General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Looking for a link/report......

Message started by raydawg on 09/28/13 at 16:18:51

Title: Looking for a link/report......
Post by raydawg on 09/28/13 at 16:18:51

I have Google and searched for a question and answer by President Obama as to why/what is the difference now, to the need to raise the debt ceiling, than when, as a senator he opposed it......

So far, all I have come across is a dodge and dance

You guys find anything?

Title: Re: Looking for a link/report......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/13 at 16:24:22

Just more BS.. Doesnt matter which party is in office, stupid is okay as long as its Their stupid,,

Title: Re: Looking for a link/report......
Post by raydawg on 09/28/13 at 17:22:40

Yeah, I'm afraid you're right.
Not sure you noticed the link to another story embedded in that one, but it calls those now opposing to raise the debt ceiling without defunding "Obamacare" in the bill, as terrorist.

Was is Serowbot who questioned the "rights" name calling?

I'd like to hear his opine as to why the left needs to assign such a charge against their opposition instead of arguing and debating differences on merit.... please  :-*

As with the argument put forth by Senator Obama, I agree with his observation, and buoyed with the luxury of hindsight of years since his declaration, we can see the truth unfold as predicted.
How can he/we abandon our responsibility to our children and generations to come by continuing this crazy scheme of voodoo economics while hoping a fix just suddenly appears....?

This mindset got us where we are today, why do we continue to do the same thing over and over again hoping that will fix it?

Yes, it will hurt, I don't like withholding things I want to buy for myself or others, but I won't go into debt, or spend what I don't have, to satisfy a temporary need. We can't continue to swill from the jug of disillusion without paying a MAJOR hangover for the privilege of indulgence.....  :-?  

What am I missing?

Title: Re: Looking for a link/report......
Post by Midnightrider on 09/28/13 at 18:02:18

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