General Category >> The Cafe >> How did you meet?

Message started by babyhog on 08/27/13 at 05:47:10

Title: How did you meet?
Post by babyhog on 08/27/13 at 05:47:10

Face's online dating question got me to thinking about how I met my husband, which got me to wondering how you all met your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other.  So how did you?

I'll start with a quick version of my story:
My first remembrance of my husband was seeing him standing on a ladder, up through the drop ceiling of my workplace, with only his bottom half visible.  I'm thinking "nice behind"  (well, not exactly, but you get the point!)  He worked for an electrical contractor, doing some rewiring in my building.  Later I saw him outside, wearing one of those harness things you put on when you go up in a lift.  I told my friend "wonder if they are allowed to take those home"... and he heard me!  He was embarrassed and I could tell he was shy.  Next few days as they are working in the building, we passed a few times and spoke.  Then one day he was wearing a t-shirt with a denim shirt over it.  The t-shirt had printed on the front "you've been naughty, go to my room".  So I walked around behind him.  He looked at me strangely and I said "I thought maybe the directions were on your back".  That really got it started.  Later that day, almost time to leave work, I said its almost time for a cold beer.  He asked what I was doing that evening.  I said I was dropping my son off at a school dance, then heading to this little bar.  He asked what time I'd be there, and said he might stop by.  He was there when I arrived.....  9 years have passed and we are as happy as day one.    

So what's your story??

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by Pine on 08/27/13 at 06:08:53

Ahhh the old joke ... my wife went to college.. and all she got was an "MRS" degree.

She says she remembers seeing me at Student Accounting ( trying to get my Pell Grant money no doubt). I don't recall seeing her till later. She was a friend of a group of kids I hung around. We just kinda gravitated to each other. We met about 1985 and I proposed in 1987. Our minds were a lot like back then.. of course now its just redunkuless. Its not all roses... but no one is throwing in the towel any time soon.

PS: Any one got any fun cheap things to do for a 26th anniversary? Kinda thinking about this>>>  

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by babyhog on 08/27/13 at 06:20:27

477E7972637865170 wrote:
Ahhh the old joke ... my wife went to college.. and all she got was an "MRS" degree.

She says she remembers seeing me at Student Accounting ( trying to get my Pell Grant money no doubt). I don't recall seeing her till later. She was a friend of a group of kids I hung around. We just kinda gravitated to each other. We met about 1985 and I proposed in 1987. Our minds were a lot like back then.. of course now its just redunkuless. Its not all roses... but no one is throwing in the towel any time soon.

PS: Any one got any fun cheap things to do for a 26th anniversary? Kinda thinking about this>>>  

Awww sweet story.  Trend so far... the gal notices the guy first....   ;)

I absolutely LOVE the treehouse cottages!  OMG I wish I was closer.  That would be one awesome 10th anniversary for me and the hubby.  Bad news (well, for that scenario) is that I have to plan a trip or two to AZ to see my mother soon.  Will be good to see her, but doesn't look good for a trip to the treehouses....  Have you seen that show, I think its called "treehouse masters"???  Awesome!  Fabulous!!  Cheap?  I doubt...

*Edit - further investigation.... prices aren't too bad!  Go for it!

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/13 at 06:27:44

10 year high school reunion,, actually went to see a gal I was curious about,, but Daaaang,, Id only seen her in bars, dimly lit BARS,, anyhow, one of her friends,, who hasto have been the ONLY Red Head I went to schoolwith I didnt know. Comiin up on # 29..

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by ToesNose on 08/27/13 at 10:49:25

Met my Wifey on a 42' Wembley sailboat, we were both part of the crew   :)    
I proposed a year later to the date of our first kiss on the same boat.

Ahhh 5 bliss full years of marriage...........our 12th anniversary just passed   ;D

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by MiCTLaN on 08/27/13 at 10:57:42

We're both members of an Internet forum, and one of the things that we always to on that forum is go have meetings with other members of the site whenever we're in a new town (I travel for work quite a bit, so I've met a bunch of people).  My SO had just moved back to the states from Egypt, and called for one of these meetups, and I was the only one who could make it.  We had a good time, so I invited her to a party at a friend's house the next night.

Next, I set myself on fire.

She went to the hospital with me, I cooked her dinner one-handed a couple of days later, we were on the phone every day from that point on... traveled a bit cross-country to see each other.  We're engaged now and hopefully closing on a house in a couple of weeks.   :)

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by WD on 08/27/13 at 11:27:12

Living history group. Needed a place to stay after I got out of the Navy in 8/96, we got married 2/97.

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by PerrydaSavage on 08/27/13 at 11:48:42

My (now ex) wife of 23 years met back in 1985 at a Rock concert (Paul Young from the U.K. who was a popular entertainer at the time) ... neither of us had planned to go, but each of us coincidentally decided at the last minute to purchase tickets! We met while she was chatting to a friend of mine whom she knew and discovered that we were both music lovers ... started seeing each other a week or so later and were inseperable for the next 25 years ... until an old childhood friend of hers showed up back in her life ...

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by Greg on 08/27/13 at 12:09:57

I met my second ex-wife at the hardware store. She sold me the shovel I needed for my first ex-wife. :)

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by Dave on 08/27/13 at 12:14:55

I was young and single.  I was doing a lot of dancing in several different groups in Cincinnati.  Some square, some Contra, some vintage, some English Country dancing.  Those dances were a safe haven for me and I could dance with lots of pretty women......and I never dated any of them and made it a point not to.  That was a place where I could be with friends and just have fun.  There was a group of about 6 divorced women and a some of us men that hung around a lot together....I was the only one that had never been married.

After about 10 years of not dating anyone from this group....I met Deb and broke my rule and we went out on a date.  We dated for about a year before I asked her to marry me, and I got married at the age of 38.......and we have been together for 19 years.    

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by greenmonster on 08/27/13 at 13:56:50

My wife and I have known each other since she was born. I was best friends with her brother. When we became teenagers, her brother and I kinda drifted apart but she had some strange, and to my mind, unexplainable interest in me so she made sure that she was part of my circle of friends. We dated off and on through most of our teenage years then she moved across the country to Toronto. We then courted over the phone for a few months before she came back and we got married.

That was 11 and a half years ago. Being married to your best and longest friend is pretty amazing. 8-)

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by rl153 on 08/27/13 at 13:58:14

I met my wife when I was 15,she worked at the library. We met again when she was in town for her 10th high school reunion .Shes 6 years older than me. I saw her at a relatives of mine and we hit it off. Been married 34 years, pretty happy,considering all the ups and downs.Now I'm 58, I don't regret it,made my life.

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by old_rider on 08/27/13 at 15:12:06

Hheh... met my wife at a biker bar called "Z's Lounge". I was 24 yrs old and in the air force, they named off some of the bars we weren't allowed to go into, so I went. I could throw down a few and played a really good game of pool. One evening I was talking to the bar tender Sue and was telling her about an upcoming Christmas party and I hadn't found a date to go with me to it, when a cute chick at the end of the bar said " I'll go with you!" She didn't look to be drinking age yet but was sippin' a bud in a longneck. I says "really?" you don't know me, to which she replied, "you are a bomb loader out at eglin air force base, get off work at 4pm and don't leave here till about 12ish and play a mean game of pool, and your name is bill".

I later found out she had been watching me and her and Sue had been discussing my hind quarters and who I was...LOL! well I said "sure i'll pick you up here, to which she replied, nope I'll show you where I live after you take me home tonight"  worked for me.

Got an apartment about a month later and she moved in with me, lived together for about 2yrs, then I got stationed in Arkansas, left her in florida for about four months and went back down and picked her up, two months later we got married....that was 27 years ago.

We took a long 4k mile motorcycle trip on our 25th anniversary were she decided that she wanted to get a license for herself, she now rides her savage and wants to do a duo trip on our 30th anniversary, so we are going to plan and save to do so. Hopefully we will both have savages by then.

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/13 at 21:38:01

20242E39212C234D0 wrote:
We're both members of an Internet forum, and one of the things that we always to on that forum is go have meetings with other members of the site whenever we're in a new town (I travel for work quite a bit, so I've met a bunch of people).  My SO had just moved back to the states from Egypt, and called for one of these meetups, and I was the only one who could make it.  We had a good time, so I invited her to a party at a friend's house the next night.

Next, I set myself on fire.

She went to the hospital with me, I cooked her dinner one-handed a couple of days later, we were on the phone every day from that point on... traveled a bit cross-country to see each other.  We're engaged now and hopefully closing on a house in a couple of weeks.   :)

Next, I set myself on fire.

Some guys wear the lamp shade,, hey, if ya dont mind looking desperate
Go BIG!,, I never woulda thot of torching myself,tho.. It worked,tho,so.. ya done good,,

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by babyhog on 08/28/13 at 04:37:10

Great stories, I'm glad some of you wanted to share.  Its nice to see so many who have been happily married for many years!  When my first husband and I divorced, I asked my son (he was 7 at the time) how many kids in his class had parents that were still married.  Unfortunately, we figured it to be a smaller percentage.  But it made him feel better, to realize he wasn't alone.  (Tomorrow would be our 26th anniv, if I had stayed married to the first one... we're still friends, and will probably tell each other happy anniversary  lol)

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by Blinky-FSO on 08/28/13 at 05:31:28

We attended the same high school. It was a large school and I knew her but we never dated and had a different set of friends since she was a year behind me.

Flash forward five years later and I had just barely managed to escape college where I majored in II-S. (For those youngsters out there, II-S was the draft board classification for student deferment). I decided to buy my first new car, a red Fiat 124 Spyder, and needed a loan. I went to the local bank and saw her again. She was the secretary to the loan officer at the bank. I thought if I asked her out, I might enhance my chances of getting the loan.

Well, the Fiat rusted away very quickly but we marked our 40th anniversary a few weeks ago. Every now and then I think about how it all happened so long ago. I smile and think, darn, I miss that car.

Good hunting

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by arteacher on 08/28/13 at 06:52:21

We met at our first cousin's wedding. She was a bridesmaid and I stood up with my cousin. I knew there was something special about her during our first dance. We courted (and sparked) for three years while we finished college at separate colleges, then got married.
That was in 1973, and we are still married, although our cousins divorced after three years.
"In sickness and in health" was an important part of our vows, as she has had MS since 1982, and I take care of her now.

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by old_rider on 08/28/13 at 08:20:16

You da' man Art!  I agree with the vows we all make, my wife has had several surgeries and I myself have had a few. As i'm making my comeback from stage III she hasn't blinked once and keeps me going. We aren't the most romantic couple in the world anymore and life has taken its toll on us both, but we stay together through thick and thin, that's what is all about "commitment".

When ever I seen an older couple in the mall or wallmart or at a coffee shop or where-ever, I smile and tell her, "there we are 30 years from now sweety!", see how old I look? and she will say "yeah, but just look at me!" and i'll say "yup, still beautiful" ...and i'll get punched in the arm.

Title: Re: How did you meet?
Post by Boofer on 08/28/13 at 08:24:32

She was in mgmt training for Genesco shoe co back when they weren't made in China. She had been to my church the week before, but I didn't see her. We had a church picnic the next Saturday. We played softball, and she was on third while I played short stop. Played tennis the next night after church. That was August of 1976. We married in March of '77.  :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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