General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> rodeo clown banned

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/13 at 11:56:02

Title: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/13 at 11:56:02

Im curious to know if anyone supports this decision.
I sure dont, & anyone who does cant read the Big C, NOR do they have the slightest grasp of what the 1st amendment says. If you support this, I am intolerant of you, because that is 100% UN American.

Either STATE you do not support this or be counted as a supporter,

Rodeo Clown Who Wore Obama Mask Banned for Life From Missouri State Fair

August 14, 2013

Missouri State Fair officials have banned for life the rodeo clown who wore a President Obama mask while facing bulls at the event over the weekend.

The clown in question engaged in an “unconscionable stunt” and will never perform at the Show Me state venue again, the Missouri State Fair Commission said Monday, in a statement. Fair officials are also reviewing their contract with the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for hiring and overseeing bull ring clowns.
Knowing is half of the battle.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Dane Allen on 08/14/13 at 13:33:26

He should be brought back for an encore (and an appology) and everyone should boycott the fair until it happens.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/13 at 13:40:02

I think he should go get him a good civil rights attorney & sue their socks off.

In Fact, Ill BET you He is getting calls From lawyers. If I was one, Id call him.
Id show THEM in the Show me State.,.buncha illiterate jakkasses.. Cant even read the Big C..

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by oldNslow on 08/14/13 at 13:53:32

NAACP thinks he should be investigated by the DOJ for civil rights violations or some such crap. This whole friggin country has gone completly nuts IMO.

Just in case the above doesn't make it clear enough, no, I don't support banning the rodeo guy. The real clown is in the White House. Unfortunately his tricks don't make me laugh

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Paraquat on 08/14/13 at 17:26:23

What happened to free speech and the freedom of expressing yourself?
I don't agree with him being banned.


Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/13 at 18:29:29

66585955475B5A340 wrote:
NAACP thinks he should be investigated by the DOJ for civil rights violations or some such crap. This whole friggin country has gone completly nuts IMO.

Just in case the above doesn't make it clear enough, no, I don't support banning the rodeo guy. The real clown is in the White House. Unfortunately his tricks don't make me laugh

;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Midnightrider on 08/14/13 at 18:30:58

Next rodeo he could be George bush.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by raydawg on 08/14/13 at 18:54:46

Who made the mask.....should they not be brought to their knees, Monica?

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/13 at 02:15:26

Hmmm,, I wonder where S is on this..

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/13 at 05:24:01

Im not seein replies by anyone from the left.. is that not odd?

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 08/15/13 at 07:47:48

You guys are missing a crucial element in this - it is that there was a sign saying something like, "who wants Obama run over by a bull" while the clown was taunting a bull.
The mask wasn't the issue nearly as much as the idea of promoting physical harm to the President of the U.S.
I'm no fan of Obama, as most of you know, but this stunt was beyond being just a little over the top, and certainly wasn't funny.
We have lost respect for the office of the presidency, a sad time in our country.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/13 at 07:55:35

I never heard about the sign, but to me, doesnt matter. Comedy, farce,, people are Waaay too uptight,,The mere suggestion that some dude wearing a mask of a guy who isnt all that popular & is a politician mite be run over by a bull,, really? Talk about loss of respect,, are we really supposed to walk on eggshells for Dear Leader? Has America fallen so far theres no room for a JOKE any more? Ill try this,, would there have been such an uproar had this happened while Bush was busily wrecking America?
Who wants to see Bush run over by a bull?

As IF someones gonna pack up their attack bull & head for DC & try to hurt the pres.. Give me a BREAK,,

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/13 at 07:57:57

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
I never heard about the sign, but to me, doesnt matter. Comedy, farce,, people are Waaay too uptight,,The mere suggestion that some dude wearing a mask of a guy who isnt all that popular & is a politician mite be run over by a bull,, really? Talk about loss of respect,, are we really supposed to walk on eggshells for Dear Leader? Has America fallen so far theres no room for a JOKE any more? Ill try this,, would there have been such an uproar had this happened while Bush was busily wrecking America?
Who wants to see Bush run over by a bull?

As IF someones gonna pack up their attack bull & head for DC & try to hurt the pres.. Give me a BREAK,,

Actually, now that I think about it,, the Who wants to see Obama run over by a bull sign actually makes it funnier & makes more of a joke of the whole thing than just the mask,

Now, as for the What Matters part

I can READ the Constitution. That man has rights. He can be fired by his employer, but no state or state agency has the right to censure him,

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/13 at 08:46:22

Uh Huhh,, Whoda GUESSED?

1994,, George bush gets stomped & gored,, it was all good fun then, tho,, good GOD.. talk about America falling,, you people call yourselves
Americans & I cant see that the majority have even the first clue what it means,

The big white gate flew open. The bull came out bucking. The rider flopped

from side to side and the bullfighters held back, letting the bull make his moves until the rider dropped off. Licciardello crouched in a heavily padded barrel, a human target should the bull decide to charge. Hawkins waited near the barrel, holding his big inner tube. A dummy with a George Bush mask stood beside the clown, propped up by a broomstick.

Cowboys in their hats and long-sleeved shirts lined the arena's fences, some sitting on the top rails, some standing right on the sand.

This bull bucked well, needing no prompting from the bullfighters. And when the bull had lost his rider, he made moves toward the fences, sending cowboys scrambling up the fence rails, away from the bull's horns. Each of the first four bulls did about the same, bucking well but choosing not to charge their fallen riders, demanding few of the bullfighters' talents.

The fifth bull was behind the gate ready to go. His rider, O.J. Jones, pumped with adrenalin and, like the other riders, shaking in anticipation, was settling onto the back of Number 117 when, up in the announcer's booth, Dusty Cleveland enunciated the name that demanded respect.


Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by oldNslow on 08/15/13 at 11:08:02

We have lost respect for the office of the presidency, a sad time in our country.

Actually Jerry it's not us that have lost respect for the office of the presidency, it's the guy who is currently occupying that office.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by verslagen1 on 08/15/13 at 11:14:49

I wondered about prior history...
given the equal treatment...
the sacrosanct attitude of the divisional politics...
the race card...
the possible involvement of fair (?) officials... announcer... and others...
banning the clown is BS scape goating.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/13 at 11:23:35

Well,, There are people who havent said anything.. absolute, total Crikkits!

Mite be just a little bit telling,,
Its okay S, this thread will be ready & waiting when you come back,,
& Jerry, you made statements & I rebutted them. No response,, Im seeing a pattern.

Wanna have a go at the Commerce clause?

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Midnightrider on 08/15/13 at 15:02:11

28272B212A272C202730252730420 wrote:
You guys are missing a crucial element in this - it is that there was a sign saying something like, "who wants Obama run over by a bull" while the clown was taunting a bull.
The mask wasn't the issue nearly as much as the idea of promoting physical harm to the President of the U.S.
I'm no fan of Obama, as most of you know, but this stunt was beyond being just a little over the top, and certainly wasn't funny.
We have lost respect for the office of the presidency, a sad time in our country.

I respect the office but not the man who is in it.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Paraquat on 08/15/13 at 15:06:25



Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Paraquat on 08/15/13 at 15:07:25



Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/13 at 08:52:29

Thats awesome, Steve,,

Awwrite, buddy from down HOuston way called,, we talked about this..
The state did a lot wrong,,he mentioned he thot that it also impacts his Right to Commerce & Contract,, & WOW,, Isnt that the truth?
He also mentioned a coupla others Quit,, the announcer & the guy who was head of the rodeo( IF Im rememberin right).

Anyone have the story on why these guys quit?

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/13 at 23:24:44

Im tryin to keep this high on the page for S..

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Serowbot on 08/16/13 at 23:53:13

Am I S.?. :-/... or Srin?...

I will say,.. I read a report from a spectator at that rodeo,... and he claims he heard the announcer mention Obama approximately 100 times...
This does sound like incitement...
The man said it began to feel like a KKK rally...
If that is true, in perception if not detail,.. it is ugly... and unseemly,.. and lacking respect...

Rodeos are a predominantly white interest... and among a southern audience it may have fed upon itself, and got out of hand...
Maybe not entirely the clowns fault... (I would tend to hold the announcer more culpable, from what I've read)... but, this not some PC overreach... it sounds very distasteful, and unhealthy...
Such things encourage the lower elements of society...

Worse yet, the Texas RNC's kneejerk invitation for the clown to repeat this performance for them...
That shows a pure hateful spite... and stinks of racism...
Please note...I didn't say it was racist... I said it smells of it...
Rep's should know better... (what motivates them?... hatred?... pandering to white racist's?... or just blind ignorance?)...

Sorry you asked for my opinion?... ;D...
Happy to give my 2 cents... as long as we all know, this is all just opinion based on the details of reporting we got...
None of us was there...
SO,... it can vary wildly based on who's account we are taking...
I think we'd all agree that there is a line that could be crossed...
Reports differ on the event...

Was this a friendly ribbing of the president,.. or an incitement of hate?...
Don't know...
The first amendment does protect free speech,... but, there are exceptions... like crying fire in a crowded theater...
Excessive taunting of an audience, to belittle a black man in a predominantly white, male, southern audience... can be tantamount to crying fire in a crowded theater...
A public announcer has a responsibility beyond that of a regular person... their actions in influence others... as does even a clown...
As even do we.... speaking in a forum, instead of one to one...
The larger the reach of our voice,... the more responsible we are for our words...

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/13 at 04:09:11

I think we'd all agree that there is a line that could be crossed...

Ive left places when things got ugly,,
So, in this predominately white crowd, were there any assaults on those few who werent?
& whats the answer when the line is crossed? & who decides when that happens?
& No, youre Rowboat,

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/13 at 05:52:57

I'm sure Bush was tarred and feathered at many predominantly black events and sure, race was part of it in the sense that black groups all have an "us against them" aspect. I get that. And being from Missouri and I have a large customer in Sedalia, I can tell you for sure the n word gets tossed around freely in homes and bars around there. I'm pretty sure Romney won the same % of the vote in that area as say Obama did in every major inner city.

But...... Obama's supporters and bored liberal media types,  can't use every occurrence and blame it on race even if there is an element of racism because that makes Obama unassailable. Obama is notoriously thin-skinned as our his supporters who are used to being able to bully public opinion their way.
As for as the Texas Congressman who offered the guy a job, the way this was blown up into completely about race did exactly the same thing as the Zimmerman trial did: it took an event that wasnt necessarily race based and forced sides to be drawn.
Remember the golden rule: politics does not unite people, it divides.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by WD on 08/17/13 at 06:20:59

We no longer have rodeos at the Mid South Fair, In fact, it isn't even in TN anymore, it moved to Desoto County MS. Big part of that was the assaults, purse snatchings and pickpockets... all black on white. The other factor being that the University of Memphis wanted the fairgrounds for tailgating parking in support of the "couldn't win a game if the refs were paid off" football program, in order to keep alumni money pouring into the campus.

Seeing as the fair had already gone commercial instead of maintaining an agriculture focus, good riddance. I went mostly for deep fried salt, SoCo slushies and puking off the Ferris wheel onto the people below...

Sorry you asked?

As to the clown situation, bunch of knee jerk cry babies on the fair board. Sensitivity training? It's a rodeo, once your balls have dropped enough to be a participant, you've earned the right to say whatever you want, in whatever format, at that venue.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/13 at 15:21:57

You do know youre on the sensitivity training list now, right?

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by srinath on 08/19/13 at 08:03:47

7A75797378757E727562777562100 wrote:
You guys are missing a crucial element in this - it is that there was a sign saying something like, "who wants Obama run over by a bull" while the clown was taunting a bull.
The mask wasn't the issue nearly as much as the idea of promoting physical harm to the President of the U.S.
I'm no fan of Obama, as most of you know, but this stunt was beyond being just a little over the top, and certainly wasn't funny.
We have lost respect for the office of the presidency, a sad time in our country.



Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/13 at 08:07:13

Yea, where were ya when it was Bush getting Creamed?

This is a load of crap. ya dont allow a state or state agency to censure a citizen, its against the Big C. & what of the mans Right to Commerce & Contract?

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by Wolfman on 08/20/13 at 04:47:22

Sign nothing, it was the announcer who asked the crowd if they wanted to see president Obuma run over by a bull.

If he had had a Bush mask on nobody would of said a thing.
People are being a little bit too political correct, touchy. What ever happened to the freedom of free speech.

On that note Justin, i do hope you were just talking about the Fair Board with this quip.
"Id show THEM in the Show me State.,.buncha illiterate jakkasses.."

Im from Missouri! If your lumping us all together why don't you come on down and Sho-Me.

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/13 at 05:27:09

Amen to that Wolfman (from a fellow Show-me-stater)......

What are you gonna show us?, how they do it inTexas?!

I've been to East Texas Jog, it ain't no picnic....

Title: Re: rodeo clown banned
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/13 at 17:09:55

6C54575D565A553B0 wrote:
Sign nothing, it was the announcer who asked the crowd if they wanted to see president Obuma run over by a bull.

If he had had a Bush mask on nobody would of said a thing.
People are being a little bit too political correct, touchy. What ever happened to the freedom of free speech.

On that note Justin, i do hope you were just talking about the Fair Board with this quip.
"Id show THEM in the Show me State.,.buncha illiterate jakkasses.."

Im from Missouri! If your lumping us all together why don't you come on down and Sho-Me.

Any & all who are too stupid to read the Big C,, thats all. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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