General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I've had enough and I'm out of here!

Message started by bobert_FSO on 07/23/13 at 08:11:16

Title: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by bobert_FSO on 07/23/13 at 08:11:16

Although I don't contribute much to the TT, I usually read through it.

Well, no more.

I've had enough of the same 6 people; posting inflamatory topics that are discussed a million other places on the Internet, only posting whatever supports their politics, refuting only with whatever "facts" support their side and stating their same old tired arguments.

Like all other political/religious discussions, no one is going to be convicted and persuaded to the other side.  Like all other such discussions, things heat up and get ugly.  Unfortunately it is just the human way when there are no restraints in place.  History is the story of one group hating another.

I will no longer be stopping by the TT.  In fact, I am ashamed of it and think it should be removed.  A great motorcycle-oriented forum is being tainted because of the ugliness in the TT.  Would you want a young kid, thrilled to be fixing up an old motorcycle to have access to all the hate being spewed around here?

Don't tell me that if I don't like it, I don't have to go to the TT forum.  Just because it is there is enough to taint the entire forum.

I ran across this forum about 3 years ago, when I got back into motorcycles after a 16 year absence while raising kids.  I sold my Savage a year ago, but still hang around because I think a Savage is a great bike and I like keeping up with people I have found on this forum.  Generally a nicer bunch of helpful people can't be found.

To those of you who are ruining my (and I assume others') experience on this site, I wish you would all just think of the rest of us a and take your political passions somewhere else.

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/13 at 08:27:13

dude, you'd gotta open the door to walk in. Don't like it, don't come in. Pretty simple.

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 09:27:22

Don't tell me that if I don't like it, I don't have to go to the TT forum.  Just because it is there is enough to taint the entire forum.

Nope,, its a link to a door you dont want to walk thru,, okay,, thats why its here, to put a wall between the Cafe & political rantings.
Surely you dont expect anyone to post things that would argue against their own position,,

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by Paraquat on 07/23/13 at 11:10:13



Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/23/13 at 19:41:24

The worst thing about censorship is xxxx-xxxxxx!

:o :o :o :o :-[

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/23/13 at 20:23:12

Don't be afraid to express your opinion, I wont hate you or call you names if you disagree with mine.

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by mpescatori on 07/24/13 at 01:51:14

OMG what a wuss!
I've been posting on the Tall Table very few times, read it every once in a while, but then...
So, join the discussion if you will, but be prepared to stand your ground.

If not... there's the Forum...

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/13 at 02:38:18

Dude! I clicked on that,, didnt take long to get enough, in fact, the page was still loading,Just enough to prove to myself its a real site,,

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by Charon on 07/24/13 at 03:57:45

I think the only reason the Tall Table is tolerated is that it raises the "click count" for the advertising header (which thanks to AdBlock I do not see) and thus the revenue.

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by srinath on 07/24/13 at 09:39:19

49626B7865640A0 wrote:
I think the only reason the Tall Table is tolerated is that it raises the "click count" for the advertising header (which thanks to AdBlock I do not see) and thus the revenue.

Aaaaah ... so its all making serowbot lots of $$$ ...

In another site I am on, the Tall Table equivalent is the Tard Farm.

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/13 at 09:46:58

Not me... I'm just a beat cop... I write tickets, and give directions...

...I do like Tard Farm.... (very un-pc)... ;D...

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by mpescatori on 07/26/13 at 01:56:55

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
Dude! I clicked on that,, didnt take long to get enough, in fact, the page was still loading,Just enough to prove to myself its a real site,,


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/13 at 05:13:37

I gotta admit,, I think that little red headed thing is just a Doll.

Title: Re: I've had enough and I'm out of here!
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/30/13 at 07:17:13

766B7E68787A6F7469721B0 wrote:
OMG what a wuss!
I've been posting on the Tall Table very few times, read it every once in a while, but then...
So, join the discussion if you will, but be prepared to stand your ground.

If not... there's the Forum...

;D ;D ;D

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