General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 10:15:27

Title: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 10:15:27

any of you old timers willing to say?

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by Pine on 07/17/13 at 10:52:35

Considering I vote in every presidential election... and I have not cast a vote for the winner or the second place candidate in over 20 years....

wait... I am disqualified.... I am not an old timer... but I did stay in a Holiday Inn

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by oldNslow on 07/17/13 at 11:05:14

Im not just critical,  I despise most of them, regardless of party. The professional political elites in this country are for the most part worthless, self-serving hypocrites. The few who are not get drummed out of the club pretty quick.

But we just keep reelecting them anyway. That's the part that boggles this old-timers mind.  :(

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 11:10:59

really? Thats what you thot this was for?

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by oldNslow on 07/17/13 at 11:48:42

392620273A3D0C3C0C34262A61530 wrote:
really? Thats what you thot this was for?

That's what I thought you were asking. Mebbe you need to explain.

I am kinda old ya know... :-?

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 11:51:13

Im sick of Sri telling me Im not equally critical of bubs & dems, I raised hell over Bush's crimes, just like Bammy's lies & crimes, but he just wont accept that, Im looking for someone who has been here longer than he has to tell him he doesnt know what he is talking about,

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 12:01:28

7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 wrote:
Im sick of Sri telling me Im not equally critical of bubs & dems, I raised hell over Bush's crimes, just like Bammy's lies & crimes, but he just wont accept that, Im looking for someone who has been here longer than he has to tell him he doesnt know what he is talking about,

I have been here longer than you have JOG baby ...
And yes you do say that in the last 5 years when Bushies get implicated in something ...

But seeing as we once showed this forum is 91% republican I dont see many who would disagree with you ...

Being popular doens't always mean you're telling the truth ... you should know that.

I'll Bet, webby, Dane, Pine, etc etc etc wil lall fall tightly in line behind you. That would make you happy and you can contiue your "put your legs in a fire" mantra for another 5 years.


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by oldNslow on 07/17/13 at 12:02:06

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
Im sick of Sri telling me Im not equally critical of bubs & dems, I raised hell over Bush's crimes, just like Bammy's lies & crimes, but he just wont accept that, Im looking for someone who has been here longer than he has to tell him he doesnt know what he is talking about,

OK, I get it. I haven't been aroud nearly as long as either of you guys have so I'll just gracefully bow out of this one.

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 12:07:29

4E70717D6F73721C0 wrote:
[quote author=3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 link=1374081327/0#5 date=1374087073]Im sick of Sri telling me Im not equally critical of bubs & dems, I raised hell over Bush's crimes, just like Bammy's lies & crimes, but he just wont accept that, Im looking for someone who has been here longer than he has to tell him he doesnt know what he is talking about,

OK, I get it. I haven't been aroud nearly as long as either of you guys have so I'll just gracefully bow out of this one.[/quote]

He he see I didn't put your name in that list ...

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 12:21:12

youre weird

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by LostArtist on 07/17/13 at 13:19:36

IF . . . you're only critical because they aren't "conservative" enough, which is fine, but that's like saying the extreme liberal media (not CNN, CBS, NBC, but more like MSNBC and other even more left wing media) deserves some credit because they've been critical of both Bush and Obama but only to the extreme liberal point of view.

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 14:00:32

He's a troofer ...

So he is blaming Obama for bombing the WTF and making it looks bad on cheney's watch and he's mad @ cheney too, dunno why, but when that happens he will put both legs in a fire.


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 20:33:42

Im curious to know just exactly what it is YOU believe, I cant figure you out, all I see is you running in circles kicking everybody in the ass..
why dont you tell us what you see thats wrong & what you think needs done,
We have the bullet tax thing down, dont bother,,

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 06:28:00

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
Im curious to know just exactly what it is YOU believe, I cant figure you out, all I see is you running in circles kicking everybody in the ass..
why dont you tell us what you see thats wrong & what you think needs done,
We have the bullet tax thing down, dont bother,,

I have said many many things.
I am going to keep saying so you would know pretty soon.
I am however very much against treating som BS posted in some blog as truth. Blogs and other low level "news" gathering is good as a first breaker. But if its not pulled into regional or national news feeds its probably bogus.

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by Pine on 07/18/13 at 08:04:14

2A2B3037382D31590 wrote:
[quote author=7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 link=1374081327/0#5 date=1374087073]Im sick of Sri telling me Im not equally critical of bubs & dems, I raised hell over Bush's crimes, just like Bammy's lies & crimes, but he just wont accept that, Im looking for someone who has been here longer than he has to tell him he doesnt know what he is talking about,

I have been here longer than you have JOG baby ...
And yes you do say that in the last 5 years when Bushies get implicated in something ...

But seeing as we once showed this forum is 91% republican I dont see many who would disagree with you ...

Being popular doens't always mean you're telling the truth ... you should know that.

I'll Bet, webby, Dane, Pine, etc etc etc wil lall fall tightly in line behind you. That would make you happy and you can contiue your "put your legs in a fire" mantra for another 5 years.


Fine Sri,.. stick me with Jog.. you get to be in the Starlifter fan club..

"the I can't win an argument so I can post anything"  was dumb the first time you did it.. it still is.  I simply disregard them... as the fodder they are ( you even admit as much)... since I seldom post statements such as " well I think they both did it" you generally are not coming back AT me. So little matter. As far as I am concerned the forum is for posting ones position on current political events. Generally there cant be a "wrong" position.. but there can be bad information or bad logic for taking a position. Sri... correctly, has pointed out that some positions use logic that is on shakey ground (from a  pure logic standpoint) Sri's decision to make blatantly stupid posts (the illogical ones) is his attempt to show that anyone can start from an incorrect position and work their way to where-ever they want. However, MY problem with that is, he is not adding to the thread... just polluting it. I can't assume that someone does not know position is based incorrectly, but Sri does.  The thread becomes unproductive.

Now to Sri's position that EVERY time some says "both parties are guilty" he throws a tantrum with an illogical post.  Basically a filibuster.

I am completely at ease condemning either or both parties. I have that right.. I have voted in every presidential election since I was 18. ( I am 50 now) The last president that I voted for that won was Regan. The last president that I voted for that took first or second place was Regan. So when JOG CORRECTLY points out that both parties are wrong... for Sri to filibuster by making goofy posts is him NOT adding to the thread... just polluting it.  For Sri to ASSUME that anothers post is based only on Bush/Obama is WRONG. He is falling into the same thing which he says others do and shouldn't and which gives him the high road to filibuster.  Which is too bad, but hey free country.

And yes... Sri... I am sure I could keep up with the 'tit-for-tat" lets each make "filibuster" posts... but again.. that's not adding to the thread... just polluting it. If you "win" because everyone gives up and quits reading the forum.. did you really win?  At that point how do you put forth your viewpoint?... theres no one to read it. I don't participate to "win", only to add to my own knowledge and to put forth my own.  


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by Paraquat on 07/18/13 at 09:08:09

7E7F64636C79650D0 wrote:
I am however very much against treating som BS posted in some blog as truth. Blogs and other low level "news" gathering is good as a first breaker. But if its not pulled into regional or national news feeds its probably bogus.

Why hasn't that gone any further?


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 09:13:10

5160736070746075010 wrote:
[quote author=7E7F64636C79650D0 link=1374081327/0#13 date=1374154080]
I am however very much against treating som BS posted in some blog as truth. Blogs and other low level "news" gathering is good as a first breaker. But if its not pulled into regional or national news feeds its probably bogus.

Why hasn't that gone any further?


Ooooo Foodbabe is a hot injun chick ...

Yea it was in NY Times - so what else - find it there ... I dont know what you mean, it has gone to a regional/national paper. So its real.
What was your question ?


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 09:29:05

4C75727968736E1C0 wrote:
And yes... Sri... I am sure I could keep up with the 'tit-for-tat" lets each make "filibuster" posts... but again.. that's not adding to the thread... just polluting it. If you "win" because everyone gives up and quits reading the forum.. did you really win?  At that point how do you put forth your viewpoint?... theres no one to read it. I don't participate to "win", only to add to my own knowledge and to put forth my own.  


I only see that "both legs in a fire" line from the right-ies when it looks like the Bush may be implicated. That's the whole point I was making.

You want me to stop -then, stop making those dodge posts when Bush or other right wingers get implicated.


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by WD on 07/18/13 at 10:05:27

Both parties are consistently wrong, nothing new there. And nothing will change as long as the 2 main parties keep the country in a stranglehold, again, nothing new.

"King George" (Bush the 1st) was an amicable moron. Clinton a straight up traitor, selling our country out with improper "preferred trading partner" status to Marxist nations. "Shrub" (little bush) was an inept, incompetent bumbling buffoon (rather like Nixon, who I really don't remember very well, I'll be 41 next week according to my driver's license). Obama thinks he is a demi-gog and has the unwashed masses happily tripping down the path to a "communist/marxist worker's paradise" when in fact all he is doing is crushing the national economy.

The country has been in a downward spiral since Theodore Roosevelt's administration. It has just accelerated since the end of the Reagan era. At least Reagan tried to stem the tide of social decay, rather than contribute to it.

Go watch some youtube vids, specifically Hitler's addresses to the USA from his NYC trip... he called this country out then, and you know something... he was right on the money. As decadent as ancient Greece, as spineless as the leaders of the Wiemar Republic in the 1920s...

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 10:41:41

The only thing I have to add WD ... McCain+Nailin Palin or RMoney+Ryan would have been a lot worse.

We never hear alternatives from the righties, and if we do, its wrong.
RMoney would have done all the same garbage, and given the rich, the super rich and the uber rich a big tax cut. See that's all sorts of people, it covers all people in his mind.

That is why we even have Obama in the WH now.


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by Paraquat on 07/18/13 at 11:10:14

My point is it died shortly after. People still don't even know it happened.


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 12:47:21

49786B78686C786D190 wrote:
My point is it died shortly after. People still don't even know it happened.


Oooo Foodbabe ... nice. We can talk about foodbabe all you want ...
So comparing that to the lets just say as an example the IRS 46 million in refunds to 23,000 illegals in 1 atlanta address ...

It was in all the echo chamber blogs.
It never got even to a atlanta news station or paper.
Fake issue, fake news or something in it makes it not news. It may have been a mexican $$ transfer station, or a mexican tax place that does taxes, and gives you $ and takes the refund when that comes through. Same as the gun in Betty lou's handbag in a courthouse issue. Maybe she's an 80 yr old who lives in the hood.

The GMO label -
This, was in foodbabe's blog.
This went to NY Times.
That is a real issue ... much like foodbabe is a real babe.


Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/13 at 13:20:22

2F2E35323D28345C0 wrote:
[quote author=49786B78686C786D190 link=1374081327/15#20 date=1374171014]


I won't let you get away with calling me a bigot. I demand proof or an apology. I won't let up until you do so.

Title: Re: I say Im critical of Bubs And Dems
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 13:23:01

695A4F5F545C6C525757525E3B0 wrote:
[quote author=2F2E35323D28345C0 link=1374081327/15#21 date=1374176841][quote author=49786B78686C786D190 link=1374081327/15#20 date=1374171014]


I won't let you get away with calling me a bigot. I demand proof or an apology. I won't let up until you do so.[/quote]

Proof - posted in that other thread spamming bigot.
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