General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Castle doctrine vs stand your ground

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/23/13 at 05:10:56

Title: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/13 at 05:10:56

There's a story that just happened over the weekend in Missouri. Man confronts floaters pissing on his trees. The floaters are drunk. ( I never float and fish this river because 99% of the floaters are drunk)  Argument escalates and the man trying to diffuse the situation is shot and killed. Missouri has the castle doctrine law, meaning you can protect your property if threatened. The floaters had rocks in their hands and wouldn't leave. He fired two warning shots. One of the floaters with the rocks says to the landowner "put that gun down and we'll show you who has the power"
Here's the irony: knowing where these people come from and seeing them on tv, I can guarantee they celebrated when Zimmerman was found innocent. Now the tables are turned, as. A group, they are travon Martin and the land owner is George Zimmerman.....

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by oldNslow on 07/23/13 at 05:56:41

Here's the irony: knowing where these people come from and seeing them on tv, I can guarantee they celebrated when Zimmerman was found innocent. Now the tables are turned, as. A group, they are travon Martin and the land owner is George Zimmerman.....

A**holes are a**holes no matter where they happen to fall on the political/social spectrum, and whether they are armed with rocks or guns. I like the term "floater" though. Around here that's another name for a "turd".

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by Paraquat on 07/23/13 at 06:08:31

How do I argue my PR neighbor, yelling a whoopin' and a hollerin' at 3 AM with his 5 friends, smashing beer bottles in the street and pissing in my front yard.

This actually happened. I called the cops and after 25 minutes they left.
Where's my right, protected by the town's noise ordinance, to sleep?

How do you think that would've played out if I confronted them?
How do you think that would've played out if I confronted them, armed?


Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by oldNslow on 07/23/13 at 06:43:26

4170637060647065110 wrote:
How do I argue my PR neighbor, yelling a whoopin' and a hollerin' at 3 AM with his 5 friends, smashing beer bottles in the street and pissing in my front yard.

This actually happened. I called the cops and after 25 minutes they left.
Where's my right, protected by the town's noise ordinance, to sleep?

How do you think that would've played out if I confronted them?
How do you think that would've played out if I confronted them, armed?


Just take VP Biden's advice. Walk out in the middle of the street and fire a couple of shots into the air from yer shotgun. You won't be able to hear the racket from inside the jail cell the cops toss you into. You'll sleep like a baby ;)

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by Midnightrider on 07/23/13 at 20:30:19

Get you a neighborhood watch group and hire Zimmerman to run it.

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by Wolfman on 07/23/13 at 21:23:58

Castle doctrine in MO means you have no duty to retreat IF your in your home, rental property or vehicle.
Its kind of gray if your in your yard.
It does NOT cover the rest of your property outside!
Basicly your home or vehicle, hence your 'castle.'
Out and about on your property standard tresspass laws are in effect, not the castle law.

On that note in MO any navigable river(by boat/canoe) is open to the public and you have access to the high water mark.
The guy confronting the floaters was out of line and acting illegaly.
Now after the guys picked up the rocks THEN he is allowed to draw his weapon on them. Common sense, not the castle law.
And if you fire that weapon your life better be in danger.

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by WebsterMark on 07/24/13 at 05:03:39

Spot on wolf. I float streams all over S. Mo and have been confronted by dozens of landowners over what defines "navigable". The big difference is I'm fishing and not in an inflatable raft, drunk on my a$$ looking for a fight. I just think the Martin / Zimmerman thing is ironic.

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/24/13 at 05:38:41

It would seem that your very presence , having navigated the steam to that point, would pretty well prove the point.

Title: Re: Castle doctrine vs stand your ground
Post by Wolfman on 07/25/13 at 04:30:07

Some people push the law though. Taking it to mean if they can pull an air raft up it its legal.
What it was meant to do was cover rivers like the niangua and other normal floating rivers where you could navigate a loaded canoe or flat bottom.
Some rivers you have a no alcohol area. All are no glass containers among others. They have been watching the rivers a LOT MORE the last couple of years. Even nudity.
Problem there is its legal for a woman to go topless in MO...anywhere. Not sure how their working around that one.

And some land owners who own on both sides try to claim the river itself because the ground under the water is theirs. Technically their right, and if your standing on the bottom your trespassing. But if your setting in a boat their out of line.

Folks get tired of trespassers( i know i do) and they sometimes go a little to far. Used to many moons ago it was legal to shoot a trespasser.
Now days you cant even get the law to arrests them or prosecute them.
Cant go waving guns at them. Then YOU go to jail.

Theres also a law against harassment for sportsmen in mo. If your hunting or fishing and someone starts harassing you you can have them arrested. Unless its the land owner and your » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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