General Category >> The Cafe >> You did Whuuut!??

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/13 at 10:19:15

Title: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/13 at 10:19:15

We have some pretty different folks in this bunch O bike riders. People who have had to be a bit more than the average schmuck to get where they got. Then, there are the rest of us.. Im pretty happy with my work history, I always had desires to know how to weld, paint( I Really got over that one), run equipment, mechanic, do body work, home electrical, stuff like that. I never answered "The question" with I wanna be a Fireman!

LIke many, I started mowing yards as a pre-teen. My G/Pa was ditching a mower cuz he couldnt start it any more. He said I could have it if I could get it running,. Needed rings, but it ran. Graduated to a paper route, then sacker, first of 6 or 8 kids hired that day to get araise & first promoted to checker & then stocker. All boring stuff, but,, a kids gotta start Somewhere.

That said, IF I could have I would have been happy to spend my days in a machine shop or welding shop or hang with a mechanic when I was 12.
I think hanging with a mechanic is pretty safe & a good mechanic can make a Fine living,,

So,, what were your dreams & aspirations? Did you somehow get thrust into something you never dreamed of doing?
What was your favorite job?

Hey, Digger,, How did you get that job?

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/13 at 10:36:54

In kindergarten when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up,...
I answered, "A spider"...
This created some concern...  :-?...

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by WD on 09/05/13 at 12:01:43

Funny, I got in a lot of trouble when they asked me in first or second grade and I replied... "A Hell's Angel"... I got bored with that really quickly.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/13 at 13:02:43

I wernt to school with a guy who wanted to make the FBI Top 10 most wanted,, Hewas a complete Loser,,no friends, teachers were always having to send him to the office,, total PITA.,,

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Steve H on 09/05/13 at 13:24:13

I never did really have an answer for them when they asked that question.  I always knew I wanted to fix stuff.  Machinery was always a big fascination with me.  

I spent twenty years in the computer business as a repair tech, installer, and network engineer.  I have programmed PLC's for plastic injection molding machines. Did that for a couple years until the mismanaged company folded. Now, I'm in printing again.  Press operator and typesetter.  

I've always wrenched on my own stuff.  Consequently I've had a lot of junk cause I was the only one that could keep it going. Slowly teaching myself to weld.  It ain't pretty but it don't let go. I can do a tolerable rattle can job.  Wish I knew a lot more about painting motorcycles, cars and stuff like that.  I've had my fill of house painting over the years.

WD I bet you did cause quite a stir with that one.
Sero...A spider? These days they'd put you through all sorts of psychological testing for saying something like that.

Looks like everybody turned out good, though. Guess there's something to be said for growing up.  

There's a very diverse bunch on here.  You can almost always get help on just about anything.  That's great to have on a forum.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by rl153 on 09/05/13 at 17:17:07

My father owned an electical buisness, I worked there till I was sent to work in a scrap yard when things slowed down.i bought a truck and started hauling metal to  the scrap yard.At first I thought it was cool to  have a buisness, until people started refering to me as junk man.After  13 years ,I went to work in a fruit  stand, for 5 years,They closed down,and I got a job at a bicycle shop,assembling bikes.The boss there was not nice,so I got a job doing maintenance at a plumbing shop part time,where I currently work.Nothing like having a focused career.
What i wanted to do as a kid was teach karate,but I gave that up after realising I wasn't too tough.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Charon - FSO on 09/05/13 at 17:59:12

I enlisted in the Air Force right out of high school, and spent twenty years in electronics. When I retired I lucked into a job in biomedical electronics in a local hospital. After something over fifteen years there I got tired of carrying a pager, and tried over-the-road trucking. That didn't last long. I then was in my mid-fifties, and discovered that despite laws against age discrimination in hiring, it is alive and well. I got a job with a company making electronic reader boards, and when the parent company sold it I got "downsized." By then I was able to start drawing Social Security retirement, and along with my Air Force retirement I can manage. I also found a part time job driving school buses for the local school district. That provides the "mad money."

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/13 at 22:23:24

I also found a part time job driving school buses for the local school district. That provides the "mad money."

If I drove a bus Id need a TON of "Mad Money",, cuz when I wasnt  mad ( angry), Id be  "Mad" crazy..

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by ToesNose on 09/06/13 at 04:13:59

Hmm so many jobs in my life, funny this topic should come up I had a dream a few nights ago about most of the jobs I've done over the years.

-Paper Route
-Working at Grandma's local candy store
-Gofer at a record studio (got to hang out and play foosball with the Stray Cats!)
-Telemarketer (very sort stint...worse job ever!!)
-Warehouse grunt
-Sign shop worker
-Pizza maker
-Stock boy
-Ambulette driver, later followed by manager of said business
-Auto parts counterman/delivery driver
-Real Estate Title Examiner (was my main career for 20+ years but always had 2 or 3 jobs)
-R&D for textile machinery manufacturer
-Computer technician
-GC helper
-Mr. Mom for 4 years (the hardest job on the list)
-Cell phone/touch screen device technician

Oh and I always wanted to be a helicopter pilot!!!!!!!!   ::)

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Pine on 09/06/13 at 06:19:56

Thankfully what I did when I was young .. had little effect on what I became.

When I was around twelve I would mow yards ... making $10 per yard, I could rake in $40 - $70 per weekend. This would be about 1976 or so.
My first paycheck came from nepotism, dad got me a job where he worked. I would wash "hoghair" filters, boil grease traps in acid, and cut and roll up fiberglass filters to spec for the installers to take on site. This got me enough money in one summer to buy my first car (I was 14) ... 1966 mustang. Which got stolen the night before I was to take possession. Leading to my second car that summer.. a 1968 Mustang.
Then on to McDonalds, Kogers which lasted me through junior college.

I taught computers at a local "tech college" while attending USM to get my BSBA in MIS.
I pulled about 1 year in the private sector at a hardware re-seller for AS/400, with Hospital software, before landing my first state job as a programmer. Been with the state ever since.

Now prior to 1975, I wanted to be doctor/psychiatrist... but in 1976 the high brought their first "micro-computer" into the school ( Tandy Model 1). That was it .. I was hooked. Been riding the computer thing ever since.

I was always a "good" kid. Mostly just too shy/scared to be anything else.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/13 at 08:36:18

R&D for textile machinery manufacturer..

I like that idea..
& fl;ying was a deep hidden desire,I Did fly some, never a copter, but before I was 13 Id flown in & handled the controls on several smallplanes.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by babyhog on 09/06/13 at 10:55:41

Interesting stuff.  Thanks JOG, I like reading this kind of stuff...  we are a diverse bunch, for sure.  Aint it funny how one crazy bike attracts such a range of folks?

I guess I was a fairly smart kid in school.  All my sisters and brother were too.  Thought when I started college that I'd go the computer programming route, but got a part-time job with the state in the hunting and fishing license office, turned out to be good at auditing and figuring out "what the heck happened" and decided that programming wasn't for me.  Finished my degree anyway, but stayed working in the accounting field.  Went through accounts payable, to bank reconciliations, receivables, payroll... then started working more with inventories and job costing and liked that.  Did some customer service work, started learning how to manage a service department (manager was gonna retire) but then Hubby and I decided to relocate.  Now I'm back to general accounting and payroll again.
Never made a living at it, but always wished I could have made money at upholstery work, sewing, or woodworking.  

Oh, when I was little, I wanted to be a gymnast!    :)

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by ZAR on 09/06/13 at 11:23:06

I guess the only thing I wanted to be(outside being like Roy Rodgers or Sky King...if yer under 50 ya might need to goggle those!) was a farmer. Grew up un a farm and was always with Pa or my uncle doing some sort of chores around the farm and pitching hay,picking tomatos,working in tobacco or building fence for neighbors. Did the FFA thing in high school but when I got out it hit me I'd never make a living at farming.

That was 1973. Factory jobs paid very well back then and I had my pick of several to work for. Then hit Jimmy Carters "Arab Oil Embargo". Factory jobs went to crap with huge layoffs.

Back to farmhand work for a year or so,then got on a powerline construction crew for one summer.

From that point on,my work varied. I've worked at....

*building maintenance
*retail farm supply
*custom crop spraying(strictly on the ground)
*supervised custodial and maintenance crews for  2500 student high school
*drove  a dedicated run hauling auto parts to plants
*was grounds director for a nature preserve
*drove a tri-axle dump truck
*pickup & delivery for a large mower shop

and now parts counter/sales person for the same mower shop/Kubota dealer. It's been a wild ride but coming up on 60 I realise I've been way too hard on this old body and I'm looking to the time I can slow down a bit. With the way things are going that'll be when I hit 80 I think >:(

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/13 at 16:46:49

272425282A30490 wrote:
Interesting stuff.  Thanks JOG, I like reading this kind of stuff...  we are a diverse bunch, for sure.  Aint it funny how one crazy bike attracts such a range of folks?

I guess I was a fairly smart kid in school.  All my sisters and brother were too.  Thought when I started college that I'd go the computer programming route, but got a part-time job with the state in the hunting and fishing license office, turned out to be good at auditing and figuring out "what the heck happened" and decided that programming wasn't for me.  Finished my degree anyway, but stayed working in the accounting field.  Went through accounts payable, to bank reconciliations, receivables, payroll... then started working more with inventories and job costing and liked that.  Did some customer service work, started learning how to manage a service department (manager was gonna retire) but then Hubby and I decided to relocate.  Now I'm back to general accounting and payroll again.
Never made a living at it, but always wished I could have made money at upholstery work, sewing, or woodworking.  

You can run equipment,, right?

Oh, when I was little, I wanted to be a gymnast!    :)

You can run equipment,, right?

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Starlifter on 09/06/13 at 18:02:53

I would like to be lawyer, but I cannot pass a bar. :P

…Seriously though, I wanted to be a lunar astronaut. Didn’t make it of course, but I did get to do a whole lot of flying.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by photojoe on 09/06/13 at 18:50:50

I knew I wanted to be a photographer when I picked up my first issue of Playboy at the tender age of.....don't remember but I did drop my skateboard when I opened the centerfold.

Musician, drywall finisher, framer, cab driver, truck driver delivering pizza supplies  around the 5 boroughs of NYC.

Stayed in Drywall for 15 years, made good money doing it.

Stayed in photography for 15 years, left the business last year. Should change my handle at some point.

Been working at at gun range since last year, mostly selling guns but do have my Instructor/range officer certs and do work the range on occasion. By far the most fun job I've ever had, and the most happy I can remember being at any job.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by gizzo on 09/07/13 at 01:42:24

My first job, still at school, was sh!t kicker at a glazing company. Learned to make screens, cut glass, glaze windows and what it's like to earn a living. After school, trained as a heavy diesel mechanic in an open cut mine. Then went to work in an outback garage working on everything from chainsaws to motorcycles to cars, 4wd, trucks and earthmoving stuff, panelbeating, painting and rescue and recovery trips into the simpson desert. I must have mended thousands of punctures there. Moved to the city, had a couple years as stock control/ delivery at a 4WD workshop then a couple more years as a lab technician in an experimental fish farm (after some training in my spare time). Last 10 years, I've been working with intellectually disabled people. It's great and I get paid to do stuff I love doing anyway and helping others achieve their goals. I also do occasional tandem paraglider piloting in the spare time. Now, am studying to be a librarian.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by NorCalRider on 09/07/13 at 18:46:21

When I was in elementary school I wanted to be a fighter pilot but then got diagnosed with near-sightedness and wore coke-bottle glasses (and got made fun of). And there went that dream.

After that it was just boring studies all throughout. Went to college and got a degree in electrical engineering but caught the computer bug and never practiced EE. Instead started with computer repair, then moved on to networking and then into computer forensics. These days I work for a high tech company in their computer security department. And have a lot of fun keeping the bad guys out.

I always wanted to learn to operate and fix machines and weld but never got around. May be now that I am older...

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/13 at 23:56:19

Go get a welder & some sticks &  junk metal,,Have fun.,

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by babyhog on 09/08/13 at 16:50:36

You can run equipment,, right?

Me?  Nah... Well maybe a little but nothing major.  Never seen a piece of equipment my hubby couldn't run though.  He's learned me a little....

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/09/13 at 03:39:42

I thot I saw you on a trencher.. Ive never been on anything I couldnt run. I REally want a shot at a crane,

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by PerrydaSavage on 09/09/13 at 04:51:55

Interesting topic!

My first job, which I started at age 12 and continued for a few years, was delivering newspapers … from then on I managed to had some sort of income with a variety of summer jobs until I finished college …

Helper on an Ice Cream delivery truck, Laborer with a Moving Company, Cashier in a Convenience Store, Labor/Maintenance with Power Utility, Landscape Foreman, Assistant with Survey Crew …  

From a small boy I had been fascinated with Aircraft and the Space Program and so thought that I might end up as an Aeronautical Engineer and excelled in Physics in High School … turned out that that program wasn’t offered locally, so ended up taking Architectural and Engineering Technology in College and have been employed as a Engineering Technologist for the past 32 years … have tired of it though, as most who have worked at the same profession for over a quarter century. In 2008 I decided to become a Certified Instructor with a local Motorcycle Training Program and have been doing that every summer since and find it very, very rewarding!

If I had my druthers?? Well I LOVE history (particularly 20th Century & WW2) and have always thought that I’d have made a good High School History teacher!

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Midnightrider on 09/09/13 at 05:22:09

Went to town and got a workers permit when I was 12. By the way I started paying SS then. I worked for a feed and seed mill and did local maintenance work at a church. When I graduated I was hired by RJR Tobacco Co. to work on machinery there. I feel guilty about making all those cigarettes but it supported my family in style. I have 2 of the best mannered, hard working,easy going kids in the world and I'm not saying it because they're mine. Maybe my purpose in life was to bring them into this world. I'd rather had a job helping people out instead of poisoning them but I only had a high school education and sometimes you have to play the cards you're dealt.

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by babyhog on 09/09/13 at 10:30:01

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
I thot I saw you on a trencher.. Ive never been on anything I couldnt run. I REally want a shot at a crane,

Ha!  I maybe posted a pic when we were digging the ditch for our underground electric at our camp.  Hubby still points out the "hole" I dug at the top of the driveway!  I still say it was his instructions that caused me to dig too deep in the wrong place...   ;)

Perry mentions ice cream.... I'd never be able to work near ice cream.  I'd eat my whole pay check in ice cream!  Love the stuff....

And Midnight... from a smoker... don't feel bad.  I certainly don't hold you responsible for MY bad habit.  If you hadn't done your job, someone else woulda.  So if it supported your family, then I'm happy for you!    

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Serowbot on 09/09/13 at 12:02:37

When I was a kid, I worked one summer making corn dogs and cotton candy at a carnival...

I ate that paycheck... ;D... (not really,.. I didn't tell the boss)... :-/...

Title: Re: You did Whuuut!??
Post by Ralph_86-Savage on 09/09/13 at 12:39:30

I started at 15 as a bagger/stock boy at a local small grocery store.  I worked there through high school to buy and pay off my Chevelle.  I started college and began working 3/4 the year for a rafting company.  I worked as maintenance, a driver, builder, lawn cutter, security and anything else they would let me do to get as many hours as possible.  I would make enough to get laid off after gauley season(end of October) till the next march and be able to pay bills and afford to drive to college.  
I went to West Virginia Institute of Technology(now WVUIT) and got a degree Civil Engineering Technology.  I married in 2006, graduated college in 2007 and have been working as a Mining Engineer ever since.  I like the coal industry, but never knowing if you will have a job the next day sure does takes its toll on ya.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Conservation Office(game warden) until I found out I could make more money working at the local gas station.  :-/ » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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