General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Weakening of America

Message started by Paraquat on 08/28/13 at 09:24:16

Title: Weakening of America
Post by Paraquat on 08/28/13 at 09:24:16

My friend calls it the pussification of America.
When everyone plays soccer instead of football. When they don't count the score and both teams are "winners" and everyone gets a gold medal for participation.

This is done because creating winners and losers is, supposedly, detrimental psychologically to children.

Well here's one for you:

American Enterprise Institute Scholar Christine Hoff Sommers is out with an interesting and incredibly important article in TIME today. Sommers points out how little boys are demonized in our public school systems for simply being boys and playing in a traditional way that is crucial to development and learning. The whole thing is worth a read, but here is an excerpt.

   As school begins in the coming weeks, parents of boys should ask themselves a question: Is my son really welcome? A flurry of incidents last spring suggests that the answer is no. In May, Christopher Marshall, age 7, was suspended from his Virginia school for picking up a pencil and using it to “shoot” a “bad guy” — his friend, who was also suspended. A few months earlier, Josh Welch, also 7, was sent home from his Maryland school for nibbling off the corners of a strawberry Pop-Tart to shape it into a gun. At about the same time, Colorado’s Alex Evans, age 7, was suspended for throwing an imaginary hand grenade at “bad guys” in order to “save the world.”

   In all these cases, school officials found the children to be in violation of the school’s zero-tolerance policies for firearms, which is clearly a ludicrous application of the rule. But common sense isn’t the only thing at stake here. In the name of zero tolerance, our schools are becoming hostile environments for young boys.

   Girls occasionally run afoul of these draconian policies; but it is mostly boys who are ensnared. Boys are nearly five times more likely to be expelled from preschool than girls. In grades K-12, boys account for nearly 70% of suspensions, often for minor acts of insubordination and defiance.

But are boys getting expelled from school because they are terribly misbehaved? Hardly. They're being expelled thanks to a lack of common sense in our school system and ridiculous one-size fits all, no-tolerance policies. Not to mention, the political correctness run amok isn't helping. Take for example schools that require children to play "tug of peace" instead of "tug of war," something Sommers points out in her piece.

Boys will be boys and should be allowed to be boys inside our school systems with guidance from rational adults, not nanny state overlords.

Weak and pathetic.


Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WD on 08/28/13 at 09:59:42

"Tug of Peace? Uh huh... knowing the "tastes" of modern educators, "free thinking" scout leaders, and warped clergy... probably is really "tug a piece"...  >:(

How many more of the "paths to happiness" laid out in The Communist Manifesto will this country go merrily skipping, fumbling and stumbling down?

Little boys are evil, psychotic, sociopathic blights on society... always have been, it is in their genetic programming. 95% or better grow out of it. How about the school systems go back to teaching, instead of neutering...

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Pine on 08/28/13 at 11:12:10

This is absolutely a problem in my home town. It make me reel with anger with how my own child has been treated:

Suspended for 1 day:

my son and another boy were "fighting" for a spot in line. They knew they could not really do anything.. so they used their feet both on the ground to push the other boys foot on the ground.. No kicking.. no hitting.. and mostly it was just being silly. They both were suspended for fighting. This was third grade.

My son goes to church with another boy that rode the same bus home. They are good friends. While walking past the other boy my reached out and hit him on the head. It was playing.. there were no tears.. no anger.. just a kind of "got ya"... My son was suspended for one day for fighting.  This was second grade.

My son used a straw and "spitwad" from a napkin. The spitwad was not very heavy... it was more just rolled up napkin.  It didn't go very far and fell on another childs plate. 3 days suspension.. 6th grade.

My son went with the family to my wifes parents farm. he was to go hunting with Pawpaw for the first time. He used his school backpack to "pack up" for the hunting trip. This was in November. In December near Christmas break he was walking home from school, has he walked and talked he fumbled with a little used pocket on the pack... out dropped the knife he had packed for the hunting trip. At the time he was in the middle of the street. But the crossing guard saw it forced him back to school. The police were called, and me of course. No charges were brought, but my son was kicked out of public school and had to finish the year in alternative school.  8th grade.

Another lady from my church was fired from being a classroom helper. Her offense? She hugged the children to much.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 08/28/13 at 18:12:03

Sounds like your child needs better parenting.…just sayin.

A “tug of piece” is such an outrage that you righties have to go nuts over the name of a kids game??

As for another lamentation:

“How about the school systems go back to teaching, instead of neutering”.

How about irresponsible gun owners take measures to prevent their children from bringing loaded guns to school.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WD on 08/28/13 at 20:11:29

How about irresponsible gun owners take measures to prevent their children from bringing loaded guns to school.

Agreed, but I always felt cheated when I found out that my high school, before it went coed, had JROTC and an indoor rifle range... and driver training. Felt doubly cheated when the college level ROTC program only had access to an obsolete indoor rimfire range, that has since been closed down.

Nothing wrong with teaching somebody to shoot, once they display the personal discipline to recognize that all guns, even air guns, come with great responsibility. Country children here still start hunting around ages 4-6, city kids find a gun and take it to school... We were allowed to bring hunting guns to school, and I graduated in 1991. Turn them into the WW2 USMC Master Gunnery Sgt that was the school discipline official to hold until after school. Never a problem.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Steve H on 08/31/13 at 08:52:55

I agree completely.  We need schools that teach their students how to think not what to think.

When I was in school we never had any problems with guns on campus.  We had several people who had their hunting gun on racks in their pickup trucks. Never had one incident with any gun.  The difference between being taught responsibility and being told don't do that??? We all carried pocket knives.  Never had any problems with knife fights either.  We all knew the damage a knife could do. We were taught that weapons are for life and death situations. An argument, especially between school kids, is not life and death. We had plenty of fights, hair pulling, clothes ripping, face ground in the dirt, etc. but nobody ever pulled any sort of weapon.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Midnightrider on 08/31/13 at 19:11:15

If everyone wins and gets a trophy there is absolutely no incentive to improve one's self. American schools suck and are getting worse.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/31/13 at 21:52:10

0D2A3F2C3237382A3B2C5E0 wrote:
Sounds like your child needs better parenting.…just sayin.

A “tug of piece” is such an outrage that you righties have to go nuts over the name of a kids game??

As for another lamentation:

“How about the school systems go back to teaching, instead of neutering”.

How about irresponsible gun owners take measures to prevent their children from bringing loaded guns to school.

Well Star, sometimes you really nail; it.. This time.,l,.absolute, 100% retardation,,That has to be the singlemost NON response Ive seen,
look up non sequitur

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WebsterMark on 09/01/13 at 05:34:47

Pine: did star just say you suck as a parent?.... Wow

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WD on 09/01/13 at 08:00:28

Sure sounded that way Web.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/13 at 11:42:55

Never let it be said thatStar knows how to keep his comments on point,,
Typical girly fighting, drag up anything to try to diminish the person opposite,, regardless if its germane to the argument

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by oldNslow on 09/01/13 at 12:25:18

Sommers points out how little boys are demonized in our public school systems for simply being boys

What's far worse than the relatively trivial PC nonsense cited in the article, is the numbers of perfectly normal young boys that are misdiadgnosed as having behaviorial syndromes like ADHD and forced into unnecessary drug therapy just because their teachers don't know how (or don't want to try) to deal with normal rambunctious male children.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/13 at 13:08:32

How Schools Are Making Big Money On 'ADD/ADHD' -
How Schools Are Making Big Money On 'ADD/ADHD' "The so-called learning disorders have, sadly, become a way for financially strapped schools to make ends meet." - Cached
Schools Receive $400.00 For Every Child Diagnosed With ADHD
Schools Receive $400 For Every Child Diagnosed With ADHD Posted by: CULTURESHOCKTV.COM Mon Jan 6 15:11:30 2003. BREAKING DOWN THE MAIN CRIME. Tom De Weese, writing in ... - Cached
Did you know that schools receive money for every ...
Medicaid records in some states show infants less than a year old on drugs for ... ADHD, etc. Schools do not get more money for ... diagnosis of add or adhd on students. - Cached
How much does the school get paid to push drugs in your district?
[Aug 6, 2008] Best Answer: That's horrible. I don't think my school district does that, but I know that a lot of teachers recommend ADHD medication to the parents of ... ~ by Stewart ( 3 comments ) - Cached
More results from »
Drugs Used to Treat ADHD/ADD: Stimulants, Nonstimulants, and ...
WebMD gives you information on the drugs available to treat ADHD. - Cached
More results from »

I KNOW I know,, just a spercee theeree..

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/01/13 at 20:24:46

"Pine: did star just say you suck as a parent?.... Wow! WD"

Pine sucks as a parent??. Who said that?? Oh yes, Webster the pathological liar and hate monger of the SS site.

No I'm sure that Pine a fine parent with nothing but the best interest of his children at heart. Pine is a gentleman.

As for you Webster, you are always trying to sew discord and hate whenever you post. I shudder to think how your spawn must turning out considering the cruel, hateful, unchristian and just plain nasty person that you are…You are pitiful as a human being. I just hope that none of your character defects are passed on to those who biologically follow your seed.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/13 at 20:49:06

sow not sew

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/01/13 at 20:55:50

You are correct Jog, my bad. I stand corrected. ;)

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/01/13 at 21:09:19

What I mean JOG is that sometimes in my haste to respond to some particularly ridicules or nasty post I get ahead of myself.
Thank you for your help in pointing out this error as I pride myself in my grammar, vocabulary and spelling.  ;)

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/01/13 at 21:13:57

I type stuff funny to make it easier, but I do try to get the correct word & dont mind helping others,

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/01/13 at 21:26:29

JOG, I love the down home sho-nuff spellings you sometimes inject into your posts. It is just the right thing to humanize many of the over the top opinionated posts.  ;)

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/02/13 at 00:26:48

Izzatso? Ill  try to remember that.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WebsterMark on 09/02/13 at 04:54:46

Oh my God, I'm laughing so hard.....

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WD on 09/02/13 at 05:53:40

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
Oh my God, I'm laughing so hard.....

Because he got us confused in yet another post? Your quote, my username...  ;)

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/02/13 at 12:30:16

True, name mix-up. Let me put it this way; everyone on this site is a gentleman or lady compared to you Webster. Many others here (perhaps most) are diametrically opposed to me in my politics, my opinions, my values, and my beliefs. Poles apart. But never have I ever been exposed to someone as utterly nasty, and course as yourself. You take any and every opportunity, including lying and misquoting to ferment discord. I truly wish that you would simply be nice.

Okay, flame suit on awaiting more laughter and vile comments from you as well as vows to NEVER be civil as you have done many times in the past when I have purposed civility.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Midnightrider on 09/02/13 at 13:44:25

I enjoy Star's post. What would be the point of the forum if we all agreed on everything. Quit whining when someone disagrees with you and realize theirs two sides to everything. I learn when I listen to opposing views. Everything that crosses my mind may not be the best solution. Its a learning experience, use it.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WebsterMark on 09/02/13 at 15:21:52

I didn't say anything hateful. im trying to avoid you. you've been ascent a whole and it was amazing how civil it's bee. It looked to me you slammed Pine's parenting skills a few post ago, I think WD agreed. If you didn't, explain your point better.

You seem to have serious issues with other people's children dude....

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/02/13 at 19:51:55

Naaah,, he has issues with the parents,, not the kids,

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Dane Allen on 09/04/13 at 16:08:50

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
Naaah,, he has issues with the parents,, not the kids,

I think he just has issues, period.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/04/13 at 20:25:20

"I think he just has issues, period." Dane

I have issues with you and Webster.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 09/05/13 at 19:48:57

This is stupid.  Star and I are about as politically far apart as any can be.  But we respect each other's intellect, we each wore our country's uniform in a very troubled time.
Of course, he wore a blue suit; I guess that counts as a uniform <g>.
But he's right about a few things now and then, and one of them is that we need to respect the other's opinion, for in the end it's only opinion.
I count him among my friends.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Starlifter on 09/05/13 at 23:17:44

Thank you Jerry, those are kind words. I did wear another blue suit in the USAF for eight years (well actually a dark grey flight-suit) and then my USCBP blue suit.

Yes we are poles apart politically, however I always respect your opinions and the articulate and courteous way you present them, and indeed for quite a few years now, we have been friends.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/13 at 23:32:16

Chivalrous combat...

A lost art..

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/13 at 09:37:23

After bein kikkedin the nads a few times I gaveup on chivalry

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/13 at 11:14:43

Back to the original topic of this thread before someone's delicate feathers got ruffled, check out this group.
I heard these people on a radio show a few weeks ago. Basically, what they were describing, is how most of us grew up. During the summer we left in the morning and came back in the evening. There wasn't any organized baseball in my neighborhood. I was never a Boy Scout.  But I played a lot of baseball and I camped out an awful lot.

What's going on today reminds me of that Viagra commercial.  You know the one with the guy pulling the trailer that gets stuck in the mud. They act like it's a big deal that he figured out to use the horses to pull them out.  What the hell else was he supposed to do?! Who wouldn't think of that. However, the truth is, he should've tied the horses to the back of the trailer and pulled everything out backwards so the horses didn't get muddy. But hell, let's not quibble over details.

Title: Re: Weakening of America
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/13 at 16:09:58

Heck,man, on weekends, Id get up, make a sammich, eat & GO.. no one would see me till poormomdidnt know if I was alive or dead. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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