General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Unemployment

Message started by Paraquat on 09/25/13 at 19:17:52

Title: Unemployment
Post by Paraquat on 09/25/13 at 19:17:52

My girlfriend and her mother had to visit the Dept. of Labor to continue their unemployment checks.
The guy who assisted her mother was quite chatty.
He said the 19% unemployment rate the state advertises is a lie. He said the actual value is well above 20%.
I asked the gf to confirm this intel with the guy she visited with but he was not as forthcoming.
This only applies to Connecticut.


Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by WD on 09/25/13 at 20:38:32

Supposedly 8.3 percent in TN, but does not include underemployed or those who maxed out their benefits w/o getting hired and subsequently said screw it and dropped off the radar. Actual is about 18.5% unemployed/underemployed. Although the radio this morning said it is closer to 28% actual  unemployed/underemployed/gave up.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Midnightrider on 09/26/13 at 00:00:50

I've heard a few states actually have up to 40%. That's hearsay but I wouldn't doubt it. I had 2 bros (one of them died) hard working, trying to be independent and it took over 2 years for them to find jobs that would barely support their family. I guess they were part of Romneys 42%.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/13 at 06:36:39

When the goobs decide to stop LYING about it then Ill appreciate them a little more,

Right now, when someones benefits run out, they are no longer counted as Unemployed,, Yea,, like thats even almost reasonable, They LIE to us  TELL us theyre lying, but you better trust themor youre a weirdo,

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Pine on 09/26/13 at 06:53:10

And this is news???

Even the government has admitted that the press release unemployment figures are .... well not forthright.  I haven't looked but supposedly you can go online to various figures for what the unemployment is based on different measures.

The same holds true with inflation. Currently, official inflation reports will drop anything the goes over a certain percent in a short period of time as it creates too much of a dynamic graph. So the last round of inflation reports dropped Food and gasoline... you know those thing that don't matter to John Q. Public on a daily basis. However, home values HAVE been counted... well cause homes are still lower than prior reports.  TADA inflation of 1%!
Again supposedly you can go online and see all the inflation tables.  

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/13 at 23:30:03

But if I dont Raah RaahRaah & declare we are number one Im not a good american,, Phhhht,, Im sick of this crap/.
Yea, DC has a cockroach & vermin problem.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Midnightrider on 09/27/13 at 11:16:08

If we don't stick together and eradicate the roaches we're just as responsible as they are. We'd rather sit around and b!tch than grow some balls and do something about it. I just got off the phone with both of my senators, I told them I vote and unlike some Americans I don't forget, especially the phone calls. You're gonna tell me that doesn't work, Ok take the next step but I cant do it alone.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/27/13 at 14:18:37

Horse crap,, blame the victims,, How many have been elected to DO something, only to go to DC& do the opposite? Theyve built up a system around themselves  making it difficult & costly to recall them when they dont do what they promised. They vote for unpopular bills, knowing the people who elected them do NOT want what theyre doing,.They havent worked for the people since JFK was killed,

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by mpescatori on 10/02/13 at 05:40:21

081B5F0 wrote:
Supposedly 8.3 percent in TN, but does not include underemployed or those who maxed out their benefits w/o getting hired and subsequently said screw it and dropped off the radar. Actual is about 18.5% unemployed/underemployed. Although the radio this morning said it is closer to 28% actual  unemployed/underemployed/gave up.

Relax, as usual statistics are presented in such a way as to say what the speaker wants you to hear, without him actually have to say what he doesn't want to say...


Allow me to explain: just last night (Oct 1st) the local Italian news stated that unemployment in Italy is at 12%, never been so bad since the '70s and the leftist movements took stronghold.


unemployment among 16-29 y.o. is estimated at 40%  :o

So, which will it be ? 12 % ?   40 % ?

Whichever way you look at it... :-[    if you know what I mean...  :P

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Midnightrider on 10/02/13 at 10:45:26

"They havent worked for the people since JFK was killed,"  + 1. I hate he didn't get to abolish the Federal Reserve, he was working on. I don't care how many women he slept with, he was on our side.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/02/13 at 12:40:57

My father used to say that figures don't lie, but liars can figure.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by LostArtist on 10/02/13 at 13:40:57

242B272D262B202C2B3C292B3C4E0 wrote:
My father used to say that figures don't lie, but liars can figure.

the government, from what I know (which yeah, isn't much but. . ) has been using the same formula for the unemployment numbers for a long time, so they all still relate to each other, they may not be accurate, but they are a relatable way to measure unemployment

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 10/02/13 at 13:43:44


Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by pgambr on 10/02/13 at 14:47:44

They don't count people who have been looking for so long that they gave up?

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Dane Allen on 10/02/13 at 15:49:00

7F5C40477241475A4047330 wrote:
[quote author=242B272D262B202C2B3C292B3C4E0 link=1380161872/0#10 date=1380742857]My father used to say that figures don't lie, but liars can figure.

the government, from what I know (which yeah, isn't much but. . ) has been using the same formula for the unemployment numbers for a long time, so they all still relate to each other, they may not be accurate, but they are a relatable way to measure unemployment[/quote]

Actually, it changes quite often. You also see it with poverty level where when a President come in and lowers the poverty level it looks like people are better off when, in reallity, it is the same or worse. It would be interesting to see how they calculated it during Carter and run that same calculation now to compare. I bet we were in an actual Depression and the liberals used trillion in debt to mask their incompetence and corruption but we weren't given the true data so now we have the Great Recession.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Dane Allen on 10/02/13 at 15:51:52

4651575B5444360 wrote:
They don't count people who have been looking for so long that they gave up?

The media doesn't report the percentage of people that gave up. When it is a democrat they report the best numbers, under Republicans they report the DOOM!!!

Remember the last few months of Bush and there were daily reports of the number of people killed in Afganistan and once Obama took over and extended the war that all went away. I haven't seen a single report on casualty figues in a long, long time. It's like we aren't even there.

Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by Paraquat on 10/02/13 at 18:39:08

Out of sight, out of mind.
Why do you think it's a "beach of national security" to photograph any troop actions over there?


Title: Re: Unemployment
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/13 at 18:51:48

You think thats a Biggie? See what happens if you take picsof coffins coming home,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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