General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear H

Message started by RatdogWillie on 08/20/13 at 05:39:21

Title: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear H
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/20/13 at 05:39:21

Given time, could this spell the end of life on Earth?

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by Paraquat on 08/20/13 at 06:16:46

I could swear I've posted about this guy before: Nick Bostrom.

Each time we make one of these new discoveries we are putting our hand into a big urn of balls and pulling up a new ball---so far we've pulled up white balls and grey balls, but maybe next time we will pull out a black ball, a discovery that spells disaster. At the moment we have no good way of putting the ball back into the urn if we don't like it. Once a discovery has been published there is no way of un-publishing it.


Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by verslagen1 on 08/20/13 at 15:15:24

I think we're all Fuk'ied

but at least we won't need a night light anymore.

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by WD on 08/20/13 at 16:10:39

Don't eat salmon, halibut, king/snow/Dungeness crab or McDonalds Filet'o'fish and you'll be fine. Oh, and no tuna, since they eat those other items (all toxic before the spill, nothing new there)...

You'll be fine. Pacific seafoods are garbage anyway.


Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/13 at 17:24:38

Seems a great deal of the toxicity is carried on top,, &,,that side O the world gets almost 200 miles of Mist carried in,, Id be movin East..

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/20/13 at 20:38:42

5142060 wrote:
Don't eat salmon, halibut, king/snow/Dungeness crab or McDonalds Filet'o'fish and you'll be fine. Oh, and no tuna, since they eat those other items (all toxic before the spill, nothing new there)...

You'll be fine. Pacific seafoods are garbage anyway.


As time goes by, persons that do eat contaminated items will pass the radioactive particles thru their waste elimination. Those radioactive particles will remain harmful to living beings for many centuries. Who can predict how widespread the contamination will be. As of today Fukushima is spilling 300 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean every 24 hours.

Besides flushing and winding up who knows where, some radioactive particles will be carried in rainwater and deposited who knows where. It only takes one particle to cause a cell to become cancerous.

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by WD on 08/20/13 at 23:10:04

I grew up fishing the most toxic seawater in North America, Commencement Bay section of Puget Sound. I know where McSlimes gets the Filet-o-fish from (Alaskan/Siberian caught, Chinese processed, rotten before it gets back stateside but used anyway), I used to haul the dry breading mix to the plant that combined them into the finished product.

I don't eat anything that came out of the Pacific. Period.

Figure I'm screwed anyway. That and the old WPPS nuclear power stations out west, and of course the Hanford Nuclear dump. Our favorite beach was on the Columbia River, a couple hundred miles downstream of there.

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by Serowbot on 08/20/13 at 23:29:50

I think we'll have a little warning... when everyone in Japan dies...
Then,.. I'll cut down on the tuna fish...

... but, if it's really all that serious...
Go ahead and eat the tuna...  
It's no use hanging around when the show is over... :-?...

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/13 at 10:51:26

The odds are this is just another chicken little the sky is falling story.
If all the people who were supposed to get sick and die after stories like this come out, there be no one left on this planet.

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/13 at 11:20:29

This is FAR worse.
Add ti it the BP disaster in the Gulf.
Add, also, the "depleted Uranium" we are using in battle.

Go read the Georgia Guidestones..

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/21/13 at 11:28:12

7A484F5E59485F604C5F462D0 wrote:
The odds are this is just another chicken little the sky is falling story.
If all the people who were supposed to get sick and die after stories like this come out, there be no one left on this planet.
At some point down the time line, there may well be no people left alive due to this.

The odds are that you would believe it to be a chicken little story were overwhelming high. After all you believe 19 religious fanatics controlled by a dying man on dialysis partied with alcohol and strippers on their way to commit suicide to be with their god, hijacked some planes after boarding them without tickets or being filmed at the airports, managed to have NORAD stand-down, were able to confuse the military and air-traffic controllers by having them schedule drills to coincide with their evil plans, over powered the crew and passengers using razorblades, piloted large jets with accuracy and precision over unfamiliar large territory, finding their intended targets and kill themselves and all aboard, even while some hijackers magically came back to life and are living happily ever after. (that is until Fukushima catches up with them)

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/13 at 14:31:35

& they call   people who dont believe that Conspiracy theerists

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/13 at 15:24:23

Aw come on guys… many things in my lifetime were gonna end it all for me? Here’s only the ones off the top of my head: (which is soon to be hairless I’m sure because of one of these things…..)

Y2K, acid rain, alar on apples, DDT, Haley’s Comet, over population time bombs, global warming, global cooling, a very quiet spring thanks to Rachel Carson, no more honeybees, DDT was going to make me grow 3 eyes, I was going to have a shortcut to China courtesy of a nuke plant according to Jane Fonda, PCB’s were everywhere, sick building syndrome, artificial sweeteners in soda, 2nd hand smoke, west nile virus, bird flu, too much sun, not enough sun, too much sex, not enough sex, gmo crops….  Lets see, am I missing anything recently? Oh, yea, the stuff from Japan that floated over and hit California's coast was gonna cause mass mutations in babies.

And now you want me to think the end is coming because of Fukushima?....

I'll go ahead and send in a down payment for the vacation condo for next year. I like my odds of making it.....

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by WD on 08/21/13 at 15:41:30

Just don't eat anything grown or caught on the west coast...  ;)

I miss DDT and Chlordane, they actually worked as advertised.

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/13 at 16:05:41

My Old Dr says DDT was saving so many lives they stopped using it,
It was stopping malaria.

Title: Re: Horrifying Facts About Ongoing Fukushima Nucle
Post by Midnightrider on 08/25/13 at 13:50:08

Good post Web, but we are so dam stupid we will end up killing ourselves and wiping out the planet someday. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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