General Category >> The Cafe >> Hog Damage

Message started by babyhog on 09/03/13 at 05:13:29

Title: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/03/13 at 05:13:29

Not the Harley hog kind... the real wild hog kind.

My corn field.... just over 48 hours... demolished....    :'(

Got several hundred pictures of the basterds.  As many as 6 in some photos.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by old_rider on 09/03/13 at 05:39:37

Don't you own a gun? There is meat there for a couple of families! Got to be a small town butcher somewhere near you that will cut it up for free if you give him some of the meat.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by WD on 09/03/13 at 05:49:05

If you aren't up to shooting them yourself, get a couple locals to stake out the field with their deer guns. Simple problem, simple solution. Wild hogs are vermin, check the hunting regs, TN has declared them a nuisance species with eradication orders on them.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/03/13 at 06:23:38

Not a single qualm here about shooting the boogers.  I planted the corn for the deer, not these scoundrels.  

This is at my "camp" which we primarily use on weekends, especially during hunting season.  Its about 60 miles from my home.  I have several trail cameras out, so I know where they are travelling now.  Didn't know it until this weekend though, while I was there doing some work to the place.  A set of three of them came within 20 yards of the back of the house, but I had taken my rifle back home.  (didn't know there was a little 410 in the closet)  Went home Sunday and back there yesterday, set out to shoot a few of them, but couldn't find them.  They are fair game to kill here too... anytime, by any means.  Vermin as WD said.  And bacon and ham are 2 of my favorite meats!   ;)    Hope to go back this evening after work....  

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Pine on 09/03/13 at 08:57:32

That's insane damage in one night. Yep vermin here as well.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Dave on 09/03/13 at 11:59:49

Weeee, weeeee, weeee.....BOOM!................... ;D

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by verslagen1 on 09/03/13 at 12:20:06

Huey, Duey and Dead.   8-)

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/03/13 at 12:21:26

Good one Dave!   ;D

Here's another pic, from above, for another perspective.  This is a deep power-line right-o-way that cuts through the middle of our property.  The "red" trees were sprayed by the power company earlier this year.  This is taken from a knoll above the corn plot, with a stream running left to right immediately below me. There's another small stream just behind the row of trees just beyond the corn, and snakes its way around through there.  The camera that took the pics above is on a tree in the bottom right corner of this shot.  

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by WD on 09/03/13 at 14:19:03

.223 or a .22-250, .22 Swift, etc will drop them in their tracks. I've taken them in south MS with a 35# longbow or even a plain old .22 long rifle. I carry a .45 cap and ball Ruger revolver loaded with 50gr equivalent of FFFg specification 777 black powder substitute if I'm in the back 15-20 acres. Or a 4" barrel S&W N frame .44 Special with 246gr lead flat point or copper flat point ammo.  Either is more than sufficient.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by stinger on 09/03/13 at 14:50:40

Not a a issue out here in the northwest.  Are they pretty common in that neck of the woods?  Are they good eating or too tough? Out here in this politically correct, sissy part of the world, people would be lining the street taking photos and if you shot one you would be all over the front page of the newspaper and the lead story on the nightly news.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by WD on 09/03/13 at 16:47:09

1215080F060413610 wrote:
Not a a issue out here in the northwest.  Are they pretty common in that neck of the woods?  Are they good eating or too tough? Out here in this politically correct, sissy part of the world, people would be lining the street taking photos and if you shot one you would be all over the front page of the newspaper and the lead story on the nightly news.

Good eating and tenderness depends on their diet, climate and terrain. South MS swamp pigs are inedible unless you are truly desperate. They make good gator bait though... if you are lucky enough to draw a harvest permit. Didn't bother this year, even though there are huge bull gators at our vacation place in Bay St Louis MS. 2 record gators caught out of the MS River this past weekend.

Common? Depends on your locale, hogs are a plague/scourge in central and eastern TN, fairly rare in my section (30-40 miles north of Memphis).

I'm originally from the Tacoma WA area. You want to see the city sissies there go bonkers? I'm allowed 3 does per day, in three different seasons. And one phone call to the Fish and Game folks lets me hunt year round, no bag limits, since I live on a working farm with its own pecan/walnut nurseries. Heck I don't even need a duck stamp...  8-)

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Starlifter on 09/03/13 at 17:57:55

"I planted the corn for the deer, not these scoundrels."  
I put out seeds for the birds, now I feed the squirrels and raccoons. :D

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/03/13 at 18:59:31

3C3B2621282A3D4F0 wrote:
Not a a issue out here in the northwest.  Are they pretty common in that neck of the woods?  Are they good eating or too tough? Out here in this politically correct, sissy part of the world, people would be lining the street taking photos and if you shot one you would be all over the front page of the newspaper and the lead story on the nightly news.

I've had trail cams on that property for 7-8 years. The only other pig pics I have gotten was in Oct 2011 and only one occurrence.  But after a little research, I discovered there is a property within 30-40 miles of mine that offers hog hunts.  Escapees from there?  Maybe. I really don't know.  And I don't know how they taste any more than what I've read online.  Will let you know if I get to find out personally.  
Side note, I've also gotten coyote pics this year and never gotten them before, but I know they've always been around.

WD, the rifle I use is a Savage 223, so I feel comfortable that I can take some out with it.  Gators luckily aren't a problem here lol.  But I'd love to taste some.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Ralph_86-Savage on 09/04/13 at 06:44:43

Babyhog, there is a place in Milton (a slaughterhouse ) that will fix these right up for ya.  They will even smoke the meat for ya, if you like, for just a few cents extra a pound.  My buddy who lives near me in Fayette County just started raising pigs for meat and has been taking his down there.  He brought out some fresh smoked bacon and sausage a few nights ago and we had a huge breakfast for supper.  I'd never had fresh bacon and I gotta say...It was the best I've had.  
I hear wild hogs taste a little different, but the guys I know that have ate them, said they prefer them over the norm.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/13 at 07:14:40

Im tired of seeing damage By the hogs. I wanna see some damage to the hogs.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Dave on 09/04/13 at 07:26:32

Bacon Bits.....The Universal Fairy Dust of the Food World!

You'all be careful.  A friend of ours is a hunter and a friend of the local game warden.  Evidently some captive wild hogs got loose and were running around in a local state park up in Oxford, Ohio a couple years ago.  The game warden called our friend and said he could use some help, and they went huntin'.  When they found the hogs our friend took the first shot and hit a hog in the head....and it spun around and charged him.....the next shot hit the hog again and it just kept coming....the game warden was on the side and took a shot and hit the hog in the shoulder......and it fell and slid to a stop about 25 feet from our friend.  When they hung the hog up in the garage the back feet were tied to the rafters 8' up and the nose almost touched the floor.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/04/13 at 07:38:24

30030E120A202F620 wrote:
Babyhog, there is a place in Milton (a slaughterhouse ) that will fix these right up for ya.  They will even smoke the meat for ya, if you like, for just a few cents extra a pound.  My buddy who lives near me in Fayette County just started raising pigs for meat and has been taking his down there.  He brought out some fresh smoked bacon and sausage a few nights ago and we had a huge breakfast for supper.  I'd never had fresh bacon and I gotta say...It was the best I've had.  
I hear wild hogs taste a little different, but the guys I know that have ate them, said they prefer them over the norm.

Ralph, I used to work with some guys that use a place in Milton... probably the same place.  I recently moved from Saint Albans to Parkersburg, but grew up in Fayette County.  Smithers until high school.  Had family around Boomer.  Small world huh.  My camp is in Mason Co.  Have a brother-in-law that has raised several pigs (slaughtered the last two last winter).  Fresh bacon is absolutely the most-awesomest!  Of course, as WD pointed out, their taste depends alot on their diet, so you know what the ones you are raising are eating.  I hear these wild ones will chow down on anything.

Ok JOG, I agree, its time to damage the hogs.... load up me weapon...  

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/04/13 at 07:44:21

32090413020E151308000D12610 wrote:
Bacon Bits.....The Universal Fairy Dust of the Food World!

You'all be careful.  A friend of ours is a hunter and a friend of the local game warden.  Evidently some captive wild hogs got loose and were running around in a local state park up in Oxford, Ohio a couple years ago.  The game warden called our friend and said he could use some help, and they went huntin'.  When the hogs our friend took the first shot and hit a hog in the head....and it spun around and charged him.....the next shot hit the hog again and it just kept coming....the game warden was on the side and took a shot and hit the hog in the shoulder......and it fell and slid to a stop about 25 feet from our friend.  When they hung the hog up in the garage the back feet were tied to the rafters 8' up and the nose almost touched the floor.

Thanks for the warning Dave.  Thats a big pig.  It might behoove me to make a phone call or two.  I remember some exotic wild animals getting loose not long ago, somewhere around Zanesville?  Crazy stuff.        

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by WD on 09/04/13 at 10:07:23

Record setting MS jumbo gators are here...

They are some BIG lizards...  :o

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Pine on 09/04/13 at 11:26:58

6F6875727B796E1C0 wrote:
Not a a issue out here in the northwest.  Are they pretty common in that neck of the woods?  Are they good eating or too tough? Out here in this politically correct, sissy part of the world, people would be lining the street taking photos and if you shot one you would be all over the front page of the newspaper and the lead story on the nightly news.

Guess I better not say anything about the half dozen or so feral piglets they killed and ate. Shot the sow... waited a bit and the babies came back to suckle...
Gutted them...and wrapped in foil and threw on the smoker... They said it was fine eating...  wish I had been on it.  

Yeah how about them MS gators... 721 and 724 pounds ... and that's just weekend 1

REAL bacon... OH GAWD!!!!!!!!!!
I have only had it once... bout made me crazy it was soo good.  

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by ToesNose on 09/04/13 at 16:59:43

Fried Gator bites are tasty as long as you don't get a chewy one   :o

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by stinger on 09/05/13 at 02:20:23

For those of us, (you not me) that are looking for a sport a bit more challenging than squirrel hunting of fishing, you might want to gather up friends and family and head out for a relaxing weekend of good ol safe fun!

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/05/13 at 04:41:17

5255484F464453210 wrote:
For those of us, (you not me) that are looking for a sport a bit more challenging than squirrel hunting of fishing, you might want to gather up friends and family and head out for a relaxing weekend of good ol safe fun!

I have no desire to see a live one up that close without a gun in my hand.  "Knife and rope only"....  No thank you.  I've seen it on tv, but no, not my cup of tea.  The nice looking bucks they have, on the other hand, would be awesome!

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by Pine on 09/09/13 at 14:08:41

National Crisis!

Well that's what the local TV said....

So my idea- instead of doing a true up "bounty" ( they say there are more hogs than money to for bounties) .. how about state run hog hunts.

Landowners could ask to be put on a list
Landowner would set a date range ( like not during harvest)
landowner would set aside a parking area
State would hire a guide, maybe someone to gut and haul off said guts
Folks would sign up, pay a small fee and show up with gun in hand

It would work down here  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/09/13 at 14:54:27

Crazy.  I hear they reproduce 2 to 3 times a year and have maybe 10 per litter, so even though that doesn't sound outrageous, its much more than deer and we know how overpopulated the deer can become.

As for mine, I didn't see any this weekend and didn't get any more pics last week, so I guess they cleaned me out and moved on.  Squirrel season starts this coming weekend so although I don't normally squirrel hunt, I think I'll go sit all day Saturday.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by oldNslow on 09/12/13 at 11:32:32

Well, you might not have to shoot them. Just throw them a keg party.

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by babyhog on 09/12/13 at 18:31:40

6B5554584A5657390 wrote:
Well, you might not have to shoot them. Just throw them a keg party.

omg that's funny!  Might get some empty cans at my place, but they ain't gettin my brewskies!  My pug would fight them over it anyway!  He loves the stuff.  

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by stinger on 09/14/13 at 17:46:34

I mentioned in a earlier post how sissy people are out here in the NW and what would happen to you if you ever hurt a pig. this is all over our news this weekend. People are lining up to take pics

Hurt any wildlife out here and it's the same as murder

Title: Re: Hog Damage
Post by WD on 09/14/13 at 19:41:23

393E23242D2F384A0 wrote:
I mentioned in a earlier post how sissy people are out here in the NW and what would happen to you if you ever hurt a pig. this is all over our news this weekend. People are lining up to take pics

Hurt any wildlife out here and it's the same as murder

Yep, you guys can't even eradicate nutria w/o incurring the wrath of the tree hugging, even poison deserves love, whack job set. Portland's nutria problem made the news in the South, and we're infested with the things. At least here we're allowed to shoot them. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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