow on 10/02/13 at 07:02:58

I think WD's take on this is correct. These guys are hooligians plain and simple. The guy in the car is blameless IMO.

Heard on this morning's news that the family of the kid with the spine injury is already raising hell. I'm sure the lawyer sharks are circiling. Soon as they smell some blood in the water they swim up from the sewers.

Even though the guy in the car was completley justified in reacting the way he did, he's going to get screwed.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/02/13 at 07:11:18

77494844564A4B250 wrote:
Even though the guy in the car was completley justified in reacting the way he did, he's going to get screwed.

I am afraid you are right.  Even if the Police don't find anything wrong, there is always the ability for people to sue privately.  The sad thing is that it will cost them nothing to sue as the attorney's will do it in hopes of sharing a big settlement.....while the defendant (or his insurance) will have to pay money to defend themselves.  Often the insurance companies settle just to avoid the big legal costs.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by oldNslow on 10/02/13 at 08:48:22

From the NY Post:

Cops have gotten photos of hundreds of license plates from bridge and tunnel cameras and are trying to identify more of the bikers, who first swarmed Lien, his wife and child on the West Side Highway in Harlem Sunday about 1:30 p.m.
But many of the plates are stolen or belong on different bikes, making it tougher to ID the motorcyclists

Looks like WD called this one too..,

...street stunters are ghetto rats. Bikes bought with drug money after being run through a chop shop...

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dane Allen on 10/02/13 at 09:43:30

This is the point where I think of all the SWAT teams that go to the wrong addresses, harrasing people whose grass is too long or are just really delivering the mail. All these paramilitary government assault teams, the raid on a no-kill animal shelter because they had a baby deer, the raid by all those different agencies on a tiny gold mining operation in Alaska just to look around.

And here on a U.S. freeway are gangs of criminals terrorizing the public at will!!! A town of 7,000 just got a $680,000 MRAP decommissioned from Afganistan but people are being terrorized on the freeway in the middle of the day.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/13 at 09:51:55

Sopoo,, whats yer point Dane? YOu think resources are being misdirected? Maybe?

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by dirty dog on 10/02/13 at 17:17:53

I heard the suv cut them off. and then ran his mouth to them.the news people called them a biker gang they were not a gang or an motorcycle club I only saw one rag it makes all bikers look bad.
the suv should be glad it was not a M/C he would not have ran over
the bikers they would have held him there untill the popo showed up.
lol ha ha ha ha lol just say-n ;)

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/13 at 21:20:44

The video doesnt show him Cutting them off. He was in one lane, going slower than they were. They overtook him,,how could he have cut them off? Would anyone cut off a rider in a herd like that? I wouldnt,,

(NEWSER) – Police have arrested two of the bikers they believe took part in a chaotic road rage incident Sunday. Twenty-eight-year-old Christopher Cruz and 42-year-old Allen Edwards are thought to be just two of the more than 30 bikers who chased a Range Rover down a New York City highway and violently assaulted the driver after the SUV accidentally bumped into one of the motorcycle’s back wheels. Newsy reports:

Read more:

& Then

Posted Wednesday, October 2nd 2013 @ 3pm

There will be no charges against a second New York biker questioned over a weekend road rage battle.  Police say Allen Edwards was held overnight, but is being released.  Fellow biker Christopher Cruz is facing several counts.   Cruz is suspected of slowing down his motorcycle and causing SUV driver Alexian Lien to hit him.  Lien was beaten in front of his family by members of the motorcycle gang, after taking off and running over another biker.

Family members of 32-year-old Edwin Mieses, the motorcyclist who was run down, are demanding Lien be charged.  Mieses remains hospitalized in a coma with serious injuries.

Read more:

Family members of 32-year-old Edwin Mieses, the motorcyclist who was run down, are demanding Lien be charged.

Either they havent seen the video or they somehow believe that pulling in front of someone so close the person they passed is,By definition,  tailgating, following too close  to react in a timely manner, then slowing down makes the collision the drivers fault. Its that kinda cheap people who have made America the mess it is. The guy on the bike caused the wreck,,

 Mieses remains hospitalized in a coma with serious injuries.

PLay stupid games, win stupid prizes.. Sad, yes,, but dang,, he went Kamikaze on an suv,, what did he think was coming?

That said, I hope he wakes up &realizes what kinda shape he is in & admits HE screwed up

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by verslagen1 on 10/02/13 at 21:42:13

kind of confusing but I believe Mieses was the 2nd biker run down when they stopped him after the 1st collision and he sped away.

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/13 at 22:33:07

Yer Right,, I blewitt

Cruz is suspected of slowing down his motorcycle and causing SUV driver Alexian Lien to hit him.

Well,, However the guy got mashed,, IDK,, I Did see the suv go  way up on the right side as he pulled away when he had hit Cruz. Was someone helping cruz out & get run over?

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/03/13 at 04:14:06

Cruz is the one charged, and he was the fellow that slowed down and got knocked off his bike....but apparently was not hurt badly.  The article I just read said that he never left the scene of the first accident and never beat on the car.  (He couldn't chase....his bike was run over and is now a available for parts).

Mieses had gotten off his bike on the right side of the SUV, and had walked in front of the SUV to attend to Cruz.  When the SUV took off it ran over Mieses and broke both his legs and damaged his spine.

This whole stunt biker thing reminds me of the old western movies where the outlaws ride into town and shoot the place up while the town folks are terrorized.........only the bikers aren't shooting the place up.  The bikers are riding into town to show off and terrorize the population....we need a John Wayne or Judge Roy Bean or the Magnificent Seven!

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/13 at 06:54:10

The bikers are riding into town to show off and terrorize the population....we need a John Wayne or Judge Roy Bean or the Magnificent Seven!

Or a cable stretched across the road,, :o

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by babyhog on 10/09/13 at 05:43:45

Heard this morning that two under-cover detectives were involved in the ride, and one was even in on the bashing of the SUV with his helmet.... Oh, and they didn't admit to being there until like 3 days later....   Me tinks somebodys gonna be in some twuubbbble...  

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by ToesNose on 10/09/13 at 06:18:31

I read this morning about that too BabyHog, it looks like the cop that actually bashed the window in is facing charges. I'm glad to hear that they didn't just sweep it under the rug and will be holding him accountable, IMO every single one of them that fueled the "Mob" mentality and added fuel to the fire should be held accountable, even if they didn't physically take part in the assault.

The whole thing makes me sick thinking about it.......

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by Dave on 10/09/13 at 09:50:52

So how does that work?  Does the undercover cop bang on the window so that he can retain his cover and blend in with the gang?  Is the undercover cop working.....or was he doing this for recreation on his day off and he does this for fun?    

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by old_rider on 10/09/13 at 10:00:55

Believe it or not Dave, I have a nephew who is a town cop during the daytime and a bouncer (rent a cop) at night.
He says he took the bouncer job so he could "relieve my stress by taking it out on drunks that start fights".

He also invited me to join the organization he was working for, because he says "everyone that knows who you are, are scared shiteless of you" and "would spread the word, that you would be working at the bars". He knew me in my younger days when I didn't care about being hurt and loved to show off my moves..... I did a 180 about a year after getting back into the air force, i'm not that guy anymore and haven't been for about 25yrs.

So maybe that's the what was up with the undercover cop....who knows? It will all come out in the end .....

Title: Re: SUV Chased by Bikers...
Post by babyhog on 10/09/13 at 10:24:17

I believe he did use the excuse of needing to keep his cover, but there were plenty that did not join in on the bashing and beating.  Why did this one guy "have to" join in?  And I haven't heard whether his under-cover-ness was related to this group of bikers or what he was undercover doing.  Like old_rider said, it will all come out. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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