General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A warning from Poland

Message started by RatdogWillie on 07/27/13 at 08:18:51

Title: A warning from Poland
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/27/13 at 08:18:51

Dear Friends in America…

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/13 at 08:53:33

NOw,, whose agenda has brought us to where we are? Progressives or conservatives or libertarians?

Looks to me like everyone but Libertarians have some bleam to bear here.

but this part lands on the Progressives agenda side of it.

You better not even try using a gun that you have on a sporting permit for self-defence, since that is an outright charge for attempted murder, regardless of the situation and the motives of the person you used the gun against. Did I mention that the Police have the right to revoke my firearms license at any time without prior notice (if, for example, they decide that the reason for giving me a license is no longer valid) and confiscate all guns if they see it necessary? Naturally, as a law-abiding citizen I have the right to appeal in court, but that is only after all my guns and ammo are taken away from me.

Read more:

Theyd love that,,

That was a fine article. how many see?

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/27/13 at 12:11:05

435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 wrote:
That was a fine article. how many see?

How many will bother to read it? .......get it if they do read it?

Shame isn't it?     .....such a powerful warning!

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by Dane Allen on 07/27/13 at 16:38:49

Ignorance is the key to any man’s demise and, sorry to say this, most of you have reached master level in ignorance and I-do-not-give-a-darnism.

Wow. very powerful. This is Marxism, pure and simple. The population has been rendered completely stupid and the media works for the enemy. There really isn't anything we can do now, unfortunately.  >:(

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/27/13 at 17:03:52

02272823072A2A2328460 wrote:

Ignorance is the key to any man’s demise and, sorry to say this, most of you have reached master level in ignorance and I-do-not-give-a-darnism.

Wow. very powerful. This is Marxism, pure and simple. The population has been rendered completely stupid and the media works for the enemy. There really isn't anything we can do now, unfortunately.  >:(

We can spread the warning in hope that enough will listen.

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by oldNslow on 07/27/13 at 18:29:39

Another example comes from good old Poland. A few weeks ago I learned that a new law has been passed and is now in effect: to allow the armed forces to be used to tackle civil disorder without the need of declaring a state of emergency or martial law. This is a gigantic change in Rules of Engagement for the armed forces, yet no one here seems to have noticed this milestone.

What is more shocking, the government that erected this law is a direct descendant of the Solidarity movement of 1980’s that lost countless lives while the armed forces were used to tackle strikes by the anticommunist opposition, and was the number one organization on this side of the Iron Curtain that begun the struggle for liberty which ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact.

So, almost full circle in about thirty years. From tyranny back to tyranny.

The progressives didn't really get rolling in this country till about a hundred years ago, and most of the damage has been done in the last fifty or so. They're gaining ground slowly but surely though. Short of an outright civil war, which I don't think many people have the stomach for, the best we can hope for is to slow down the inevitable.

  The debate about gun rights is just the canary-in- the- coal mine though. Once the right of self defense no longer exists, an individual ceases to have any rights at all. And that is the road we are riding down right now.We have already, willingly, or through ignorance, or cowardice, or greed, handed many our individual rights and freedoms to the state in exchange for it's promise to look after us and keep us safe and warm. Once forfeited, those freedoms are not going to be returned.
And history shows us that the result is always the same - a small, extraordinarily powerful ruling class, and a huge, powerless, mass of those that are ruled.

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by mpescatori on 07/29/13 at 05:00:05

5B7E717A5E73737A711F0 wrote:

Ignorance is the key to any man’s demise and, sorry to say this, most of you have reached master level in ignorance and I-do-not-give-a-darnism.

Wow. very powerful. This is Marxism, pure and simple. The population has been rendered completely stupid and the media works for the enemy. There really isn't anything we can do now, unfortunately.  >:(

No, Sir, it isn't Marxism (which is actually a theory on social economics) but simple McCarthyism.

It's your own history, you might as well study it.

What Sergej described is extremely similar to what happens in Italy.
I am a full career military, 53 years old and with 34 years of service, former Company and Battallion Commander, yet the Police will time after time deny my Defense Permit and propose a Sporting Permit (good only for punching holes in paper) on the grounds "if I need a gun I have my GI Beretta".
To which I reply that if I were to walk around in public with my GI Beretta then the Police Sergeant who's behaving like a pimply youth (Uncle Vinny, anyone?  ;)) would be standing to attention and calling me "Sir"...

America never had it so good as in the late'60s / early '70s, which, not by coincidence, were the Nixon years... which Richard won with a formidable "Democrats for Nixon" campaign.

I'm sorry to say, but whatever your feelings may be, the Reagan/GHBush Administration's foreign policy over a full 12 years made the US's look very ugly indeed to the foreign observer.

And by what I read, Pres. Obama is behaving more as a proxy Republican than the Democrat he claims to be.

Of, course, this is just a perception. So no name calling, just give me a plausible explanation for this new wave of McCarthyism.

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by Pine on 07/29/13 at 06:40:30

/Agreed ....McCarthyism

The media tactics ( not the media itself... just the devices/techniques) that have been brought to bear starting at the time Reagan are very effective. Everyone wants to be on the "politically correct and progressive" side of things. And it can all sound so good when you willingly give up liberty for the sake of the common good. Except, that such promises ( a better common good) never occurs, and what was given up then can never be recovered.

I have decided that mostly, I cannot win at explaining why giving up liberty is bad. I can now mostly just try and explain that in deed knowledge is power and individual thought over "going along with the masses" is always in ones own self best interest. Those that get that far... often end up finding their own way, though it take time. Such people don't always agree with every position I have, but they take the time to learn their own position and end up well outside the masses, and at least knowing what is being taken from them.

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/13 at 07:30:50

Mc Carthyism? Didnt he accuse people of being commies? Wasnt he later proven pretty much correct?

OUr foreign policy is not representative of the needs of the nation, imo.
it is not good for america or the world, thats why I* say the government has been taken over & is driven by globalists.

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by srinath on 07/29/13 at 07:31:56

695A4F5F545C6C525757525E3B0 wrote:
Dear Friends in America…

Nothing higher than I say for credible news analysis ... unless of course its in Hanna Montana's twitter feed.

Remember the I in Nixon stands for Integrity.


Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/13 at 07:39:12

How about your sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph analysis & rebuttal? You cant just smear everything with hate for the surce. Actually DO what you say, analyze it, take it apart, show WHY its wrong,
Thats what I do.. you can if you actually have something to say,

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by Paraquat on 07/29/13 at 09:20:02

I'm drawing a blank. I cannot recall how the saying goes.

Something like "Don't argue with the 9th guy".

Meaning if 9 people before you agree then they are probably right. (I'll admit this is not always true and the Earth is round and orbits the sun).
We keep getting scraps, pieces of a larger puzzle. Enough people are giving out enough pieces. Can you see what the larger picture is?


Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by Pine on 07/29/13 at 11:00:11

7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 wrote:
Mc Carthyism? Didnt he accuse people of being commies? Wasnt he later proven pretty much correct?

OUr foreign policy is not representative of the needs of the nation, imo.
it is not good for america or the world, thats why I* say the government has been taken over & is driven by globalists.

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."[1] The term has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1950 to 1956 and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of Republican U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts. The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries.

Again the tactics...
Salem witch hunts... throw the old lady in .. if she drowns we were wrong.. oops our bad... if she floats .. burn her at the stake! Either way the old lady dies. Same with McCathyism... even if you prove innocent your life is trashed.

So 2013... you make a call on your cell phone to a number your wife scribbled and then washed.. wrong number .. someone speaking gibberish on the other end.. then you do it again to make sure.. yup wrong number.. Next thing you know three black SUV's come up and whisk you away ... forever... no court nor charges are required when you are a suspected terrorist.  So why did you call Iran twice???   :-/

Now how is it we NEED the NSA to monitor our phones??   8-)

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/13 at 12:04:36

Awwright! I didnt know that,, thanks,

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by Dane Allen on 07/29/13 at 13:14:02

5F6C7969626A5A64616164680D0 wrote:
[quote author=02272823072A2A2328460 link=1374938332/0#3 date=1374968329]
Ignorance is the key to any man’s demise and, sorry to say this, most of you have reached master level in ignorance and I-do-not-give-a-darnism.

Wow. very powerful. This is Marxism, pure and simple. The population has been rendered completely stupid and the media works for the enemy. There really isn't anything we can do now, unfortunately.  >:(

We can spread the warning in hope that enough will listen.

It's not enough to listen, action is what is needed, vigilant and informed action that is constant and effective. Americans are not the Americans or yore and we just don't have the ethical and moral foundation any longer. This is the America of Grayson, Mathews, Filner, Pelosi, Weiner, Frank, Rahm E, Holder and all the others.

Title: Re: A warning from Poland
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/13 at 13:17:22

Dont forget Bush & Cheney,, ALL NWO minions., Both sides SUCK,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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