General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> no strawberries&waffles with Jesus

Message started by RatdogWillie on 08/22/13 at 21:15:07

Title: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/22/13 at 21:15:07

An atheist’s guide to the good life

By PZ Myers, Published: August 21

A curious thing happened to my thoughts on the way to composing this essay.

It was supposed to be about how to be an atheist, but I realized that that wasn’t right. Atheism is the default position. You don’t have to do anything to be an atheist, but you have to work awfully hard to not be one — atheism strips away a lot of superfluous nonsense, rather than piling on remarkable requirements and strange creeds and bizarre pointless rituals that you need to obey. So instead, I thought I’d address the believers and tell you what baggage you can throw off ol’ Conestoga Wagon of life, the stuff that we know is completely unnecessary because atheists have traveled the trail without it, and come out just fine.

   Ditch the Sunday church services first thing. Hanging out with friends and neighbors is great, we atheists do it all the time, but guess what? We do it without a boring dude in a dog collar droning away at us, without sitting in those uncomfortable pews, without snoozing through the same old homilies. It’s like church where you skip the tedious bits and cut straight to the coffee social or the Sunday picnic.

   The imaginary threat of hell and promise of heaven aren’t needed to keep us in line. We do good because we’re happy to help our communities and see our fellow human beings thrive. Telling us we’re going to be set on fire by a malicious god if we don’t behave isn’t just unbelievable, it’s insulting — we don’t need extortion or offers of imaginary paradise cookies to do the right thing. Why do you?

   No more prayers, no more worship of an unresponsive invisible man. Believers seem to spend a lot of effort rationalizing the silence at the other end of the line: God will give you what you need, not what you want, he’ll answer in surprising ways, not answering is sometimes the best answer, he’s got a plan that you just don’t see yet. Atheists have the simplest answer: no one is listening. It fits just as well, even better, than all the convoluted explanations you might come up with. And it means you can stop the futile babbling, hang up and do something productive.

   The guilt! The pointless guilt is gone! Oh, sure, you still feel guilty if you harm people — and that is right and appropriate. But you don’t need to feel guilty about not appeasing a deity, or not following archaic dogma. Most importantly, you never have to feel bad about reciprocating love with another person, because medieval rules to govern relationships have all lost their divine foundation.

   Speaking of medieval rules, throw away the hierarchical view of society. Rulers aren’t better than those they rule, priests are not above the congregation, women are not man’s helpmeet, your tribe is no longer the chosen people. Wake up to equality, realize that every single human being on the planet is on the same plane, and respect everyone’s rights as the same.

   Have you ever lost someone you love? You know what churchy people will tell you: They’re in a happier place, God needed another angel, they’re having strawberries and waffles with Jesus right now. Atheists won’t do that: they’ll tell you that it’s OK to grieve. We’ve lost a good person, the right and good thing to do is to mourn and honor the memory of the dead. We don’t make people feel guilty for failing to appreciate the kindness a god has done by destroying a good person.

You may have needed a book of rules and a master to put on the shackles of faith, but you don’t need a guidebook to live a life of liberty. Do you know why atheists are so happy? Because they’re the freest people on Earth, and their only responsibilities are to their fellow human beings, not phantasms.

Myers is author of the recently-released book, ‘The Happy Atheist.’

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/22/13 at 21:37:23

His happiness wont last

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/22/13 at 22:04:40

293630372A2D1C2C1C24363A71430 wrote:
His happiness wont last


Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Midnightrider on 08/22/13 at 22:09:37

Some of the Atheist are the nicest people I've ever met. They have to have a good conscience. On the other hand its hard for me to believe the stars and planets just popped out of no where or were always here. I'm not a church going Christian, I don't know, maybe I should be but it seems like I've never got what I needed by attending church. I'm lucky enough to have spent a few days with Preacher Mike and he walks the talk. I get a Bible reading, devotion and prayer from him every morning and I look forward to it because I know its coming from a good source. I love the teachings of Jesus and a few more parts of the Bible but I don't condone the violence in the Old Testament. We could take some of those verses and become just like the Muslims. There's no point in arguing. We'll all find out one day. Live the best life we can and do unto others as you would have them do to unto you.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Serowbot on 08/22/13 at 23:14:32

I worry about a person that needs to fear a God in order to behave like a human being,...  

I'm a good boy,.. because there's no one to forgive me...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/13 at 06:13:54

Question: what drives militant atheist? Why would someone put one of those Darwin fish symbols on the back of their car?   I understand why someone would put the Christian fish symbol on their car to identify themselves as a Christian as a point of pride.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Paraquat on 08/23/13 at 06:15:38

756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 wrote:
His happiness wont last

Does anyone's?


Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/13 at 06:41:53

Yes, mine. I don't recall ever being unhappy for any length of time. I'm 52 years old. Had my share of tragedies. Maybe we should define happiness first.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Paraquat on 08/23/13 at 09:06:56

I don't consider myself a "happy" person.
I'm not hurting, financially (but I'm not getting very far ahead), I don't go to bed hungry.
I'm not sure how to define it.


Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Rix on 08/23/13 at 09:18:11

I'm in the athiest or maybe "how would I know?" camp.
The invisible man and all the stuff goes with it just strikes me as utterly ridiculous.
I'm pretty happy, as far as being alive and ok goes.
I have a Kid on the way in a couple months.
I have a great wife
I have a good group of friends (some are even religulous)
I have some toys
I have a house
I Don't go to bed hungry (unless it's by choice)
And...... I worked for it.
If there's a great dread and wonderful supreme being out there, I hope I'm in good favor just for being a decent human being.
If there isn't, then I guess I just have to remember that I still acted like a decent human being.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/13 at 09:36:28

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
Question: what drives militant atheist? Why would someone put one of those Darwin fish symbols on the back of their car?   I understand why someone would put the Christian fish symbol on their car to identify themselves as a Christian as a point of pride.

Why is it "militant" to have a Darwin symbol,... but, a point of pride to display a fish?...

I think the Darwin symbols are clever and funny...
I don't know what to think of the fish symbol...What is the point?...
You say it's a point of pride.... Pride, is one of the 7 deadly sins...  I imagine displaying pride publicly, is an even bigger sin...
I doubt God would approve...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Rix on 08/23/13 at 10:03:35

I almost forgot:
I love me some strawberries and waffles.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/13 at 10:10:25

The act of putting  Darwin fish symbols came AFTER the act of putting Christian fish symbols on the trunks of cars. It was done in direct response.  It was intended as a way to attack the  beliefs of those who put Christian fish symbols on their cars. It was kind of a snotty way to say screw you, you're an idiot, I know more than you.

The fish symbol is the same as someone putting a Crucifix on their car. The fish symbol was an early emblem of Christianity. The Darwin fish symbol as a response is just an easy way to attack someone who may or may not believe in evolution.  Someone with a Darwin fish symbol on their car, especially those that show the Darwin fish eating the Christian fish, is metaphorically spitting on the other guys face.

I think you have a misunderstanding of the meaning of the sin of pride.

The sin of pride has to do with feeling that you are superior or equal to God. By putting on a Darwin fish symbol, you are taking a stance, a proud stance, that mankind's intellect is sufficient to explain life's mysteries.  It's like a child starting to learn how the world works but doesn't know everything.  They may take a stand on something that ultimately proves to be completely wrong yet they won't listen because they believe they know the answer(s). That's the sin of pride.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/13 at 10:37:06

Good answer...
I doubt that crosses the mind of most of the people sticking those symbols on their cars though...
The Darwin symbol is a response to those fish symbols... I don't think they are an "attack"...  just a way of pointing out the absurdity of labeling...
Wearing your beliefs on your sleeve is a challenge to others... Darwin symbols are the answer to that challenge...
The response wouldn't exist without the challenge...
You don't like the response... you shouldn't put the challenge out there...

Nobody's making people put fishies on their bumpers...
At least I don't think they are...

I don't put any stickers on my car... and I don't like t-shirts with silly things on them either...
It's all pretty stupid and childish...  
No one looks more intelligent with a picture on their chest...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/13 at 10:56:14

I agree to a point while strongly disagreeing. It's one thing to put a symbol on your car it's another thing to put a symbol on your car attacking the other person's symbol.  That second person is clearly in the wrong.

On one hand, I've got no dog in this hunt. I don't put crap on my cars to begin with. However, I think I have a really funny idea I want to try. On one side of my bumper I want to put a Liberal bumper sticker and on the other side a conservative bumper sticker. One side might say "war is not the answer". The other side might have a picture of a B-52 bomber and say "peace through superior firepower". I'll change them up now and then just keep my neighbors off guard....

The next week I might put on that stupid "tolerate" bumper sticker, The one with all the religious symbols. On the other side, maybe I'll put a Southern Baptist convention logo.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Paraquat on 08/23/13 at 11:10:06

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
No one looks more intelligent with a picture on their chest...


Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/13 at 11:13:08

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
I agree to a point while strongly disagreeing.

I'm thinking of having this made into a bumper sticker...
;D ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Face on 08/23/13 at 17:01:09

It seems to me, that human beings are just smart enough to ask the questions "why?" "where?" "how?" "what?" and "when?" It's in our nature, and we want answers.

The majority of the population has such an incessant need to find an answer that they will accept the first one given, just to satisfy this compulsion.  I have no problem with this, as long as it quiets a frustrated mind. However, it rarely stops there. It becomes organized ideology and preached as the only truth, regardless of what other imaginary answers might be out there. In fact, a belief like this, that so defines a person and their life, becomes so powerful that they reject even scientific and impirical evidence that may contradict their "truth".

Those of us who have accepted the fact that we don't know the answers to these questions and probably never will, are now labled "atheists" and scorned as if we were devil worshippers. To that I say, How dare you? You believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want.....No need to throw stones.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/13 at 17:35:25

The majority of the population has such an incessant need to find an answer that they will accept the first one given, just to satisfy this compulsion

That's a big stone you're throwing......

Friday night, I'm having a few beers with the Misses and rented Life of Pie on Blueray so I'll pick this up tomorrow.

By the way, I'm thrilled to see some new "faces" posting. Tony D and now Face.  Welcome.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Face on 08/23/13 at 20:23:13

497B7C6D6A7B6C537F6C751E0 wrote:
That's a big stone you're throwing......

I know.....The stone thing was meant to be a little tongue in cheek.  I've been accused of having a somewhat "dry" sense of humor.  It doesn't translate well in writing.....And probably isn't that funny anyway.

Thank you for the welcome. I've been on here for a while, but usually steer clear of the political discussions.  Religion on the other hand.....well, let's just say it gets my goat. If there's somebody talkin' 'bout it, you can guaran-dam-ty I'm gonna have a comment.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WD on 08/23/13 at 20:36:47

One of our hyper religious friends didn't come around for several weeks. He made the mistake of being preachy around me... He's Pentecostal, I went to a Jesuit high school... Probably had more religious training than he did.

I don't think he liked my telling him "Shove your invisible magic Jew and his imaginary son right up your..."  ::) Have also told him that mooching beer and cigarettes isn't exactly in keeping with the tenets of his wife's church... I think he got madder about that actually.

I don't give half a s*** what somebody wants to believe in the way of religion, as long as they keep it to them, and not go blabbing about it to me. Getting me to give a full 2 s***s about it? Not happening...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Face on 08/23/13 at 20:52:37

Probably had more religious training than he did.

I know exactly what you're saying. Don't know if you guys have heard, but we have a pretty staunch religious majority here in good ol' Utah. "You know, The Mormons." And what gets me is when they start their preachin' and I realize that I know more about their religion than they do! What a bunch of.............

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/24/13 at 06:37:14

As a side note, Life of Pie is a very good movie. Pretty close to the book, which was difficult to read to begin with. Strong religious themes so it fits into this post well. I recommend watching it if your looking for a movie to watch.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Midnightrider on 08/24/13 at 11:13:44

Face I said on a previous post Atheist are some of the nicest people I've ever met. We have some good ones on this forum. Welcome!

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Starlifter on 08/24/13 at 12:40:08

“That stupid "tolerate" bumper sticker”. WM

…That stupid "Tolerate" bumper sticker actually says “Coexist”. Now if that word is “stupid” to you, you know nothing of Jesus’s teachings ergo you are not a Christian in any sense of the word.

(Which we all know anyway.)  

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/24/13 at 16:31:31

It's been really pleasant in here the past couple weeks while you've been gone....

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Paraquat on 08/26/13 at 06:12:55

Why should I respect your (religious people) beliefs if you're not going to respect mine?


Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WD on 08/26/13 at 06:32:33

You have them in stock? I want one... for each of my 4 wheeled vehicles, including the tractors.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/26/13 at 08:13:18

That's pretty cool Para.... You could sell a ton of those.

Fact is, if you remove that Crescent Moon from all those "Coexist" bumpers tickers, there really isn't much of a reason to have a bumper sticker to begin with. Not a lot of Jews, Christians, or Peagans setting off backpack bombs at marathons...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/26/13 at 09:03:47

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
That's pretty cool Para.... You could sell a ton of those.

Fact is, if you remove that Crescent Moon from all those "Coexist" bumpers tickers, there really isn't much of a reason to have a bumper sticker to begin with. Not a lot of Jews, Christians, or Peagans setting off backpack bombs at marathons...
You really are living in the dark!

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/26/13 at 09:36:59

Really? Some Christian blow the legs off a bunch of women lately? I must have missed that. Some Peagans torch churches to the ground? Some suicide Jewish bomber blow himself up in a pizza joint frequented by Muslim teenagers recently?

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by NHLycan on 08/29/13 at 09:33:01

Good Xtians all here...Holocaust Memorial Shooter-James Wenneker von Brunn,

OK bomber- Timothy McVeigh,

March 10, 1993: Dr. David Gunn of Pensacola, Florida was fatally shot during a protest. He had been the subject of wanted-style posters distributed by Operation Rescue in the summer of 1992. Michael F. Griffin was found guilty of Gunn's murder and was sentenced to life in prison.
July 29, 1994: Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, a clinic escort, were both shot to death outside another facility, the Ladies Center, in Pensacola. Rev. Paul Jennings Hill was charged with the killings. Hill received a death sentence and was executed on September 3, 2003. The clinic in Pensacola had been bombed before in 1984 and was also bombed subsequently in 2012.
December 30, 1994: Two receptionists, Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in two clinic attacks in Brookline, Massachusetts. John Salvi was arrested and confessed to the killings. He died in prison and guards found his body under his bed with a plastic garbage bag tied around his head. Salvi had also confessed to a non-lethal attack in Norfolk, Virginia days before the Brookline killings.
January 29, 1998: Robert Sanderson, an off-duty police officer who worked as a security guard at an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, was killed when his workplace was bombed. Eric Robert Rudolph, who was also responsible for the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing, was charged with the crime and received two life sentences as a result.
October 23, 1998: Dr. Barnett Slepian was shot to death with a high-powered rifle at his home in Amherst, New York.[10] His was the last in a series of similar shootings against providers in Canada and northern New York state which were all likely committed by James Kopp. Kopp was convicted of Slepian's murder after being apprehended in France in 2001.
May 31, 2009: Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed by Scott Roeder as Tiller served as an usher at a church in Wichita, Kansas.[11]
Attempted murder, assault, and kidnapping murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/29/13 at 10:47:42

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/13 at 05:10:11

OK bomber- Timothy McVeigh,

Mcveigh was an atheist, but heck, I'm a nice guy so just for fun, I'll give you the others you listed without challenge. By the end of the day today, The Religion of Peace will exceed the number killed by those you listed going back to the 90's.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/30/13 at 08:06:21

605255444352457A56455C370 wrote:
OK bomber- Timothy McVeigh,

Mcveigh was an atheist, but heck, I'm a nice guy so just for fun, I'll give you the others you listed without challenge. By the end of the day today, The Religion of Peace will exceed the number killed by those you listed going back to the 90's.

Timothy McVeigh , who had worked for the CIA smuggling drugs into the US and as an assassin, was a controlled patsy for sinister forces who wanted to use the Oklahoma bombing as a pretext to pass Clinton's Anti-Terrorism bill, and also to demonize militia groups, millions of law-abiding patriots and Constitutionalists that had grown significantly after the Waco Massacre. Fortunately, for those who actually created this false flag operation, the controlled media kept a lid on doubters by labeling them 'Conspiracy theorists.' That works! (Example - WebsterMark.)

There has been many facts that are now known that prove that the Oklahoma federal building bombing was another government false flag operation. First reports (unedited/uncensored) reported multiple bombs and multiple persons involved. Even USAF Brigadier General Benton K. Partn, who saw the site, dismissed the notion that a home-made fertilizer bomb could have demolished a concrete reinforced building. General Partin had 25 years of experience with the design and development of bombs, explosives, seismology, munitions ,and demolition. He also had a good understanding of the laws of physics. He knew that the magnitude and pattern of the damage done to the Murray building were totally inconsistent with a single truck bomb, especially one detonated outside of the building. General Partin publicly stated that the pattern of damage was technically impossible for just a truck bomb and that supplementary demolition charges would have been used at the reinforced concrete bases inside of the building.

Here is a list of some of the evidence for the bombing being a government false flag conspiracy:
•      Physics of the explosion of the truck bomb do not come close to supporting the amount of damage that was incurred. The reported size of the bomb was upgraded several times, also the many reports of explosive devices found in the building was continually discounted
•      The pattern of damage to the building does not correspond to a radially-expanding explosion that diminishes in power as a cubed function of distance.
•      Massive evidence of cutter-charges being employed on the columns of the building.
•      Witnesses of multiple explosions, documented on TV
•      Ample evidence of multiple players, not just McVeigh (For example,who was about John Doe number two and how the importance and status of John Doe number two was continuously changed throughout the course of the investigation.)
•      Security camera footage (confiscated, then doctored)
•      Seismic recording confirm multiple explosions
•      The murder of Police Officer Terry Yeakey, first on the scene and took photos of unexploded bombs in the building strapped to concrete columns. When he refused to lie about what he saw that morning, he was murdered
•      The paged warning given to all ATF agents not to show up at work at the building that morning

•      Cover-up
o      Threats against and murder of whistleblowers
o      Threats against grand jury member
o      Irrelevant witnesses at trial
o      Refusal to allow relevant witnesses at trial
o      News 4 being bought up by NY Times; and the defiant crew of channel 4 were all fired and blackballed for refusing to change the story of what happened to correspond to the “official” story line
o      The building rumble was quickly buried in the ground
o      The government claimed that McVeigh rented the Ryder truck and claimed that the VIN number on the axle was proof. VIN numbers are not placed on any vehicle axles.

Also there are aerial photos of the Ryder truck parked at the local National Guard armory days before the bombing.
The pilot that took the photos was later murdered and therefore conveniently not available to testify.

Just like at the Pentagon on 9/11, all surrounding surveillance video tapes were confiscated and held as classified information. But with the Oklahoma videos were eventually released but none showed the time frames in question. The official reason for that is that ALL THE TAPES WERE BEING CHANGED AT THE EXACT SAME MOMENT THAT THE BOMBING TOOK PLACE!

The OKC bombing gave credibility to the governments’ National Defense Authorization Act. That law allowed for the roundup of U.S. citizens without trial, house them in military-run concentration camps, and even kill them without trial. Not even the Nazi's had any such draconian law. The sinister police state is gearing up for the pending economic collapse of America (also by design of these conspirators).

This video is most informative:

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Paraquat on 08/30/13 at 09:10:53

Wow. That's a lot more than I previously was aware of.


Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/13 at 09:24:35

True, McVeigh was a smuggler and assassin for the CIA, but did you also know he was married to Jamie Lee Curtis.....Tom Arnold was his assistant and they reported to a secret location underground.....

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/30/13 at 10:35:03

6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 wrote:
True, McVeigh was a smuggler and assassin for the CIA, but did you also know he was married to Jamie Lee Curtis.....Tom Arnold was his assistant and they reported to a secret location underground.....

Why is it that when you can't quote any facts, you resort to making up nonsense? Isn't that considered lying, one of the crimes of the ten commandments?

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/13 at 11:23:45

Lighten up Francis.....

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/30/13 at 11:41:52

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
Lighten up Francis.....

2PM....kinda early to be hittin' the bottle....isn't it?

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/13 at 12:25:01

It's a movie reference Rat. You need to lay off this conspiracy theory fiction and watch some other stuff.

Besides, is it ever really too early?....

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/30/13 at 12:54:03

182A2D3C3B2A3D022E3D244F0 wrote:
It's a movie reference Rat. You need to lay off this conspiracy theory fiction and watch some other stuff.

Besides, is it ever really too early?....

What I don't need is advice from you. No need to give it, I certainly won't follow any advice you could ever suggest. I already know that your thought processes are lacking in reality. After all you believe the 19 religious fanatics anxious to be with their god, drank alcohol and partied with strippers, boarded commercial airliners without tickets and without being filmed in the airports where the "hijacked" planes were supposed to have departed from, took over the planes with razor blades, managed to have the military conduct confusing drills and stand down along with NORAD (first and only time) at the same time the evildoing Muslim religious fanatic evildoers were doing their evildoing, managed to telepathically get the head airport transportation dude to collect air traffic tapes and tear them into little pieces then deposit the little pieces into many different trashcans, manage to fly huge aircraft over large areas of unfamiliar landscape and hit their targets killing themselves, yet magically resurface alive in the Middle East, all while being directed by a dying old man in a cave with a cell phone on the other side of the world, or has that part now changed to the guy who confessed after he was waterboarded 183 times while his children were being tortured in front of him. Your conspiracy theory is way to strange, but maybe it is believable if you hit the bottle hard and early.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/13 at 13:57:20

If that's what it takes for you to believe reality Rat, my advice to you is to hit the bottle early, often and ar.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/13 at 15:24:15

It's always after 5pm, somewhere...  ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/13 at 19:22:21

YEA,,& OK City Cop of the Year  Terry Yeakey,,,\suicide

Uhh Huhh

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/31/13 at 05:12:29

Been down this road with you guys before and you proved nothing other than if you look at any event with a preconceived notion of what happened, anyone can turn unrelated and random events into a sinister narrative worthy of a B movie spy thriller script.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/31/13 at 05:19:48

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
YEA,,& OK City Cop of the Year  Terry Yeakey,,,\suicide

Uhh Huhh

Suicide is the "offical" story and Mark Webster is sticking with it. Just as Mark Webster believes 9/11 was done by party hardy religious phantoms, he will believe that Officer Terry Yeakey slashed himself eleven times on both forearms before cutting his own throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently seeking even a more private place to die, he crawled another mile of rough terrain away from his car and climbed a fence, before shooting himself in the head with a small caliber revolver. What appeared to be rope burns on his neck, handcuff bruises to his wrists, and muddy grass imbedded in his slash wounds strongly indicated that he had some help in traversing this final distance.
No homicide investigation was ever conducted, and there was no autopsy.
Why waste time and money doing that when officially suicide is sooooo very obvious? (First just ignore that the wounds were consistent with a torture-execution and forget that he told people he was trying to shake the FEDs that were following him.)

Mark Webster probably believes that Officer Terry Yeakey felt no pain because the M*A*S*H theme song told him so, and that by god is an OFFICIAL theme song! (....and if it had been murder..... well that would have been soooooo painful and horrible, and who would ever want to think about it??? ....Soooo let's just think happy thoughts......close your eyes and repeat over and over, "The government loves me....The government protects me....The government is my friend....I want to date the government....The government puts's true....I heard that the government will F the H out of me!"

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by WebsterMark on 08/31/13 at 10:04:09

Well I can tell I don't believed word of what you say without looking into it. All your 9/11 stuff i looked at was nothing but bs and innuendo. How could anyone take a word of what you say seriously when you think it's a possibility Ted Olson remarried his "dead" wife because she had plastic surgery and assumed the identity of a woman who looked something like her (after she was killed of course....)
You can't even say that's a 1% possibility and be credible in anything you say.

Title: Re: no strawberries&waffles with Jesus
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/31/13 at 14:42:13

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
Well I can tell I don't believed word of what you say without looking into it. All your 9/11 stuff i looked at was nothing but bs and innuendo. How could anyone take a word of what you say seriously when you think it's a possibility Ted Olson remarried his "dead" wife because she had plastic surgery and assumed the identity of a woman who looked something like her (after she was killed of course....)
You can't even say that's a 1% possibility and be credible in anything you say.
I don't really care what you believe or not believe. I have given up trying to help you long ago. Others read these posts and my concern is that they will be inspired to seek the truth and do credible research. You are absolutely free to remain in your dark comfort area. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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