General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Are we at war and don't know it?

Message started by WebsterMark on 09/29/13 at 06:17:04

Title: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/13 at 06:17:04

Are we at war and don’t know it yet?

I’m reading about the tortures done to non-Muslims at the Kenya mall attack. If you have a weak stomach, don't read it; just imagine the worst and you're probably only half right.

Early reports are they rented a shop in the mall a year ago and began planning this attack. Reminds me of the 9/11 terrorist who planned the attack a year in advance.

How many other malls, flight schools etc….. are currently attended by Muslims planning attacks?

Remember the brutality done to young students at the Beslan Russia school attack? Honestly, Muslim terrorist make Mexican drug cartels look like sissys…..  They are in the category of Pol-Pot or Hitler concentration camps.

Remember the hotel attacked in Mumbai, India?  Probably forgot about that one didn't you. British subway bombings? 1st world trade center? USS Cole? And on and on and on……

So my question is; Is the civilized world at war with an enemy who sees no value in human life? How twisted do you have to be to torture young children who were unlucky enough to go shopping that day? (oh, and not be a member of the Religion of Peace)

Where does all this end? How do you get through to people who could do this?

There is a famous joke that's not really funny at all, but very telling:

4 people are sitting around a table with a $20 bill in the middle; Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, a Muslim Terrorist and moderate-Muslim. The lights go out for a minute and when they come back on, the $20 bill is gone.

Who took it?

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by raydawg on 09/29/13 at 07:16:19

Ain't no bunny, claus, or moderate..... what I win?  :-*

edit: Just thought I give you a personal observation on my part. I am a born again christian who believe in the trinity and all it stands for..... I do not for one second believe or endorse my religion being co-opted by those who use it to force others to its teachings, be it the crusades of centuries ago, to the present abortion doctors. Evil is evil, no matter what you cloak it in.
I hope on my judgment day, I have nothing to fear, for it is written I will be judged accordingly. I've a long way to go, still  :-[

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by oldNslow on 09/29/13 at 10:39:06

So my question is; Is the civilized world at war with an enemy who sees no value in human life

We are. There are some of us who do understand that.

How do you get through to people who could do this?

You can't. They have divided the world into muslims and infidels. Infidels are of no value and must be killed as far as they are concerned.

It's pretty much that simple. Us or them. They picked the fight. Turning the other cheek aint going to work with these folks because they don't behave like rational humans do.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/13 at 13:49:03

The Muslim terrorist took it. The other 3 do not exists.....

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/13 at 14:38:28

Im not sure who picked the fight,, we have black ops people irritating people, we are IN other countries with our military killing people,.,

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by oldNslow on 09/29/13 at 16:29:37

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Im not sure who picked the fight,, we have black ops people irritating people, we are IN other countries with our military killing people,.,

Well, if we are talking about militant islamists here, which I think this thread is about, then yes, they picked the fight. They target non muslims all over the world not just US citizens. In fact most of their attacks are in places other than the US. Our foreign policy and military adventures assuredly piss them off but their primary motivation is establishing an islamist theocracy across the entire world. They are fanatics pure and simple and nothing that this country does or doesn't do is going to alter that.

Blaming the victim of an attack by a lunatic(or a bunch of lunatics) is utter nonsense.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by pgambr on 09/29/13 at 16:44:02

Nothing new here, history repeating itself yet again..... carry on.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/13 at 18:34:50

Weve been stompin around in other peoples back yards, causing political & economic unrest, killing people for decades,, Im not blaming anyone for swinging back,.Wewant peace? We need topack our nuts & come home,

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by Midnightrider on 09/29/13 at 22:59:21

I cant remember the exact quote but Stalin said his country would be better off full of crocodiles or alligators than one Muslim terrorist. We cant fight a war without killing innocent women and children and losing and maiming our own. Is it better for us to try to fight and bankrupt our country or just set back and mind our own business which needs a lot of fixing. Ive read a lot of material Jog has read and maybe some more information he probably hasn't seen. I can believe the powers that be (we don't even know who they are) want a one world government and want the population lowered. Someone is backing the terrorist, they're not making their money selling used camels. There's 100's of billionaires in the world now who don't want to have to deal with us poor, sick, lazy, religious people. If you read the Georgia Guidestone it tells you exactly what the powers want and whats going to happen. Most people had rather believe a lie than the truth. when the truth is standing right there in front of them..

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/13 at 04:05:17

For not the last time I'm afraid, my only comment to jog and midnight is : Jesus H Christ......(said in as frustrated tone as possible)  

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by oldNslow on 09/30/13 at 05:24:25

I can believe the powers that be (we don't even know who they are) want a one world government and want the population lowered.

That's exactly what the islamic jihadists want. And they have said so again and again. I don't understand why some people won't just take their word for it. Google the attacks in Africa and Pakistan that just happened over the weekend. There is no secret conspiricy behind this.
They are totally open and honest about their evil aims. And their actions confirm that over and over.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by mpescatori on 09/30/13 at 05:43:39

330D0C00120E0F610 wrote:

I can believe the powers that be (we don't even know who they are) want a one world government and want the population lowered.

That's exactly what the islamic jihadists want. And they have said so again and again. I don't understand why some people won't just take their word for it. Google the attacks in Africa and Pakistan that just happened over the weekend. There is no secret conspiricy behind this.
They are totally open and honest about their evil aims. And their actions confirm that over and over.


My own two cents' worth, without quoting anybody or dissenting with anyone else.

I remember a member of the US Embassy in Rome, interviewed by a local TV station a few days after 9/11:
"Carpet bomb them off the map and convert the (few) survivors to Christianity!"  :-?

An eye for an eye ? They don't even need glasses... if you know what I mean.


Way back in the 1800's Northern Europe didn't know about the Muslim world, save for the UK and its Colonies. and it was reciprocal.
The Muslim world didn't know and didn't care about Europe in general.
The one exception being Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) which was busy with expansion and administering its territories,
but hat was a Turkish thing, nothing to do with Islam; proof is that Arabia Felix was a dominion of the Ottomans, Mecca included.

To the US, the Muslim world was "that far away exotic thing" (see the "big hands, small map" theory)
with camels and pyramids and sheiks and veiled, scantily clad young maidens.
And that was it.
FYI and amusement, try  ;)


At that time... the Opulent Virgin Continent, Africa, is being slowly shared and divided as a side dish to the Cold War.
Some self-appointed leaders wink at the Ocean, others wink at the Urals. Sometimes, self-appointed leaders are "sacrificed for the cause of the people" and other leaders are appointed from far away.
Depending on how the wind blows, the local government is more or less efficient, active and/ or corrupt, and may or may not get things done for the people.

When the Cold War ends, the two Big Brothers recede and many nations are left to themselves.
Suddenly, the efficiency (or lack of) the corruption (the plenty of) the things done (not many, or not enough of) come to light and resentment rises.
Whereas the Ural Connection is replaced swiftly and efficiently with the Yellow Connection, and more things get done, more quickly, with better infrastructure... elsewhere governments are often left to their own means, and things may turn nasty;
see the Duvalier Dinasty in Haiti, and the sad demise of Pres. Aristide; see Rwanda and Burundi; see Iran and Afghanistan, which were modern and benevolent nations until "too moch became too much"...

People, The people, need an ideal to look up to. If they can't find it in politics, they will turn elsewhere.

Iraq and Syria were secular nations, with a King, until "Presidents" affiliated to simil-socialist Party Baath took power.
But Baath is secular in itself, so no problem there, right ?

Egypt was a secular nation, with a King, until a "President" killed him and took power, setting up a secular Republic, so no problem there, right ?

Nigeria ? Pakistan ?

Anytime Government Aid is replaced by "Industrial interference", things go awry. Check it out, you don't need a history book, just use any search engine and input the words "oil" and "protest";
but "coal", "bananas", "sugar"... regularly go hand in hand with "EXXON" "BP" "HSBC" and any "Government" of an outside yet rich and powerful Nation.

So, before you start hating them all, ask yourselves why the 1950's camel driver was happy for your one $1 bill, his son asked for $10 and still felt like he was getting gypped,
and these days the nephew, with a cellphone, Twitter and all internet services available, is crying bloody murder!

I didn't do it, you didn't do it, and no small "Mom&Pop" family run business sure as Heaven&Earth didn't do it!
But somehow, someway, why is it that grandad could live like a king with $5/day and these days you can't feed a family of four for twenty times as much?

Remember, guys, nobody throws a revolution on a full stomach.

And the One individual any foreign investor will never ever buy ... is your own God, whichever name you call him by, G*d, YHWH, Jesus, whatever.
So people who feel cheated and tread upon become religious fanatics, be it in Iraq or Peru.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by Pine on 09/30/13 at 07:19:36

The Jihad has been in effect for many years. I never doubted it.

But be careful what you wish for in terms of dealing with this war:
It wasn't the muslims that created a law such that any American on American soil can be made "disappear", forever, with no charges, no trial, by the US military.
It wasn't muslims that created the TSA, they don't look at your nude body under scanners.

I agree that the American government is not innocent in the position that we see ourselves in today.    I cant find the YOUTUBE vid now, but look for "petrodollar". When the US quit the gold standard in 1971 and OPEC created the gas crisis soon after, the US decided to make a deal with OPEC... oil IS the new gold. The world is on an "oil standard" with US dollars being the trading unit.

I think this is the vid...

Do we ( non muslims) deserver the Jihad? NO! and should we do all in our power to protect ourselves? Certainly, but I am not so cheering on the drums of war, to the detriment of Liberties that made the US great to begin with. I see no easy way out, nor would the muslins agree to any other world domination.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by Paraquat on 09/30/13 at 09:23:02

Suspension of Habeas Corpus for American citizens under "war time conditions" triggered it for me.


Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by Midnightrider on 09/30/13 at 11:05:58

Web tell me who's backing them and I'll shut up.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by Pine on 09/30/13 at 11:22:35

5362716272766277030 wrote:
Suspension of Habeas Corpus for American citizens under "war time conditions" triggered it for me.


I second that... it will be very bad in the future. Its not a matter of "if" but when, and it wont be later.

Title: Re: Are we at war and don't know it?
Post by Trippah on 09/30/13 at 13:12:17

Well, for many years the Muslims were pretty much contained with Sunni and Shiia offing each other but leaving the rest of us out of it.  We had our own little Cath vs Protestant bloodletting as well as the colour war going on.  With modern travel, we get to mix the pot a bit more.  Remember, Uncle Adolph told us his thoughts and plans in Mein Kampf so for the jihadist to do likewise shouldn't surprise us. :D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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