General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Too Good To Be True

Message started by Midnightrider on 07/07/13 at 20:00:39

Title: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/07/13 at 20:00:39

"They Are Basically Murderers
and They Kill on a Large Scale."

Alexandra Bruce
July 7, 2013

A top judge at the International Criminal Tribunal at the Hague, Judge Frederick Harhoff has issued international warrants for the arrests of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama for war crimes.

Recently, a Malaysian Court convicted George W. Bush and eight of his deputies in absentia as Guilty of War Crimes, with the ex-Premier of that country, Mahalthir Mohamed bluntly stating that, "They are basically murderers and they kill on a large scale."

The world's top war crimes prosecutor at International Criminal Tribunal, Francis Boyle is interviewed here. He tried former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic for genocide and was the first ever to bring an Israeli general to court for atrocities against Palestinians. He has initiated several cases against Bush in several countries, cornering him and says that Bush and his advisors have been counseled by their attorneys not to travel around the world.

"We're going to get them here, too. They killed 1.5 million Iraqis. As for US personnel, Bush and the rest of the murdered about 5,000 - so that's why it's going to take longer, because the offenses were so grave and so extreme, compared to Milosevic."

Marjorie Cohn, author of 'Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law' enumerates those six ways as the following:

1) The illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; a crime of aggression, which at Nuremberg was considered the "Supreme Crime."

2) The torture regime put into place by Bush Administration lawyer, John Yoo and others. Toeture is a war crime.

3) The targeting and killing of civilians, two of the most notorious instances being the massacres at Haditha and Fallujah.

4) The maintenance of the prison camp at Guantanamo.

5) The illegal spying program and surveillance of Americans' conversations.

6) The refusal to fulfill a law. Frequently, when Congress would pass a law, George W. Bush would sign it but attach "signing statements" which read that that he would only follow the parts of the law that he agreed with. The President CANNOT make the law, under the US Constitution. That function belongs to Congress.

Lawyers in South Africa filed for the arrest of Obama for genocide before his recent visit there, charging the Obama Administration for its indiscriminate confinement of Muslims without charge and for its targeted drone attacks on civilian Muslim populations across the globe - which constitutes genocide.

The attacks now include whistleblowers. South Africa lawyer, Yousha Tayob says that it's a history that his nation can identify and knows only too well, saying, "As you know, prior to 1993, we had an extensive history of detention without trial in this country and the feeling among South Africans today is: "You didn't condone it then, why must you allow this to happen on an international basis today?" Pakistani lawyers have called the drone strikes in their country illegal and have asked for the UN to investigate.

The Obama Administration has been the most secretive since that of Richard Nixon, classifying over 92 million documents per year - even more than the government of George W. Bush.

In addition, former NSA officer, Scott Rickard has been investigating secret wars being fought with US Tax Dollars, that the American public is completely unaware of: a war in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, the latter of which has now been separated into two countries, with the new "South Sudan" being used by big oil companies for the development of oil fields there, while food production the devastated countryside has resulted in mass famines.

Rickard also points out that the use of depleted uranium munitions by Predator Drones and by fighter planes in all of these battlegrounds results in the permanent nuclear contamination of these areas, which will inevitably lead to deaths by horrific cancers, within 10-15 years of those continuously exposed. He notes that the US soldiers fighting in these areas have been exposed and are beginning to die from this but it is "not being talked about."

Many lawyers think that it will be difficult to try Obama while he is still in office, but that Bush and his advisors, they are now virtually "prisoners in their own country", which is not punishment enough in the minds of the millions of victims they have left behind.


June 28, 2013

"We'll get Bush in the US" the world's top war crimes prosecutor tells The Truthseeker after Dubya's deputies warn him against travel, lawyers file for Obama's arrest tomorrow when he hits South Africa, huge secret wars in America's name being masked from the folks (US!) funding them.

Seek truth from facts with Yousha Tayob of the Muslim Lawyers Association, leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle, Senior Staff Attorney Katherine Gallagher of New York's Center for Constitutional Rights which stopped Bush's first trip after his waterboarding admission, Marjorie Cohn, author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, and former NSA intelligence officer Scott Rickard.


Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/13 at 20:17:46

i wouldnt complain

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/07/13 at 21:54:03

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
i wouldnt complain

We need someone to police Washington, we need a national vote before going to war. We can no longer accept what the government tells us and innocent American soldiers are slaughtered. Cheney should be tried with them, I wish the trial was in the US. These lying a$$holes we call presidents might think twice if they knew they might have to pay for misleading the people while innocents get killed. Obama claims Bin Laden is dead but our troops are still fighting there and dying.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/09/13 at 06:25:50

Totally ridiculous and who cares?  I sure don't.
Interesting that GWB just completed a rather lengthy trip to Africa without any complications.  Michelle Obama and Laura Bush appeared together for an interview with Kokie Roberts of ABC, again, without complication.

The quoted material above is just the ravings of a few nut cases.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 08:08:04

Anyone talks of arresting the Bushies, we get mad and we call it ridiculous.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/10/13 at 12:40:19

Jerry I throw things out there to get peoples attention. I don't necessarily believe everything I post but I value the guys opinion. Some of it makes for very interesting discussion. What if your son went to Iraq and was shipped home in a box. Its no secret Bush lied about WMD's.  You might change your mind.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/10/13 at 13:13:33

Midnight -
Bush didn't "lie" about WMDs.  He was simply wrong due to faulty intelligence.  Every mistake doesn't make a purposeful lie.
Many of my buddies came home from Vietnam in boxes.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/13 at 14:13:45

He was simply wrong due to faulty intelligence.'

coff,, coff

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/10/13 at 15:13:25

He ripped apart the constitution with the Patirot act ,he knew Bin Laden didn't do it. He might have assisted but he had some help on the inside. Cheyney told the fighters not to scramble. Don't worry though, by the time Obama's term is complete he'' probably make Bush look like a saint." Someone messes with the Constitution or tries to take my guns I get more than pissed.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/10/13 at 15:38:26

You worry too much about the Constitution, and all of the various interpretations of it.
It is not a clear and fixed document - it is subject to interpretation from time to time.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/10/13 at 15:39:29

And why do you say that he knew bin Laden didn't do it?  Quit trying to find fault with everyone, and just accept reality for what it is.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/13 at 15:40:54

636C606A616C676B6C7B6E6C7B090 wrote:
You worry too much about the Constitution, and all of the various interpretations of it.
It is not a clear and fixed document - it is subject to interpretation from time to time.

really? please show me the ambiguous parts youre having problems with. ill bet i can read.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 15:47:10

2B24282229242F232433262433410 wrote:
You worry too much about the Constitution, and all of the various interpretations of it.
It is not a clear and fixed document - it is subject to interpretation from time to time.

+1, and JE - May God be with you in explaining this ...

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/10/13 at 15:51:15

Let's start with equal protection under the laws.
In 1884, the Supremes held that segregated schools were OK, as long as physically equal.
In 1954, the held the separate is inherently unequal.
And that's just a beginning.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/13 at 15:57:04

equal is equal, is seperate =? i guess it could be made so, but , imo, = is not just in quality or quantity, but access. treating people differently isnt =. forcing people to be some place where others dont have to be isnt =.
seperate but = was just a racist scam.

i was really hoping youd go for the commerce clause first,, intentionally mis-read & mis-applied.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Paraquat on 07/11/13 at 09:19:55

505F5359525F54585F485D5F483A0 wrote:
And why do you say that he knew bin Laden didn't do it?  Quit trying to find fault with everyone, and just accept reality for what it is.

My father always has lunch with my enemy's family the day before a national tragedy.


Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/11/13 at 09:24:40

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.  Were you ever an intell officer?

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/13 at 16:59:34

good frikken god,, id be embarrassed

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Paraquat on 07/12/13 at 06:08:22

7F707C767D707B777067727067150 wrote:
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.  Were you ever an intell officer?

Please, tell me you're joking.
You're supposed to be smart; you're a lawyer.
That saying is meant to imply that you're keeping them close to observe them. If you were observing your enemies as closely as your friends you would've seen this coming.


Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 11:42:16

Money rules the world, morality disappeared a long time ago. See what American made the most off the Iraq war. Doesnt it piss you off your buddies died because the gov. lied about the Gulf Of Tonkin.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/12/13 at 11:45:56

what was the lie about the Gulf Of Tonkin?  I remember watching the news coverage on British TV, because at the time I was an exchange officer with the RAF.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 11:53:50

I've talked to several Iraq veterans. None of them are happy or proud of what they did. I bought a gun off of one about a month ago. I quote him, " I wish I could attack Washington like I had to Iraq. Those lying bastards in Wash need to fear for their lying ass like we had to" He went on to say all he was doing was trying to keep himself and his buddies alive. He went on to say he was fighting to make a few Americans rich. He wasn't a happy camper.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 11:58:43

I think it was about a year after the invasion Bush declared mission accomplished, no WMD's. Why didn't we pull out then? Haliburton offered my wife $150,000 a year tax free to guard an oil well. That's why we didn't pull out.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 12:03:54

3A35393338353E323522373522500 wrote:
what was the lie about the Gulf Of Tonkin?  I remember watching the news coverage on British TV, because at the time I was an exchange officer with the RAF.

At 1505G, Captain Herrick ordered Ogier's gun crews to open fire if the boats approached within ten thousand yards. At about 1505G, the Maddox fired three rounds to warn off the communist boats. This initial action was never reported by the Johnson administration, which insisted that the Vietnamese boats fired first.[7]

Regarding August 4:

It is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened; it is that no attack happened that night. [...] In truth, Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on August 2.[8   This is what started the Viet Nam war and it was all based on a lie.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/12/13 at 12:45:29

Oh well...

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 13:26:07

The gov. has lied to us to start wars more than once. Your friends come home in a box because of a lie. Washington is the most corrupt place on earth. Just for the record I hate the government but I love my country and the people.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 07/12/13 at 13:35:37

Washington isn't the most corrupt place on earth, and you darn well know it.  Go to any nation in Africa and Eastern Europe if you want to see real corruption.
Frankly, I'm getting sick of all this anti-American rhetoric.
Until you can post something positive for once, don't bother.
You sound like what I had to deal with in the 1960s - the far left wing who hated their country.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/12/13 at 15:40:00

i dont hate the COUNTRY, but the corrupt nuts that walks in dc makes me sick. i will not support anyone i believe to be a criminal, no matter what office it haS MANAGED TO GET ELECTED TO, oops,, caplox, sorry.,
i dont care how many are WORSE, i dont care, how does it matter to americans if africa is WORSE? explain accepting bad, because there is WORSE! if its wrong, its WRONG, regardless of party, regardless of whether or not a worse example can be found.

you think a defendant could get off of a running a stop sign ticket by pointing to a drunk driver who hurt someone by saying
" why you prosecuting me? i didnt hurt anyone. you should like me, he is worse!"
again, id be ashamed
youre far too intellectually well equipped to be so completely unable to grasp these points.
until you can post something objective & not knee-jerk, emotional based
Lee Greenwood style, proud to be an american, where at least i know im free brainwashed hooey

dont bother

now, hit me with the next line
tell me to move, thats the next step for that type of thinking,,

well,, move somewhere better


my house, busted foundation, leaky roof, needs paint
ill stay & work to fix it
but, i cant fix it if im unwilling to ADMIT it needs some serious repair.

Title: Re: Too Good To Be True
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 20:45:53

Lieing to start wars and murdering innocent civilians, cant get much lower than that in my book. Trying to do away with the Bill Of Rights, The Patriot Act which makes illegal spying legal, Illegal searches, police shooting innocent people and becoming a gestapo. The people in the 60's were pissed over a war that started over a lie and they had every right to be. There friends were coming home in boxes because of a war that should have never started. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are guilty of inciting riots and they're regular visitors to the Whitehouse along with a rapper that endorsed killing white people. Obama is trying to do away with the 1rst, second and 4th amendment. He took an oath to defend the Constitution and he's trying to rip it apart. He's a liar and he should be put on trial and impeached. He's the traitor, not me. Jerry I cant understand why the truth offends you, I can back up everything I say. Ya wanna hear something good. Illinois made carry legal today. The Illinois congress overrode the govenors veto. The crime rate will probably drop in the most murderous city in the world. Yes we have the most murderous city in the world. We beat Africa on that one. I've said this many times I love my country and its people, I despise the tyrannical government. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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