General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions

Message started by Pine on 09/24/13 at 10:31:29

Title: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Pine on 09/24/13 at 10:31:29

My 22year old daughter, in college, has finally gotten her first job. She called upset about her first paycheck. Of the $320 she earned the taxes were $50. Welcome to MY world!
But besides that she wanted me to tell her what she should about the 3 page letter attached to her paycheck, informing her of the requirements and options for obtaining health insurance. The letter basically directed her to the site:

So there we are. In looking at the site, I am sadden by what I see. To be sure current system is unfair, those that can pay, are being forced to support those that cannot. Now those that cannot pay will be forced to pay, regardless.  Take the position of my daughter, who last year made $3000 working at a church daycare in the summer. Where she not insured by me, then she would be required to purchase ( at the silver level) insurance for $3022.  Or to put in in her current terms... she would need to work over 11 weeks just to pay her own insurance.

My daughter is lucky  ( I hope) in that she is on my insurance. Though for my 2 kids it costs me just under $4000 per year, plus another $2400 that I choose to put in the Flex plan. $6400 per year.

In reading the site, they do make it sound SOOOO wonderful for a college student to get their own coverage. So many benefits... but the bottom line is... its gonna cost, and with a minimum wage job, its gonna eat a large chunk of their yearly earnings.

So minimum wage is $7.25 times 40 hours per week times 52 weeks per year .. $15,080 max dollars per year.

Most businesses are making sure to cut back to no more than 30 hours so.. $11,310 per year. A $3000 insurance bill would be well over 1/3 of all gross pay.

These days the VAST majority of job holders are minimum wage earners facing just these constraints, and its not just college students, its those that lost their job and have been forced to take what-ever they could get to make ends meet. Hopefully I am missing something. I hope that somehow, we will all be insured and sit around the campfire roasting smores and singing KUMBYA.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Midnightrider on 09/24/13 at 12:50:53

Its about time we quit spending and giving away money overseas, the Americans will not stick together and do something about it. We need to start taking care of our own. I feel for you and your daughter Pine.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/13 at 13:55:16

So many will be unable to "Do" what the goobs demand that "Just say No" will be the new mantra.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Paraquat on 09/25/13 at 07:12:17

Really? She's lucky.
A solid 1/3 went to taxes for me last week.
I mean it. I'm not exhaggerating. The amount I took home was 2/3.


Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Pine on 09/25/13 at 08:00:39

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
So many will be unable to "Do" what the goobs demand that "Just say No" will be the new mantra.

Ya think???
Gubs anint stupid... they cant allow that:

If someone who can afford health insurance doesn’t have coverage in 2014, they may have to pay a fee. They also have to pay for all of their health care.

The fee in 2014 is 1% of your yearly income or $95 per person for the year, whichever is higher. The fee increases every year. In 2016 it is 2.5% of income or $695 per person, whichever is higher.

In 2014 the fee for uninsured children is $47.50 per child. The most a family would have to pay in 2014 is $285.

It's important to remember that someone who pays the fee won't get any health insurance coverage. They still will be responsible for 100% of the cost of their medical care.

Just say No .. ain't happening....   :-?

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by oldNslow on 09/25/13 at 08:18:54

It's important to remember that someone who pays the fee won't get any health insurance coverage. They still will be responsible for 100% of the cost of their medical care.

No, they won't. They will just show up at the nearest emergency room, get taken care of, and not pay a doggone thing. Just like they do now.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Midnightrider on 09/25/13 at 19:46:24

I was talking to my Rhuematologist last week and he's expecting 40% of doctors to retire. He said if and when OBamaCare begins you'll see a Nurse or a PA unless you're on your death bed and under 60 years old, only then will you see a doctor. I just lost my Doctor of 15 years 2 weeks ago. She just turned 60. She called me the last day she worked and said "screw ObamaCare, I'm too old to put up with that sh!t" I'm all for universal health coverage, I think it should be a basic human right but I'm afraid Washington has created a trainwreck as the Pubs like to call it and the doctors share the same opinion. When I was able to work and make good money it would have taken a lot to make me change professions. If these Doctors have studied OBamaCare and have decided to quit it doesn't sound very good at all.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Midnightrider on 09/25/13 at 19:51:48

437D7C70627E7F110 wrote:

It's important to remember that someone who pays the fee won't get any health insurance coverage. They still will be responsible for 100% of the cost of their medical care.

No, they won't. They will just show up at the nearest emergency room, get taken care of, and not pay a doggone thing. Just like they do now.

OlnSlow my friend you're exactly right. They cannot legally let you die or not treat you but they've got a backup plan. Look at your next paycheck! With the IRS in charge what do you think is gonna happen.?  The only way to get around it is never work a public job again, draw retirement or SS. That's why they put the IRS in charge. They keep up with every dime you make!

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by WD on 09/25/13 at 20:42:03

Find an old country doc, barter for as much as you can, cash under the table income. Old country doc could mean the local large animal veterinarian, same meds, same dosages based on body weight and tissue mass estimates.

What, doesn't anybody else read some of the prepper sites? Quite entertaining... and sometimes actually correct.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Pine on 09/26/13 at 06:44:33

I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Trippah on 10/01/13 at 11:16:40

The doctors complained when it was fee for service; the doctors complained when it went to health insurance HMO's like we have now; they'll complain under Obama care.

The length of time it takes to become a doctor (MD) is absurd.  Half of the 4 year undergrad program is sciences that they'll never use and should be reserved for those going into research.  Coming out of med school with 100,000. debt is the norm so it costs a lot of medical fees to make it up.  The residency programs are forced labor where the hospitals make the money and reward the name docs who are teaching the new doc how to practice..usually through under paid fellows.  The who system should be reviewed.

And under our HMO system, I've seen the dermatologist's PA the first 3 times (over a 2 year span).  Finally got to see the MD to determine if I should have surgery or not.  Wonder if he would have taken quicker interest than the PA in my now Carcinoma  The second year back I decided to insist on a biopsy which said Yes to Cancer).

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Dane Allen on 10/01/13 at 13:49:00

I talked to my wife about getting a divorce, on paper, and then showing her income, from me in the form of alimony, at 1% above poverty level. For her and two kids the cost would be $392 per year for the year for silver. So I pay that and reduce my coverage at work to just me. I think I save $7,200 to $7,400 per year.

I think that for us to survive a crooked government we have to play by their rules so I am fine with that. Fortunately, all the new gay marriages will result in alot of extra "penatlies" for the rest of us to leech from. Ain't fascism grand???

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by LostArtist on 10/01/13 at 21:06:07

526B6C67766D70020 wrote:
I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

a lot of states that refused to expand medicaid/medicare are going to be hurting their citizens as they haven't set up any exchanges so it's all on the federal government to set it up and well, not sure how that's all going to play out, but you do have until December something to get enrolled or whatever so hopefully that's enough time but with college/work schedule and all idk, if she's fairly healthy, maybe just pay the fines and move on until she can get a job that pays better or hell idk, she should at least get subsidies to help pay for the insurance. and employers are going to start getting subsidies to help pay for insurance for their employees too, so it's scary now and idk if it's going to get better soon in states like Texas and Mississippi where conservatives aren't doing anything to help their citizens

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Dane Allen on 10/02/13 at 09:10:15

5A7965625764627F6562160 wrote:
[quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1380043889/0#9 date=1380203073]I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

a lot of states that refused to expand medicaid/medicare are going to be hurting their citizens as they haven't set up any exchanges so it's all on the federal government to set it up and well, not sure how that's all going to play out, but you do have until December something to get enrolled or whatever so hopefully that's enough time but with college/work schedule and all idk, if she's fairly healthy, maybe just pay the fines ....[/quote]

They are not fines, penalties or anything else. It is a straight up tax, a tax based on nothing to generate yet another revenue source for the gov't. It is the most, brutal, unfair, exploitive tax that I can think of. If you need an example of oppression then look no further.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by LostArtist on 10/02/13 at 13:31:00

55707F74507D7D747F110 wrote:
[quote author=5A7965625764627F6562160 link=1380043889/0#12 date=1380686767][quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1380043889/0#9 date=1380203073]I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

a lot of states that refused to expand medicaid/medicare are going to be hurting their citizens as they haven't set up any exchanges so it's all on the federal government to set it up and well, not sure how that's all going to play out, but you do have until December something to get enrolled or whatever so hopefully that's enough time but with college/work schedule and all idk, if she's fairly healthy, maybe just pay the fines ....[/quote]

They are not fines, penalties or anything else. It is a straight up tax, a tax based on nothing to generate yet another revenue source for the gov't. It is the most, brutal, unfair, exploitive tax that I can think of. If you need an example of oppression then look no further.[/quote]

whatever, there's a price for everything if you wanna be free, it's gonna cost ya

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Dane Allen on 10/02/13 at 15:54:53

0C2F3334013234293334400 wrote:
[quote author=55707F74507D7D747F110 link=1380043889/0#13 date=1380730215][quote author=5A7965625764627F6562160 link=1380043889/0#12 date=1380686767][quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1380043889/0#9 date=1380203073]I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

a lot of states that refused to expand medicaid/medicare are going to be hurting their citizens as they haven't set up any exchanges so it's all on the federal government to set it up and well, not sure how that's all going to play out, but you do have until December something to get enrolled or whatever so hopefully that's enough time but with college/work schedule and all idk, if she's fairly healthy, maybe just pay the fines ....[/quote]

They are not fines, penalties or anything else. It is a straight up tax, a tax based on nothing to generate yet another revenue source for the gov't. It is the most, brutal, unfair, exploitive tax that I can think of. If you need an example of oppression then look no further.[/quote]

whatever, there's a price for everything if you wanna be free, it's gonna cost ya [/quote]

I was free before, now, not so much. Now a panel gets to vote if I deserve treatment to save my life, assuming there are any skilled doctors left to provide the service.

Sorry Grandpa, the Board voted 5-2 against... :(

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by LostArtist on 10/02/13 at 18:13:22

44616E65416C6C656E000 wrote:
[quote author=0C2F3334013234293334400 link=1380043889/0#14 date=1380745860][quote author=55707F74507D7D747F110 link=1380043889/0#13 date=1380730215][quote author=5A7965625764627F6562160 link=1380043889/0#12 date=1380686767][quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1380043889/0#9 date=1380203073]I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

a lot of states that refused to expand medicaid/medicare are going to be hurting their citizens as they haven't set up any exchanges so it's all on the federal government to set it up and well, not sure how that's all going to play out, but you do have until December something to get enrolled or whatever so hopefully that's enough time but with college/work schedule and all idk, if she's fairly healthy, maybe just pay the fines ....[/quote]

They are not fines, penalties or anything else. It is a straight up tax, a tax based on nothing to generate yet another revenue source for the gov't. It is the most, brutal, unfair, exploitive tax that I can think of. If you need an example of oppression then look no further.[/quote]

whatever, there's a price for everything if you wanna be free, it's gonna cost ya [/quote]

I was free before, now, not so much. Now a panel gets to vote if I deserve treatment to save my life, assuming there are any skilled doctors left to provide the service.

Sorry Grandpa, the Board voted 5-2 against... :([/quote]

that's not exactly how it works, their might be rationing of care, maybe, but you're buying some bad talking points. cause when it comes down to it, you are still buying PRIVATE insurance, and you might actually get some government money to help you buy it, this does give the government some leverage with insurance, but there's not a panel voting on your care, there might be some INSURANCE administrators pulling some BS though

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/13 at 18:58:16

their might be rationing of care??? Might?

You wait till you see how thats gonna get done,,Too old to be able to work enough to ADD to the GDP enough to justify that knee or eye surgery? Youll get a cane,, either one with a hook on top or one with ared tip.. Wait & see,, mite be a few years before they show their hand,, but thats whats coming,, YOu already forgot about the little girl who needed a lung transplant? Shed be dead today if Kathleen Cebelius had her way.
It was just the outrage of the people that saved her. One day soon the outrageous inhumanity wi8llo be so widespread & commonplace the people wont have time to respond to it all. WE ARE Broke,, & the insurance companies are Raking in $$ right now,, but soon, theyll close down & take their bazzillions & hang it all on the goobs, who will have no choice but ration care. Callme crazy,, again,, Ive been called that before,, but, seems like events tend to line up with what I said was coming,, give it 5 years,, then start crying,,

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by pgambr on 10/02/13 at 19:04:20

Jog, what do you think about those big rocks over in GA?

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/13 at 19:36:54

The global elite have ethics. They "telegraph" what theyre planning,,
Man & Other Animals says how they see us, Search that term,

They are DOING what it says. Thru economic destruction, they are working toward a 1 world currency,
Thru toxins they are destroying lives
Thru this bamicare they will destroy the economy ( whats left of it) & kill millions, & the toxic foods are killing us off,,They keep us distracted with hoaxes & made up crises while they ruin people with real toxins,, its amazing We ARE NUmber One, in Cancer,, now the NUmber One killer of people under 20,,

The Elite tell us what theyre gonna do & IF we dont acknowledge it & stop them, then they see it as proof that we are inferior & deserve whatever they do,Thats the way they roll,,
A felle who died last year met & got to know a Rockefeller who told him
AAAHAA,, AAron Russo,, Here,, see what he says,,

If its not in there, Ill look some more,, I think thats the intervies Imwanting,,

Also, dont forget what David Rockefeller said in his biography,,

& stated in a speech,, Laff at me more,folks,,

Anyone who was smart enough toread the NDAA & realize it meant any one of us needs to readAgenda 21. If you Dindt understand NDAA applied to Americans, Youll read agenda 21 & thinks its a good thing,,

MOst would hear this short speech & think its all benevolent.

Agenda21 stuff

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Dane Allen on 10/02/13 at 22:56:19

61425E596C5F59445E592D0 wrote:
[quote author=44616E65416C6C656E000 link=1380043889/15#15 date=1380754493][quote author=0C2F3334013234293334400 link=1380043889/0#14 date=1380745860][quote author=55707F74507D7D747F110 link=1380043889/0#13 date=1380730215][quote author=5A7965625764627F6562160 link=1380043889/0#12 date=1380686767][quote author=526B6C67766D70020 link=1380043889/0#9 date=1380203073]I was talking to buddy of mine.. and a person very much on board with Obama (which is fine) he said I read it wrong, and that it goes by income and that at less than $15000/yr, insurance is $1000/yr.

I dunno... I have a month to redo my own insurance, so when Oct 1 roles around and the state marketplace opens up ... I will look at that.

In the local news this morning... Mississippi ( you know the state.. not the river.. and the lowest income and highest poverty rate) well we are the third MOST expensive marketplace plans in the country. I forget the second place, but first place was Alaska.  

WD- hehe I wonder if my doctor would take re-loads.. he shoots, but mostly Skeet.  Wouldn't that be a pip!

a lot of states that refused to expand medicaid/medicare are going to be hurting their citizens as they haven't set up any exchanges so it's all on the federal government to set it up and well, not sure how that's all going to play out, but you do have until December something to get enrolled or whatever so hopefully that's enough time but with college/work schedule and all idk, if she's fairly healthy, maybe just pay the fines ....[/quote]

They are not fines, penalties or anything else. It is a straight up tax, a tax based on nothing to generate yet another revenue source for the gov't. It is the most, brutal, unfair, exploitive tax that I can think of. If you need an example of oppression then look no further.[/quote]

whatever, there's a price for everything if you wanna be free, it's gonna cost ya [/quote]

I was free before, now, not so much. Now a panel gets to vote if I deserve treatment to save my life, assuming there are any skilled doctors left to provide the service.

Sorry Grandpa, the Board voted 5-2 against... :([/quote]

that's not exactly how it works, their might be rationing of care, maybe, but you're buying some bad talking points. cause when it comes down to it, you are still buying PRIVATE insurance, and you might actually get some government money to help you buy it, this does give the government some leverage with insurance, but there's not a panel voting on your care, there might be some INSURANCE administrators pulling some BS though[/quote]

They will definitely be rationing care and there are definitely panels of bureaucrats who will make life and death decisions for you based on costs. This is the beginning of the end of what America once was, we were a free Constitution Republic on Sept 30 and on Oct 1 be became a socialist fascist oligarchy. Your freedom has been discarded and your decisions will be made for you.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Midnightrider on 10/03/13 at 01:03:07

Trippah let me start off by saying I hope all is well with the cancer. The Dr's complained about HMO's because a bigger load was placed upon them and their salary was frozen. Obamacare is a whole different animal and you'll rarely see a Doctor and how do you deal with a book with laws as thick or thicker than War And Peace. The only way for a Doctor to know if what he is doing is legal is having a fulltime lawyer. Obama added 20,000 pages to it without Congresses approval. And then the Senate who is supposed to be representing us voted for it. Polls showed a lot more than 50% were against it.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Midnightrider on 10/03/13 at 01:41:30

6C7F3B0 wrote:
Find an old country doc, barter for as much as you can, cash under the table income. Old country doc could mean the local large animal veterinarian, same meds, same dosages based on body weight and tissue mass estimates.

What, doesn't anybody else read some of the prepper sites? Quite entertaining... and sometimes actually correct.

Don't know what a prepper site is unless you're talking about the Survivalist. You've heard me talk about my diseases and Disabilities. I communicated on the net with an American Indian Doctor, Running Bear LOL. He'a a real doctor that specializes in autoimmune diseases like I have.He told me to take one tablespoon of Collidal Gold a day. My wife is talking about how much more energy I have now. I hve a nice Lund 17' fishing boat that's sat for the last 2 and 1/2 years and not cranked because I didn't feel like using it.. I got it running over the weekend. The carbs are stopped plum up on my Ninja and that's my project next week. Its also set for 2 years. I still hurt like Hell but I'm getting out and doing 3 times as much as I was before the Gold. My Mom makes Collidal Silver and she sells it to one Vet for animals. She uses it on cuts and scrapes and claims they heal twice as fast. You might have heard about the silver. Its more common and a lot easier to make than the gold. A lot of countryfolk make and use the silver. My wife uses it on our animals and it seems to work and it doesn't hurt humans. Like I said I'm still in a hell of a lot of pain but I cant sit still or watch TV like I use to. I'll let my wife be the final judge but no one can no longer say I'm worthless with all the gold in my system. Its $50 for a months supply but my wife is ordering more and as far as activity goes she claims I'm not the same person. Now if I could just find something for the pain that's legal. My land doest get enough sunlight to grow hemp to make rope out of LOL

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by Midnightrider on 10/03/13 at 02:01:18

6B7C7A7679691B0 wrote:
Jog, what do you think about those big rocks over in GA?

You didn't ask for my opinion but if you're talking about the Georgia Guidestone most people will believe a lie better than the truth even if the truth is right there in front of them. With whats coming out of Washington I honestly believe they want a civil war to thin the population. Our last 2 presidents have been tyrannical terrorist. We all know Bush started a war with the wrong country and killed thousands of innocents. Look at my Fema Camp post and make up your own mind about Obama.

Title: Re: OCT. 1 .... decisions decisions
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/13 at 07:42:17

For Pain,,avoid things that create inflamation,, SUGAR,,corn, alcohol, heavy carbs, pasta. stuff like that,,If you need sweetener use stevia,,

increases endorphine production AND endorphine receptors,,
Ill be goin that way next dr visit,,

Get some PH paper, test spit & pee. Add lemon juice to water, few drops of Stevia & whammo,, instant lemonade,,Itraises your PH,, Kinda paradoxically, but it does,,You dont wanna be acidic, disease thrives in an acidic environment, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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