General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> benghazi

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/13 at 19:38:03

Title: benghazi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/13 at 19:38:03

anyone else picking up on the rumblings?

Title: Re: benghazi
Post by srinath on 08/05/13 at 06:32:54

I saw tha tsaxby Chambliss was screeching about how NSA surveillance lead the US and allies to sloce embassies due to elevated threat ...
What rumblings you talking about.


Title: Re: benghazi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/13 at 13:00:37

That our anmbassador was killed in an arms deal gone bad,,
My thinking is more along the lines of Pat Tillman,, Stevens saw we were arming our alleged enemies & said NO,, he wouldnt be a part of it, so they had him killed,.

Title: Re: benghazi
Post by Paraquat on 08/05/13 at 15:11:18

Interesting theory.
Iran Contra part 2?


Title: Re: benghazi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/13 at 16:53:54

KInda sorta,, not quite the same, but arming the enemy,, never gtood

Title: Re: benghazi
Post by srinath on 08/06/13 at 06:41:48

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
KInda sorta,, not quite the same, but arming the enemy,, never gtood

Oh yea ... well the US has a looooooong history of that ... I guess it makes no sensre to stop it now ...


Title: Re: benghazi
Post by RatdogWillie on 08/06/13 at 07:14:07

The “rumblings” are just propaganda created by the Imperial Federal Government, relayed to the mouthpiece media by “unnamed officials” and "anonymous sources” to prepare the American sheeple to accept Obama’s next military strike on something, somewhere (with Muslims no doubt), that will be labeled as a preventive measure to stop al-CIA-duh from attacking the U.S.A interests (banks, citizens, military targets, banks, embassies, banks, babies, puppies, kittens, banks, excreta, bankers, excreta, excreta).

If not pre-emptive, then it will be in response to a convenient staged false-flag attack blamed on “bad guy terrorists” with a mega boogieman bad guy leader.  Of course the sheeple will get stirred to a patriotic war fever frenzy and forget all about the lousy dying dollar economy, the rape of the Constitution, NSA spying on their every move, the IRS targeting the great leaders enemies, the forced Unaffordable Healthcare Act,HeaBenghazi gun running, drones targeting Israel’s’ enemies, then attacking the rescuers that show up after the initial attack, excreta, excreta, excreta.

What Americans should realize is that any terror attack anywhere, if truly real, would be proof positive that all the taxpayer treasury sunk into the DHS, NSA, CIA, FBI, TSA, excreta, excreta, excreta, has been a total failure. But since their real purpose is not to protect American citizens, but rather to protect the government from American citizens, then these treasury draining entities are still tax thefts of a major magnitude.

Title: Re: benghazi
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/13 at 08:27:58

Nope, the rumblings I refer to are whistleblowers,

Title: Re: benghazi
Post by srinath on 08/06/13 at 09:29:14

4A555354494E7F4F7F47555912200 wrote:
Nope, the rumblings I refer to are whistleblowers,

Yup, they are all rumbling ... yup.
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