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Message started by Midnightrider on 09/23/13 at 00:44:23

Title: Help Me Out
Post by Midnightrider on 09/23/13 at 00:44:23

Bot and some of us were picking (I hope we were because of all the bitchin just pack up and leave. My memory sucks ( I've got small blood clots in the memory section of my brain from Lupus) But to get back to the subject it seems like I read more people were leaving the US now than were coming in. Has anyone else read or heard this?

Title: Re: Help Me Out
Post by Pine on 09/23/13 at 07:24:14

Yes, I had heard a news report about that. But all in all I do not see it as being significant.

Best I can recall it like

2012 to 2013 the increase is from 679 per year to 1100 per year.

That's not exactly telling to me. Sure percentage wise its a large jump, but then percentage wise to total population... its nothing.  More non-news.

Title: Re: Help Me Out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/13 at 22:01:32

Before you declare it a non issue, considerWHO is leaving,, Then subtract from the population total the number who simply arent economically ABLE to leave. Then consider the number who would leave IF they thot they could find a place to go where the BS wont be,Then consider the number ( like me) who would leave IF they werent too Ill & too bone headed to walk away from the country they love,, I dont think Id leave IF I could afford to pack up & go, & IF I could think of a place where I could go & fit in( speak the language? English? Ive yet to master that one!) & where I thot the globalists wouldnt take it. This is MY country. It needs a roof, paint & the foundation repaired, but Ill stay & work to repair it rather than  move off & watch it collapse.,IF it collapses, Itll collapse around my ears.

The ones leaving are rich,.for the most part.Yes, its significant, in that its more than ever. Its TELLING, because these people are spending Big $$$ to discard what theyve worked to acquire, uproot their families & move away. Its very meaningful. Shrug it off if you like, but its NOT insignificant.,

Title: Re: Help Me Out
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/24/13 at 08:55:51

We have to see "leaving" and "coming" from and to any country in a modern light.  It's not the same today as it was in the 1800s or before, when a person left his home country to emigrate to someplace else, forever discarding his former home, and never returning to his country of origin.
With most of the world being no more than a 12 - 14 plane ride away from the U.S., an expat today doesn't forever discard any hope of coming back, usually often.
My grandfather came from Switzerland.  I've been to his village, and to Switzerland three times.  I do feel a little "pull" to the country of my ancestry.  If I could afford it, which I never will, I could see having a second home there, and spending summers in the same village from where my grandfather came.  I speak enough German to get along, and if I were there for any considerable time, I'm sure that my language skills would improve quickly.
Does that mean, again if I could afford it, that I would "quit" the U.S.?  No way.  
With today's transportation, having a second, or even primary home in another country isn't that much different than a person from Minnesota having a winter home in Florida.

Title: Re: Help Me Out
Post by Dane Allen on 09/24/13 at 09:23:59

I am not sure these people are leaving for a vacation home, rather, they know quite a bit about history and how it tends to repeat. They are getting to safety while they still can and, if everything blows over and our government returns to the people, they will come back.

I don't have the resources to leave so I am working towards survival skills that would be needed in a "behind the iron curtain" scenario hoping that it doesn't come to that. I am surprised at how many people are doing the same thing.

Title: Re: Help Me Out
Post by Pine on 09/24/13 at 10:03:35

I am not convinced. To be sure the very rich, and those with a need/desire are leaving the country and taking their wealth with them. But I think that, with regards to the article, there are many of more modest means, that had used the old laws to live in one country and either not pay taxes or pay very little taxes. With the US pursuing these folks vigorously, they had to make a decision... Pay US taxes though they live somewhere else, or dismiss their US citizenship and reduce that tax burden.

Think of the accountants in Saudi Arabia, or oil workers, those the live in Canada, or that manage Ford factories in Mexico. Before, they may have gotten a small "perk" ie tax evasion for living and working abroad  but still retained their citizenship. Now the US is AFTER them for the CRIMINAL they are. (smirk) The mega rich, don't even have to think about it.. the lawyer will handle it either way. They can still hide their money.

So yes there probably is a rise in those "leaving" the US... but its because the laws changed making and marking them as high priority criminals.   I do not see a mass exodus of wealthy with their wealth leaving the impoverished masses to flounder in the debt we now find ourselves in.

Title: Re: Help Me Out
Post by WD on 09/24/13 at 11:42:40

If I could leave for western Europe, I'd do it in a heart beat. Better food, better beer, better beaches, nicer people, less crime... better roads, bridges, trains. Cost of living is a lot higher, and so are the tax rates, but you get a LOT more bang for your buck. Medical care in Germany and it's satellites, plus the Nordic countries, is light years ahead of the USA, excluding a few research hospitals state side.

I've lived in Mexico, the western USA, the southern USA, New England... and did NOT want to return when my unit rotated state side from our deployment to Spain. I was a lot happier and healthier on the Spanish coast than I have been anywhere in North America.

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