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Message started by Paraquat on 09/17/13 at 09:16:16

Title: If you see something, say something
Post by Paraquat on 09/17/13 at 09:16:16

Man Sees Gun, Thinks Bank May Be Robbed, Gets Arrested Himself

By DAVID OWENS, The Hartford Courant

September 17, 2013

GLASTONBURY — A man who became alarmed when he saw a man carrying a gun inside the TD Bank at 2461 Main St. last Thursday afternoon was himself charged with breach of peace because he shook up bank staff.

Robert Gursky, 50, of Cavan Lane, was in the bank transacting business when he saw a person with a handgun. The person he saw was legally carrying the firearm and had no ill intent, police said.

Gursky, however, was concerned and tried to convey what he saw to a bank teller.

"He was trying to relay to the teller someone had a gun," Glastonbury Agent Kevin Szydlo said. Gursky was trying to write a note to the teller, and also said "gun." Gursky then completed his transaction and left the bank. He also tore up the note he was writing and threw it away.

The teller and other bank staff became alarmed, activated their robbery protocol and called police, Szydlo said. Police figured out who had the gun and determined he possessed it legally. They also tracked down Gursky, interviewed him, then charged him with breach of peace.

He was released on a promise to appear in court Sept. 25. Gursky declined to comment on Monday.

Copyright © 2013, The Hartford Courant,0,6688888.story


Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by Paraquat on 09/17/13 at 09:17:45

It should be prefaced the the CT State Troopers just released a public announcement that open carry is permitted in Connecticut.
And that such display could be used as a a lead to ask for a valid permit.

Doesn't sound like this guy was trying to open carry though.


Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/13 at 10:02:51

Now, if Chief Of ScaredyCats had his OWN gun, he coulda positioned hizself kinda behind & off to the side of The Scawwy Mayun & then IFhe had pulled a gun to rob the bank, he woulda been in a position to stop him,., But lets NOT be responsible ourselves, remember children, if you see a gun, dont touch it! Notify an Adult,,
I despise the gutless,.

Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by oldNslow on 09/17/13 at 10:45:13

I think both of these guys are idiots. I have a CHL. I carry where it's legal in my state to do so. The "C" in CHL stands for "concealed". Open carry in a state like CT.- even if it's legal - is just plain stupid. There may be places where it won't raise any eyebrows, but CT., in a frickin bank! Come on !

Even if the guy with the gun wasn't carrying openly and flashed his gun unintentionaly,he still fu**ked up IMO. He needs to be more careful.

Walkin' up to a bank teller and mumbling "gun". Yeah, that's real bright too.

In fact, what with the rash of poorly trained, trigger happy cops lately, I'm not so sure that open carry anywhere is all that wise. Too many guys getting ventilated 'cause they pulled out a wallet or a cell phone - or nothing at all. I'm keepin' mine under my shirt thank you very much.

Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by Midnightrider on 09/25/13 at 21:23:54

An idiot walking in a bank with a visible gun? I don't care if it is legal. Its plain stupid, he has absolutely no common sense and just another moron giving responsible gun owners a bad name. I'm surprised the bank didn't have a no firearm allowed sign. They must have had a sign idiots are welcome. There's a lot of things that are legal but there's a time and place for everything and that wasn't it.

Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by Paraquat on 09/29/13 at 19:12:02

Again, I haven't confirmed he was carrying openly or was not carrying openly.
Perhaps he saw a waist band holster while he was removing his wallet.


Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by ToesNose on 09/30/13 at 16:27:27

As far as I know there are no states that allow open or concealed carry into Financial Institutions, State/Federal Buildings and Schools.  The guy could have handled it better, but he was right to bring attention that someone was carrying a weapon in a Bank.

Title: Re: If you see something, say something
Post by oldNslow on 09/30/13 at 16:50:02

477C76605D7C6076130 wrote:
As far as I know there are no states that allow open or concealed carry into Financial Institutions, State/Federal Buildings and Schools.  The guy could have handled it better, but he was right to bring attention that someone was carrying a weapon in a Bank.

There is no law prohibiting concealed carry in a bank in New York State. (As long as one has a NYS pistol license, of course) State/Federal buildings, schools and Post Offices are off limits though.

The only time open carry is legal in NY is if you are hunting with a handgun during an open hunting season.

I don't know for sure but I'd be surprised if many states that issue CCLs specifically prohibit concealed carry in banks. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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