General Category >> The Cafe >> Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/20/13 at 09:35:53

Title: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/13 at 09:35:53

Just heard... Broken shoulder, and shattered ankle...
Going to go visit him in hospital...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by verslagen1 on 07/20/13 at 10:05:22

wish him well for us.

is his bike ok?   8-)

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/20/13 at 11:09:25

Gerry get well quickly my friend. You're in my prayers.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by WD on 07/20/13 at 11:11:54

Say hello from me and Lisa while you are there...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/13 at 12:10:25

Ankles are tricky fixin,, good luck Gerry.

Any info on the crash? Did he have help gettin in trouble?

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by kimchris1 on 07/20/13 at 12:18:04

OMG.. Huge XOXOX to Gerry for me, Serowbot.
I wish him all the best and a speedy recovery.
Tell him to rest as that will help with the recovery.
I know you will keep us posted on his road back to
us.. Again xoxox :) kim

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by LANCER on 07/20/13 at 12:42:08

Wow, my heart goes out to him.
He is now on our prayer list.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Starlifter on 07/20/13 at 12:59:14

I am so sorry. I wonder the how and why of the accident? Sending hope for a speedy and complete recovery.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/13 at 13:50:37

Update,...  It was yesterday, mid day... he as ridin' in town, clear road, safe 30mph, calm traffic, and the bike (Harley Sportster) suddenly threw him down...
The bike is expected to be totaled... (I'm going to hunt it down at the impound on Monday)...
Gerry thinks either the front tire blew out, or jumped off the rim...

His shoulder is broke into 4 pieces,... (they are debating repair or replace surgery on Monday)
Ankle is broken,.. something punctured clean through the leg...
Plus many sore, scratched, and bruised places... all over...
Fortunately,.. he was wearing a helmet (he says he remembers some strong hits to the shell)...

.. but,... Gerry's in good spirit,.. talking up a storm,... considering a Harley trike for a replacement...
He expects to get out of hospital Wednesday or Thursday...
Healing may be 6 months or more...

Gerry's been a lifelong motorcyclist,.. he's got many 100's of K miles riding experience...
I'll wish him well from you all...  ;)...


Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/13 at 14:14:59

Ankle is broken,.. something punctured clean through the leg...

dang,, that hurt me just readin it!

wearin boots?

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by MMRanch on 07/20/13 at 15:34:28

Fast healling to ya :

Its hard to do anything about what you doin't see comming !    8-)
say the front tire just went  ????   :o

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Sheriff41 on 07/20/13 at 15:51:46

Here's hoping and praying he heals up fast with no lasting effects.  Hang tough Gerry!


Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by WD on 07/20/13 at 19:41:20

I had 5 breaks in my left shoulder in 2/2008 so I definitely feel for him. Tell him to be really nice to the candy stripers, those little girls can be vindictive...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/13 at 21:03:49

5C4F0B0 wrote:
Tell him to be really nice to the candy stripers, those little girls can be vindictive...

Gerry is Casanova to the Candy Stripers... ;D...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/13 at 21:51:36

But was he wearin boots?

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/13 at 22:46:10

Don't know, JOG... but, probably not...
I know he has a pair (wicked cool, and custom expensive, specially set up for biking),.. for serious weather,... but, this is summer, monsoon season...

Protection wise,..
I'm as guilty as anyone, this time of year...
I always do a FF helmet...but, it's t-shirt time for sure...

I do usually have an ankle boot... but that's because all my pants are too long, and they won't stack right with low-tops... ;D...
At some point here,.. I started buying all my clothes as a motorcyclist...  Jeans all too long,.. all shirts have collars that won't flap... long sleeves for sun... sunglasses that are small, and can be put on in a helmet...
... even underwear that don't bunch up (boxer briefs)... ;D...
Jackets, and all clothing must be tight,.. so they don't flap...
And I have an insanely large selection of scarves, bandanas, and beanies...
Motorcycling ain't a hobby,... it's a lifestyle.... ;D...
... am I alone here?... :-?...  never

Jus' ramblin'...
Get well Gerry,  

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by stinger on 07/21/13 at 01:35:13

I almost bought it yesterday riding over MT Hood in Oregon. I was following my buddy and we were traveling maybe 60 mph. I saw him pointing but he is always doing that when he see's something he wants me to see also. This time it was a cow in the middle of the highway and it was in the shade, I didn't see it and I missed the cow by inches. I'm sure the cow would have won.  

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by stinger on 07/21/13 at 01:38:04

I forgot to add my sympathies for your crash but at the same time your lucky to be alive, and that you have to be thankful for. I wonder if it was his first accident on his bike? (and hopefully last!)

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by prechermike on 07/21/13 at 04:27:28

prayers for Gerry.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by raydawg on 07/21/13 at 08:58:15

What a bummer....glad he accepts it (his condition) with such good spirits (ah....good drugs) for that is the best medicine to recovery!

I know when my rear tire just up and went flat on me (big glass shard I believe I picked up in cavity/divot in the asphalt...I try to avoid those) I almost went down, and still a little paranoid from it.

My son, who lives in Glendale tells me about those monsoon downpours...real soakers!

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Starlifter on 07/25/13 at 20:23:20

Sudden catastrophic front tire failure...the ultimate nightmare of equipment failure caused crashes. I hope we can learn the cause of this accident...way too low tire pressure? old worn tire? damaged rim?...Thank God it occurred at 30 MPH and not 60 or more.

(Best wishes again for continued healing.)

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/13 at 21:50:06

A guy in HOuston on a Guzzi, on one of the big roads downtown, somethin went wonky in the drive line, locked the rear wheel up at speed. Took a major tumble, ATTGATT saved him from real injury, walked away. Okay,, Hobbled away,, but IIRC, he didnt break anything,,

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/13 at 00:49:32

Gerry had surgery on his shoulder,... repaired bones, broke in 4 places, and a torn rotator cuff...
He's in more pain now, than from the crash...
Healing will be slow and arduous...
He's waiting to be transferred to a (hospice?...I don't know... a place less intensive than hospital).. but, there is an insurance glitch...
His spirits are a bit down,.. but I expect it's the pain...

I got to see the bike at the tow yard,... it has surprisingly lite damage...(I suspect Gerry took the brunt of it and inadvertently cushioned the bike)...
I can't find any mechanical reason for the crash... maybe some unseen object in the road...

If the insurance totals it out,.. I may get Gerry to buy it back ...
I think I could bring it back to life...

Anyway,... Gerry is beat up pretty bad...
I hope he's back here in person soon...

Ride safe,
Serow  ;)...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/13 at 01:40:28

and a torn rotator cuff...
He's in more pain now, than from the crash...
Healing will be slow and arduous...

yes, it will,, i am a month in on rotator cuff,, & tonite took a spill,, im hurtin pretty good,, hope i didnt do serious damage in there, dont know yet

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by 23Skidoo on 07/26/13 at 02:18:08

All the best from Blighty and a speedy recovery...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by WD on 07/26/13 at 06:16:11

Shoulder break repairs are 1000x worse than the initial break. I know with mine, post wreck and home from the e.r. was not that big a deal. Post-op on the other hand...  :o

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/13 at 09:14:07

gettin hurt hurts

gettin healed up hurts wurser

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/13 at 09:53:17

Just curious but,.. what happens if you tear a rotator cuff, and don't have surgery?...
It must have happened a lot in the days before surgery ... :-?...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Pine on 07/26/13 at 09:59:25

Best wises for a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by WD on 07/26/13 at 10:42:55

3721362B33262B30440 wrote:
Just curious but,.. what happens if you tear a rotator cuff, and don't have surgery?...
It must have happened a lot in the days before surgery ... :-?...

Tore mine in 1989 or 1990, never had it fixed. Discomfort is about the only side affect. Lots of popping and slipping, but no loss of function.

The shoulder I shattered in 2008 still gives me grief. You learn to live with it and work around it the best you can.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/13 at 10:53:44

I might have torn mine when I crashed 3 years ago...  It never did heal up 100%...  Pops and pains...
Never saw a doctor about it though... so, I'll never know...
From what I understand, surgery don't make it 100% either... I guess maybe it just makes it heal faster...
That,.. or it makes doctors boat payments... ;D...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/13 at 11:22:29

Torn rotator cuffs dont do much healing. Mine were torn about 23 years ago.. degree of suffering varied thru the years, slowly getting less painful, then, theytd flare up, crunch & pop & hurt.. then I fell, reached & cranked the arm back & tore the heck out of it. The pain was more than I could bear. No way could I wait for 6 months or so for it to get a little better.
My R side is torn, BUT,, it doesnt hurt bad enough or hinder me enough to go thru the surgery,, Been There, Done that,, & I will have to be quite a bit more crippled up on that side before Id consider surgery. If you can get thru daily life & not hurt it more, Id say live with it..This is a way unfun recovery. I wear a sling, Can NOT use that arm for much of anything,,, IF anyone is considering this surgery ( elective) as a way to improve the overall quality of life, go hang out at a surgeons office & visit with someone who has been down that road, or PM me & we will swap numbers & you can call me,,

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by SuperSavage on 07/26/13 at 15:28:54

I've had 2 shoulder surgeries and didn't improve it one bit. I've been going for PROLOTHERAPY off and on for years. It works, just takes time. If you have a complete tear, the only option is surgery. Everyone over 40 has cuff tears, it's just normal wear and tear. It's the dang spurs that develop sub- AC joint that hurt. they rub the bursa and tendons everytime you move the arm above shoulder level it rubs. lokk up PROLOTHERAPY. It works and creates no damage.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by LostArtist on 07/30/13 at 11:08:13

sorry to hear this, hope he heals quickly, best wishes

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/30/13 at 11:32:02

UPDATE... Gerry has been moved to a rehab place and started some therapy...
He's walking pretty well, with just a cane...  They're mostly teaching him how to move and get things done without using his left arm, (he's a lefty) for the time being...
... the bad,.. is he has some circulation problems and is unable to elevate his legs because of rib pain... legs are swollen...

... but he may be home in a few days...


Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by LANCER on 07/30/13 at 22:29:07

Praying for his healing/speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by mpescatori on 07/31/13 at 03:25:17

I only realized today that Gerry had an accident.

Sent all my prayers and asked the local 1% MC to have a huddle-up just for him...
(well... you never know... you want diplomacy to work on both sides, right?)

How old is Gerry ? IIRC he is of the "wise" bunch ...

Keep track of that Sportster, if it's repairable it would certainly be worth fixing and reselling.
I don't know the laws over there, but over here rarely will a car/bikle be declared "totaled-out" by insurance and be written off forever.
If repairable, it will be written off for the time it takes to repair, then with the chassis number it will be re-registered and issued a new title.

5442554850454853270 wrote:
UPDATE... Gerry has been moved to a rehab place and started some therapy...
He's walking pretty well, with just a cane...  They're mostly teaching him how to move and get things done without using his left arm, (he's a lefty) for the time being...
... the bad,.. is he has some circulation problems and is unable to elevate his legs because of rib pain... legs are swollen...

... but he may be home in a few days...


Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Dave on 07/31/13 at 09:34:38

5B4D5A475F4A475C280 wrote:
Just curious but,.. what happens if you tear a rotator cuff, and don't have surgery?...
It must have happened a lot in the days before surgery ... :-?...


Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/13 at 15:22:45

What happens if its torn & ya dont have surgery?

Depends on the severity AND location of the tear. I tore mine initially 22 or 23 years ago. Learned to get by, took a year or so to be able to reach into the cabinet & get a glass down & not have to support the elbow with the other arm,, but the fall rotated the arm from straight out, like playing airplane, to pointed back,, ripped my wing off the fuselage,, NO Way to survive w/o surgery.. pain was absolutely unbearable 6 weeks later. It steadily got worse as time passed,.
Just had a Re-Evaluation,, SWeet young thing,, told me she is 100% IMpressed w/ the range of motion, far beyond average for 5 weeks post op.. Dang shes cute,, 41y/o, prolly weighs in at about a buck ten,,

Cant believe she hugs such a scroungy old thing as me,, but Ill sure let her..

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Serowbot on 07/31/13 at 15:49:31

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
Cant believe she hugs such a scroungy old thing as me,, but Ill sure let her..

Oooh!... she must be desperate...  Just my type... :-?...

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/13 at 16:24:18

I cant picture this girl ever being desperate,, maybe shes just so kind hearted shed let a scroungy old man get close,, or, hell,, maybe the poor things about blind! WHA Tevahh! Crappy thng is I can only manage what I call a Hollywood hug,, just one arm,, kinda off to the side,,

Next time I see her Im tellin her the Little Toe joke,

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by babyhog on 08/18/13 at 19:38:17

Saw Kims question about Gerry and since I haven't been around much, I didn't know what happened so I found the thread.  Hate to hear it, but glad he's on the mend.

Get well Gerry

:-* from babyhog  :-*

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Trippah on 08/18/13 at 19:48:49

Been almost a month, I hope Gerry is on the mend.  Just noticed this thread - so belated sell wishing. :)

Title: Re: Gerry Hughes crashed yesterday...
Post by Yonuh Adisi FSO on 08/20/13 at 23:38:47

Just found this thread and I hope you get better fast Jerry. Hate to hear about your spill. Get better soon. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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