General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos

Message started by Midnightrider on 07/10/13 at 15:26:35

Title: It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos
Post by Midnightrider on 07/10/13 at 15:26:35

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July 15th in Washington, D.C.: Anti-Amnesty March and Rally

Van Esser - <>
4:46 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

11:00 AM

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           MEETING ALERT      

     July 15th in Washington, D.C.: Anti-Amnesty March and Rally
Although this is not a NumbersUSA event, we are forwarding information to members who may be interested in attending.

Dear activist,

The Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) has organized an anti-amnesty march and rally -- the DC March for Jobs -- in Washington, D.C. on Monday, July 15th. The goal is to "demand that our leaders reject amnesty, enforce immigration laws as written, and support policies that put black U.S. citizens back to work."

As their web site notes, if the Gang of Eight's immigration bill is enacted, it "will be costly for all Americans, but will harm black American workers more than any other group. Mass immigration and amnesty puts those poorest Americans from all walks of life out of work and suppresses wages, causing them to compete with aliens willing to work in poorer working conditions for cheaper pay. When 22 million Americans are either out of work or unemployed, now is no time to further over-saturate the labor force with increased immigration levels and amnesty. If Congress doesn't stop this irresponsible legislation, the United States will continue to see more and more Americans of all races out of jobs and on the streets."

The list of speakers for the event includes:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.)

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)

Former Rep. Alan West (Fla.);

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.);

State Sen. Elbert Guillory (R-La.);

Frank Morris, former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation;

Mike Cutler, former INS Agent; and

Dennis Michael Lynch, filmmaker .

What: DC March for Jobs

When: Monday, July 15, 2013 -- 9:30 a.m.

Where: Starts at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC

For more information, visit

Alternatively, you can call 202-349-0858 or send an email to

Title: Re: It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 15:41:42

Of course it is. Its also OK for whites and Injuns to do so.
Blacks were brought here in the holds of ships and sold like cattle and now fight for scraps due to in their mind generations of lack of opportunity.
Injuns were brought here to hammer out code so corporations can pay the locals a lot less ... or else ship jobs over seas.

Latino's snuck in across the river/border "looking for a better life" and they seem to have swarmed the scraps that blacks were getting - is their point of view.

I'd say dont hate latino's ... hate illegals, most - like 99% are latino.


Title: Re: It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/13 at 15:43:00

one need not "hate" or even dislike anyone to understand that the amnesty bill is a bad thing, however, a crackas against amnesty meeting would likely end badly, which is, im sure, the point you were making.

Title: Re: It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 18:34:20

445B5D5A4740714171495B571C2E0 wrote:
one need not "hate" or even dislike anyone to understand that the amnesty bill is a bad thing, however, a crackas against amnesty meeting would likely end badly, which is, im sure, the point you were making.

Yea, if you toss in a bunch of high $$$ suits white lawyers and the like it will end in complete and total backlash (or is that blacklash). However round up a few 1000 homeless whites toss in some of em vietnam vets etc etc and send em to that rally and I cant see that ending badly. Some of em old school construction workers, electricians, plumbers (BTW I know atleast 1 of each who were homeless in the last 5 years) ... A Joe the plummer in reverse. Just not have someone called Joe in there who is a plumber I hope ...


Title: Re: It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 21:36:35

Sri name me one living Black who was brought here in the hold of a ship and sold like cattle. I didn't do it, they have no right to be mad at me. They had black and white bathrooms back when I was a kid. I didn't understand it then but I knew I didn't like it. There were a few Blacks I went to school with and a couple of them were my buddies. I would walk down the railroad track 2 miles just to play ball with them.

Title: Re: It's OK For Blacks To Hate Latinos
Post by srinath on 07/13/13 at 06:16:12

496D606A6D636C70766D606176040 wrote:
Sri name me one living Black who was brought here in the hold of a ship and sold like cattle. I didn't do it, they have no right to be mad at me. They had black and white bathrooms back when I was a kid. I didn't understand it then but I knew I didn't like it. There were a few Blacks I went to school with and a couple of them were my buddies. I would walk down the railroad track 2 miles just to play ball with them.

We are not doing it now, we stopped it in the 1850's was it.
Obviously the ones you got now are descendants from them.
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