General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> "This is for Trayvon" has started...

Message started by WD on 07/15/13 at 20:18:48

Title: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/15/13 at 20:18:48

Sunday night, Senatobia MS. White jogger attacked by 3 black youths. Should be able to see the story at and/or Don't know the website for CBS (Channel 3) or ABC (Channel 24).

And in Little Rock, local blacks are protesting the "cowardly" shooting of an armed black suspect, by a black police officer...

Oh joyous rupture... I think the so called "reverends" Jackson and Sharpton had best encourage people to cool it. As if this country doesn't have enough problems already...

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 20:32:17

Really bad ... now if they were shot, then they should be applauded for using their second amendment and standing their ground ... maybe they will be shooting people ... then we can breathe a sigh of relief ...

If we dont use our rights we lose em ... and the govt is comming to get your standing and your ground ... not to mention your gun.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Starlifter on 07/15/13 at 21:56:08

WD, Why are you so eagerly awaiting and hoping for riots and violence??...What's wrong with you??

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/13 at 01:01:20

I read WD's post, same words you read, Lifter, & I didnt see joy or happy anticipation. Looked like a report followed by encouragement for the black leaders to calm the people.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/16/13 at 05:09:51

Star, those are the last things I want to see.  Pretty sure that somewhere in the Christian instruction manual (new Testament) it says " turn the other cheek". Of course, if so called "ministers, reverends, whatever" prefer to focus instead on the  Jewish instruction manual's "eye for an eye"...

Tacit approval by the religious community to "seek justice" through violence isn't going to solve anything. Local black religious and community leaders have been encouraging their congregations to stay calm, let reason take precedence over emotion. Which, granted, is an odd reaction from them given Memphis' history of violence and racial strife.

Hoping for riots and violence? Not even remotely Star. Did I expect them to occur, yes. Do I think more is going to end up happening, yes. Was the entire dog and pony show farce of a trial somebody holding a lit match to a fuse, don't know, but sincerely hope not.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/13 at 05:25:41

Book plans canceled
The juror was planning to write a book about her experience with the case, literary agent Sharlene Martin said before her interview aired.
But hours later, the agent released a statement from Juror B37 saying she would no longer write one.
"Now that I am returned to my family and to society in general, I have realized that the best direction for me to go is away from writing any sort of book and return instead to my life as it was before I was called to sit on this jury," the juror said.
"I realize it was necessary for our jury to be sequestered in order to (protect) our verdict from unfair outside influence, but that isolation shielded me from the depth of pain that exists among the general public over every aspect of this case."

That sounds like a wise and grounded person to me. I'd say this jury was fair in reaching their decision.

All in all, the lack of riots shows that other than the extreme race baiters like sharpton, holder and hopey, (and our very own Star) most of America correctly understood as hard as those people tried to make it into one, this was never a race case. I think it's time we let this go and move on. I'm sure those guys will find another situation to exploit....

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Pine on 07/16/13 at 06:20:27

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
I read WD's post, same words you read, Lifter, & I didnt see joy or happy anticipation. Looked like a report followed by encouragement for the black leaders to calm the people.

^^^ what he said....

Local link to the story:

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by oldNslow on 07/16/13 at 08:09:27

Webstermark wrote:

All in all, the lack of riots shows that other than the extreme race baiters like sharpton, holder and hopey, (and our very own Star) most of America correctly understood as hard as those people tried to make it into one, this was never a race case. I think it's time we let this go and move on. I'm sure those guys will find another situation to exploit....

They will do that. But I'm pretty sure they're not done riding this particular horse into the ground either. I'm nervous about this coming weekend. It isn't going to take much for Mr. Sharpton's "demonstrations" to get ugly I'm afraid.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/16/13 at 09:28:47

There is already a ramping up of carrying by license holders where I live. And there are shifts being stood by urban and rural residents to try and confine any damages to the already blighted sections of the city and county. The sections where, quite frankly, you wouldn't be able to notice any difference.

All it is going to take for the country to go up in flames is one thug "wanna be" to try and "exact revenge" on an MS13 gang member... They'll make the old turf wars between the Crips and Bloods look like a day care grade tiff... MS13 does not play well with others, and they don't lose...

And if it does happen (when it happens is more likely), I plan to just stay out of the line of fire. I don't have a dog in that fight.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/13 at 10:23:55

decide for yourself

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- The shooter behind Sunday night's double-murder is still on the loose and the deadly shooting had rumors flying that the incident is a race-related retaliation shooting over the George Zimmerman verdict.

JSO said those rumors are not true.

According to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, the incident took place around 8:45 p.m. at the 7000 block of Normandy Blvd.

Two brothers 24-year-old Andrew Austin Bohannon and 19-year-old Matthew Ryan Bohannon, both in the same car, were approached by another car carrying multiple occupants.

The car with multiple occupants fired shots into the car carrying the two men.

One victim was pronounced dead on the scene and the other victim was transported to a local hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

Now rumors have spread that the deadly shooting is in retaliation to a bumper sticker placed on the Bohannon's truck that said "Free Zimmerman".

Several of our viewers commenting on our Facebook page about the controversial theory: Christina Lemire wrote, "Definitely had to do with the Zimmerman case"

Kimberely Martin Faqua wrote: "Nice way to try to cover up a hate crime JSO. Unfortunately the public knows better."

The social media rumors circulated so far that the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office released a statement Monday that reads:

"Normandy Blvd. Shooting Update - We have had numerous inquiries, blog comments, and Facebook postings about the relationship between the Normandy double homicide last night in the Golden Corral parking lot and the outcome of the George Zimmerman trial. We are confident to say where we are in the investigation that this is not the case at all. There is NO link at all between these cases, nor did we ever suspect one."

JSO says multiple people saw the incident and they're hoping between the witnesses and surveillance video they can locate the shooter.

First Coast News

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/13 at 10:36:23

I'm cautiously optimistic black Americans are slowly waking up to the fact liberals have manipulated them for decades. Racism will never go away, but it seems to me anyway, to be fading. At least in the mainstream. Racist on the right and left (like Star) will be around for a while no doubt.

We have a black pastor now at our 99% white church and I can honestly say I don't think about his color anymore. He's just Terrill to me. I'm not alone in the reality that once you get to know someone, skin color becomes a moot point. Of course he's black, I know he is and he knows he is, there's no such thing as color blind. We embrace our differences, not try to hide them.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by oldNslow on 07/16/13 at 11:28:29

Unfortunately, if there is trouble at any of the upcoming "protests", or whatever the media happens to call them, it's probably going to be instigated by people who really don't care about the Martin - Zimmerman case anyway. Mob mentality, folks just looking for trouble or excitement, and the weather forecast calling for exceptionaly hot weather, plus a lot of alcohol and drugs are probably going to be the real triggers.

Consider what happens when some sports team wins a championship. Sometimes the behavior of the supposedly happy fans that are celebrating is exactly the same as that of rioters that are pissed off about something. And so are the results - people get hurt, property gets destroyed, just because they happen to be in the vicinity.

Sharpton, Jackson, Holder etc. know perfectly well what's likely to happen. They may be dirtbags but there is nothing wrong with their understanding of human nature. Once a mob starts acting like a mob the reasons that got it together in the first place don't make any difference any more.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/16/13 at 14:00:44

There was nothing but peaceful protests in my town.
I am beginign to think I live in a rather peaceful town.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/16/13 at 14:37:03

696873747B6E721A0 wrote:
There was nothing but peaceful protests in my town.
I am beginign to think I live in a rather peaceful town.

I live and work near L.A., but mob violence is, in part, an L.A. thing. The Latinos don't like being scapegoated or referred to as "white", but it fit the MSNBC/CNN/Holder narrative that Zimmerman be white so they turned a Peruvian white.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Starlifter on 07/16/13 at 21:25:56

Ignorant racist bigots (like Webster) and some others here (I'm sorry to say) are still wetting their pants hoping for racial violence...cities in season on whites to avenge the murder of Trayvon by the killer season on blacks to avenge the whites...

Now I happen to know that our leading bigot here Webby, has a daughter in collage..A fine young innocent girl, intelligent, an achiever....Now lets say that Zimmy was a huge hunkering big black buck Negro...stalking her in the the rain... drawing approaching her ever the the she was simply walking home from the store, to her dad's house... and then suddenly she is confronted by this big black thug...who after a brief struggle shoots her through the heart...killing her instantly....claming it was self defense....Oh but Zimmy got punched in the nose or something....well maybe this young girl, frightened for her life, squirted him with some pepper spray, or fighting for her life scratched his face...maybe it bled a little...she is screaming for help...shut up he hisses in a menacing voice, and then suddenly he shoots her...murders her...shoots her in the chest from point blank range...right through the heart with a 9mm hollow point slug...ripping through her heart..severing her aorta, ripping through her lungs...killing her.

Now would Webby or any of you Zimmerman apologist here be blaming HER for causing her own death?...would Webby (or any of you Zimmerman worshipers) be praising this "black buck" for ("Standing his BY-GOD Ground) and doing (killing this white child) what everyone said he should do..what he..had to do???

Ooooh, but this scenario is different...It was not a young white the dark...wearing a hoodie...and not a big black buck stalking her! It was this fat puffy wannabe weakling, defending the white race with his "heater"...just like on teevee.

And now...after the fact, gosh darn, folks here telling me all about how the lburrrl media has been spinning this. We only saw old pics of the kid, back when he looked cute. The day he died, he was a big black buck negra, a scary-looking gang-banger, and it was only a white(ish) dude with a gun standing between him and the white wimmins. If we'd seen what Zimmy saw, we'd have been clamoring for a good, man with a gun to shoot em dead...first Trayvon would have broken through our front doors...stealing our stuff...swilling our liquor...raping our wives and sisters...kidnapping our childern.

My God what would have happened if Zimmy hadn't come to our rescue, hadn't come to save us???

Now I apologies  for being slightly dramatic in this alternate scenario, but I am just pleading with you guys to see the other side of this tragedy...To see how black mothers and fathers, and black people in general, and a majority of white people, feel about this murder...

If you cannot relate to this murder by seeing the victims as members of your own families, and feel empathy for them, and see what a travesty of justice has been done to them...than shame on you, and God help you.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/13 at 05:11:59

I quickly stopped reading that.

F@ck u star you piece of filthy sh!g for going there. U crossed a line.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 06:04:32

092C23280C212128234D0 wrote:
[quote author=696873747B6E721A0 link=1373944728/0#12 date=1374008444]There was nothing but peaceful protests in my town.
I am beginign to think I live in a rather peaceful town.

I live and work near L.A., but mob violence is, in part, an L.A. thing. The Latinos don't like being scapegoated or referred to as "white", but it fit the MSNBC/CNN/Holder narrative that Zimmerman be white so they turned a Peruvian white.[/quote]

Of course Latino's dont like to be referred to as white ...
They think they are better than white. Why would they want to be called as white. Listen to anything J-Lo says and you know that its true.

There is a huge difference between latino immigrants who are illegal, and those that have got to legal status via legit means. Those 2 behave very differently form the rest.
The next step up - and its a huge step to where they think the yare better than the whites is Amnesty illegals. These fools think we'd all die without them cutting our grass, if you can even get them to cut your grass. These fools also are usually in "manegerial" positions managing over the illegals cos they speak mexican.
The next step up ... anchor babies. These fools are like the amnesty fools except they dont neccesarily all speak spanish or too well, but it depends on their family situation, and these fools dont have the work ethic of any of the rest. They have "made it" reading english to their parents, and getting applauded for it ... which BTW the US govt has funded ... right from day 1 they have been leeches.

You may be talking about all the illegals ... you need to find out who is illegal and who is legal and how they got that way before you conclude what behaviour fits whom. I had no idea till about 2011 nov when my long ter mechanic got deported, and I found out who all was legal who all have deffered action, who all is legal etc etc etc.

Find out the meaning of the words Chicano, gringo etc etc and the meaning and context like loco and pendeho both are used to refer to stupid people, but one is bad, the other is not so much.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 08:34:57

Dammit, Star, EVERY Piece of evidence says Self Defense,,
Now You stp or EXPLAIN How it was murder

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/17/13 at 08:41:16

AND how exactly is it a white versus black issue, since the white pride movement doesn't even recognize eastern Europeans as white, let alone mestizos?

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 09:07:27

0615510 wrote:
AND how exactly is it a white versus black issue, since the white pride movement doesn't even recognize eastern Europeans as white, let alone mestizos?

The south american, european mixed race anchor baby isn't white ... no white supremacist group accepts it as white ... however It considers itself superior.

Its not any argument for whether it was SYG or self defence, its an argument for why he provoked and followed and engaged that lowly black punka$$ kid who walking on my turf.

If you send an illegal over to my turf, I'll throw (or try to throw) his a$$ out too. He's better than white my friend ... white people have to put up with blacks ... he doesn't have to.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/17/13 at 09:09:08

685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 wrote:
I quickly stopped reading that.

F@ck u star you piece of filthy sh!g for going there. U crossed a line.

I don't read any of his posts, just soo much hate, and you aren't mising anything either. Best to just ignore him altogether and not give him the satisfaction of having any sort of impact on your daily life. I just skip over anything he writes, it's pretty easy to do too. Some people are just filled with a hate fueled rage combined with a narcissism that they are compelled to try to ruin other people who don't hold their values. He really isn't worth your time in the slightest.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 09:15:01

IDK how it is that people dont have the facts that at least make sense.

Scared child ? He called his GF, not the cops.
Hateful Murderer?
Seems to be some indications he had helped black people..
Called COPS,,

Who got jumped? Zimmerman did,
If you had a gun & intended to shoot someone, youre a fat dude following a tall, lanky black dude,, you got the gun out or in your waist band? By the evidence, TRay slipped him, jumped out & confronted him, decked him & was pounding his ASS when Zim got to his gun & shot him,
REfuse the evidence the JURY studied, TRays shirt indicated it was hanging away from his body, supporting the "He was on me, leaning forward, beating me"

Im not shocked that some here Simply WILL NOT allow the evidence to drive their thinking,
you people cant be helped, youre whats wrong with the nation.
You DECIDE, based on what you want to believe & evidence be darned!

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 09:40:29

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
IDK how it is that people dont have the facts that at least make sense.

Scared child ? He called his GF, not the cops.
Hateful Murderer?
Seems to be some indications he had helped black people..
Called COPS,,

Who got jumped? Zimmerman did,
If you had a gun & intended to shoot someone, youre a fat dude following a tall, lanky black dude,, you got the gun out or in your waist band? By the evidence, TRay slipped him, jumped out & confronted him, decked him & was pounding his ASS when Zim got to his gun & shot him,
REfuse the evidence the JURY studied, TRays shirt indicated it was hanging away from his body, supporting the "He was on me, leaning forward, beating me"

Im not shocked that some here Simply WILL NOT allow the evidence to drive their thinking,
you people cant be helped, youre whats wrong with the nation.
You DECIDE, based on what you want to believe & evidence be darned!

Or he bashed his head into the pavement being well schooled in SYG.
Cops did a worthless job all around.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 10:18:27

& busted his own nose,, You do realize cops look at peoples hands, right?
Obviously, TRays hands showed signs of smashing Zims face,
6 Women found him innocent,, in the face of threats of violence in society.
THEY had to feel some personal threat, yet, Not Guilty,

Why is it so hard for you people to accept?

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Pine on 07/17/13 at 10:35:49

Wow.... I read the Star bit.. thought  I would post my response .. but I see yall beat me to it... not much more to say.

I may have to ask a co-worker how accurately Star has in the "feelings" of blacks. I suspect even his perception of the feelings of black "mothers and fathers" wont rise to the rest of his post at least not among those I work with.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Paraquat on 07/17/13 at 11:13:21


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 11:55:42

Cos - well, it was - but not to a big extent ... I had heard of it in very quick

But you see these 4 are getting tossed in Jail for murder.

Not so in Trayvon martin's case.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 11:57:45

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
& busted his own nose,, You do realize cops look at peoples hands, right?
Obviously, TRays hands showed signs of smashing Zims face,
6 Women found him innocent,, in the face of threats of violence in society.
THEY had to feel some personal threat, yet, Not Guilty,

Why is it so hard for you people to accept?

Yea cops didn't do that to Zimmy. They let him walk out of the police station and arrested him 45 days later. AKA ... plenty of showers to wash off all the evidence.

What part of that do you not get.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 12:01:21

EMTs showed at the scene & treated Zim, now, what exactly is it youre trying to say? I dont follow.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 12:04:58

796660677A7D4C7C4C74666A21130 wrote:
EMTs showed at the scene & treated Zim, now, what exactly is it youre trying to say? I dont follow.

Yes, treated zimmy form smashing his head into the sidewalk.
Treated him, not collected evidence.
Then he drove to police station. Gave them a statement.
Then he went home, 45 days of cleaning up evidence.

Then they arrested him. Plenty of time to clean out all the evidence ... maybe he has trayvon's blood ... maybe he has no signs of someone hitting his head into pavement ... maybe he screaming into 911 call for no reason. The old ladies thought he was the one screaming, no one knows, cos trayvon's not here to tell his side.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 12:32:39

YOU can imagine whatever you want, but its common knowledge that forensics CHECK THE HANDS,, YOU werent in court
YOU have no evidence that YOUR allegation is true.
I, OTOH, have reason to believe TRays HANDS were looked at.
If his hands Did NOT show that he had been BEATING something, then that would have been made public & Zim woulda gone to jail.
Your speculation, no matter how excited you get, is nothing more than specu;ation, Worse that just speculation, its speculation that Defies logic, but then, that how some people are,

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 12:35:57

Aaaaah ... OK so Zimmy didn't beat up trayvon's hands after shooting ... and you know this how ?

Zimmy was well schooled in SYG my friend, and he had plenty of time to make up whatever he wanted, and create the "evidence" for that.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/13 at 21:27:50


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 06:23:21

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:

Yes there were, and they said -

Three residents have told the court that they saw someone who appeared to be Zimmerman on top during the incident.

Even though several were close enough to hear the struggle, the prosecution has highlighted the fact that none of them heard a crude death threat that Zimmerman says Martin made moments before he shot him.

And this -

But Jonathan Good, a former resident at the townhouse complex, told the jury in Seminole County criminal court that he never saw Martin slam Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk, undermining a key element in Zimmerman's defense.

"I did not see that," Good told the court under questioning by a state prosecutor about the racially charged case that triggered civil rights protests and debates about the treatment of black Americans in the U.S. justice system.

Pulled from -

And see - it has a link to Reuters on that article.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/13 at 15:33:51

forensic evidence

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 17:46:01

7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 wrote:
forensic evidence

Not collected cos perp was free for 45 days, and could have altered right on the scene, and EMT treated him, not colelct and processed him ...

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Starlifter on 07/18/13 at 19:59:39

"F@ck u star you piece of filthy sh!g for going there. U crossed a line." WM.

You're always angry after being made a fool of and that pleases me.

To others, we differ on the verdict, we probably differ less on Zimmerman in that we probable agree he is a stupid ass-hole. I would add a stupid, dangerous, racist ass-hole who committed the crime of murder...manslaughter, at the very least, and got away with it.

“I’ll tell you what I think made a difference. When that 9-1-1 tape first came out — it came out that Zimmerman had said ‘f*cking coon‘ on the 9-1-1 call. To me, that was open-and-shut that that showed open ill will, hatred, and yes 'racism'. Now they’ve revised it to say he said ‘These punks, they always get away with it.’ I’m wondering if that reinterpretation of what he said made a difference as to a jury finding ill will in Mr. Zimmerman’s heart.”

The prosecution screwed it up by "cleaning it up",

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/13 at 20:29:15

You're always angry after being made a fool of and that pleases me).

You're  incapable of understanding why I'm angry and incapable of understanding just how wrong it was for you to type those words.

Apologize for typing what you did.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Starlifter on 07/18/13 at 21:04:52

"Apologize for typing what you did." ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Starlifter on 07/18/13 at 23:11:33

Let it be noted that on this day, Saturday 13 July 2013, it was still deemed legal in the US to chase and then shoot dead an unarmed young black man on his way home from the store because you didn't like the look of him.

The killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year was tragic. But in the age of Obama the acquittal of George Zimmerman offers at least that clarity. For the salient facts in this case were not in dispute. On 26 February 2012 Martin was on his way home, minding his own business armed only with a can of iced tea and a bag of Skittles. Zimmerman pursued him, armed with a 9mm handgun, believing him to be a criminal. Martin resisted. They fought. Zimmerman shot him dead.

Who screamed. Who was stronger. Who called whom what and when and why are all details to warm the heart of a cable news producer with 24 hours to fill. Strip them all away and the truth remains that Martin's heart would still be beating if Zimmerman had not chased him down and shot him.

There is no doubt about who the aggressor was here. The only reason the two interacted at all, physically or otherwise, is that Zimmerman believed it was his civic duty to apprehend an innocent teenager who caused suspicion by his existence alone.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/13 at 23:14:11

70716A6D62776B030 wrote:
[quote author=7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 link=1373944728/30#34 date=1374186831]forensic evidence

Not collected cos perp was free for 45 days, and could have altered right on the scene, and EMT treated him, not colelct and processed him ...

The shirt & wound, the hands, the busted face, all were there for inspection.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/13 at 04:38:30

"Apologize for typing what you did."  
Laughing huh? Fine, have it your way.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 07:00:12

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
[quote author=70716A6D62776B030 link=1373944728/30#35 date=1374194761][quote author=7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 link=1373944728/30#34 date=1374186831]forensic evidence

Not collected cos perp was free for 45 days, and could have altered right on the scene, and EMT treated him, not colelct and processed him ...

The shirt & wound, the hands, the busted face, all were there for inspection. [/quote]

Yup, and they were all created by the well schooled in SYG laws Zimmerman.
The reward was that he was set free.
Worth ramming your nose in the pavement instead of spending life in prison.
In a case of, He said, He's dead, the one who's talking always has the upper hand. Add in private big $$$ lawyers $$$ that was donated to Zimmy by white supremacist groups, it really is a case of Innocent after proven wealthy.

Hey, it also worked for OJ - He said, she's dead and look another He's dead too ... Private unlimited $$$ and still standing to talk is an advantage you can not surmount.

I'd actually like to see these trials conducted with public defender and not a private lawyer for defence.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 07:06:36

up, and they were all created by the well schooled in SYG laws Zimmerman.

Really? Witnesses state after hearing the shot one man was pacing back & forth, didnt say he was mashing his face & bvreaking his scalp & stomping on TRays hands, Youre contrinuing to ignore facts in order to continue to live in your fantasy,

Dont ignore the shirt, it states
The wearer of this shirt was on top

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/19/13 at 07:21:30

Add in private big $$$ lawyers $$$ that was donated to Zimmy by white supremacist groups, it really is a case of Innocent after proven wealthy.

Citation needed... neither party in the case was white. And if you mean the NRA, they don't count as white supremacist.

I'll make it a bit easier for you... Happy searching...

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 07:23:23

as IF white supremacists are gonna support Zimmerman! Youre deluded, s.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 07:38:58

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
as IF white supremacists are gonna support Zimmerman! Youre deluded, s.


Before he shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012, Zimmerman had studied criminal justice. He applied to become a police officer in Virginia in 2009, but was rejected due to bad credit, according to testimony in his trial.

Oooo wanna be cop decided to play a real cop ... OK cool.

And $$$ comming in - same article.

Through websites set up for his defense, he raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

One site,, raised more than $330,000 in just over a year, according to a spokesman for Zimmerman's lawyer. That's in addition to about $200,000 Zimmerman raised on his own through a PayPal account before O'Mara took the case.

And it gets even better - same link

Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars from supporters for your case is a good thing, right?

Well, it wasn't for Shellie Zimmerman, who now faces a perjury charge.

Prosecutors allege she lied when she told a Florida judge during a bail hearing for her husband in April 2012 that the family was indigent. In fact, they argue, George Zimmerman actually had about $135,000 at the time.

The $$$ came in from - White supremacists ... black haters ... anchor baby supporters ... SYG supporters. Some combination there of ...


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/19/13 at 08:04:53

Okay, I read the article you posted, followed the blue links in it, and... no listing of support from white supremacist/nationalist groups.

You're trying too hard Sri... it's too soon after the trial for anything factual to come out.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 08:08:38

1704400 wrote:
Okay, I read the article you posted, followed the blue links in it, and... no listing of support from white supremacist/nationalist groups.

Yea WD I was searching for a well verified article covering the donations.
I didn't find it.
Mind you, I found plenty of wild speculation ... I am not even going to mention it, it could be true, or be fake ... anyone that needs that can very well google themselves.

BTW You said you were 41 in another post. Somehow I thought you were younger ... by about a year. ;D


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 08:44:13

71706B6C63766A020 wrote:
Yea WD I was searching for a well verified article covering the donations.
I didn't find it.
Mind you, I found plenty of wild speculation ... I am not even going to mention it, it could be true, or be fake ... anyone that needs that can very well google themselves.

BTW You said you were 41 in another post. Somehow I thought you were younger ... by about a year. ;D


You refuse to provide proof that I am a bigot as you maliciously accused me, or to apologize, and you expect that I or anyone should ever believe anything that you state?

You truly are a sorry example of the human race.
Back to top

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 09:29:53

142732222921112F2A2A2F23460 wrote:
[quote author=71706B6C63766A020 link=1373944728/45#48 date=1374246518]
Yea WD I was searching for a well verified article covering the donations.
I didn't find it.
Mind you, I found plenty of wild speculation ... I am not even going to mention it, it could be true, or be fake ... anyone that needs that can very well google themselves.

BTW You said you were 41 in another post. Somehow I thought you were younger ... by about a year. ;D


You refuse to provide proof that I am a bigot as you maliciously accused me, or to apologize, and you expect that I or anyone should ever believe anything that you state?

You truly are a sorry example of the human race.
Back to top [/quote]


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie

You truly are a sorry example of the human race. <- Ratdogwillie

You truly are a sorry person <- Ratdogwillie


Proof man.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 09:31:41

6073370 wrote:
Okay, I read the article you posted, followed the blue links in it, and... no listing of support from white supremacist/nationalist groups.

You're trying too hard Sri... it's too soon after the trial for anything factual to come out.

If ever ... we're still waiting for OJ's real killers to come out remember. And that was 96 wasn't it.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/19/13 at 13:35:31

51504B4C43564A220 wrote:
[quote author=6073370 link=1373944728/45#47 date=1374246293]Okay, I read the article you posted, followed the blue links in it, and... no listing of support from white supremacist/nationalist groups.

You're trying too hard Sri... it's too soon after the trial for anything factual to come out.

If ever ... we're still waiting for OJ's real killers to come out remember. And that was 96 wasn't it.

;D ;D Anyone remember the Saturday Night Live (back when it was semi-watchable) and the OJ character was doing the game play-by-play with the two other announcers? OJ was writing on the monitor with a stylus, reviewing the previous play. His archs, arrows and lines ended up spelling:


;D Good Times...

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 13:41:41

0B2E212A0E23232A214F0 wrote:
[quote author=51504B4C43564A220 link=1373944728/45#51 date=1374251501][quote author=6073370 link=1373944728/45#47 date=1374246293]Okay, I read the article you posted, followed the blue links in it, and... no listing of support from white supremacist/nationalist groups.

You're trying too hard Sri... it's too soon after the trial for anything factual to come out.

If ever ... we're still waiting for OJ's real killers to come out remember. And that was 96 wasn't it.

;D ;D Anyone remember the Saturday Night Live (back when it was semi-watchable) and the OJ character was doing the game play-by-play with the two other announcers? OJ was writing on the monitor with a stylus, reviewing the previous play. His archs, arrows and lines ended up spelling:


;D Good Times...[/quote]

Yes I've seen that too ... hilarious.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/21/13 at 10:36:09

Its nothing but a tragedy. Neither one were angels but Z nor Tray were not hardcore criminals. I had a couple of run ins with the law when I was in my 20's but that didn't make me a criminal. Z has got to look over his shoulder and think about what he has done the rest of his life. I could tell when they announced the verdict he wasn't proud of what he had done. I accept the juries verdict and I think we should just consider it a tragedy and move on with our lives and hope it doesn't happen again.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/13 at 10:45:52

He didnt give up his right to self defense because he got outta his ride.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 08:04:22

756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 wrote:
He didnt give up his right to self defense because he got outta his ride.

Yes, true, that when he became the predator ... sadly we dont live in the jungle anymore.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/13 at 08:30:05

he didnt ambush the kid, the kid ambushed him, he had as much right to be there as anyone else,
have you followed the 911 call?have you paid attention to what the woman, rachel, i think her name was,, what she said? Creepy azz cracka gay dude?
The big problem is your thinking, not his actions. The jury got it right. You cant accept that he did nothing legally WRONG. Or, in your mind, the cops helped him get away with it, or, he is so cold hearted that after he killed the kid, he staged the scene, with witnesses watching, bashed his own face in & didnt mark his hand, marked TMs hands, & SOMEHOW managed to make the gunshot wound & gunpowder on the shirt all line up to indicate a gap between shirt & skin, which would only be possible if he were on top, leaning over.

The problem is your inability to accept the facts & lay your agenda down.
TRagic? Yep,, several ways this coulda gone where TM is walkin today. Not every "If only" belongs to Zim. BUt even if they did, he still had a right to defend himself AND its obvious enough he was Being Beaten.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/22/13 at 08:45:19

3B3A2126293C20480 wrote:
[quote author=485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 link=1373944728/45#45 date=1374243803]as IF white supremacists are gonna support Zimmerman! Youre deluded, s.

CNN -[/quote]

Hahaha - CNN - (put in something about Lindsey Lohans twitter feed here.)

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/22/13 at 08:48:17

3332292E213428400 wrote:
[quote author=756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 link=1373944728/45#55 date=1374428752]He didnt give up his right to self defense because he got outta his ride.

Yes, true, that when he became the predator ... sadly we dont live in the jungle anymore.

Fortunately, he didn't become a predator, operator asked where the suspect is, Zimm says just a sec, gets out to see where Martin is, can't see him, operator says don't follow, Zimm says ok, Martin jumps Zimm near vehicle. Zimm probably sitting or standing on curb next to vehicle, on the phone, when he is attacked by Martin.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/13 at 09:20:42

Excerpt from article

"It would be a shame," the newspaper said, "if the unnecessary death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin produced more paydays for the man who fatally shot the unarmed black teenager in the heart during a scuffle."

Yep, it was unnecessary .. it was unnecessary for TM to attack & straddle & start beating Zimmermans face in. It was, however, for Zimmerman to KNOW he would be alive tomorrow & not be permanently damaged & disfigured to get that guy off of him. He wasnt winning with his hands, apparently. Gee,, I wonder if he just Let that kid get the jump on him & take him down & start beatin his face in just so he Could shoot him!!! Theres an angle I havent seen tried yet,,
Now, could he have shot him in the leg? IDK, Where was the gun? How did he get it out & not let TM take it away & use it on him? IDK & IDK,,
I would not know if that even came out in the trial. Ill bet it would have, had he taken the stand tho. I know if I was the prosecutor, Id be askin those.

But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

& NO, the way I got it he was pacing & a distance from the body. Walking on someones hand leaves different marks than a fist striking a face. YOu should know that. Youre too determined to see what isnt.. the kid screwed up, took fists to a gun fight. He shoulda gone about his business,, it took him MINUTES to make less than 100 yards. HE went back to Zimmerman, its the only way the time, the running & the location of the shooting add up. He snuk up on Zim, took him down & got killed.
all zims fault.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 10:45:54

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

Yes only those facts were left intact by the police department ...

Obviously they had to make sure they dont look stupid when they let the guy go free after a statement.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/22/13 at 11:15:39

7372696E617468000 wrote:
[quote author=2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 link=1373944728/60#60 date=1374510042]

But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

Yes only those facts were left intact by the police department ...

Obviously they had to make sure they dont look stupid when they let the guy go free after a statement.


What we should be talking about is how a 17 year old thought it was ok to jump a resident in a gated community in which he was trespassing. It seems odd to me the number of people who don't bat an eye that the kid attacked Zimmerman in the first place. A dude on a cell phone talking to police isn't a justification to ramming his head into the concrete.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 11:31:41

7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 wrote:
[quote author=7372696E617468000 link=1373944728/60#61 date=1374515154][quote author=2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 link=1373944728/60#60 date=1374510042]

But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

Yes only those facts were left intact by the police department ...

Obviously they had to make sure they dont look stupid when they let the guy go free after a statement.


What we should be talking about is how a 17 year old thought it was ok to jump a resident in a gated community in which he was trespassing. It seems odd to me the number of people who don't bat an eye that the kid attacked Zimmerman in the first place. A dude on a cell phone talking to police isn't a justification to ramming his head into the concrete.[/quote]

And we "Know" this how ?

Yes, that was all that the cops have left as to what happened ...


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Starlifter on 07/22/13 at 12:18:02

"Fortunately, he didn't become a predator, operator asked where the suspect is, Zimm says just a sec, gets out to see where Martin is, can't see him, operator says don't follow, Zimm says ok, Martin jumps Zimm near vehicle. Zimm probably sitting or standing on curb next to vehicle, on the phone, when he is attacked by Martin".

What we should be talking about is how a 17 year old thought it was ok to jump a resident in a gated community in which he was trespassing. It seems odd to me the number of people who don't bat an eye that the kid attacked Zimmerman in the first place. A dude on a cell phone talking to police isn't a justification to ramming his head into the concrete." Dane  


Un F*cking believable. So this is the Dane version of events...I guess you were right there observing the entire incident up close and personal....incredible...just  incredible.

Huirrah, hurrah, for Southern rights, (keep em in their place) Hurrah! Hurrah for the stars & bars! (With apologies to my "intelligent" southern friends here).

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/22/13 at 12:42:32

7273686F607569010 wrote:
[quote author=7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 link=1373944728/60#62 date=1374516939][quote author=7372696E617468000 link=1373944728/60#61 date=1374515154][quote author=2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 link=1373944728/60#60 date=1374510042]

But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

Yes only those facts were left intact by the police department ...

Obviously they had to make sure they dont look stupid when they let the guy go free after a statement.


What we should be talking about is how a 17 year old thought it was ok to jump a resident in a gated community in which he was trespassing. It seems odd to me the number of people who don't bat an eye that the kid attacked Zimmerman in the first place. A dude on a cell phone talking to police isn't a justification to ramming his head into the concrete.[/quote]

And we "Know" this how ?

Yes, that was all that the cops have left as to what happened ...


I think everyone knows people shouldn't attack other people. When you jump and fence into a gated community at night, going through who knows how many people's yards, you need to expect a little suspicion. Zimmerman had a phone in one hand as he was being punched. Younger, bigger, more aggressive Martin was never taught, it appears, how to respect his elders or the general public.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/22/13 at 12:56:15

64414E45614C4C454E200 wrote:
[quote author=7273686F607569010 link=1373944728/60#63 date=1374517901][quote author=7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 link=1373944728/60#62 date=1374516939][quote author=7372696E617468000 link=1373944728/60#61 date=1374515154][quote author=2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 link=1373944728/60#60 date=1374510042]

But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

Yes only those facts were left intact by the police department ...

Obviously they had to make sure they dont look stupid when they let the guy go free after a statement.


What we should be talking about is how a 17 year old thought it was ok to jump a resident in a gated community in which he was trespassing. It seems odd to me the number of people who don't bat an eye that the kid attacked Zimmerman in the first place. A dude on a cell phone talking to police isn't a justification to ramming his head into the concrete.[/quote]

And we "Know" this how ?

Yes, that was all that the cops have left as to what happened ...


I think everyone knows people shouldn't attack other people. When you jump and fence into a gated community at night, going through who knows how many people's yards, you need to expect a little suspicion. Zimmerman had a phone in one hand as he was being punched. Younger, bigger, more aggressive Martin was never taught, it appears, how to respect his elders or the general public.[/quote]

Hey Star, not only was Daney @ the scene of the fight and shooting, he also seems to have seen his "raising" ...


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/22/13 at 14:31:24

5F5E45424D58442C0 wrote:
[quote author=64414E45614C4C454E200 link=1373944728/60#65 date=1374522152][quote author=7273686F607569010 link=1373944728/60#63 date=1374517901][quote author=7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 link=1373944728/60#62 date=1374516939][quote author=7372696E617468000 link=1373944728/60#61 date=1374515154][quote author=2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 link=1373944728/60#60 date=1374510042]

But, the facts we have available point to the jury making the right call..

Yes only those facts were left intact by the police department ...

Obviously they had to make sure they dont look stupid when they let the guy go free after a statement.


What we should be talking about is how a 17 year old thought it was ok to jump a resident in a gated community in which he was trespassing. It seems odd to me the number of people who don't bat an eye that the kid attacked Zimmerman in the first place. A dude on a cell phone talking to police isn't a justification to ramming his head into the concrete.[/quote]

And we "Know" this how ?

Yes, that was all that the cops have left as to what happened ...


I think everyone knows people shouldn't attack other people. When you jump and fence into a gated community at night, going through who knows how many people's yards, you need to expect a little suspicion. Zimmerman had a phone in one hand as he was being punched. Younger, bigger, more aggressive Martin was never taught, it appears, how to respect his elders or the general public.[/quote]

Hey Star, not only was Daney @ the scene of the fight and shooting, he also seems to have seen his "raising" ...


Hmmm, would this be dodge or evade?....I will go with evade.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/13 at 15:10:51

Star, the distance traveled, time, forensics, witnesses, it adds up to TM ambushed zim, had him down, got shot for it..

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 07:08:28

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
Star, the distance traveled, time, forensics, witnesses, it adds up to TM ambushed zim, had him down, got shot for it..

Well 3 out of 4 witnesses said they saw Zimmy on top.
The 4th said Tray on top.

The forensics ... what forensics, the ones that were left without being destroyed, if they were even collected, if they even survived the "treatment" from EMT's and the rain said Tray was guilty ... obviously once the cops let Zimmy go, there was no reason to keep the rest of the evidence ...


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WD on 07/23/13 at 07:36:51

You need to hang out with more old cops. Clear case of "no humans involved"... standard procedure when known or suspected bangers meet their end.

Also, depending on the jurisdiction, classified as: taking out the trash, "dsaf" (did society a favor), retroactive abortion, neutering, weeding...

Even in Memphis, with its gang affiliated police officers (corn rows and crips ink in uniform)... if a black cop responds to a shot (injured or deceased does not matter) known/suspected gang member, OF ANY SKIN TONE, any investigation is at best cursory.

It is so rare for a practicing thug to turn into a worthwhile member of society that wasting time and scarce resources on a thug is viewed as a near criminal act itself.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 07:56:38

190A4E0 wrote:
You need to hang out with more old cops. Clear case of "no humans involved"... standard procedure when known or suspected bangers meet their end.

Also, depending on the jurisdiction, classified as: taking out the trash, "dsaf" (did society a favor), retroactive abortion, neutering, weeding...

Even in Memphis, with its gang affiliated police officers (corn rows and crips ink in uniform)... if a black cop responds to a shot (injured or deceased does not matter) known/suspected gang member, OF ANY SKIN TONE, any investigation is at best cursory.

It is so rare for a practicing thug to turn into a worthwhile member of society that wasting time and scarce resources on a thug is viewed as a near criminal act itself.

Correct, and we wonder Zimmy why got off free ...

Assume the dead guy deserves it ... let the killer walk after statement ... then go ... what !?!?! he's got a bunch of people screaming for justice ... well, we better toss these things ... these look iffy, and besides we have to spend our taime and $$$ looking after this and that and whatnot, not to mention analyse it ...
Not guilty ... yea see we did the right thing.

First assume the guy is DSAF ... then only pick the evidence that supports your theory ... then say, see, he DSAF.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 08:15:29

77766D6A65706C040 wrote:
[quote author=0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 link=1373944728/60#68 date=1374531051]Star, the distance traveled, time, forensics, witnesses, it adds up to TM ambushed zim, had him down, got shot for it..

Well 3 out of 4 witnesses said they saw Zimmy on top.
The 4th said Tray on top.

The forensics ... what forensics, the ones that were left without being destroyed, if they were even collected, if they even survived the "treatment" from EMT's and the rain said Tray was guilty ... obviously once the cops let Zimmy go, there was no reason to keep the rest of the evidence ...


The witness who lived closest had TRay on top.
The Medical Examiner said there was a gap bet6ween skin & shirt, remember?
If zim was on top, then where were the punches landing? Because every witness I saw testify said he saw the one on top swinging,, trays face wasnt hammered, zims was.
You have to actuially add things up in your mind, its not possible to come to the correct conclusion if one is working to find a desred answer. Find the answer the evidence leads to. The evidence doesnt add up for Zim was on top,

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 08:36:45

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
[quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1373944728/60#69 date=1374588508][quote author=0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 link=1373944728/60#68 date=1374531051]Star, the distance traveled, time, forensics, witnesses, it adds up to TM ambushed zim, had him down, got shot for it..

Well 3 out of 4 witnesses said they saw Zimmy on top.
The 4th said Tray on top.

The forensics ... what forensics, the ones that were left without being destroyed, if they were even collected, if they even survived the "treatment" from EMT's and the rain said Tray was guilty ... obviously once the cops let Zimmy go, there was no reason to keep the rest of the evidence ...


The witness who lived closest had TRay on top.
The Medical Examiner said there was a gap bet6ween skin & shirt, remember?
If zim was on top, then where were the punches landing? Because every witness I saw testify said he saw the one on top swinging,, trays face wasnt hammered, zims was.
You have to actuially add things up in your mind, its not possible to come to the correct conclusion if one is working to find a desred answer. Find the answer the evidence leads to. The evidence doesnt add up for Zim was on top,

You mean the evidence the police collected after the rain, and the emt's treating poor old zimmy and what survived after his statement and they let him go ... you mean that evidence ??? aaaah OK.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 09:29:35

Theres more to evidence than cigarette butts behind a trash can,, theres a new link up, w/ questions & facts not widely distributed. YOu can believe the cops handed him a free pass if you want. You can believe he is a racist,, evidence says otherwise, In MY Opinion, ymmv,

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/23/13 at 10:11:56

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
Theres more to evidence than cigarette butts behind a trash can,, theres a new link up, w/ questions & facts not widely distributed. YOu can believe the cops handed him a free pass if you want. You can believe he is a racist,, evidence says otherwise, In MY Opinion, ymmv,

The evidence as exists collected by cops who let him walk you mean ?
I see new link ... ... yea pardon me ... I am too busy with dailycaller, and ... not to mention Lindsay Lohan's twitter feed.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/13 at 10:46:17

If you wont give it a chance, thenb, Im done,m YOull believe as you choose, youll dismiss evidence that doesnt fit your preconceived ideas,,
I called the right verdict b4 the trial. You disagree,, Im done,

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/28/13 at 16:05:02

I thought Zimmerman was a pure racist but if you read all the things he' done to help people out including black people he wasn't a bad person. He didn't celebrate when they announced the verdict, he knew he made a mistake that he will have to live with the rest of his life. Obama , Jesse and Al want him tried for a hate crime but when the truth comes out there's no way a jury would convict him unless the jury was all black. The government wont bother the New Black Panthers who put out a $10,000 dollar bounty on him. They're the ones that should be tried for hate crimes but it will never happen.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by raydawg on 07/28/13 at 16:43:37

Hey "cool", follow the money. I know, I know, you are so much more attuned than most folk, you know as fact, what you already believe. You have the ability to discern the fact, from fiction, of any reporting, and know the hearts of any political hack.
Close-mindedness gives you a chuckle, as you have a hard time understanding why anybody can't see the obvious as you......

I get a special kick of how you give pet names to news stations you find suspect, like FAUX news.
Can you enlighten me to just how in the hell FOX news, etc, ever got a foot in the door? Do you suppose all those "ditto heads" didn't feel represented in the mainstream news media, or maybe some even welcomed a different perspective than the hand feeding of those big 3 networks and its affiliates?
Of course we know they are just plain wrong in their beliefs, huh.

Do you suppose Madison Avenue saw the viable market to advertising that was not being mined on those other outlets?

I wonder then....if that works for the "mind-numb robots" @ Fox, etc, do you think its possible those big 3 networks know the stories its "followers" like, and use it to report, so they can keep their advertising dollars rolling in?

Your an odd one, to say the least, you preach as one reports of injustices around the world, how power robs freedoms and dictates person-hood, how intolerance towards others is the root toxin that kills society, yet....

I wonder, do you have a good understanding of hypocrisy?  

dawg  :-*

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/29/13 at 06:30:11

Shhhhh! -The Black George Zimmerman You're Not Allowed To Know About

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/13 at 07:32:38

Thanks Rat. Hadn't heard this before, but certainly not surprised that I did not. It's a big country and this kind of stuff happens. All this news does is reinforce the idea that none of us outside Sanford, FL should have ever heard the name George Zimmerman. There's a million cases of racism occurring every single day, Rev Al should have picked a better one to hang his hat on, but then again, this is the guy who backed Tawana Brawley. Not sure what his role was with the Duke lacrosse team fiasco, but wouldn't surprise me to find out he was the ring leader in that too.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/29/13 at 07:37:00

724154444F4777494C4C4945200 wrote:
Shhhhh! -The Black George Zimmerman You're Not Allowed To Know About

Ooooh My god, you've exceeded the standards set for truth ... ... cant get better than that.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/13 at 07:40:55

Ohh, so, it didnt happen? Youre seriously pissin me off, drive by slams, nothing but slams,
If its from The Great S, accept it, as if it were LiLo twitter feed! Ohh yea! Piss off or make apoint.,

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/29/13 at 07:52:48

013334252233241B37243D560 wrote:
Thanks Rat. Hadn't heard this before, but certainly not surprised that I did not. It's a big country and this kind of stuff happens. All this news does is reinforce the idea that none of us outside Sanford, FL should have ever heard the name George Zimmerman. There's a million cases of racism occurring every single day, Rev Al should have picked a better one to hang his hat on, but then again, this is the guy who backed Tawana Brawley. Not sure what his role was with the Duke lacrosse team fiasco, but wouldn't surprise me to find out he was the ring leader in that too.

I've tried not to get involved with the Zimmerman/Martin discussions. The whole thing only serves those that seek to divide and conquer. The media has proven to be a tool to those means.

Those that receive their "news" from the lame stream corporate controlled propaganda mouthpieces, really should consider seeking info elsewhere. There is much more that we are not being told, than that which we are being told. That which we are being told by the corporate media is spun and distorted into an "acceptable" story before it is told.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/29/13 at 08:16:29

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
Ohh, so, it didnt happen? Youre seriously pissin me off, drive by slams, nothing but slams,
If its from The Great S, accept it, as if it were LiLo twitter feed! Ohh yea! Piss off or make apoint.,

Yea much like the IRS refund of 46 million to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house, and the gun in betty lou's handbag, this is made up sheite, or there is something omitted in this stack that makes it not credible ... what is there to say, you guys specalize in incomplete news ...
I love cici's pizza so much, over the weekend I ate so much there and now I weigh 235 lb.
Worse yet, there was aguy nex to me there that was binging so bad, he weighed 400 lb minimum.

Made up crap, and incomplete crap.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/13 at 08:42:57

Does anyone speak Srinath? Anyone? if so, would you interpret what he just typed into English and retype it for the rest of us so we have a clue what he's trying to say.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/29/13 at 08:47:38

3A3B2027283D21490 wrote:
[quote author=724154444F4777494C4C4945200 link=1373944728/75#79 date=1375104611]Shhhhh! -The Black George Zimmerman You're Not Allowed To Know About

Ooooh My god, you've exceeded the standards set for truth ... ... cant get better than that.

By shooting the messenger you really aren't swaying any opinions and maybe that isn't your goal. You could at least address one of the issues in the article, you know, so you can at least phone it in.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/29/13 at 12:01:07

3C3D26212E3B274F0 wrote:
[quote author=627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 link=1373944728/75#82 date=1375108855]Ohh, so, it didnt happen? Youre seriously pissin me off, drive by slams, nothing but slams,
If its from The Great S, accept it, as if it were LiLo twitter feed! Ohh yea! Piss off or make apoint.,

Yea much like the IRS refund of 46 million to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house, and the gun in betty lou's handbag, this is made up sheite, or there is something omitted in this stack that makes it not credible ... what is there to say, you guys specalize in incomplete news ...
I love cici's pizza so much, over the weekend I ate so much there and now I weigh 235 lb.
Worse yet, there was aguy nex to me there that was binging so bad, he weighed 400 lb minimum.

Made up crap, and incomplete crap.

Hey,, Enough of that, I , Unlike YOU, admitted taht was bogus once it became obvious. You hang onm to EVERY piece of crap, proven to BE crap, if it supports your agenda.

Shut your mouth about that, My batting average is AWESOME, especially compared to yours. You do "Drive By" comments, nothing in it, just shoot your mouth off, You dont put YOURSELF out there, you just run down the source w/o even addressing the CONTENT..Youre a waste of space & time,, either SAY something or dont post,

Here,, respond to this

Lets see what you have

Ben Kruidbos, Corey's former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin's cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws.

"We will be filing a whistleblower action in (Florida's Fourth Judicial District) Circuit Court," said Kruidbos' attorney Wesley White, himself a former prosecutor who was hired by Corey but resigned in December because he disagreed with her prosecutorial priorities. He said the suit will be filed within the next 30 days.

Corey and lead prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda declined to comment. A spokeswoman for Corey referred Reuters to Kruidbos' termination letter, previously made public, in which Corey's office accused him of hacking confidential information from state computers.

The six-page letter, dated July 11, charges Kruidbos with "deliberate, willful and unscrupulous actions" that make him untrustworthy and calls his questioning of de la Rionda's actions regarding the cell phone evidence "a shallow, but obvious, attempt to cloak yourself in the protection of the whistleblower law."

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/29/13 at 14:17:09

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=3C3D26212E3B274F0 link=1373944728/75#84 date=1375110989][quote author=627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 link=1373944728/75#82 date=1375108855]Ohh, so, it didnt happen? Youre seriously pissin me off, drive by slams, nothing but slams,
If its from The Great S, accept it, as if it were LiLo twitter feed! Ohh yea! Piss off or make apoint.,

Yea much like the IRS refund of 46 million to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house, and the gun in betty lou's handbag, this is made up sheite, or there is something omitted in this stack that makes it not credible ... what is there to say, you guys specalize in incomplete news ...
I love cici's pizza so much, over the weekend I ate so much there and now I weigh 235 lb.
Worse yet, there was aguy nex to me there that was binging so bad, he weighed 400 lb minimum.

Made up crap, and incomplete crap.

Hey,, Enough of that, I , Unlike YOU, admitted taht was bogus once it became obvious. [/quote]

Easy now, his victories are very few and very far inbetween and this is all he has right now.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/30/13 at 07:30:32

6B4E414A6E43434A412F0 wrote:
[quote author=253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 link=1373944728/75#87 date=1375124467][quote author=3C3D26212E3B274F0 link=1373944728/75#84 date=1375110989][quote author=627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 link=1373944728/75#82 date=1375108855]Ohh, so, it didnt happen? Youre seriously pissin me off, drive by slams, nothing but slams,
If its from The Great S, accept it, as if it were LiLo twitter feed! Ohh yea! Piss off or make apoint.,

Yea much like the IRS refund of 46 million to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house, and the gun in betty lou's handbag, this is made up sheite, or there is something omitted in this stack that makes it not credible ... what is there to say, you guys specalize in incomplete news ...
I love cici's pizza so much, over the weekend I ate so much there and now I weigh 235 lb.
Worse yet, there was aguy nex to me there that was binging so bad, he weighed 400 lb minimum.

Made up crap, and incomplete crap.

Hey,, Enough of that, I , Unlike YOU, admitted taht was bogus once it became obvious. [/quote]

Easy now, his victories are very few and very far inbetween and this is all he has right now.[/quote]

But after admitting it, you keep posting more and more bogus crap ...

Seriously man, JOG and Dane ... you really have to get a room ...

Your side outnumbers me 10+ to 1. And yet all you post is bogus crap.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 07/30/13 at 15:34:44

1213080F001509610 wrote:
[quote author=6B4E414A6E43434A412F0 link=1373944728/75#88 date=1375132629][quote author=253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 link=1373944728/75#87 date=1375124467][quote author=3C3D26212E3B274F0 link=1373944728/75#84 date=1375110989][quote author=627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 link=1373944728/75#82 date=1375108855]Ohh, so, it didnt happen? Youre seriously pissin me off, drive by slams, nothing but slams,
If its from The Great S, accept it, as if it were LiLo twitter feed! Ohh yea! Piss off or make apoint.,

Yea much like the IRS refund of 46 million to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house, and the gun in betty lou's handbag, this is made up sheite, or there is something omitted in this stack that makes it not credible ... what is there to say, you guys specalize in incomplete news ...
I love cici's pizza so much, over the weekend I ate so much there and now I weigh 235 lb.
Worse yet, there was aguy nex to me there that was binging so bad, he weighed 400 lb minimum.

Made up crap, and incomplete crap.

Hey,, Enough of that, I , Unlike YOU, admitted taht was bogus once it became obvious. [/quote]

Easy now, his victories are very few and very far inbetween and this is all he has right now.[/quote]

But after admitting it, you keep posting more and more bogus crap ...

Seriously man, JOG and Dane ... you really have to get a room ...

Your side outnumbers me 10+ to 1. And yet all you post is bogus crap.


Somewhere in the night a shot rings out.
Messenger: "Owww, I've been shot!!!"
Dane: "Yeah, he does that, it's not your fault."  :(
Messenger: "I just deliver the message, I don't write it..."
Dane: "Yeah, I know, sorry man."
Messenger: "Why...not...just...go after...the...message... :'(
Dane: "You will be remembered!!"  :D

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/31/13 at 06:57:51

6D48474C6845454C47290 wrote:
Messenger: "Why...not...just...go after...the...message... :'(
Dane: "You will be remembered!!"  :D

Daney, Daney, Daney, that's cos the message is made up daney, by the messenger.
The messenger has only admitted it in 2 cases ...
That was the whole point of bringing up the 2 cases as an example ...
So yea, I am going after the message - Its a LIE. OK, And Made up by the messenger.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/13 at 07:36:39

So,, How Did that shirt manage to look like there was a gap? Why dont you tell US what happened. Just how did it all work out,,

Why after so many minutes after the 9/11 call, did the altercation happen so close to Zims truck? TM had had ample time to be MUCH further down the road,, Did TM double back or did Zim drag him?
You explain how the scene came to be what it was.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 07/31/13 at 07:44:22

And JOG, you only know what was left undestroyed if it was even collected, and EMT's first treated Zimmy and we only know what Zimmy and the incompetent cops did and once the cops let him go after making the statement, that was it, there was no more "looking for evidence".

To be honest, I dont expect you to understand any of this ...

The worst kind of discrimination is usually perpetrated by those who are doing it for "their own good" ... zimmy the wannabe cop shot TM to "help society" and the cops agreed, and that was the end of the trail for anything remotely resembling justice.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/31/13 at 21:05:22

Sri is a good friend of mine even though we often disagree on the forum It doesn't interfere with our friendship. The remarks about CiCi's restaurant was probably meant for me, its a pizza place we both frequent. He's forgotten  more about motorcycles than I ever knew. He came to America and did everything by the book to become a citizen. He's done a fantastic job raising an autistic child, he has a lovely wife and family. If you guys knew him like I did you would change your opinion. He hasn't been into American politics as long as we have. Maybe some of his comments are off the wall but he hasn't lived here as long as the rest of us.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Midnightrider on 07/31/13 at 21:26:15

Sri they claim the American justice system is the best in the world but its a long ways from being perfect. We have too many lawyers willing to do anything to get work. I love the law in England where if you sue someone and you lose you pay their court cost and lawyer bill. Someone could sue me and I would lose everything just to pay the lawyer bill even though I'm innocent. I wish we could get something similar here but it will never happen because of the crooked lawyers. The OJ case proved if you were rich and famous you could get away with murder. All we can do now is accept the jury and judges decision and get on with our lives. We can vote the judges out the next election or in a terrible injustice like the one I brought up about the judge needing drug tested we got her fired but I think her and that Marshall should have served time for destroying innocent peoples lives.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by srinath on 08/01/13 at 07:55:28

My CiCi's comments are meant for anyone who posts stuff without context ...
Like the 46 million in refunds sent to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house ...
Or the Gun in Betty Petrenz's handbag in a fed court building ,and she only got probation ...

Incomplete news, have some thing hidden that makes it not "news"

Maybe Betty was a 75yr old white lady who has to take the bus cos she cant see well enough to drive ... you seriously gonna throw her in jail which you would if Betty was a 20 yr old man. Maybe the republicans did throw 75 yr olds in jail ... esplains why they lost election ... they put all their voters in jail.

Maybe the atlanta address was a mexican tax preparers address, so the refunds all came there cos the filers were sending it overseas.

If the stories are true, the fact they are incomplete implies something missing is likely to deflate it.

AKA ... I was almost 235 lb before I went into CiCi's ...
I ate @ CiCi's ... which was so bloody good, I ate for 1 hr lots of pizza etc.
I walk out and I weigh 235 lb ...

If you omit the first sentence, it seems to indicate I got to 235 from a much smaller number from eating 1 afternoon @ cici's.


Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by Dane Allen on 08/01/13 at 16:32:11

75746F6867726E060 wrote:
My CiCi's comments are meant for anyone who posts stuff without context ...
Like the 46 million in refunds sent to 23000 illegal aliens in 1 atlanta house ...
Or the Gun in Betty Petrenz's handbag in a fed court building ,and she only got probation ...

Incomplete news, have some thing hidden that makes it not "news"

Maybe Betty was a 75yr old white lady who has to take the bus cos she cant see well enough to drive ... you seriously gonna throw her in jail which you would if Betty was a 20 yr old man. Maybe the republicans did throw 75 yr olds in jail ... esplains why they lost election ... they put all their voters in jail.

Maybe the atlanta address was a mexican tax preparers address, so the refunds all came there cos the filers were sending it overseas.

If the stories are true, the fact they are incomplete implies something missing is likely to deflate it.

AKA ... I was almost 235 lb before I went into CiCi's ...
I ate @ CiCi's ... which was so bloody good, I ate for 1 hr lots of pizza etc.
I walk out and I weigh 235 lb ...

If you omit the first sentence, it seems to indicate I got to 235 from a much smaller number from eating 1 afternoon @ cici's.


Yep, right there in the Constitution, 75 year old ladies are exempt from federal law.  I have a scar on my left hand from a shard of glass that cut me when I was ten so all laws involving wetlands don't apply to me. I know a guy who has a birth mark on his forearm so he is able to record and replay baseball games WITHOUT the express written consent of Major League Baseball.

Title: Re: "This is for Trayvon" has started...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/13 at 20:31:06

41656862656B64787E6568697E0C0 wrote:
Sri they claim the American justice system is the best in the world but its a long ways from being perfect. We have too many lawyers willing to do anything to get work. I love the law in England where if you sue someone and you lose you pay their court cost and lawyer bill. Someone could sue me and I would lose everything just to pay the lawyer bill even though I'm innocent. I wish we could get something similar here but it will never happen because of the crooked lawyers. The OJ case proved if you were rich and famous you could get away with murder. All we can do now is accept the jury and judges decision and get on with our lives. We can vote the judges out the next election or in a terrible injustice like the one I brought up about the judge needing drug tested we got her fired but I think her and that Marshall should have served time for destroying innocent peoples lives.

One of the big reasons OJ walked was, they took his blood & then put some of his blood at the scene so they could "Find it".. Just so happens that a VERY careful analysis of that blood showed traces of the preservative( youve seen that stuff in the tube they take blood in?) that is in the test tube the collect the sample in IN the blood "found" at the scene.. That = prosecutorial misconduct, so,, that made hangin him real hard..

Thats what Ive heard, havent botherd to see if I could prove or disprove it, cuz I really dont care,, Now, how the Fed works,, thats something I DO care about & Have spent many hours researching,,not "developing an opinion based on what Ive heard" » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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