General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/14/13 at 15:21:14

Title: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot...
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/13 at 15:21:14
Marissa Alexander had never been arrested before she fired a bullet at a wall one day in 2010 to scare off her husband when she felt he was threatening her. Nobody got hurt, but this month a northeast Florida judge was bound by state law to sentence her to 20 years in prison.

Alexander, a 31-year-old mother of a toddler and 11-year-old twins, knew it was coming. She had claimed self-defense, tried to invoke Florida's "stand your ground" law and rejected plea deals that could have gotten her a much shorter sentence. A jury found her guilty as charged: aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Because she fired a gun while committing a felony, Florida's mandatory-minimum gun law dictated the 20-year sentence.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Midnightrider on 07/14/13 at 15:30:36

Stand Your Ground law didn't work this time and this lady should be set free. She must have had a terrible attorney and jury. I think Florida sux.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/15/13 at 00:14:59

Joe Biden's brilliant advice didn't pan out???

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 06:28:55

Ooo the florida stand tyour ground law only applies when you "stand your ground" over the other guy's dead boby ... if you stand your ground and the other guy is stil lstanding, it means you go to jail.

SC has that same deal too. A guy broke into anothetr guy's house ... whenthat guy shot him, the intruder shot that guy, and claimed "stand your ground" defence.


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/13 at 07:31:47

Did the burglar win his case?

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/13 at 09:39:32

There's several states that have Stand Your Ground Law but Florida is the one you always hear about. Florida has no consistency in the courtroom and that poor lady should be set free. If she would have shot and killed her crazy husband she would be a free woman. Firing a warning shot and getting 20 years, only in Florida. Florida Sux!!!!!

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 09:51:55

50747973747A75696F7479786F1D0 wrote:
There's several states that have Stand Your Ground Law but Florida is the one you always hear about. Florida has no consistency in the courtroom and that poor lady should be set free. If she would have shot and killed her crazy husband she would be a free woman. Firing a warning shot and getting 20 years, only in Florida. Florida Sux!!!!!

South carolina is far worse IMHO. That's where the burglar case is on.
I dunno, we will know sometime - or not.
Florida is also crazy, that guy who shot a guy @ a gas station also was in Florida.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 12:53:34

She was stupid to turn down the deal she was offered for a lighter sentence.  Like it or not, the law is the law and the judge and jury have to follow it.
Shooting a "warning shot" thru a wall at someone is no small matter.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 13:04:31

6768646E6568636F687F6A687F0D0 wrote:
She was stupid to turn down the deal she was offered for a lighter sentence.  Like it or not, the law is the law and the judge and jury have to follow it.
Shooting a "warning shot" thru a wall at someone is no small matter.

WTF ... you're the resident "guns is there for my protection" and "armed society is polite society" and you say this ... sorry dont mean to sound like a d!ck ... but I think you've been taken over by some librull ghost and you need to have an exorcism ...


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 13:08:32

You've got my confused with someone else.
First rule of firing a gun if self defense - there are no warning shots - if you fire the weapon, mean to kill someone with it, or don't fire it all at.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/13 at 13:11:32

Wherelse but Florida could you get 20 years for a warning shot and walk free if you kill the crzay bastard. I disagree with the law but there' nothing I can do about it.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Starlifter on 07/15/13 at 13:47:42

"The law is the law and the judge and jury have to follow it.
Shooting a "warning shot" thru a wall at someone is no small matter".JE

Oh so small matter that, very BIG matter indeed.

However, killing an unarmed kid walking home from the store minding his own business...well now THAT is a very small matter. I'm so very sorry that poor Zimmy was inconvenienced by such a trite, small, and overblown matter.

What THIS means is that I can pick a fight with anyone I want, and if they defend themselves, I can shoot them in the heart.

Hmm, A warnning shot however is only legal if it's fired say, through the forehead.

My last shred of respect for the law is all-but-gone.    

I sincerely hope that someday we can rectify such wrongs.    

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Ryan on 07/15/13 at 14:03:32

Before you shed tears for this girl, read the story and read the stand your ground law.  She was the aggressor.  She was not defending herself.  She had a chance to leave.  She went out to the car, got the gun and went back into the house.  Stand your ground does not apply here.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 14:05:57

But didn't Zimmerman also get his gun from the car ?

The difference is, he didn't miss, but she did ... you've heard the saying right, "Gun control is being able to hit yoru target", so he excercised gun control, and she did not.


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 14:07:54

Star -
I've given up worrying about such things.  For me and mine, we don't get in fights with anyone, let alone on rainy nights in gated communities in the wee hours of the morning.
Just think what life would be like if we all just behaved normally.  Home in bed where we belong at such hours, not tailing others, nor putting ourselves in a position to get tailed - rather, just being normal.
When we step outside normal bounds, bad things can happen - not saying they are right or wrong, just making what to me is a very common sense observation.
I recall when my daughter was 16 and learning to drive - I told her that any time she gets arrested, put her hands behind her back to get cuffed, be polite, and we'd work it out in a courtroom, not on the street or in the police station.  There is a time and a place for everything.
Unfortunately, young Mr. Martin was never taught that, and Zimmerman may have been a bit over anxious.
If Martin was right, this is a case of being "dead right".  Far better that young people learn to not get themselves in that position, nor anyone else, for that matter.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Starlifter on 07/15/13 at 14:22:08

I don't get your point Jerry. It was 7:00 PM not "the wee hours of the morning". Are you referring to "Sundown" laws where "Negro's" must be off the streets by sunset??

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 14:31:21

I have to admit that I didn't watch one minute of this trial, nor even read more than a few sentences about it.
Somehow, I got the idea that the shooting occurred around 2 AM.  If I'm wrong, I stand corrected.
No need for the insult about the sundown laws.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Starlifter on 07/15/13 at 14:47:56

It was sarcasm Jerry, I figured that you weren't aware of the time. No offence was intended.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 15:03:26

Star -
Sorry, too, Friend.  It's the end of a tough day, plus I'm sick with a respiratory infection ( on antibiotics for it), plus my whole left arm hurts like the devil fro a tumble I took last Thursday on a wet tile floor, and tore the bicep muscle.  The whole are is bruised an looks like a grape.
All in all, I guess I wasn't up for appreciating sarcasm.
My doc is also certified in sports medicine, and when I saw him this morning for the arm, he reminded me that there aren't any 66 year old quarterbacks for a very good reason.  I feel like I got blind sided by a safety blitz.
Take care.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Ryan on 07/15/13 at 15:41:07

6D6C77707F6A761E0 wrote:
But didn't Zimmerman also get his gun from the car ?

The difference is, he didn't miss, but she did ... you've heard the saying right, "Gun control is being able to hit yoru target", so he excercised gun control, and she did not.


I don't know if Zimmerman got his gun from the car.  I would think he had it on him the whole time.  The difference is that it was proven in court that Zimmerman was the one that was attacked and he defended himself.  And unfortunately the only one who can dispute that claim is Trevon Martin.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Starlifter on 07/15/13 at 15:49:33

Ouch.. Jerry,take care of yourself my friend. It's boiling hot up here in Michigan (even on the lake), so it must be an inferno down there. Take a few days off from the office, sit in an easy-chair with a good book and a cold drink, and get plenty of fooling...Doctor's orders.  ;)

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 15:53:08

OK, will do, so long as you cover payroll, pay the utilities, pay the rent, pay the  computer people, etc., etc., etc. (G).

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/15/13 at 15:57:43

I'm already finishing the cold drink - it's called Famous Grouse on the rocks.  Does wonders for a sore arm and a sour temperament.
Thanks for the concern - it is nice to have genuine people as friends, even when we don't agree all of the time on political issues.  I wish some of our other contributors could see the world likewise.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Ed L. on 07/15/13 at 16:45:22

Jerry, that is one of the most profound comments I've read so far about the entire unfortunate occurance. I've always thought that the tragic death of Travon is more of a comment on our entire society where violence seems to have become the first  choice not the last. For some strange reason people have lost the ability to be civil to each other. It is upsetting at a lot of different levels.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 18:07:47

5C5A4C414242472E0 wrote:
[quote author=6D6C77707F6A761E0 link=1373840474/0#13 date=1373922357]But didn't Zimmerman also get his gun from the car ?

The difference is, he didn't miss, but she did ... you've heard the saying right, "Gun control is being able to hit yoru target", so he excercised gun control, and she did not.


I don't know if Zimmerman got his gun from the car.  I would think he had it on him the whole time.  The difference is that it was proven in court that Zimmerman was the one that was attacked and he defended himself.  And unfortunately the only one who can dispute that claim is Trevon Martin.[/quote]

Abcnews said -

Prosecutors in their closing argument had said that Zimmerman getting out of his car with a loaded gun to follow the teenager led to Martin's shooting.

I guess the prosecution said he got out of his car with gun ...

I think the defence said no, he followed him, then went to his car to get the gun ... I guess driving away isn't offered as an option for "stand your ground" You need to be armed, not get to safety in your car, and then follow someone unarmed and then stand your ground, and it all is valid only if you shoot and kill the guy.


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/13 at 02:00:47

self defense, wasnt SYG,, he was on his back, being beaten,

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/16/13 at 13:09:39

26273C3B34213D550 wrote:
But didn't Zimmerman also get his gun from the car ?

The difference is, he didn't miss, but she did ... you've heard the saying right, "Gun control is being able to hit yoru target", so he excercised gun control, and she did not.


No, the difference is Zimmerman/Martin wasn't a stand your groud case, the defense didn't even pursue a stand your ground hearing. It was solely self-defense on it's merits.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/16/13 at 13:13:13

496C63684C616168630D0 wrote:
[quote author=26273C3B34213D550 link=1373840474/0#13 date=1373922357]But didn't Zimmerman also get his gun from the car ?

The difference is, he didn't miss, but she did ... you've heard the saying right, "Gun control is being able to hit yoru target", so he excercised gun control, and she did not.


No, the difference is Zimmerman/Martin wasn't a stand your groud case, the defense didn't even pursue a stand your ground hearing. It was solely self-defense on it's merits.[/quote]

Yea first claim "stand your ground" so cops let you go, then you get cleaned up off all the evidence etc etc, and 45 days later you get arrested and get out on bail, then claim self defence in the hearing.
Nice bait and switch if you ask me ...


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/16/13 at 13:15:13

595F49444747422B0 wrote:
Before you shed tears for this girl, read the story and read the stand your ground law.  She was the aggressor.  She was not defending herself.  She had a chance to leave.  She went out to the car, got the gun and went back into the house.  Stand your ground does not apply here.

Well, that is the plight of women in abusinve relationships where children are involved. How many times does to "father" take the kids and kill them in spite of everyone else? The family has been disintegrating under increasing social liberalism and the weakest members of society are usually the victims.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/16/13 at 13:21:31

606F6369626F64686F786D6F780A0 wrote:
I have to admit that I didn't watch one minute of this trial, nor even read more than a few sentences about it.
Somehow, I got the idea that the shooting occurred around 2 AM.  If I'm wrong, I stand corrected.
No need for the insult about the sundown laws.

It was totally inappropriate for Star to insult you that way!! In my experience, those on the left readily use false accusations of racism when they have nothing to contribute to the conversation. It is a trick to put you off when they have no valid points. This is the guy who through crocodile tears wanted civility in these forums, well for everyone else but him it turns out.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/16/13 at 13:55:16

Yep, that's why republicans are cutting off all the supports to the "weakest victims".

The concern is touching ... really ... and the supports are given to RMoney types who pay 13% in taxes, and want to pay 0% ... them is who the support is for.

They're Job creators and the weakest victims are government waste.

Librulls are not causing the social society to break down.

Its done by Republicans, by not funding any support.


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/16/13 at 14:33:12

11100B0C03160A620 wrote:
Yep, that's why republicans are cutting off all the supports to the "weakest victims".

The real cutoff will come when the economy crashes, again, from massive debt or massive inflation or some other unintended consequence.

The concern is touching ... really ... and the supports are given to RMoney types who pay 13% in taxes, and want to pay 0% ... them is who the support is for.

You still don't know the difference between capital gains and regular income? Paid 3 million in taxes, btw, I see you are still pawning off the percentage without the context behind it. OOOHH, context, weren't we talking about that somewhere else???

They're Job creators and the weakest victims are government waste.

Can't remark on something that makes no sense...

Librulls are not causing the social society to break down.

Social Marxism, actually, but liberals embrace it like it's the second coming. They are relentless, blatant, shameless partisans for the liberal cause.

Its done by Republicans, by not funding any support.

Support that wouldn't be needed were the government much smaller and citizens were free to manage their own destiny. If people had careers other than office holding and could milk the system for all it's worth. We can't give everyone a free ride, just doesn't work that way.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/16/13 at 20:15:06

Great Dane ... you get your news from the daily caller ?
Get in the real world sometime ...

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 06:33:01

24010E05210C0C050E600 wrote:

The concern is touching ... really ... and the supports are given to RMoney types who pay 13% in taxes, and want to pay 0% ... them is who the support is for.

You still don't know the difference between capital gains and regular income? Paid 3 million in taxes, btw, I see you are still pawning off the percentage without the context behind it. OOOHH, context, weren't we talking about that somewhere else???

The only context in your posts is the context that is in "out of context".
The only sense is what is in Nonsense.

OK Once again for the very hard of comprehension.

RMoney paid 13% by Price waterhouse's admission, and it was 3 million dollars. All the while squealing about how he was Job creator and we are govt waste.

Warren Buffet paid 17.5% and it was over a billion dollars. And best of all ... he did not squeal about being taxed too much.

So Warren Buffet paid 25% more than RMoney, and about 350 times RMoney ...

Comparing RMoney to me is not right and you know it, which is why you do it over and over and over again for the last 6 months.

The rest of you post is the same garbage you've spewed 100 times and has been discredited.

OK so Dane, time for you to quote the daily caller and declare victory.


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/17/13 at 14:57:44

Dane -
I don't have a personal issue with Star.  He's far left, sure, and I'm far right.  But in the 5 years since I started the political section of our forum, he and I have become good friends, exchanging many personal emails as well as forum postings.
He was just being sarcastic, and that's OK - when you read my post following his, I had just had a horrible day on Monday and lashed out when I should not have.
He's a fellow veteran, a former sky marshal, and a retired law enforcement officer.  He's entitled to his political views, even if wrong most of the time (g).  He did his share to protect all of our rights to speak our minds.  I personally like the guy.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/17/13 at 16:59:58

0A05090308050E020512070512600 wrote:
Dane -
I don't have a personal issue with Star.  He's far left, sure, and I'm far right.  But in the 5 years since I started the political section of our forum, he and I have become good friends, exchanging many personal emails as well as forum postings.
He was just being sarcastic, and that's OK - when you read my post following his, I had just had a horrible day on Monday and lashed out when I should not have.
He's a fellow veteran, a former sky marshal, and a retired law enforcement officer.  He's entitled to his political views, even if wrong most of the time (g).  He did his share to protect all of our rights to speak our minds.  I personally like the guy.

I have a sensitivity when people are being bullied, physically or verbally, and I don't put up with it. I try not to be the good person who does nothing and, while I have a much shorter experience with him, I have not seen anything but visciousness and bigotry. I thank you very much for your clarification and appreciate it!!!

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/17/13 at 17:01:40

595843444B5E422A0 wrote:
Great Dane ... you get your news from the daily caller ?
Get in the real world sometime ...

Your reply is very light on substance and heavy on Dodge, Deflect, Evade  ;D Oh, and I declare victory now  ;)

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 17:02:49

3E313D373C313A363126333126540 wrote:
Dane -
I don't have a personal issue with Star.  He's far left, sure, and I'm far right.  But in the 5 years since I started the political section of our forum, he and I have become good friends, exchanging many personal emails as well as forum postings.
He was just being sarcastic, and that's OK - when you read my post following his, I had just had a horrible day on Monday and lashed out when I should not have.
He's a fellow veteran, a former sky marshal, and a retired law enforcement officer.  He's entitled to his political views, even if wrong most of the time (g).  He did his share to protect all of our rights to speak our minds.  I personally like the guy.

I agree JE ... what I think is, if we deleted the TT the next second, I think we'll all forget all our political leanings and go to the other sections and go on with bike discussion like we never disagreed on anything.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by WD on 07/18/13 at 05:06:39

Probably not, because the feelings brought to the forefront in this section would inevitably leak into the other sections. I took off for over a year during the mid-00's just because of that. Before the TT area (thread or section) was added, we had many a member kicked out of the forum, and we had others throw up their hands in disgust and leave.

This forum IS in dire need of an age restricted area as well. Some of the best custom bikes ever constructed can't be shown due to the need to keep the Cafe and RSD "family friendly". Bike graphics (nudity, language, swastikas, SS emblems, etc), background in the photos, barely legal (young) topless or nude models posing with the machines are all currently valid reasons to not allow certain high end machines on here. Which is a shame, because many of those bikes have modifications that would truly enhance the functionality of the Savage/S40 platform.

Dissolving the TT area would in essence end up sounding the death knell for the forum as whole.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 06:14:42

The old xs650 forum also had a section like that, that forum collapsed and died when the owner tried to sell it ... unrelated to the political section ... so I have no parallels.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/18/13 at 08:55:22

4053170 wrote:
Probably not, because the feelings brought to the forefront in this section would inevitably leak into the other sections. I took off for over a year during the mid-00's just because of that. Before the TT area (thread or section) was added, we had many a member kicked out of the forum, and we had others throw up their hands in disgust and leave.

This forum IS in dire need of an age restricted area as well. Some of the best custom bikes ever constructed can't be shown due to the need to keep the Cafe and RSD "family friendly". Bike graphics (nudity, language, swastikas, SS emblems, etc), background in the photos, barely legal (young) topless or nude models posing with the machines are all currently valid reasons to not allow certain high end machines on here. Which is a shame, because many of those bikes have modifications that would truly enhance the functionality of the Savage/S40 platform.

Dissolving the TT area would in essence end up sounding the death knell for the forum as whole.

Once again, WD has nailed it!! I wonder if there is a way to add a sub-forum that is age restricted. Those of us who view the site at work won't benefit but I think it is a great idea!!

I must admit, when I heard about the special "TT" forum I was quite interested but then saddened to find it wasn't what I expected.  ;D

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/13 at 13:25:39

61607B7C73667A120 wrote:

I won't let you get away with calling me a bigot. I demand proof or an apology. I won't let up until you do so.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 13:27:15

5F6C7969626A5A64616164680D0 wrote:
[quote author=61607B7C73667A120 link=1373840474/30#30 date=1374008116]


I won't let you get away with calling me a bigot. I demand proof or an apology. I won't let up until you do so.[/quote]

Why didn't you ask then - OK here it is -

So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/13 at 13:33:06

27263D3A35203C540 wrote:
[quote author=5F6C7969626A5A64616164680D0 link=1373840474/30#41 date=1374179139][quote author=61607B7C73667A120 link=1373840474/30#30 date=1374008116]


I did ask, then I DEMANDED....and nothing I said is bigoted. My remarks you are quoting are not bigoted. PROOF or apologize!
I won't let you get away with calling me a bigot. I demand proof or an apology. I won't let up until you do so.[/quote]

Why didn't you ask then - OK here it is -

So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/18/13 at 13:43:47

7F7E65626D78640C0 wrote:
[quote author=5F6C7969626A5A64616164680D0 link=1373840474/30#41 date=1374179139][quote author=61607B7C73667A120 link=1373840474/30#30 date=1374008116]


I won't let you get away with calling me a bigot. I demand proof or an apology. I won't let up until you do so.[/quote]

Why didn't you ask then - OK here it is -

So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


From only reading this post I don't believe you provided any substance that rises to the standard of proof. You may not like the comments he made that you have listed here but that hardly qualifies as bigotry. I would go so far as to say you may have meant to use another word and said bigotry by mistake. Very undestandable.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/18/13 at 16:57:37

4C69666D4964646D66080 wrote:
Very undestandable.

Thank you, I also apologize for him being a bigot.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/18/13 at 19:50:29

7E4D5848434B7B45404045492C0 wrote:
[quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1373840474/45#45 date=1374191857][quote author=4C69666D4964646D66080 link=1373840474/30#44 date=1374180227]

Very undestandable.

Thank you, I also apologize for him being a bigot.
Srinath.[/quote]You are an AZZ hole!
You think it is okay to slander someone with a bigot label because they legitimately criticize you. Yes, you definitely are an Azz hole.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 06:40:16

053623333830003E3B3B3E32570 wrote:
[quote author=7E4D5848434B7B45404045492C0 link=1373840474/45#46 date=1374201357][quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1373840474/45#45 date=1374191857][quote author=4C69666D4964646D66080 link=1373840474/30#44 date=1374180227]

Very undestandable.

Thank you, I also apologize for him being a bigot.
Srinath.[/quote]You are an AZZ hole!
You think it is okay to slander someone with a bigot label because they legitimately criticize you. Yes, you definitely are an Azz hole.

Yea I am sorry, its just the way you were raised. You dont know any better than that.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 07:15:31

25243F3837223E560 wrote:
[quote author=053623333830003E3B3B3E32570 link=1373840474/45#47 date=1374202229][quote author=7E4D5848434B7B45404045492C0 link=1373840474/45#46 date=1374201357][quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1373840474/45#45 date=1374191857]
Yea I am sorry, its just the way you were raised. You dont know any better than that.

I was born and raised in the United States of America. I was raise to be polite and respectful to others. I went to American schools in the 50’s and 60’s. There I learned about the birth of the United States and the struggles of the colonies to break away from British rule. I learn about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It was due to my great respect for these documents that I enlisted and served during the Viet Nam war.

I now live in the mountains of western Pennsylvania, where I enjoy some great mountain motorcycling roads with my great little motorcycle. I enjoy many things in my life. I also am a realist and realize that I live with a political nightmare that pretends to be a reflection of the kind of government that the founders created. I intend to continue to criticize the sham government and attempt to educate those that are open minded enough to investigate for themselves. You see, I believe in the Constitution and therefore I believe that I have the right to free speech.

My efforts to educate myself didn’t end after graduation. I enjoy exploring education as I enjoy riding twisty mountain roads.  All because I was raised right.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 07:45:46

754653434840704E4B4B4E42270 wrote:
[quote author=25243F3837223E560 link=1373840474/45#47 date=1374241216][quote author=053623333830003E3B3B3E32570 link=1373840474/45#47 date=1374202229][quote author=7E4D5848434B7B45404045492C0 link=1373840474/45#46 date=1374201357][quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1373840474/45#45 date=1374191857]
Yea I am sorry, its just the way you were raised. You dont know any better than that.

I was born and raised in the United States of America. I was raise to be polite and respectful to others. I went to American schools in the 50’s and 60’s. There I learned about the birth of the United States and the struggles of the colonies to break away from British rule. I learn about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It was due to my great respect for these documents that I enlisted and served during the Viet Nam war.

I now live in the mountains of western Pennsylvania, where I enjoy some great mountain motorcycling roads with my great little motorcycle. I enjoy many things in my life. I also am a realist and realize that I live with a political nightmare that pretends to be a reflection of the kind of government that the founders created. I intend to continue to criticize the sham government and attempt to educate those that are open minded enough to investigate for themselves. You see, I believe in the Constitution and therefore I believe that I have the right to free speech.

My efforts to educate myself didn’t end after graduation. I enjoy exploring education as I enjoy riding twisty mountain roads.  All because I was raised right.

Good to know. I will show you respect as has been shown by you going forward.

(I have been signing my posts with Cool. Srinath for 20 years if I didn't post a question asking for help. If I asked for help in the post, I usually post Thanks. Srinath. - I was taught to sign my correspondence, and since email and then fora have taken the space of "correspondence" I still do that. I dont consider that as what 14yr olds do, most of them dont sign their posts, and they have never had any other type of interaction)

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 08:04:07

64657E7976637F170 wrote:
[quote author=754653434840704E4B4B4E42270 link=1373840474/45#48 date=1374243331][quote author=25243F3837223E560 link=1373840474/45#47 date=1374241216][quote author=053623333830003E3B3B3E32570 link=1373840474/45#47 date=1374202229][quote author=7E4D5848434B7B45404045492C0 link=1373840474/45#46 date=1374201357][quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1373840474/45#45 date=1374191857]
Yea I am sorry, its just the way you were raised. You dont know any better than that.

I was born and raised in the United States of America. I was raise to be polite and respectful to others. I went to American schools in the 50’s and 60’s. There I learned about the birth of the United States and the struggles of the colonies to break away from British rule. I learn about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It was due to my great respect for these documents that I enlisted and served during the Viet Nam war.

I now live in the mountains of western Pennsylvania, where I enjoy some great mountain motorcycling roads with my great little motorcycle. I enjoy many things in my life. I also am a realist and realize that I live with a political nightmare that pretends to be a reflection of the kind of government that the founders created. I intend to continue to criticize the sham government and attempt to educate those that are open minded enough to investigate for themselves. You see, I believe in the Constitution and therefore I believe that I have the right to free speech.

My efforts to educate myself didn’t end after graduation. I enjoy exploring education as I enjoy riding twisty mountain roads.  All because I was raised right.

Good to know. I will show you respect as has been shown by you going forward.

(I have been signing my posts with Cool. Srinath for 20 years if I didn't post a question asking for help. If I asked for help in the post, I usually post Thanks. Srinath. - I was taught to sign my correspondence, and since email and then fora have taken the space of "correspondence" I still do that. I dont consider that as what 14yr olds do, most of them dont sign their posts, and they have never had any other type of interaction)

If you want respect then post evidence that supports your accusation of bigotry on my part or apologize since you have none.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 08:07:08

this is the florida syg law. 10-20-30, use a gun, 10 years, it goes off, 20 years, hurt someone, 30 years,,

zimmerman had nothing to do with syg, it was self defense, AAAANND 6 women studied the evidence & agreed with the defense, it was more than dead guy versus living guy. there were forensics involved. not stuff that would have been easily faked,, if zim had smashed his own face, HIS hands would have shown it, &, since Tray had no punch marks, that woulda made it obvious

i resent being forced to type out the obvious,

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 08:11:30

566570606B63536D68686D61040 wrote:
If you want respect then post evidence that supports your accusation of bigotry on my part or apologize since you have none.

Posted several times before OK since thuis is sticking in your craw so much - you define what each of this is if its not bigotry.


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie



Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 08:21:50

3A3B2027283D21490 wrote:
[quote author=566570606B63536D68686D61040 link=1373840474/45#50 date=1374246247]

If you want respect then post evidence that supports your accusation of bigotry on my part or apologize since you have none.

Posted several times before OK since thuis is sticking in your craw so much - you define what each of this is if its not bigotry.


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


It is you that requested negotiation. There is nothing there that suggests prejudice or discrimination.
Everything I said is truthful.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 08:25:47

063520303B33033D38383D31540 wrote:
[quote author=3A3B2027283D21490 link=1373840474/45#52 date=1374246690][quote author=566570606B63536D68686D61040 link=1373840474/45#50 date=1374246247]

If you want respect then post evidence that supports your accusation of bigotry on my part or apologize since you have none.

Posted several times before OK since thuis is sticking in your craw so much - you define what each of this is if its not bigotry.


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


It is you that requested negotiation. There is nothing there that suggests prejudice or discrimination.
Everything I said is truthful.[/quote]

That's why Ratdogwillie I truthfully also refered to you as a bigot.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 08:38:44

686972757A6F731B0 wrote:
[quote author=063520303B33033D38383D31540 link=1373840474/45#53 date=1374247310][quote author=3A3B2027283D21490 link=1373840474/45#52 date=1374246690][quote author=566570606B63536D68686D61040 link=1373840474/45#50 date=1374246247]

If you want respect then post evidence that supports your accusation of bigotry on my part or apologize since you have none.

Posted several times before OK since thuis is sticking in your craw so much - you define what each of this is if its not bigotry.


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


It is you that requested negotiation. There is nothing there that suggests prejudice or discrimination.
Everything I said is truthful.[/quote]

That's why Ratdogwillie I truthfully also refered to you as a bigot.
So your proof that I am a bigot is because I posted statements that were neither judgmental or discriminatory.

I won't let this go.

You are truly a screwed up person.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 08:42:29

Whewww! & I thot I was the only one who was thinking that,,

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 08:42:30

586B7E6E656D5D636666636F0A0 wrote:
[quote author=686972757A6F731B0 link=1373840474/45#54 date=1374247547][quote author=063520303B33033D38383D31540 link=1373840474/45#53 date=1374247310][quote author=3A3B2027283D21490 link=1373840474/45#52 date=1374246690][quote author=566570606B63536D68686D61040 link=1373840474/45#50 date=1374246247]

If you want respect then post evidence that supports your accusation of bigotry on my part or apologize since you have none.

Posted several times before OK since thuis is sticking in your craw so much - you define what each of this is if its not bigotry.


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie


It is you that requested negotiation. There is nothing there that suggests prejudice or discrimination.
Everything I said is truthful.[/quote]

That's why Ratdogwillie I truthfully also refered to you as a bigot.
So your proof that I am a bigot is because I posted statements that were neither judgmental or discriminatory.

I won't let this go.

You are truly a screwed up person.

Niether judgemental nor discriminatory ... What ? have you read that post ?
Judgemental is your middle name.
Check this out.

586B7E6E656D5D636666636F0A0 wrote:
You are truly a screwed up person.

Yea ... you're not judgemental.
Bigot is what you are man, I'm sorry.


Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 08:47:01

292833343B2E325A0 wrote:
[quote author=586B7E6E656D5D636666636F0A0 link=1373840474/45#55 date=1374248324][quote author=686972757A6F731B0 link=1373840474/45#54 date=1374247547]

Yea ... you're not judgemental.
Bigot is what you are man, I'm sorry.


There you go again making a false accusations of bigotry without proof.
You truly are a sorry person.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 08:50:04

7C4F5A4A414979474242474B2E0 wrote:
[quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1373840474/45#57 date=1374248550][quote author=586B7E6E656D5D636666636F0A0 link=1373840474/45#55 date=1374248324][quote author=686972757A6F731B0 link=1373840474/45#54 date=1374247547]

Yea ... you're not judgemental.
Bigot is what you are man, I'm sorry.


There you go again making a false accusations of bigotry without proof.
You truly are a sorry person.

Lots of proof, and increasing -


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie

You truly are a sorry example of the human race. <- Ratdogwillie

You truly are a sorry person <- Ratdogwillie



Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/19/13 at 08:56:56

7B7A6166697C60080 wrote:
[quote author=7C4F5A4A414979474242474B2E0 link=1373840474/45#58 date=1374248821]
Lots of proof, and increasing -


Then post it! Post any of my remarks that were judgmental or discriminatory and then I will apologize to you. Otherwise I will hound you as long as you post false statements on this board.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by Dane Allen on 07/19/13 at 09:17:40

1F2C3929222A1A24212124284D0 wrote:
[quote author=7B7A6166697C60080 link=1373840474/45#59 date=1374249004][quote author=7C4F5A4A414979474242474B2E0 link=1373840474/45#58 date=1374248821]
Lots of proof, and increasing -


Then post it! Post any of my remarks that were judgmental or discriminatory and then I will apologize to you. Otherwise I will hound you as long as you post false statements on this board.

Wow, that is gonna be a long time!!  ;D ;D He still thinks liberal groups were targeted by the IRS even have having that line of thought thoroughly debunked. Hates Mormons and the Associated Press too. Quite an interesting character.

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 09:19:11

40656A61456868616A040 wrote:
[quote author=1F2C3929222A1A24212124284D0 link=1373840474/60#60 date=1374249416][quote author=7B7A6166697C60080 link=1373840474/45#59 date=1374249004][quote author=7C4F5A4A414979474242474B2E0 link=1373840474/45#58 date=1374248821]
Lots of proof, and increasing -


Then post it! Post any of my remarks that were judgmental or discriminatory and then I will apologize to you. Otherwise I will hound you as long as you post false statements on this board.

Wow, that is gonna be a long time!!  ;D ;D He still thinks liberal groups were targeted by the IRS even have having that line of thought thoroughly debunked. Hates Mormons and the Associated Press too. Quite an interesting character.[/quote]

Yup debunked by the dailycaller and "associates press".
Yup, bebunked ... or is that debanked in this case ?

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 09:21:18

6E5D4858535B6B55505055593C0 wrote:
[quote author=7B7A6166697C60080 link=1373840474/45#59 date=1374249004][quote author=7C4F5A4A414979474242474B2E0 link=1373840474/45#58 date=1374248821]
Lots of proof, and increasing -


Then post it! Post any of my remarks that were judgmental or discriminatory and then I will apologize to you. Otherwise I will hound you as long as you post false statements on this board.

OH, what a generous offer -
OK here is proof.


So you reference a slang dictionary to give your insult some kind of legitimacy……  <- Ratdiogwillie

you are defined as a neocon troll that supports the Bu$h Administration's heavily propagandized 9/11 fairytale. <- Ratdogwillie

I am not mentally lazy like you <- Ratdogwillie

I regard you and those that refuse to examine the lame official 9/11 story the same as the Tories of the Revolutionary War era. It is people such as you that allow and give legitimacy to the continuing rape of the Constitution and the advancement of tyranny.  <- Ratdogwillie

Somebody should have long ago pointed out to you, that you come across as a smartazz fourteen year old child that believes he knows it all and blindly wallows in his arrogance's.  <- Ratdogwillie

You truly are a sorry example of the human race. <- Ratdogwillie

You truly are a sorry person <- Ratdogwillie



Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/13 at 09:30:13

Yoiu guys get a room, every thread? Really?

Title: Re: US woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot
Post by srinath on 07/19/13 at 09:33:39

425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 wrote:
Yoiu guys get a room, every thread? Really?

I am not making the first post ... say what you will about both legs in a fire - but you have to put 1 leg in your pants first ... If you dont put the other leg in after, its gonna look stupid, not to mention illegal in 35 states ...

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