General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The TT is what you make it...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/19/13 at 09:45:04

Title: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/13 at 09:45:04

I caught this bit of discussion in the "US woman gets 20yrs" thread...

16333C37133E3E373C520 wrote:
[quote author=4053170 link=1373840474/30#38 date=1374149199]Probably not, because the feelings brought to the forefront in this section would inevitably leak into the other sections. I took off for over a year during the mid-00's just because of that. Before the TT area (thread or section) was added, we had many a member kicked out of the forum, and we had others throw up their hands in disgust and leave.

This forum IS in dire need of an age restricted area as well. Some of the best custom bikes ever constructed can't be shown due to the need to keep the Cafe and RSD "family friendly". Bike graphics (nudity, language, swastikas, SS emblems, etc), background in the photos, barely legal (young) topless or nude models posing with the machines are all currently valid reasons to not allow certain high end machines on here. Which is a shame, because many of those bikes have modifications that would truly enhance the functionality of the Savage/S40 platform.

Dissolving the TT area would in essence end up sounding the death knell for the forum as whole.

Once again, WD has nailed it!! I wonder if there is a way to add a sub-forum that is age restricted. Those of us who view the site at work won't benefit but I think it is a great idea!!

I must admit, when I heard about the special "TT" forum I was quite interested but then saddened to find it wasn't what I expected.  ;D[/quote]

The TT is what you make it... it wasn't like this originally...
It has devolved into this...
If you want to make it better,... start being better...
Start posting something other than sharp jabs at each other...
This started as a moderated thread in the Cafe'...
MJ got tired of complaints and decided to leave you to your own devices...
The muck you wallow in is your own...
Want to make it better?... Feel free,..
There are uncalled for insults coming from both sides here...
Each side only sees the other''s offenses...
At this point,... that is all there is here in the TT...
You all are free to continue, or leave,... or make this the forum you wish it was...

Personally,.. I like a lot of the people in here, but I try to stay out,... because I don't like what you've done to the place...

Now,... feel free to yell at me and call me stupid, or whatever...

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by WD on 07/19/13 at 10:23:56

Stupid? Nah, just the other side of the coin from some of us.

I'd like to see this section more like Intruder Alert's Backroom used to be, before it became nothing but porn links, or at least have a thread like Do The Ton's Uncle Ernie's Inspirational Pics (which went from vintage photos of women riding motorcycles to pretty much NSFW- both meanings of the W part, work AND/OR wives)...

This section IS getting a bit out of hand... but better here than contaminating the site as a whole.

And on that note, I'm bowing OUT of the Tall Table area...

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/19/13 at 10:39:45

We all disagree with each other from time to time but the name calling is uncalled for, I'm lucky, I've met a lot of great guys on this forum and when we all get together its fun.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/13 at 11:15:26

Name calling is one thing, I'll give as well as I take.

Starlifter's recent semi-pornographic description of a horrible thing happening to my daughter is so far beyond the pale, it's the only thing I've ever seen on here that I would say someone should be censored for. He's a disgusting little fu@k for that.

Fact is, I'm as much responsible for the TT in this forum as anyone else. When I first came on here,  I was pretty much the lone conservative and got blasted from all sides.

He'll,I don't even have a savage any longer. Traded her in a few months ago.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/19/13 at 11:43:39

Personally,.. I like a lot of the people in here, but I try to stay out,... because I don't like what you've done to the place...

Now,... feel free to yell at me and call me stupid, or whatever...

This is an excellent point of discussion. I think the creation of a forum to move the fights away from the thinks was a great idea. Our human nature makes us adversarial and competitive and to have an outlet for that which is away from the good parts of this site is probably one of many reasons it is soo successful. If you wade into the TT then you do so willingly.

My love of freedom, and freedom of expression in particular, reminds me that this important right comes with a cost. It's a steep cost that maybe some didn't expect to pay, but well worth paying for the freedom we enjoy. We become alarmed, disgusted and even sickened when we see something like what was written about another member's daughter. There are people in the world who are just downright garbage but they have the same right as I do and I have the right to not read their posts and/or stay out of the TT altogether. I can change the channel.

I spar with Srinath alot and, while rocky at first, we seem to make it work now by using a little sarcasm and word play instead of insults. It is unfortunate when someone takes the discussion to a depraved, viscious and evil extreme but, in my mind, that is part of the cost of being able to freely engage in adult banter while at the same time insulating the rest of the forum.

Each is responsible for their own behavior but I wouldn't want to place a censor on our speech, and I have experienced my own share of vile nastiness directed at me so I know how it is. The TT is just an added feature to the real reason I am here which is to enjoy my S-40 to the fullest and meet great people like Versy.

Updated: "censor" - thanks Srinath

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Starlifter on 07/19/13 at 11:44:56

"He's a disgusting little fu@k for that".WM

...well that didn't take long.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 12:05:48

12373833173A3A3338560 wrote:
Each is responsible for their own behavior but I wouldn't want to place a sensor on our speech.

Censor ? or Sensor ?


Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/13 at 12:06:09

No it didn't,  you perverted little sh!the@d.
Don't answer any post of mine creep. I don't want to deal with you anymore. Anyone typing stuff like that in such details has got serious problems. Next time I see your name it will be in the paper after you've being busted for some child - rape porno.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Starlifter on 07/19/13 at 12:10:58

"We become alarmed, disgusted and even sickened when we see something like what was written about another member's daughter. There are people in the world who are just downright garbage".

...that didn't take long either. Any normal person would read that post and understand that I was making a point. And a very important point at that. It was an example of how someone would feel if the tables were turned and the Trayvon murder happened to a close family member and not just to another anonymous n*gger down south. Our resident white trash here instead of expressing empathy with the victim lashed out yet again with the violist kind of verbal attack imaginable. This is his 'stock in trade' with his sidekick egging him on. I think these two are too immature, too nasty, too vile, too crude, and just plain too stupid to participate in this thread. They have lowered the standards here to the lowest common denominator imaginable, and I'm sure it sickening most of the rest of us here. I would urge them to clean up their act, or get the hell off and out of this thread.

...standing by for an even nastier version the usual vile name calling....but then how much worse can it get?  

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 12:13:22

cmon webby,, rein it in

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/13 at 12:56:25

Nope jog, he's a perv...  That line with someone's kids shouldn't be crossed. F' him.

Hey, I seem to recall if you posted two spam links  back to back, the auto feature would delete your sign on. Is that right?

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/19/13 at 13:01:25

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
cmon webby,, rein it in

I don't know if that is a good idea, the bell was rung by another person and it cannot be unrung. Web is within his right to take to task the ringer. To allow one person to "ring a bell" in a public forum and not allow the target to respond to it, I believe, is wrong and only builds animosity. The natural progression is to work this through. Hopefully, we can learn from this.

And this goes to the point that Sero is making, as I understand it, which is these vile things shouldn't be written in the first place. But it was written and now it needs to be worked through. I see the openness of the TT as a way to shine light on the darkness, so to speak. I think it was Ray who talked about lying to ones self, well the light shows those who lie to us by projecting one image with their claims but projecting a truer image with their actions.

Part of shining the light through open expression is we get to see who these people really are so we each can make the decision of which and whether we want to be associated with and interact with each member.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 13:13:52

Dane you've not been here for as long as webby and star have had their "discussions".
Look @ the joining dates of some of these guys ... look @ their post counts ...
I've been here longer than JOG by a few weeks if I recall, but somehting happened to JOG's first ID that's why he became JOG2 (correct me if I am wrong JOG I dont know for sure)- anyway his post count is 10X mine ... I used to be very casual observer till I got the right to vote. In fact the year or so leading up to that and my getting citizenship, and promptly getting called to Jury duty got me into the political mood.


Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/19/13 at 13:15:15

Interesting article on Yahoo this afternoon.  Yahoo is known to have a liberal leaning.
Of all gun assailant crimes, 83% are committed by blacks and 15% more by Hispanics.  Only 2% are committed by whites.
73% of black children are now born out of wedlock.
While only 20% of the population, blacks commit over 80% of all felonies.
90% of blacks who are the victims of crime are the victim of another black.
14,000 rapes reported last year by blacks against white women.  ZERO by white men against black women.
And we wonder why the things that Obama mentioned in his speech today happen - why white women are nervous on an elevator with only a black man in there too?  Why whites traveling along on the sidewalk will cross the street when a group of black males come toward them?
Why when a black man is walking and stops at an intersection to wait for a traffic signal, he hears cars doors locking around him?
I've said it repeatedly - the problem isn't whites "going after" blacks - the fact is genuine fear, backed up by the FBI national crime stats.
When the black community cleans up its own house, and not until, things like Martin/Zimmerman will happen.
We need more of the Bill Cosby kind, and a lot fewer Sharptons, Jacksons, and their ilk.
This is not racism - it's pure numbers.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/19/13 at 13:22:38

7273686F607569010 wrote:
Dane you've not been here for as long as webby and star have had their "discussions".
Look @ the joining dates of some of these guys ... look @ their post counts ...
I've been here longer than JOG by a few weeks if I recall, but somehting happened to JOG's first ID that's why he became JOG2 (correct me if I am wrong JOG I dont know for sure)- anyway his post count is 10X mine ... I used to be very casual observer till I got the right to vote. In fact the year or so leading up to that and my getting citizenship, and promptly getting called to Jury duty got me into the political mood.


Oh, I know, but it seems the mood here ebbs and flows and Sero, in his knowledge gained through experience, has brought it to our attention that the pendulum has swung too far to the flow. This seems like a "going forward" thread so I am trying to follow Sero's lead. I am totally against imposed censor but am fine with voluntary self-censor.

I had taken a break from the TT, it got too viscious and I made that decision for myself. I made a conscious effort to focus on the topics and less on the personal and I came back and tested my new resolve. Seems to be going well. I choose who I interact with and I always try to add more than I take.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 13:25:26

4A45494348454E424552474552200 wrote:
Interesting article on Yahoo this afternoon.  Yahoo is known to have a liberal leaning.
Of all gun assailant crimes, 83% are committed by blacks and 15% more by Hispanics.  Only 2% are committed by whites.
73% of black children are now born out of wedlock.
While only 20% of the population, blacks commit over 80% of all felonies.
90% of blacks who are the victims of crime are the victim of another black.
14,000 rapes reported last year by blacks against white women.  ZERO by white men against black women.
And we wonder why the things that Obama mentioned in his speech today happen - why white women are nervous on an elevator with only a black man in there too?  Why whites traveling along on the sidewalk will cross the street when a group of black males come toward them?
Why when a black man is walking and stops at an intersection to wait for a traffic signal, he hears cars doors locking around him?
I've said it repeatedly - the problem isn't whites "going after" blacks - the fact is genuine fear, backed up by the FBI national crime stats.
When the black community cleans up its own house, and not until, things like Martin/Zimmerman will happen.
We need more of the Bill Cosby kind, and a lot fewer Sharptons, Jacksons, and their ilk.
This is not racism - it's pure numbers.

One other thing ... sort of adding to your point ...

Obama's leadershit on this item is awful.
Yea its leadershit ...
No that's not for all the other wing nuts to bash him on everything ... but on the zimmy issue its lacking.
Its one of those things he should have said one of em Gandhi-esque statements like ... my brothers and sisters, please do not attack each other ...


Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Paraquat on 07/19/13 at 15:16:09

I love this forum.
You guys are all wound so tight.

...and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Everyone is too mellow on the Volusia forum.


Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by raydawg on 07/19/13 at 18:43:28

Well hells-bells....I didn't know this board here was created for half nekked Nazi chicks, what ever happened to that  >:(  ?????

Could we not form a new board for the zealots and fanatics and reclaim the "boobs and bobber" board (or sumtin like that) to help keep my memory of what hard chrome and flesh look like?????  :-[

Just give them enuff rope, and they will soon be a forgotten issue  ;D

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/21/13 at 10:56:16

I love the discussion but I despise the immature name calling. We all have a right to our opinions and if I disagree with someone I realize he has a right to believe his own opinion. You seen Sri and I disagree several times but we like spending time with each other. I've told Web who I don't agree with a lot if he comes to NC I'll meet him and buy his lunch or dinner. I've met several guys on this website and there were none I didn't enjoy spending time with. Just spent a few days with Preacher Mike, he's great. I hope to see Sri next Fri night. If Web and I went riding together I guarantee you we would have a good time. My health is getting worse and I realize how important the people around me are. I care about each and every one of you whether I agree with you or not. When I'm feeling bad I can hang out with you guys on the forum and it makes for a better day. God bless everyone of you.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/21/13 at 12:23:53

WD I hope you don't leave. I love your opinions and your country way of life.

Title: Re: The TT is what you make it...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/13 at 12:47:37

yea,, a calm voice is nice,, stick around wd,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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