General Category >> The Cafe >> Interesting Experience

Message started by Badass94Cad on 08/23/13 at 09:00:12

Title: Interesting Experience
Post by Badass94Cad on 08/23/13 at 09:00:12

I generally try to ride the bike to work whenever it's nice (read: not raining; I'll ride when it's 100 degrees or below freezing).  My "interesting" week started on Thursday when I was riding home from work on Reserve.  I figured I had enough juice to get me to the gas station by my house.  Well, I underestimated that, and ended up running out of gas.  :-/  I was on a hilly road with one lane in each direction during rush hour.  :o  I first called my wife, who was about 45 minutes away visiting family, so I called my only friend in the area (I just moved to SE PA) who fortunately came to my rescue with a gas can, after sitting on the side of the road for some time.  I guess it beat waiting like 3 hours for AAA.  ::)

I was going to be traveling all this week for work, so I figured I'd treat myself to a ride on Saturday morning before I left and enjoy the beautiful weather we were having.  I did a quick 100 miles or so up 611 along the Delaware River and Delaware Canal, upon the recommendation of a co-worker who takes that route up to the Poconos.  Excellent ride, tons of great scenery and other motorcyclists out enjoying the same.  8-)

As I'm heading home, probably less than 10 minutes from my house, I'm doing about 50 down a windy back road with 2 cars behind me.  Suddenly I feel this sharp pain on my left forearm, and think I'm being stung by something.  :o  I start flailing and wacking my arm, trying to stop it.  I abruptly swerve to the side of the road as the pain intensifies, jump off the bike, and start stripping off my leather jacket.  A freakin yellow jacket somehow flew up the sleeve of my jacket and was stinging my arm!  :o

I've ended up spending most of the past week with my inner forearm swolen and ridiculously itchy from my wrist all the way to my elbow.  :'(

That's my story.  I hope you got a laugh. ;) But I still can't wait to get back on the bike when I get home tomorrow.  ;D

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by Bubba on 08/23/13 at 12:30:47

I had a buddy many years ago that told me how a BAT got wedged under the chin of his FF that's just gross... ;D

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by Badass94Cad on 08/23/13 at 12:44:21

Oh man, that's crazy!!!

A few minutes earlier, I had gotten hit in the bridge of my nose by a fly or something, and thought to myself it's been a great ride.  If that's the worst thing that happened, so be it.  Then I was stung.  :'(  Just my luck, I guess!

I have heard of people getting bees in their FF helmet too.  That's got to be crazy scary.  I'd rather take a sting on my arm than my face any day!  :o

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by runwyrlph on 08/26/13 at 10:42:13

I wear a FF helmet. It does seem to act as a bug funnel when I ride with the visor up

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by greenmonster on 08/26/13 at 13:48:45

I was driving home from work just last week. It was hot so I had my jacket open and a wasp flew in between my buttons and started stingin away at my belly.  Not fun, not fun at all.

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/27/13 at 06:48:06

Wasps are without mercy. They do damage at will,no penalty. A Bee, tho, leaves its stinger & dies, so,it MAY hesitate,, wasps,OTOH, just goto war..
You know they can just DRAG that thing & leave a line of fire ?

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by old_rider on 08/27/13 at 15:40:04

And hornets bite! had two land on me when I was young and took little hunks outta my chest! all while they were stinging! I looked like I had a double-D on the left side for a week!

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by Boofer on 08/28/13 at 08:53:13

We had a few hives of honey bees when I was growing up. It's the female bees who sting as they do all the work and the males can't sting you. They just lay around all day and only leave the hive on a mating flight with the queen. Stings don't bother me much, and if I'm stung on a joint like say, the back of my hand, it helps my arthritis for a day or so. JOG, use a knife blade to remove stingers with a low angle scraping motion. You get less venom than squeezing the stinger sack. Got stung twice on the back by a wasp last week. I rarely get bitten/stung, but I have a friend who gets stung regularly as does my daughter. But she gets eaten alive by mosquitos and chiggers. Some people's body chemistry just begs to be stung, I guess.  

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by babyhog on 08/28/13 at 10:39:54

Oh thanks, Boof.  I am currently eaten up with mosquito bites.  Like your daughter, I must have the perfect chemistry for them.  Deet doesn't help, nothing seems to help.  I try something different every weekend I go to my camp.  The worst place is my ankles and the bend behind my knees.  Since I normally wear black socks, I thought I'd try white socks.  Didn't matter.  They like them just the same.  I usually wear ankle high "muck" boots, so I got a pair of knee-high ones.  Tried those this weekend and my ankles and legs are fine.... but the smart skeeters found my torso.  I have at least 15 bites itching the living daylights out of me.  

I've scoured the internet for relief ideas, and tried a bunch, but nothing really seems to help.  It takes major will-power for 3-4 days to not scratch the crap out of myself.     :-[

Any home remedy suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by civilsavage on 08/28/13 at 11:08:39

I don't know about remedies for after the bite, but back in the 1970s I recall my mother giving us kids mega-doses of a B vitamin (B-12 or B-15?  Not sure after all these years) which was reputed to make one's body chemistry unattractive to mosquitoes.  As I recall, we were taking some huge doses of the stuff.

But it seemed to work, I recall getting very few bites while on the regimen.  I'm sure you could probably do that googling thing to find out about it . . . ;)

I, too, have been stung in the chest while riding.  Had my jacket zipped down just enough that a wasp center-punched me in the sternum.

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by Toroso on 08/28/13 at 11:13:03

When I went out for lunch today, some kinda bug got down in my shirt and started biting the crap out of me. Couldn't wait to get my shirt off! Never found what it was...

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by arteacher on 08/28/13 at 15:17:51

2122232E2C364F0 wrote:
Oh thanks, Boof.  I am currently eaten up with mosquito bites.  Like your daughter, I must have the perfect chemistry for them.  Deet doesn't help, nothing seems to help.  I try something different every weekend I go to my camp.  The worst place is my ankles and the bend behind my knees.  Since I normally wear black socks, I thought I'd try white socks.  Didn't matter.  They like them just the same.  I usually wear ankle high "muck" boots, so I got a pair of knee-high ones.  Tried those this weekend and my ankles and legs are fine.... but the smart skeeters found my torso.  I have at least 15 bites itching the living daylights out of me.  

I've scoured the internet for relief ideas, and tried a bunch, but nothing really seems to help.  It takes major will-power for 3-4 days to not scratch the crap out of myself.     :-[

Any home remedy suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  

For relief cut a clove of garlic and rub the cut side on the sting or bite. There is something in the garlic that neutralizes the venom.

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by Steve H on 08/28/13 at 15:31:17

I've always heard that the original avon skin-so-soft was a wonderful insect repellent.  Deet seems to work fine for me.  Otherwise, I am eaten alive by the mosquitos also.

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by old_rider on 08/28/13 at 18:56:09

Friend of mine eats garlic on everything, and he claims no mosquito bites at all. I like garlic myself and use a california garlic pepper on almost all my foods, but I still get bit less than the wife. She is a mosquito full meal deal! and gets big welts from thier bites.

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by stinger on 08/29/13 at 05:27:45

When I fished in Alaska alot of fisherman used those dryer sheets that you throw in to make your clothes smell good. Something in them repels mosquitoes. Wiped them over face and hands and put them down the collar of their shirts.
For bites use roll on deodorant. Liquid. I guess there is a little aluminum in it which causes the itch to stop. It works for me.
My Dr told me to use a allergy pill to stop the itch from bug bites. For me that works the best
I have a baseball cap that I got in alaska that has fold down netting to cover face and neck. Works perfectly.
Somewhere I read where eating garlic to ward off bug bites is a old wives tale.  The smell of garlic wards off just about everything. But I have friends who swear by it.

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by Dave on 08/29/13 at 05:42:30

6364797E777562100 wrote:
 The smell of garlic wards off just about everything.

My wife is a vegetarian, grows and eats lots of garlic....and I have a very developed sense of smell.

I tell my wife that we are very apt to be the first "garlic based" divorce!

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by stinger on 08/29/13 at 05:52:28

I HATE BUGS!  ALL BUGS!  They don't like me either!  It's like they seek me out and the only reason they live is to hunt me down and bite me!  If they don't sting you, they try and suck every last drop of blood out of you! Then they make your life miserable for days even weeks sometimes.  >:(

Title: Re: Interesting Experience
Post by groupus on 08/30/13 at 09:23:33

^ says the guy named STINGER hahaha  ;D

We know that feel bro. It takes some testicular fortitude to calmly navigate to the side of the road while being viciously mauled by a tiny demon in your shirt.

and the Savage gas tank holds about an "almost made it" amount of fuel in reserve. I learned never to pass a gas station if you are even close. Its especially bad around that part of PA where there are no gas stations immediately off of the highway. you have to take an exit into some town and bumble around until you find something... or run out of fuel.  ::) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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