General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Another Government Lie Bites the Dust

Message started by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 12:23:48

Title: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 12:23:48

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 13:09:52

Echo chamber, complete with obscured picture.

Maybe we'll have a complete picture and be picked up via something better, even Faux news, even a regional faux news.


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 13:23:00

686972757A6F731B0 wrote:
Echo chamber, complete with obscured picture.

Maybe we'll have a complete picture and be picked up via something better, even Faux news, even a regional faux news.


Photo is clear - no throat wound.
You need a better glasses, monitor, computer, and personality.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 13:29:01

526174646F6757696C6C6965000 wrote:
[quote author=686972757A6F731B0 link=1374261828/0#1 date=1374264592]Echo chamber, complete with obscured picture.

Maybe we'll have a complete picture and be picked up via something better, even Faux news, even a regional faux news.


Photo is clear - no throat wound.
You need a better glasses, monitor, computer, and personality.


You need to get your facts right, read english better and not claim to have superman's x-ray vision. That picture has a dark side and a bright side. I'd like to see that dark side as well as parts of the back.
You see 1/4th his neck in that pic ...


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 14:58:31

He came out of the boat unarmed & intact in his throat,, get over it,, accept being wrong, again.,

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 15:11:19

4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 wrote:
He came out of the boat unarmed & intact in his throat,, get over it,, accept being wrong, again.,
Maybe he sees blood pouring from the non-existent neck wound and believes the red laser dot on the forehead is a third eye.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 15:13:04

No hole in that throat

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/13 at 15:55:07

Seen this one?... :-?... New York Post...

Fox News...

Then there is this one,... Daily News...(I find this one more forgivable, because it was not done to lie... just cleaned up for the more sensitive)... (perhaps even in deference to the injured or his/her family)...

I can't believe you guys,.. you claim to be skeptics and critical thinkers, then buy into stories coming from a single, obscure source...

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by oldNslow on 07/19/13 at 16:11:29

From the article:

Is there anything else the government is lying about?

Wait! What? The government lie ???....

If recall correctly there was a whole bunch of shooting just before they dragged him outa the boat. Initial police reports were that he fired on the cops and they returned fire. Later they said he was unarmed. So they just shot the sh*t out of some guys boat because...??

I don't really give a crap if he was shot in the throat or not. But arguing about whether or not the government and their media lap dogs lie to us......  ::)

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Starlifter on 07/19/13 at 16:49:09

Yes, lots of lies and nonsense come from both the government AND the media, that's a given. What I fail to see here is what difference one way or the other does the throat wound or non throat wound make??...So what if he can or cannot talk? He can write... and why would anyone even want to lie about this?? What difference does it make? :-?

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/13 at 17:49:41

Bingo...  None... ;D...

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 18:44:06

The media relaying the official story line first claimed he shot himself in the throat. This was confirmed by Massachusetts Governor Deva Patrick. We were told he can’t talk and probably never would be able to talk again. The media and our subprime officials hadn’t yet thought about writing….we are just too damm dumb to think of that, or so they believed. Well the story changed when in became clear that he didn’t have a gun. So the official lie was he cut his throat with a knife and would never ever be able to talk again. Then along comes a state trooper that took a photo that shows no throat wound and posts it on the internet. Bad Cop….No Doughnut! Now people will see that lies were told….BAD COP!!!!

Obscure site??... no, not really.... maybe to those that rely on PBS, Faux, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and the other BS's.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 18:47:12

What difference? Hard to scream out whats going on & only certain people can get close enough to swap notes.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 19:58:15

I never heard that "shot in the throat" story.
I heard the cut/gash in the neck story ...
Bleeding or not is separate, to know gash/cut I need to see the whole neck before saying there is injury ... sorry that's just what I am ...


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 20:18:50

If I had a wound in my throat so severe I couldnt talk?? Guess where my hands would be,,

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 20:36:36

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
If I had a wound in my throat so severe I couldnt talk?? Guess where my hands would be,,

They would be up in the air and in front of me, showing I dont have a gun so the guys with the red dot on my forehead dont turn it into scrambled eggs like they did my brother ?

You would put it in your pocket ?


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/13 at 23:34:59

Do you geniuses believe that a govn't clever enough to conceal 911, and the Boston marathon,.. (not to mention aliens, and Bilderberg's)... would overlook the fact a mute man can write?...
Even Webster wouldn't go there... ;D...

Web,.. now's your chance... :-?...

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/20/13 at 05:36:11

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
Do you geniuses believe that a govn't clever enough to conceal 911, and the Boston marathon,.. (not to mention aliens, and Bilderberg's)... would overlook the fact a mute man can write?...
Even Webster wouldn't go there... ;D...

Web,.. now's your chance... :-?...
I don't believe that the government was able to cover up their involvement in 9/11 or the Boston bombing. The made too many glaring mistakes. One being coming up with the lie about not being able to talk when arrested because of a throat wound.Thinking persons immediately thought that he still would be able to write.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/20/13 at 05:37:46

2F2E35323D28345C0 wrote:
[quote author=3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 link=1374261828/0#14 date=1374290330]If I had a wound in my throat so severe I couldnt talk?? Guess where my hands would be,,

They would be up in the air and in front of me, showing I dont have a gun so the guys with the red dot on my forehead dont turn it into scrambled eggs like they did my brother ?

You would put it in your pocket ?

If human and in great pain, your hands would be at you throat.
You would not know about the laser beam on your forehead.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/20/13 at 05:42:55

7B7A6166697C60080 wrote:
... sorry that's just what I am ...


Out of context... but such a true statement never before uttered by the false bigot labeling Srinath! :) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :)

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Starlifter on 07/20/13 at 12:04:56

JOG, have you considered that there might be a government coverup concerning the Zimmerman incident?....just say'n. :-?

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/13 at 12:38:25

well,, the prosecutor did remove pics from trays phone in order to keep from painting tray as a thug,, but thats the extent of it, are they usiung to sow as much racial discord as they can? sure seem to be.,

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Starlifter on 07/20/13 at 13:24:17

Who from any point of view would want to sow racial discord? It would benifit no one.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/13 at 14:01:01

absolutely incorrect. the goobs have set up as many executive orders to allow for declaration of martial law as they need, they want the guns. get some good riots goin,, declare martial law,, party? i dont think it really matters. its the lefts part in the play to be big time anti-gun, so, i really expect the "big event" that drives the call to take arms away to come while bubs are in charge,

whuuuu? you say,,,

because it goes against everything they SAY they believe in,

SOOO, everybody KNOWS the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY they would EVER even consider it is,, because it just became absolutely necessary for the safety of the masses..

just like these wars we just cant seem to not be in,,, its really against the lefts platform to be pursuing war, soi, obviously, since its not something they want to do, the only reason we are still there is because we just have no options,,, bull puckey.. but,, not seein the protests from the peacenick lefties, are we?

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 07:33:30

0D3E2B3B303808363333363A5F0 wrote:
[quote author=2F2E35323D28345C0 link=1374261828/15#15 date=1374291396][quote author=3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 link=1374261828/0#14 date=1374290330]If I had a wound in my throat so severe I couldnt talk?? Guess where my hands would be,,

They would be up in the air and in front of me, showing I dont have a gun so the guys with the red dot on my forehead dont turn it into scrambled eggs like they did my brother ?

You would put it in your pocket ?

If human and in great pain, your hands would be at you throat.
You would not know about the laser beam on your forehead.

He knows of the laser beams, he's been shot @ and probably has been seeing red dots for hours. I'd disagree he wont know of it. And that isn't 1 red dot ... its probably several ...


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/22/13 at 08:45:50

6B6A7176796C70180 wrote:
He knows of the laser beams, he's been shot @ and probably has been seeing red dots for hours. I'd disagree he wont know of it. And that isn't 1 red dot ... its probably several ...


And how is he able to see a laser reflection on his fore head????? What's that???? You are going to throw a tantrum again and say that is another bigoted statement because you really don't know the definition of the word bigot, but will search online, see that it is an insult, copy and post the definition and still not realize that it has no reference to anything I have ever said....but you know that I don't like to be falsely accused of such a vile thing and being a nasty azz hole that you are, any insult will do because after all insulting is your true motive and that is what stimulates your pleasure mush area of your little brain thing located in some dark crevice of your soul. So name calling without cause it will be for the small minded person that goes by the handle of "cool srinath".

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by Paraquat on 07/22/13 at 09:19:16

725540534D4847554453210 wrote:
Who from any point of view would want to sow racial discord? It would benifit no one.

Then why did "race" become such an issue in this case and yet no one heard of Marley Lion?


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 10:35:29

4D7C6F7C6C687C691D0 wrote:
[quote author=725540534D4847554453210 link=1374261828/15#22 date=1374351857]Who from any point of view would want to sow racial discord? It would benifit no one.

Then why did "race" become such an issue in this case and yet no one heard of Marley Lion?


Cos the 4 crooks that shot him had rap sheets 25 pages long between themselves and they obtained guns quite easily cos SC believes in handing them out to anyone/everyone and there is no reason for that to get out, so its being quashed by SC and the NRA ...


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 10:40:55

This is the story - and none of these 4 should have ever allowed within 10 ft of anything bigger than a popsicle stick, let alone a gun ...

Ryan Deleston (alleged trigger man)

Deleston is charged with murder, use of a weapon in a violent crime, attempted armed robbery, and possession of a weapon with an obliterated serial number. He's no stranger to law enforcement officials. His SLED rap sheet is a half-dozen pages long and includes charges related to drug possession, drug distribution, simple assault and resisting arrest. Mullen said 30-year-old Deleston was arrested as he exited a CARTA bus on Monday, July 30, 2012.

According to an affidavit, Deleston said he and another suspect passed the gun considerd to be the murder weapon back and forth in preparation for an attempted armed robbery of Marley Lion.

Officials with the Charleston Police Department say with the help of the ATF, they were able to purchase a gun from Deleston -- a gun with a missing serial number that SLED said was the murder weapon.

Julius Brown (second time he's been charged w/ murder)

32-year-old Julius Brown is charged with obstruction of justice, murder and attempted armed robbery. Julius Brown was arrested on White Oak Drive on Monday, July 30, 2012. Investigators say Julius Brown provided a false alibi for Ryan Deleston.

A search of the South Carolina sex offender database reveals Julius Brown was convicted in 2004 of criminal sexual conduct with a 16-year-old female. He was also charged in 2004 for the 2000 murder of 23-year-old Atiyaa Manley. That charge was dismissed. Ninth Circuit Solicitor Scarlett Wilson says the case was thrown out because the only witness died.

Brian Rivers (previous conviction for armed robbery)

27-year-old Bryan Rivers is facing charges of murder, attempted armed robbery and possession of a weapon with an obliterated serial number. Rivers' rap sheet is just as long as Deleston's. He has previous convictions of assault and battery, robbery and drug possession. Rivers was arrested on White Oak Drive Monday, July 30, 2012.

According to an affidavit, Ryan Deleston said he and Rivers passed the gun back and forth in preparation for an attempted armed robbery of Lion.

George Brown (only suspect not charged with murder)

The arrest of 27-year-old George Brown makes the fourth in the investigation. He is charged with accessory after the fact of murder and possession of a handgun with an obliterated serial number.

Brown has a much smaller criminal file than the others charged in the case. He has a previous conviction for a simple assault charge. In 2010 he was found shot several times in the driveway of a home in the Ponderosa subdivision, and investigators say his shooting may have been connected to his witnessing the 2008 murder of Shawn Michael Porter. The suspect in that case was found not guilty.

Sources: Charleston Police Department, Ninth Circuit Solicitor's Office, Charleston County Court Records

No background checks, no registration, no rifling, no nothing = criminals will send their non criminal friend to buy a gun ...

When guns are sold freely, criminals will always have guns ... that we know ...
What we are being told is ... if we had background checks criminals will never go through background checks ... and use a straw buyer (I guess) ...
Maybe we nail the straw buyer when a gun he bought turns up in a crime ...
Then when there are no straw buyers, there may be no guns in criminal hands.


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/13 at 17:11:47

Well,, there may be fewer, S, but, I think it would be hard to believe crims wont get guns..Heck,, hang out at the gun shop, see who is buyin, follow them home,, bad guys WILL get guns. Its not hard to make a little single shot or even buy a black powder kit & use that to force someone to open their gun safe. No BG check on black powder gun kits, not considered a firearm,, IDK why, dang sure pop a hole in a guy,, just, accept as fact that bad guys will get guns, but, like robbers break into houses, they dont USUALLY go for the ones with bars on windows, bad guys will get guns, but, maybe, like you say, eliminate the strawman buyr=ers & maybe there will be fewer of them with guns, couple that with more good guys with guns & that = lower crime

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/22/13 at 19:03:38

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
Well,, there may be fewer, S, but, I think it would be hard to believe crims wont get guns..Heck,, hang out at the gun shop, see who is buyin, follow them home,, bad guys WILL get guns. Its not hard to make a little single shot or even buy a black powder kit & use that to force someone to open their gun safe. No BG check on black powder gun kits, not considered a firearm,, IDK why, dang sure pop a hole in a guy,, just, accept as fact that bad guys will get guns, but, like robbers break into houses, they dont USUALLY go for the ones with bars on windows, bad guys will get guns, but, maybe, like you say, eliminate the strawman buyr=ers & maybe there will be fewer of them with guns, couple that with more good guys with guns & that = lower crime

I spend time in the local gun shops and the folks I have seen are all upstanding people..... no criminal types. If criminals were to come in, they wouldn't find the store accommodating or friendly. Needless to say the criminals resort to stolen guns bought on in some dark alley or there about. The gun store owners and employees here are knowledgeable, friendly and law abiding.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/13 at 20:06:05

Guys who wanted to blend in could dress right & go to academy & watch while they pretend to study the fishing tackle,,

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/23/13 at 06:06:13

5C4345425F5869596951434F04360 wrote:
Guys who wanted to blend in could dress right & go to academy & watch while they pretend to study the fishing tackle,,

I guess if they were that ambitious, creative and so inclined.

We do have crime here in this small city in the mountains of western Pennsylvania.
There are two murderers still on the loose. They murdered a guy that I know, Vinnie.
Although we weren't close friends we used to talk at the local motorcycle repair shop and he worked on one of my cars.
Here are two articles about him.

Vinnie was a well liked, soft spoken guy. His murder was a shock. His murders are still at large and believed to be responsible for one or two other murders in the area.

I doubt that these criminals and others described in the local news reports would be able to go to any police academy.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 07:45:59

457663737870407E7B7B7E72170 wrote:
[quote author=6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 link=1374261828/15#29 date=1374538307]Well,, there may be fewer, S, but, I think it would be hard to believe crims wont get guns..Heck,, hang out at the gun shop, see who is buyin, follow them home,, bad guys WILL get guns. Its not hard to make a little single shot or even buy a black powder kit & use that to force someone to open their gun safe. No BG check on black powder gun kits, not considered a firearm,, IDK why, dang sure pop a hole in a guy,, just, accept as fact that bad guys will get guns, but, like robbers break into houses, they dont USUALLY go for the ones with bars on windows, bad guys will get guns, but, maybe, like you say, eliminate the strawman buyr=ers & maybe there will be fewer of them with guns, couple that with more good guys with guns & that = lower crime

I spend time in the local gun shops and the folks I have seen are all upstanding people..... no criminal types. If criminals were to come in, they wouldn't find the store accommodating or friendly. Needless to say the criminals resort to stolen guns bought on in some dark alley or there about. The gun store owners and employees here are knowledgeable, friendly and law abiding.[/quote]

Guys ... SC sold a gun to someone who pled insanity and after she bought the gun she threatened people @ private school.
I get tired of posting this. Criminals ... dont quite look much different than the rest of us. Criminals are back ground checkable ... criminals friends look exactly like the rest of us, and cant be background checked.

At the very least, tie the gun serial number to the buyer. That way we can put a trafficking charge on the buyer, and get him a criminal background.
This whole checking @ purchase, and throwing it all away is garbage ... it arms crimnals ...

And no we will not eliminate criminals from getting guns ... however if we squeeze that we will have a linear correlation ... if we cut that "guns in criminal hands" by 90% ... we'd have a drop of 10% in gun crime ... slowly make it more and more and more difficult and more and more and more $$$ to get a gun via a straw purchase.

Seriously, the criminal is the biggest market for the NRA ... no one has a "need to buy" a gun ... cos we all own the gun we will use in self defence already. We dont need to "buy" it for self defence now ... They are essentially making it so that a criminal can always get a gun. Then you'd have to be armed ... much like the people who sold artillery and ammunition to both sides in the wars.


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 09:30:59

Okay, granted, you can cite an incident where someone was sold a gun & they chouldnt have been even near one,, nothing is 100%, How many are denied?

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/23/13 at 09:46:01

10110A0D02170B630 wrote:

Guys ... SC sold a gun to someone who pled insanity and after she bought the gun she threatened people @ private school.


What does SC stand for?

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 09:56:56

South Carolina

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/23/13 at 09:59:28

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
South Carolina

How does a state sell some one a gun?

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 10:02:34

If it was bought there, its not the fault of that one store, its the states failed policies, in spite of the fact they use the same NICS system,, It Failed in that notable instance, so, SC is just bad,,

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 10:03:59

1D2E3B2B202818262323262A4F0 wrote:
[quote author=485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 link=1374261828/30#36 date=1374598616]South Carolina

How does a state sell some one a gun?[/quote]

Not the state - though the state of montana operates a gun company ...

The reason guns are in criminal hands is currently this -
The gun is bought by people who dont have criminal records. Apparently they dont act shady and shifty @ the gun store either.
Then they sell them to criminals.


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/23/13 at 10:19:36

3C3D26212E3B274F0 wrote:
[quote author=1D2E3B2B202818262323262A4F0 link=1374261828/30#37 date=1374598768][quote author=485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 link=1374261828/30#36 date=1374598616]South Carolina

How does a state sell some one a gun?[/quote]

Not the state - though the state of montana operates a gun company ...

The reason guns are in criminal hands is currently this -
The gun is bought by people who dont have criminal records. Apparently they dont act shady and shifty @ the gun store either.
Then they sell them to criminals.

Please provide a link about Montana operating a gun store.

Yes, guns are bought by people that do not have criminal records. I wonder how many times a gun store has customers that show up acting "shady" or "shifty". That's a bit hard to imagine. Buying a gun is a serious transaction. Selling a gun is a serious transaction. If I were selling a gun to some one, I would take a cautious approach, much as a bartender must do in order not to serve a customer too much alcohol. It is called being responsible.

Guns used in crimes in this area that have been recovered after a crime, are usually found to have been stolen.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 10:36:24

033025353E3606383D3D3834510 wrote:
[quote author=3C3D26212E3B274F0 link=1374261828/30#39 date=1374599039][quote author=1D2E3B2B202818262323262A4F0 link=1374261828/30#37 date=1374598768][quote author=485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 link=1374261828/30#36 date=1374598616]South Carolina

How does a state sell some one a gun?[/quote]

Not the state - though the state of montana operates a gun company ...

The reason guns are in criminal hands is currently this -
The gun is bought by people who dont have criminal records. Apparently they dont act shady and shifty @ the gun store either.
Then they sell them to criminals.

Please provide a link about Montana operating a gun store.

Yes, guns are bought by people that do not have criminal records. I wonder how many times a gun store has customers that show up acting "shady" or "shifty". That's a bit hard to imagine. Buying a gun is a serious transaction. Selling a gun is a serious transaction. If I were selling a gun to some one, I would take a cautious approach, much as a bartender must do in order not to serve a customer too much alcohol. It is called being responsible.

Guns used in crimes in this area that have been recovered after a crime, are usually found to have been stolen.

State of SC didn't sell someone a gun, I have posted that article 1000 times, sorry I didn't think I had to post the same thing 1001 times -
OK here it is - and its changing cos its so old ... the latest news on it super cedes it.

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham said he will propose legislation to prevent a repeat of an incident last week in which a Lady's Island woman, who once pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, passed a background check and legally purchased a gun.

Days later, Alice Boland pointed the gun at an administrator and teacher at Ashley Hall, a private school in Charleston, S.C., and pulled the trigger, according to police reports.

Boland has been charged with attempted murder and four other gun-related violations. However, officials from the Charleston Police Department and U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said she will not face an additional charge of illegally buying the gun, even though she filled out a required federal questionnaire that asks if the purchaser has ever been judged mentally deficient or committed to a mental institution.

Read more here:

I did not say Montana operates a gun store - read my post - I said gun company -

Montana House Bill 246, the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, was signed into law by Governor Brian Schweitzer on April 15, 2009, and became effective October 1, 2009. This legislation declares that certain firearms and firearms accessories manufactured, sold, and kept within the state of Montana are exempt from federal firearms laws, since they cannot be regulated as interstate commerce.[12][13]

These guns are stamped "Made in Montana" and are not allowed to leave the state (yea not allowed ... wink wink ... not allowed) and hence are not subject to any of the interstate commerce laws.

Gun buying is serious ... but so is gun crime ... and criminals are getting guns from people who can and have bought them legally - as in their "associates". Privatre stranger to stranger sale is not what leads to the gun crime ... but still, if it was tied to you, and you sold it, you should make sure its tied to the new owner (much like a car or a bike)

Of course there is also the "stolen" gun ... put those guys names in a database too and keep an eye on em ... they should not have their guns "stolen" too often ... Usually when you get broken into, the theives really first steal your guns. They are not theft deterrents, they are theft magnets ... they just make sure you're not home when they break in.


Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/23/13 at 10:47:49

7E7F64636C79650D0 wrote:
[quote author=033025353E3606383D3D3834510 link=1374261828/30#40 date=1374599976]

I did not say Montana operates a gun store - read my post - I said gun company -

Not really a big deal, but the Montana Rifle Company is not a state operated company, it is a company that shares a state name.

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 10:48:25

YOu misread the law,. NOt allowed to "Leave the state" means, Manufacturer cant ship to a dealer outside the state. Once an individual buys a gun from the dealer he can take it anywhere,

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 11:12:15

7F4C5949424A7A44414144482D0 wrote:
[quote author=7E7F64636C79650D0 link=1374261828/30#41 date=1374600984][quote author=033025353E3606383D3D3834510 link=1374261828/30#40 date=1374599976]

I did not say Montana operates a gun store - read my post - I said gun company -

Nt really a big deal, but the Montana Rifle Company is not a state operated company, it is a company that shares a state name.

No it was montana's reaction to the federal govt's insistence that they have an "enforceable speed limit". Till then it used to say "reasonable and prudent" ... and my friend has a 135 mph speeding ticket on his GSXR with a warning to prove it from the early 00's.

If its not owned by the state of montana, it is atleast backed by them in terms of $$$.

My friend lives in montana ... I know very well what goes on there ...

Title: Re: Another Government Lie Bites the Dust
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 11:12:45

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
YOu misread the law,. NOt allowed to "Leave the state" means, Manufacturer cant ship to a dealer outside the state. Once an individual buys a gun from the dealer he can take it anywhere,

Aaaah OK.
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