General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Maryland gets on board !

Message started by oldNslow on 09/12/13 at 06:19:58

Title: Maryland gets on board !
Post by oldNslow on 09/12/13 at 06:19:58

Another one !

The guy that wrote the article isn't too thrilled about the idea, but thats pretty much to be expected from a liberal paper like the Baltimore Sun.

Maybe this idea will get some traction after all. I'd love to live in "West New York" the state, instead of just "western new york", the geographical region.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/14/13 at 10:16:34

I love it,we need to raise all the hell and fight the government until they once again start working for us, not the other way around.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/13 at 10:26:30

"... instead of, say, trying to bring the Republican Party into the 21st Century, recruiting new candidates, registering new voters — have at it, fellas."

You do realize that these antics only serve to the Republican party look like idiots?...
Much like the 50 or so futile attempts to repeal Obamacare...

Instead of taking any serious action to make a better country, these guys just waste taxpayer money with grandstanding...
... and you are cheering them?... :-?...

They may as well just threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue...
It's childish...

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by oldNslow on 09/14/13 at 10:53:58

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
"... instead of, say, trying to bring the Republican Party into the 21st Century, recruiting new candidates, registering new voters — have at it, fellas."

You do realize that these antics only serve to the Republican party look like idiots?...
Much like the 50 or so futile attempts to repeal Obamacare...

Instead of taking any serious action to make a better country, these guys just waste taxpayer money with grandstanding...
... and you are cheering them?... :-?...

They may as well just threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue...
It's childish...

Im not cheering anyone. I said in another thread on this topic that the likelyhood of something like this actually happening was just about zero. And that the first step to fixing things was term limits - for all federal elected offices at the very least.

My comment about "West New York" was made mostly in jest. I thought that was obvious.

And the Republicans don't need my help( or anyone elses) to look like idiots. They've got that one pretty much down pat.

On the other hand, a state splitting into two seperate political entities is not whithout precedent. West Virginia did just that because the people in what was once that part of Virginia were mostly anti-slavery, and were not willing to leave the union. The political division between the rural/more conservative regions and the large/more liberal leaning areas of a number of states have become just as stark and possibly irreconcilable as  the ones that caused the Virginia, West Virginia split.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/14/13 at 11:11:31

Bot I refereed to the government, not any particular party. They're all crooks and they want whats best for themselves. Do they work for us, no. Should they, yes. I started this out as bipartisan. Obama has lied as much as any of the other polirticians, he's trying to crumble the Constitution and Bill of rights and I don't give a flying furk what party he says he belongs to. Same for a lot of the state goverments. Theres been wars our whole lives. Dems and Pubs are responsible, that's why this discussion should remain bipartisan.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/13 at 11:37:00

It's only fringe "Tea Party" Republicans that keep talking about secession...

You can't have a non-partisan discussion on a politically one-sided topic...

If Dem's were doing it,..  and I'd say it was idiotic then too...

Taking your ball, and going home.. is crybaby politics...
They should do some work,.. make things better,.. not just cry and whine and threaten to go home...

This is the same thing as the secession threats,... just through a different loophole...
It's a joke...

Where is the patriotism in this?...  Rep's need to stop waving those flags... and get those stickers off their bumpers...
They hate America enough to want to leave...

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/13 at 11:46:25

I apologize for ranting... (and not even grumpy today)... ;D...

It's just tiring hearing every over the edge nut go on about breaking up the country,... when they all know it's just a showboat...
If they don't like America anymore,.. there's the door... just pack your crap and move...
Enough of the silliness...

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/14/13 at 12:47:10

Why build a new home when you can remodel what once was a good home. To me this forum is a debate, I don't expext everyone to agree with me and I don't get mad or fly off the handle when they do disagree Its a beautiful day here. Bot go get in a ride and stop and get you a cold one. Take care my friend.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by oldNslow on 09/14/13 at 13:09:39

It's just tiring hearing every over the edge nut go on about breaking up the country,...

This discussion was actually about parts of STATES dividing themselves into smaller states. That's quite different from breaking up the country.

And calling anyone who thinks it might be a viable political soloution to a political problem in some locations is a bit over the top.

There is a huge part of my state - New York - where the prevailing, political attitudes are quite at odds with those of the downstate countys that drive the political decisions that affect everyone in the state. Workable compromise has been virtually impossible for many years on a lot of issues and as a result we have one of the most dysfunctional state governments in the country. I don't see things getting better any time soon. Politics as usual is not going to fix this. Neither is pissing and moaning about Dems vs. repubs, or simply calling one another names.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/14/13 at 13:22:18

Bot you suggested moving to another country. Its wrong to let crooked, warmongering evil sociopathic politicians run us out of out home. I'll die with a gun in my hand before I let those crooked bastards in Washington run me off. Chicago is now bulldozing peoples houses to build a casino. Immanent Domain. If it was for a school or road I would go along with it, but a casino, no. Bot the day will come sooner than I thought that you will have to decide to stand with the government or the people. Sorry to bother you grumpy, now go enjoy yourself.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Trippah on 09/14/13 at 13:28:29

OldNslow - I see here in Syracuse the Republican Party may not even field a candidate for mayor.    When did Syracuse move to Massachusetts (a real live 1 party fiasco.) ;D

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/14/13 at 13:30:40

Did the current mayor do a good job and no one wants to try and beat him?

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/13 at 14:27:09

I know it's cliche' to say, "just leave"...
... and it's said to lot's of people that just disagree with something that's happening...
... but,.. this constant talk of states breaking away,... or civil war,... and this Maryland thing (which is only a veiled attempt at some other method of removing itself from the US)...

These are literally people making the statement that they want to leave, but don't want to pack...
So, I say they should just leave... (and I know they won't because it's all just posturing)...
You guys know it too... You're just enjoying it, because you agree with it... but you know it isn't in any way real...

Now,... "Obama" has a mice problem...  
Yes,... Obama has it...  after all, he's responsible for everything...
... and yes,.. it would be funny... if you were joking... but, you aren't...

I'm gonna' just leave you guyz to it for while...
Look down the page... it's just irrational blather coming from the radio/net right-wing hate machine regurgitated...
... and most of you are so isolated in your extremes that you refuse to associate with the right anymore...
You're only not Right because it's not far right enough...

The problem here is talk... the radio, net, even TT extremism...
Enjoy yourselves... you're only talking to yourselves anymore...

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by oldNslow on 09/14/13 at 14:31:31

OldNslow - I see here in Syracuse the Republican Party may not even field a candidate for mayor.  

Probably the same situation we have here in Rochester. The enrollment is so overwhelming Democrat that the Republican party figures that city races are a waste of time, talent and money that could better be spent in the suburban districts.

Plus, our last few mayors - all Democrats - have been pretty decent, and pretty popular. They have all tried to keep spending under control, while dealing with a declining tax base, truly lousy schools, which they have very little control over, and the demise of what was once this city's largest employer - Kodak.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by oldNslow on 09/14/13 at 14:54:18

and this Maryland thing (which is only a veiled attempt at some other method of removing itself from the US)...

No, it's not. Reread the article if you care to.

Now,... "Obama" has a mice problem...  
Yes,... Obama has it...  after all, he's responsible for everything...
... and yes,.. it would be funny... if you were joking... but, you aren't...

Neither did I, or anywhere in the article, say the the problem was Obama's fault. The story actually had nothing to do with Obama except for the fact that his name was mentioned in the headline because he happens to be the current resident of the building that the article is actually about.

You're right - I think you need to take a break before you blow a gasket :)

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by WD on 09/14/13 at 18:05:36

The day I retire I'm selling everything I own and will be heading to a German enclave in Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, or Brazil. Unless the USA has managed to dynamite itself out of the festering cesspool it has fallen deeper into since the late 1960s.

The country's majority seems to be more concerned with getting something, in reality everything, for nothing. Factor the welfare dregs, those too young to have a job, those too lazy to have a job, the "student athletes" who demand (and receive) straight As for at best D level work, the employed who's main goal in life is to skim as much as they can w/o getting caught...

Supposedly, everyone in this country has the same access to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don't see anywhere that the paperwork says "Sit on your fat, lazy, entitlement mentality a$$ and the government will spoil you rotten while destroying anyone who shows personal initiative, responsibility, and personal/social morals".

The "Big 2" are sides of the same double faced coin. You have the same symptoms of rot in both parties: kiddie fiddlers, thieves, rapists, con men, tax cheats, adulterers, race traitors, common traitors, and treason (selling out U.S. interests to anybody who will line their pockets).

I haven't flown a US flag in years. There are 3 flags that rotate through display at my place... the Jolly Roger, the Southern Cross (Confederate battle flag) and the Blood Flag/Black Cross (Third Reich). When the country returns to being the USA instead of a wholly owned puppet of Communist China or Israel, I might consider flying a US flag again.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by pgambr on 09/14/13 at 18:30:14

A very romantic ideal; although, everything south of the boarder is run by cartels in partnership with 3rd world dictators.  May not Costa Rica, but if we had enough money to live there we would probably be there.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/17/13 at 01:02:26

7A6C7B667E6B667D090 wrote:
"... instead of, say, trying to bring the Republican Party into the 21st Century, recruiting new candidates, registering new voters — have at it, fellas."

You do realize that these antics only serve to the Republican party look like idiots?...
Much like the 50 or so futile attempts to repeal Obamacare...

Instead of taking any serious action to make a better country, these guys just waste taxpayer money with grandstanding...
... and you are cheering them?... :-?...

They may as well just threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue...
It's childish...

I'm not a Republican and the canditates they run look like serious idiots. Wahington is doing nothing but giving us a hard time and if we can cause them a little trouble I'm all for it. Bot what kind of serious action would you take to make this country better? I'll leave you with this, I'm losing two of my best doctors because of Obamacare and the Corp's are gonna cut the workweek back to 30 hrs to avoid paying benefits and hire more temps. I talked to my rheumatologist last week and he said most of the time from now on you'll be seeing a nurse or PA. Obamacare as it stands right now is a clusterfuk that is gonna create more trouble than it fixes.. Are you for it just because you're a Democrat. I'm all for insurance for everyone but we can do better than that. With a 30 hr workweek the whole payment is coming out of your pocket.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by Midnightrider on 09/17/13 at 01:18:07

WD the government did away with our jobs and a vast # of people found out they can sit on their A$$ and let the government keep them up. Those of us with a high school education cant live off of what the corps. wanna pay us. Going into business for yourself takes a lot of money.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by WD on 09/17/13 at 05:27:45

I found out my off farm job is going to be 32 hours as the target. That's district wide. 90 miles per day commute for less than full time... I'm not happy about that, and Lisa blew a gasket over it.

And to top that, it is going to seriously impact this year's pecan and walnut harvests... in a heavy crop year.


The next time Germany or Ireland has an "Americans, come home" repatriation event, I may just take one or the other up on it. Or I'll renew my medical certificate and head to Australia to drive the road trains in the Outback.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/17/13 at 07:11:25

1300440 wrote:
I found out my off farm job is going to be 32 hours as the target. That's district wide. 90 miles per day commute for less than full time... I'm not happy about that, and Lisa blew a gasket over it.

And to top that, it is going to seriously impact this year's pecan and walnut harvests... in a heavy crop year.


The next time Germany or Ireland has an "Americans, come home" repatriation event, I may just take one or the other up on it. Or I'll renew my medical certificate and head to Australia to drive the road trains in the Outback.

Well,, WD, That looks likie there is gonna be a real, measurable & significant Cost involved in taking that job. YOu gotta add vehicle maintenance to the fuel costs & the difference in food costs for you & any clothes the job may require. All that plus the harvest losses? Daaang.. Sounds like youd be better off buyin & flippin cars.

Title: Re: Maryland gets on board !
Post by WD on 09/17/13 at 19:22:20

I'd rather be in a motorcycle or hot rod shop, but the economy here is still in the septic tank. I can't turn down a sure thing, and hope that a job closer to home opens up. I CAN take the sure thing, and in a few months, put in for a transfer.

Have my new cam chain tensioner, have a jet kit, picking up a Road King Police solo seat and a set of take off Road King bars later this week. Will get the Savage rewired on my days off, get it licensed/insured, and back in service. I'm even putting the not required here, but since Memphians drive with their heads up their butts I'm going to run them, turn signals back on. And dual tail/brake lights once I find the other one. Lower bars and jetted back down into the common sense zone, with fully inflated tires, I should be in the mid to upper 60s mpg range at local highway/secondary road speeds.

I'll make it work until I can get my new shop set up and start building clientele, until then, I'm picking up side jobs at an indie shop a friend is starting. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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