General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Zimmy Again

Message started by Starlifter on 07/24/13 at 18:16:10

Title: Zimmy Again
Post by Starlifter on 07/24/13 at 18:16:10

Oh oh, The 'story' of the Zimmerman' crash reccue is falling apart at the seams..

Less than one mile from where George Zimmerman killed 17 year-old Trayvon Martin, a new debate has erupted after a reported car crash involving an SUV carrying 4 family members flipped over and ‘George’ as Juror B37 fondly calls him, put on his Superhero cape, then came out of hiding — miraculously he happened to be at the right time and right place — to save the trapped family. The responding officer who to went to the scene also happens to be a vocal George Zimmerman supporter on his Facebook account: Patrick Rehder.


Newsball continues, “The plot thickens as there is NO mention of Officer Rehder meeting George Zimmerman at the crash scene anywhere on his facebook, despite the July 17th incident being sandwiched in between continual support of George Zimmerman both before, & from the aftermath of the trial.”

Who else did not mention the accident? The people involved in the accident. Also, there are no pictures or videos of said accident. And the mother involved in the supposed crash deleted her Facebook page after being asked about the authenticity of the incident. reports further:

Longtime supporter (& one source still being investigated by NB is claiming friend) of George Zimmerman, Officer Patrick Rehder’s cell phone records reveal a text or call to George Zimmerman right after the 5:47 PM crash was called in. This tipped Zimmerman off to the car crash accident & to get there to assist the family before Officer Rehder arrived. Zimmerman, still hiding out in the same neighborhood that he killed Trayvon Martin in, was less then a mile away to jump into action & be a hero with his passive aggressive approach KNOWING that his name on the police report would eventually be made public. We didn’t give Zimmerman enough credit – he had a larger role in orchestrating this then we thought was possible.

The family isn’t talking, but Sanford Police Capt. Jim McAuliffe told reporters that Zimmerman, 29, was identified by Mark Gerstle as the man who pulled him from the mangled vehicle last week. “George Zimmerman pulled me out,” firefighters were told.
The sheriff’s stated that the driver & passenger have expressed they are not interested in speaking with the media about this incident. They also never talked about it on their facebook walls. Nor did their family members. Nor did the responding office. Despite lots of talk of Zimmerman before & after the incident. & no pictures exist of the crash. Neither Mark or Dana Gerstle had a comment to NewsBall by the time of this publication.

UPDATE 7/23: Instead of a response from either parent from the emails we sent them, Dana Gerstle’s facebook has suddenly disappeared a day after we took all of her pictures from it:but her brother Joey Muffoletto & sister Angel Muffoletto Thurlow still remain on facebook – never mentioning anything about their sister’s car accident on their walls. Let’s say that ‘George’ did rescue a family of four. Why couldn’t he defend himself against a 17 year-old during a fight? I’d love to see the insurance reports and pictures of the accident in question.

Mark Gerstle the driver involved in the alleged accident, refuses to speak of the dynamic rescue by Zimmer Man. The family cancelled their scheduled Press Conference. Zimmerman defense team is now speaking on behalf of the family? Really? Why is that?

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/13 at 19:12:17

Because there are so many IDIOTS out there who want to smash GZ these people arew terrified to give him positive press now,.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by raydawg on 07/24/13 at 20:43:06

Hey star....I think in another thread, the one where you state as fact that Zimmerman used the word coon, and I asked you to supply me with that evidence, you never did, that it's "over" and time to move on....did you change your mind?

Here it is, you wrote:

Yes they did do that. They removed the word 'coon' to tone it down for Zippy's benefit. It was on the original tape.

But, that's all water over the dam now.

Zippy beat the system, beat the rap, committed murder and walked.

No reason for any of us to continue to beat a dead horse.

Case close

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/13 at 22:59:06

I'm a fairly nice guy (oh, sure)... in the real world...

I visited a friend in hospital today... I carried some bags for an old lady,... and held the door for another...  I paused for second to wish a checkout girl a genuine "Nice Day" after she got burned by a wicked customer before me...
... but... I can't remember the last time I saved a bunch of people from a car crash...
Maybe he's just in the right place at the right time... maybe God is directing him... but, this is a heck of a story...

We'll see the truth come out...
Righty's and lefty's are jumping on this...
One or the other will get burned...
I'm gonna' hold off,.. and let the cards fall...
The public interest has been tweaked...
The truth will come forward...

In the meantime,... I hope any one of us, would have done the same... and assist anyone in such a need...

:-? :-? :-?...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Starlifter on 07/24/13 at 23:03:20

Here ya go.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/13 at 00:13:30

I may be stepping on my wee-wee here... ;D...

This is a legitimate controversy, and not made up... and will be investigated by more qualified than me,.. but...
This is my area of expertise... (also, video, film, editing, foley, engineering, and effects)...
I have worked professionally as an audio engineer, in video and audio production for over a decade...
I know, light and sound recording... I have taught it,... in college and university... (so, I'm a born lecturer on this topic)...and maybe others...

I can hear "coons" if I listen for it...  I can also hear "f'ing punks"...
I would lean towards "punks" if asked to testify... but, not definitively...

Have you ever watched those cheesy ghost hunter programs?... where they play a garbled noise, and then tell you it is saying "get out!"...  then you listen again and you can hear "get out!"...
That's a normal human response... much like seeing a face in the moon, or a bunny in the cloud shape, or the curtains...

...(listened again)... not hearing "coons"... I think he's saying "punks"... 80% positive...

That doesn't absolve him of killing,.. or even racist motivation...  
I just don't think I hear "coons"...

I do still think...
... if I had been in Zimmerman's shoes... that young man would still be alive... and so would I... and no one would be burgled, bludgeoned, molested, or accosted because I didn't kill him...
I still blame Zimm for that...
I think he acted unreasonably...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/13 at 03:06:02

& the Media did everything it could to get you to think he acted unreasonably,.
Are you aware the Tray circled back & caught him and confronted him?
And Jumped him? He was already OUT of his truck when told not to follow, & then he stopped? Tray attacked this guy & got killed. Before I spent the last few days looking at more evidence, I was less sure of just how deserving TM was of being shot,, now,, he had it coming,, tuiff crappola,attack a man who is walkin away? PLay stupid games, win stupid [prizes,

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by raydawg on 07/25/13 at 03:30:49

2533243921343922560 wrote:
I may be stepping on my wee-wee here... ;D...

This is a legitimate controversy, and not made up... and will be investigated by more qualified than me,.. but...
This is my area of expertise... (also, video, film, editing, foley, engineering, and effects)...
I have worked professionally as an audio engineer, in video and audio production for over a decade...
I know, light and sound recording... I have taught it,... in college and university... (so, I'm a born lecturer on this topic)...and maybe others...

I can hear "coons" if I listen for it...  I can also hear "f'ing punks"...
I would lean towards "punks" if asked to testify... but, not definitively...

Have you ever watched those cheesy ghost hunter programs?... where they play a garbled noise, and then tell you it is saying "get out!"...  then you listen again and you can hear "get out!"...
That's a normal human response... much like seeing a face in the moon, or a bunny in the cloud shape, or the curtains...

...(listened again)... not hearing "coons"... I think he's saying "punks"... 80% positive...

That doesn't absolve him of killing,.. or even racist motivation...  
I just don't think I hear "coons"...

I do still think...
... if I had been in Zimmerman's shoes... that young man would still be alive... and so would I... and no one would be burgled, bludgeoned, molested, or accosted because I didn't kill him...
I still blame Zimm for that...
I think he acted unreasonably...

The threshold in a murder rap is BEYOND the shadow of doubt....

Seems you've done an experts job in framing doubt here in a key component to the racial element of the charge.
Of course some folks hearts are bent on refusing to honor that when it doesn't jive with their beliefs.

I already shared how that motivation screwed it up (the case of manslaughter) which I believe should have been the charge from the very beginning....

Blinded by rage the zealots blew this case, and they continue to spew forth, I believe.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/13 at 03:48:57

The threshold in a murder rap is BEYOND the shadow of doubt...

Reasonable doubt

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Midnightrider on 07/25/13 at 08:20:51

It was an all out tragedy. I wish things could have been different. Neither one of them were hardcore criminals.I wish Al, Jesse, and the government would leave it alone. You can believe what you want about Z and Tray but as I said before I don't believe neither were hardened criminal. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time, Its a tragedy indeed.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by srinath on 07/25/13 at 08:31:09

77535E54535D524E48535E5F483A0 wrote:
It was an all out tragedy. I wish things could have been different. Neither one of them were hardcore criminals.I wish Al, Jesse, and the government would leave it alone. You can believe what you want about Z and Tray but as I said before I don't believe neither were hardened criminal. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time, Its a tragedy indeed.


Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Paraquat on 07/25/13 at 11:10:47



Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by WebsterMark on 07/25/13 at 18:55:42

I've not heard any reasonable person claim the Zimmerman story was made up,  has anyone else?

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Starlifter on 07/25/13 at 19:43:32

I've not heard any reasonable person claim the Zimmerman story was not made up,  has anyone else?

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/13 at 20:00:09

I've not heard any reasonable person... ;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/13 at 20:09:48

Our demographic clearly points to Right leaning...

over 40
mostly from Red states...
...and we ride bikes...

all those demo's lean Right...

If we were black, Hispanic, Asian...
under 30
mostly from Blue states...
... and non-riders...
We'd lean Left...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/13 at 22:43:29

(NEWSER) – George Zimmerman burst back onto the scene in the most unexpected of ways this week, rescuing a family of four from a vehicle that had overturned on a Florida highway. Now, Zimmerman's attorney is explaining that Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle "really wanted" to thank Zimmerman publicly, but canceled a press conference planned for yesterday afternoon over fears of "blowback." They were worried about being linked to someone who is "right now very toxic," Mark O'Mara toldCNN last night. Reuters adds that the Gerstles aren't talking to the media and have placed a "no trespassing" sign on their lawn.

Read more:

Its lookin like he really Did help them,, Sorry, Star, I know you wanted it to be a bogus claim, PR stunt..

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/13 at 23:09:05

Not sayin' true or not,... but, don't look to Zimmerman's lawyer for an impartial statement...
Even a lawyer will tell you,.. it's not their job to be impartial...

They are partial... by profession...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Starlifter on 07/25/13 at 23:11:30

...sigh, here we go again...see, he's a bad guy! looky here he's a good guy!...Enough, case closed.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/13 at 23:18:04

Yea, Ive been turnin the radio off if its more of this,, time to move on for me,

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/13 at 05:34:13

Zimmerman is not a bad guy and I'm not even sure what would constitute a good guy. He's just a guy who had a habit of helping people. Read up on what he did for his neighbors in the years previous. He wanted to be a cop but didn't have the physical tools.. He's not a racist and attempts to paint him as such with audio edits and outright lies are  disgraceful. I'd like to think 99% of us would have pulled over to help if we were the first ones on the scene of an accident. The story is not a lie, but its not a big deal either.  
I agree with jog, let it go. It's over.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by srinath on 07/26/13 at 08:18:03

724047565140576844574E250 wrote:
He's just a guy who had a habit of helping people.  

Yup, especially when it comes to helping people by shooting them ... that way he uses his SYG and the second amendment ... and tha thelps all of us, our rights, if we dont use them we lose them y'know.

Yes for all of us, we need to carry all the time and shoot ... I never go nowhere unless I am armed to the teeth ... fully loaded, 400 lb, and that's just the ammo ... just in case someone raised the price to $100 a bullet.


Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/13 at 08:22:47

Whatever Sri, whatever....

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/13 at 09:19:19

Holding to an opinion after such a preponderance of evidence would indicate that opinion is unsupportable? Sorry, IMO, this is proof that no matter what youre shown, your mind is made up. NO point in trying to sway your thinking on anything, nothing, Ive thot that, but, now I know it,
type all you want, im done.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/13 at 09:46:13

Sorry but, no...
A regular ol' nice guy,.... doesn't get charged with 3 felony charges relating to a Police assault...(they were dropped,... but, Daddy's a judge)...
Also,.. a restraining order against him from his fiance...

I know,... you guys will say,"No big deal"... but, at the same time Travon's smoking some weed, and flipping the bird are...

That is a supreme hypocrisy...

I was teenager,.. I smoked some weed,.. I have flipped the bird... I got into a few fights as a kid, too...
I have never been issued a restraining order, or been charged with 3 violent felonies...

How many of you can say you never smoked weed, or flipped the bird?... Were you perfect angels as children?...

Be honest... you can still support Zimmy without trying to make nothing out of violent felonies...
... but, it is unreasonable to say they are nothing...
The relevance is,.. the case was about a violent felony... a murder...
Not petty theft,.. smoking dope, schoolyard scuffles, flipping birdy's, or wearing hoodies...

The preponderance of fact goes to violent felonies,... not rebellious teen behavior...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/13 at 11:12:51

Ive never leaned on TM's history to conclude he got shot in self defense. Neither ones Criminal history matters in the events of that day. But, its not reasonable to call Zim a racist. Even the state atty general told the prosecutor that filing a Civil Rights case & trying to demonstrate racial animosity would be impossible. Not only is there insufficient evidence to demonstrate Zim is a racist, there is a preponderance ( his word) of evidence to the contrary.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/13 at 11:16:40

It's not that we're supporting zimmerman per se, its more that we are objecting to the fact this case was hijacked and turned into something it wasn't. When sharpton and company get involved, I get justifiably  suspicious. Fact is, this was turned into a political tool and many used this incident to boost themselves in whatever fashion they could, including Obama. When that happened, it no longer became about a single incident. Lines were drawn and you were forced to take sides.

It became apparent with the NBC editing, the false coon statement, wall to wall coverage, that the left had decided to crucify Zimmerman to continue painting republicans as racist. As the efforts intensified from the left, the right pushed back just as hard. in that sense, the left got what they wanted. Honesty, many on the left will benefit because he was found innocent. They can keep this issue alive even longer. Fact is, you on the left didn't care about Martin anymore than the right cared about Zimmerman. The left spent a enormous amount of energy on this false racism case for a year and a half and in that time literally thousands of travon martins were brutally murdered and the left  didn't give a darn. There was nothing political to be gained showing black bodies piling up if you couldn't find  someone useful to blame.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/13 at 12:04:47

You are right,.. I don't care about Travon... In the sense that I didn't know him,.. and I don't he was any more special than thousands of other people that are murdered...
And I don't say Zimm was racist... because, I don't know...

I do say the "Stand your Ground" defense, is a can of worms that is causing more problems than it fixes... and , this is the issue that brought this case into the public eye...
The race issue is a sidebar,.. and is more helpful to SYG supporters than anything... It is a distraction...
SYG laws are taking us one step back into the wild west instead of forward to a more civilized country...
One step closer to a country resembling Kuwait, or Afghanistan, or Egypt... where people walk about with Ak's over their shoulder...
These are places Americans don't want to visit... why do we want live in such a place?...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/13 at 13:02:19

I read the news as much as anyone else and I don't recall much about STG lads until this case was hijacked.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/13 at 13:27:22

Your memory is faulty... SYG was the headline issue in the very first reports...
At least in the major Networks... ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN... Faux may be another story... It usually is... They have their own reality...

The question was,.. why hasn't this man even been arrested or charged?...
The answer was... Stand Your Ground...

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/13 at 16:10:13

Wasn't  the initial police investigation pretty much shown to be correct based on the outcome of the trial?

Hasn't the fire police chief been proven correct?

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by raydawg on 07/26/13 at 16:12:31

SYG would not have been a defense if aggravated assault (manslaughter) had been the original charge to begin with, I'm thinking....but the pressure by those who wanted to use this case for their own promotions most likely would never had accepted such a charge.....I bet. The press made it into a a major story, even steering it with how they reported it....
In a nutshell they wanted to taint or sway the jury pool, with trying Zimmerman in the court of public opinion, which is down right dangerous, irresponsible, and a grave injustice to our innocent until proven guilty court system.
The press has become nothing but used car salesman.....

But of course, I'll reserve judgement until star begs off once again....well that is after he renders his final decree, of course  ;D

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Midnightrider on 07/27/13 at 19:54:26

I'm a fairly nice guy (oh, sure)... in the real world...

I visited a friend in hospital today... I carried some bags for an old lady,... and held the door for another...  I paused for second to wish a checkout girl a genuine "Nice Day" after she got burned by a wicked customer before me...
Maybe he's just in the right place at the right time... maybe God is directing him... but, this is a heck of a story...+1 !!!!!! Bot you're a good man. I wished we lived closer. I could be good friends with you.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by Midnightrider on 07/28/13 at 00:32:22

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/13 at 03:07:45

While the Cervini family may now be in much pain over the loss of their son, he brought himself to his tragic end through a series of terrible choices. Roderick Scott had every right to protect himself; he did what he should have… and a jury of his peers agreed.

Oh, and Roderick Scott was a 42 year old black man about the size of an NFL linebacker. Christopher Cervini was a skinny, 17 year old white kid with a little bit of marijuana in his system.

Title: Re: Zimmy Again
Post by raydawg on 07/28/13 at 09:36:56

Yo star.....waiting to hear from you sir. I hope righteous indignation is your strong suit  :-* » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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