General Category >> The Cafe >> Fell getting off my bike

Message started by kimchris1 on 09/24/13 at 20:40:12

Title: Fell getting off my bike
Post by kimchris1 on 09/24/13 at 20:40:12

Well I did a really silly thing.
Ok well it seems I do lots of them.
Couple weeks ago upon arriving home
from work, via the bike.
I parked in an area I don't normally
park in.
I had planned on riding the bike again later
that day and figured it would be just fine there.
Upon getting off the bike, one leg was already on
the ground.
As I swung my right leg over the seat, the left stuck
a bucket that was closer than I had thought it was. It was
1/2 full of water. It caused me to lose my balance and wham
I slammed to the hard ground which is covered in gravel.
I knew I had done something to my tailbone right away.
Luckily for me Genie stayed on her kickstand and did not
tumble over on top of me.
Right away as soon as I could get into the house, I iced it.
I have been to the chiropractor a couple times, had an hr massage
and have iced, heat and iced 3 to 4 times per day.
It is slowly getting better.
I haven't missed one min of work yet their have been some mins where
I thought I was going to have to come home early.
I made myself tough it out and rested on my brakes and lunch.
Again it is getting better and I am anxious to ride again.
The lesson I learned is make sure I am aware of my surroundings when
I am not only riding but parking as well.
I am also lucky in the fact that it is just bruised not broken.
Take care everyone..:) kim

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by MMRanch on 09/24/13 at 21:09:07

Kim  when I do something like that , I have to look around real quick to make sure no-one saw it  ...  and then grin just incase someone did ! :D

glad your OK ! :)

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/13 at 21:39:03

Yea, well,, Tail Bones Can get knocked outta place,, The onloy way I can see getting one "adjusted" would be apply pressure from The OTHERSIDE,,

& Theres really only one way to Get there,,& I wouldnt want to have to do it & I REALLY wouldnt want to need it done,

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Serowbot on 09/24/13 at 22:39:18

Well, KC,... I know you've been doing a lot of work in the past year or two...
Making yourself stronger, and healthier, and more vital...
This may hurt,.. and it may set you back a bit...  but, this could have been so much worse...
The weight you've lost, and the strength you've gained, prevented worse...
Get well,... and use this to inspire you...

... and Genie did good... she watched out for you... ;)...

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by PerrydaSavage on 09/25/13 at 00:28:08

Had a similar thing happen to me once Kim 'cept my Savage did topple over on top of me! Glad you weren't seriously hurt and hope that you are back in order in jig-time!

Ride Safe!

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by old_rider on 09/25/13 at 03:26:38

Had a similar thing happen to me Kim, only it was a misstep getting off a high platform, and I broke mine. Took a looonnng time before I wanted to straddle my bike, but I got back online.

Take care of yourself and don't push it, glad nothing worse happened.

P.S. a bag of frozen corn or peas makes a great seat now and then too!  ;D

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Pine on 09/25/13 at 06:38:32

Glad your doing well. My wife suffers from a cracked/broken tailbone suffered as child. Its one of those "weather" things. She feels the rain coming... in her butt.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/25/13 at 07:31:41

YOu can get that straightened out, but youll need something like a broom stick,,,& someone who desperately wants to help you, & some  privacy,& some very serious desire to have it put back where it came from..
This May be one of those"The cure is worse than the disease" moments,

I am a chiropractor and I will give you what I know about the subject.

First, tailbones are very difficult to adjust. Most of the time they move forward. To best correct the problem, it needs to be moved backwards. However, this is very difficult to do. There are 3 ways to do this.

1) Do it the way that your doctor did it. It works, but only part of the time. (btw this adjustment hardly ever makes a "pop or snap"

2) To try to manipulate the bone my pressing on the attaching ligaments. This can be performed through clothes, but again is not very effective.

3) The most effective way is also the most uncomfortable way for the patient. It is actually going in through the anus. This gives the necessary leverage to push the tailbone backwards. Most doctors have chosen to not perform this method (especially with such a lawsuit happy society).

The one thing I would say is that while I would have performed it the same way as your doctor, I would have given you the options first. Many female patients choose option #2 first and then if that doesn't work, then go to option#1. Rarely would I have a patient who would want option #3 (and I feel really uncomfortable with that option also). I would only perform that in very extreme cases ( and I would perform that with someone else in the room(for professional reasons)).

I hope thi clears up the matter. However, keep in mind there are many different styles of chiropractic out there. If the adjustments do not seem to be making a difference, Find another chiropractor. More than likely, they will be able to help you better.

I wish you the best.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by kimchris1 on 09/25/13 at 09:16:56

My job requires me to lift at least 50 lbs and climb up and down ladders.
This has been very hard at times to accomplish, yet I have.
A couple times I did have to have the guys I work with lift a couple heavier boxes for me.
They had no problem helping me out.
I am doing much better than at first.
I had the first 2 nights off of work when it first happened, so that gave me time to ice, heat and rest.
I know it is getting better as I can climb the ladder a little easier and lifting is getting easier to do as well.
Tomorrow I go for an hr massage again and am looking forward to that.
Serowbot, yes I believe being in better shape than before has helped then again I might have landed back on my feet had I  not lost so much of my cushioning... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Thanks all for your well wishes.. :) kim

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Dave on 09/25/13 at 13:58:53


Glad you are only slightly bruised.....and there are no videos or witnesses.

I have not fallen off my Savage yet....thankfully.  I fall off my trials bike all the time.....and that is part of the fun/challenge.  Last year I was riding in my woods and I saw my neighbor and his boy out for a walk....turns out they were looking for dropped antlers.  We are all good neighbors and property lines don't mean anything to us and we can wander at will.  I figured I would ride over to where they were.....and there was a log in the way.  So I rode up to the log, did the trials bike hop and was up on the log balanced on the back wheel......and dang I was in second gear and the bike stalled!  The bike and I dropped to the ground and I had no place to put my right leg as there was a creek bank there.  I fell over the side of the bank and slid down the bank on my right side and right into the muddy creek.  I got up and was fine.....riding a 165 pound motorycle that is shaped like a girls bicycle has definite advantages.....but my helmet and face and right side was caked with mud.

What a show I put on for the neighbors! :o  

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Midnightrider on 09/26/13 at 03:12:31

in 1986 I bought a new Goldwing. It was pitch black when I got home with it. I had a rotten post on a clothes line and I forgot all about digging it up the day before. The Wing was a lot more nimble than I thought it would be. I wheeled it around, I stopped it, put my left foot down and there was nothing there. If you can imagine an 800lb motorcycle falling on you all the while the engine was frying my left leg. I had no close neighbors. My first thought was I'm gonna lay here until I die. My leg was really hurting. Some how I managed to get enough strength to raise it up where I could manage to get my leg out. There were two good things, no one saw it and my body protected the motorcycle, not a scratch. I filled the holes in and bought a clothes dryer. Another lesson I learned with a Gold Wing is never park it on a slight downhill parking space. Its awful embarrassing to go ask for help getting your motorcycle out of its parking spot.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by ToesNose on 09/26/13 at 04:37:02

Ouchie, glad you are starting to feel better wishing you a speedy recovery KimChris1 .

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by runwyrlph on 09/26/13 at 17:13:15

01252822252B24383E2528293E4C0 wrote:
in 1986 I bought a new Goldwing. It was pitch black when I got home with it. I had a rotten post on a clothes line and I forgot all about digging it up the day before. The Wing was a lot more nimble than I thought it would be. I wheeled it around, I stopped it, put my left foot down and there was nothing there. If you can imagine an 800lb motorcycle falling on you all the while the engine was frying my left leg. I had no close neighbors. My first thought was I'm gonna lay here until I die. My leg was really hurting. Some how I managed to get enough strength to raise it up where I could manage to get my leg out. There were two good things, no one saw it and my body protected the motorcycle, not a scratch. I filled the holes in and bought a clothes dryer.

That is a great story!  Glad you lived to tell the tale!  

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by kimchris1 on 09/28/13 at 13:17:48

Happy to report I am doing much better.
Walking, lifting Buster doesn't even hurt now.
The actual test will come tonight at work.
Lifting, walking up and down the ladders.
I am also anxious to get back to doing Zumba
and the gym. I have missed that so much.
Sure made me realize again be sure of my
surrounding when parking the bike.
I am looking forward to riding Genie when the
weather will allow now.
Thank you all again, for your well wishes and sharing
your stories. :) kim

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Skid Mark on 09/28/13 at 13:27:16

I bet just about everyone has done someting like that.
Good to hear you are getting better.
I did a similar thing with the C90, but the bike was laid down gently. The real pain was getting the bike back upright. The videos showing how to properly lift a bike back upright were an absolute gift.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Serowbot on 09/28/13 at 13:30:40

Yup,.. if a bike falls on it's right side... Be sure to put out the sidestand before attempting to right the bike...
Otherwise,... you will fall again...  :-?...

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Skid Mark on 09/28/13 at 15:13:08

it's not too bad once you get the bike close to vertical. it's the initial lift that just about blows a gasket. I was suprized that I got the C90 up by my self. I had no idea how I was going to 'splain this to the wife if I couln't lift it back up so failure wasn't an option. Once you have the bike up its all about regular balance. of couse if you are not paying attention you can easily tip it over on the other side.

I found it interesting that there is a point of no return when you tip a bike. No matter how much you grunt, once past this point, the bike is going down.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/13 at 15:57:26

failure wasn't an option.

TRust me,, failure beats surgery, any day,,Wearent getting any younger

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by old_rider on 09/29/13 at 20:24:58

yup...listen to me, if it falls and you don't think you can lift it by yourself (over 500lbs) DON"T.... I'm still trying to recover from a compression fracture on L4.... oh I was strong bones weren't, all I had to do was wait 30 seconds and I would have had help and a healthy back.  Lesson learned, i'm older, get help, if can't get help, call someone on yer phone, don't have reception? walk till you get it...

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by kimchris1 on 09/30/13 at 19:29:45

Happy to report all is much better.
Ladder and lifting is going much easier.
I haven't had to ice, heat, ice for a couple days
now. Also only a couple Tylenol's.
I am hoping weather gets a little nicer than it has
been the last few days. I so want to ride again.
OH and I will be sure to be more observant of my
surroundings from now on... Hugs to all.. :) kim

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by The Creator on 09/30/13 at 22:14:24

I almost droped my S40 at a restaurant the other day, about 60 degress over, but at 350 pounds I was able to wrestle it up, bad back and all. It was pretty embarasing ' nice bike, did you you see him almost drop it?" Never touched the ground, YET!

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by The Creator on 10/01/13 at 18:28:27

If you still have serious pain after a few months, google "Dr Jho" in Pittsburg, pennsylvania, he did endoscopic surgery on my back, which had been screwed up for 2 years. He can remove a brain tumor through the nostrils to not leave a scar on your head. He worked a miracle for me, and it was absolutely free for him to review a current MRI to say yes or no.

I only have a 3/4" scar you can't even see any more.

Saved my life, LITERALLY

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by old_rider on 10/01/13 at 21:04:42

6648437F4C4141542D0 wrote:
If you still have serious pain after a few months, google "Dr Jho" in Pittsburg, pennsylvania, he did endoscopic surgery on my back, which had been screwed up for 2 years. He can remove a brain tumor through the nostrils to not leave a scar on your head. He worked a miracle for me, and it was absolutely free for him to review a current MRI to say yes or no.

I only have a 3/4" scar you can't even see any more.

Saved my life, LITERALLY

Did he do a metal fusion or a cement fusion? They want me to wait another 2 months to see if it is healing, meanwhile i'm going to physical therapy 3 times a week, helping me with the strength I lost due to chemo therapy, but not helping with any pain.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by Dj12midnit on 10/02/13 at 17:08:08

This falls under the, If there is no picture it didnt happen.

Title: Re: Fell getting off my bike
Post by The Creator on 10/06/13 at 01:47:18

no, no fusions at all, he went in endoscopically with a small metal tube and a micro dremel and removed the bone where it was crushing my sciatica. i would recommend no fusion unless there is no other option. and get a second opinion (call Dr Jho) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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