General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> For Web

Message started by Midnightrider on 07/04/13 at 12:00:22

Title: For Web
Post by Midnightrider on 07/04/13 at 12:00:22

What was it you wanted me to read. I have an open mind and I don't disagree with everything you say if you would just realize name calling is immature. I'll be glad the read your book or video. I read books Mick wanted me to read on atheism, I try to keep an open mind and I realize neither party is right.  I beginning to feel the same way you feel about Obama.He's wanting to give enemies guns. The Ben Gazhi massacre was nothing but a cover up. I'll be glad when his term is over. We need a president we can trust and admire.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/13 at 22:11:48

We need a president we can trust and admire.

true,,, & this one will never be

&  unless someone really unexpected shows up, we wont next time.
id vote for jessee ventura

Title: Re: For Web
Post by WD on 07/04/13 at 22:39:03


Tell me you're kidding. That screwball "documentary/truth" type show he had pretty much wrecked his credibility.

You been raiding the Lortabs and washing them down with Corona when somebody wasn't watching? No, wait, that's me (but PBR, I hate Corona), back, both shoulders and a knee are tearing me a new one tonight...

Title: Re: For Web
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/13 at 22:47:21

no, man, im serious,, no way on earth he would screw the people the way weve been gettin screwed. he would follow the big c a lot closer, bet on it. we would see positive change, he would at least TRY.. all weve had for decades is liar after liar,, i believe he genuinely loves america & would do a lot better job than anyone like Rand Paul..i dont trust that guy, not one little bit.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/13 at 10:55:55

Jessie the mind.......  

Midnight, pentagon building performance report.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/13 at 11:16:42

Jessie the mind.......  

Midnight, pentagon building performance report.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/13 at 13:47:32

I read it, a lot of it was engineering stuff that I woudnt begin to know how to disagee with. I own a flight simulator . I've got around 300 hrs of flight time counting hang gliders. I did good with the flight simulator until I got to the airliners. This flight simulator is no toy. The hrs I acumulate  on it count go on getting my private license. It uses Google Map, even the factory I use to work at is on it. 2400 airports all over the world are on it. I flew a Cessna 150 over 100 hrs. There's no way I could fly a Jetliner without a year or so of training. Those buildings fell inside them selves just like a professional detonation. The biggest fact I know is jet fuel burns at 2800 degrees and steel melts at 3500 degrees. The guy that owned building 7 admitted on TV to get insurance 2 or 3 months before 911. Those planes were probably flew on the ground. Their instructor said they couldn't fly a paper airplane. I cant argue withal the engineers in your report. If that's your opinion I'm open minded enough to listen, but I just don't agree with all of it. I value every ones opinion on the forum even if I disagree. I'm sure a lot of people disagree with mine but the great thing about it all is we have the right to speak whats on our minds. You talk and I'll listen.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/13 at 13:51:34

Jog what makes you not like Rand Paul.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by Dane Allen on 07/05/13 at 14:11:10

15313C36313F302C2A313C3D2A580 wrote:
...The biggest fact I know is jet fuel burns at 2800 degrees and steel melts at 3500 degrees.

Will read it soon when I get time but wanted to address this point real quick. Structural steel loses 50% of it's room temperature strength at between 800 and 1100 degrees, a lot of variability depending on grade and such. Ok, that's all.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/13 at 15:05:30

I'm pretty sure the firemen reported molten steel, if I'm wrong correct me.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by Dane Allen on 07/05/13 at 16:18:26

63474A404749465A5C474A4B5C2E0 wrote:
I'm pretty sure the firemen reported molten steel, if I'm wrong correct me.

Oh, I'm sure after all that time burning something would eventually melt. So many possibilities for air flow to create blast furnace conditions. Just saying that steel, and most metals, get progressively weaker as they heat up and long before the melting point.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/13 at 05:01:31

There is zero proof of molten steel. There were one or two fireman who have said afterwards they saw molten steel. Now, if you, star, jog and rat discount hundreds of people who saw an airliner fly directly into  the pentagon, but believe without question someone who says they saw molten steel, well you're gonna have to explain that logic to me. How many people have actually seen molten steel? Was it just a liquid burning? Where's a photo.....
Midnight, let it go. The steel got weak as Dane pointed out from the heat and collapsed. There were no bombs set, the buildings didn't fall at free-fall speeds, none of that happened.yes, I guarantee you could fly a jet into a building if you wanted. No ones asking you to land it. Could you steer it? Yes. Can you descend? Yes. That's all you needed. Besides, instead of listening to what everybody tells you, why don't you read up on the flying training the hijacking pilots took and then tell me there's no way they could do it. .....

Title: Re: For Web
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/13 at 05:21:44

587C717B7C727D61677C717067150 wrote:
Jog what makes you not like Rand Paul.

i cant put my finger on it,, i just dont trust the guy,, he may be the greatest man alive, idk,, but something just isnt sitting well with me,,

Title: Re: For Web
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/13 at 08:35:13

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
Now, if you, star, jog and rat discount hundreds of people who saw an airliner fly directly into  the pentagon,

I addressed this here:

 Re: Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attac
Reply #230 - Jul 01st 2013 at 09:53:06*
So WebsterMark, tell me, why do you resort to distortions so often?

Title: Re: For Web
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/13 at 08:38:56

675552434455427D51425B300 wrote:
How many people have actually seen molten steel? Was it just a liquid burning? Where's a photo.....

……….and zero proof of molten steel? Here it is………….

So now it is you WebsterMark that is disputing eyewitnesses:

Title: Re: For Web
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/13 at 08:42:55

625057464150477854475E350 wrote:
The steel got weak as Dane pointed out from the heat and collapsed. There were no bombs set, the buildings didn't fall at free-fall speeds, none of that happened.

Yeah sure……all those times I have cranked up my wood stove to glowing red hot and never has it melted, collapsed, or even bent.

No Bombs???????  

You certainly aren’t going to find out anything about the explosions in the government reports as evidenced by the way witnesses such as fireman Louie Cacchioli were treated. Read about here:
In that same article there are more witness accounts of explosions.

....and here is some video proof:

Experts speak out
4 minute trailer:
complete film:

Title: Re: For Web
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/13 at 08:58:20

Even dubya bu$h mentioned the explosives:

Title: Re: For Web
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/13 at 09:38:18

Many have denied the existence of molten steel at ground zero. But there are too many eyewitness accounts to dismiss, including the testimony of engineers, city officials and other competent professionals who toured the ruin. One of these, Dr Keith Eaton, Chief Executive of the London-based Institution of Structural Engineers, later wrote in The Structural Engineer about what he had seen, namely: "molten metal which was still red-hot weeks after the event," as well as "four-inch thick steel plates sheered and bent in the disaster."[2]

A similar account came from Leslie E. Robertson, an engineer who helped design the WTC. He is currently a partner at Leslie E. Robertson Associates, a structural consulting firm that was under contract to the WTC at the time of the tragedy. In a keynote address Robertson reportedly told the Structural Engineers Association of Utah that: " of 21 days after the attack the fires were still burning and molten steel still running."[3] Public health officials/experts also toured the scene of destruction. Alison Geyh Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Environmental Health at Johns Hopkins, was with one of these teams. She wrote that "In some pockets now being uncovered they are finding molten steel."[4] The fact was even reported to the 9/11 Commission by Kenneth Holden, Commissioner of the city of New York. He told the panel about seeing "molten metal" during a walkthrough.[5]  

The evidence accumulated even as the cleanup progressed. Work crews removing the mountain of debris, piece by piece, discovered pools of molten steel beneath the pile, where the towers had stood. One pool was found at the bottom of the elevator shafts. Some of the pools were not found until 3, 4, even 5 weeks after 9/11.

Contractors working on site confirmed these discoveries. Such as Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing New York, who was one of four contractors engaged by New York City to handle the cleanup. During an August 2002 interview Tully told the American Free Press that indeed workmen had seen the molten pools.[6] The same interview included a statement by Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc., who, years before, ramrodded the cleanup of the bombed Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Loizeaux was called in by Tully to draft the cleanup plan for the WTC site. Loizeaux said, "Yes, hot spots of molten steel were seen in the basements." Molten steel was also found under WTC 7.  

Title: Re: For Web
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/06/13 at 09:42:54

It is time to review the governments official conspiracy theory, explained in less than 5 minutes again:

Title: Re: For Web
Post by Midnightrider on 07/06/13 at 11:22:35

Web you have a right to your opinion just like I have a right to mine. I'm not mad at you and I don't think you're stupid, we just differ in opinions, that's all. Sri and I disagree all the time but we still remain friends. I value your opinion and you have every right to believe what to want to. I consider myself to be open minded and I like hearing both sides. Carry on my friend.

Title: Re: For Web
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/13 at 13:24:47

and then theres the cement that turned, not to hunks,chunks & lumps, but to absolute dust, long prior to hitting the ground. AND, in those dust samples, fine grains of that super-hot stuff that cuts steel,, name escapes me right now,

Title: Re: For Web
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/13 at 20:32:01

So, who's right?.....

Title: Re: For Web
Post by RatdogWillie on 07/07/13 at 05:36:03

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:

So, who's right?.....

We are.

The only truth at 911myths that I have ever uncovered is this statement on the Home Page, “If we’ve an overall message here, it’s check things for yourself. Don’t trust a site just because it’s telling you what you want to believe. Don’t believe us without evaluating our arguments and checking the references we provide, either (we’re as likely to make mistakes as anyone else). Look into the claims yourself, discover both sides of the argument, and make your own mind up. The truth deserves nothing less.”

Your link excludes contrary evidence, there is no mention in their "molten metal" section of the ABC report that firefighters claimed temperatures of 2000 degrees a week after the collapse. There is no  link to a video clip of statements concerning molten steel made weeks after the fact. Here is just one of many:
Included in that video is Leslie Robertson confirming the presence of molten steel.
Here he is again:

What’s that you say WebsterMark?  Your link of lies said,” it’s not at all clear that he ever said these words”. That is strange, because all one would have to do is watch him speaking on the internet.
………and your link states that Mr. Roberson said he couldn’t  remember making that statement, yet it was published in the SEAU NEWS, the Newsletter of the Structural Engineers Association of Utah, October 2001.
Of course if he really couldn’t remember all he would have to do is watch himself on the internet, that is if he really said that he couldn’t remember and this isn’t just one of Mike Williams false "facts" created out of his butt. WebsterMark, why not contact the your source website creator, Mike Williams and see if he is real. He gives an email address, ……go ahead, try it.

“Mike Williams" did offer some good advice to the gullible, “Don't let the thread degenerate into pointless name-calling, or if it does, at least make sure everyone can see that you're not responsible.”

Most revealing of all is that there is nothing revealed in the domain registration.
Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc.
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Title: Re: For Web
Post by Dane Allen on 07/08/13 at 08:25:53

4D7E6B7B707848767373767A1F0 wrote:
[quote author=625057464150477854475E350 link=1372964422/0#11 date=1373112091]The steel got weak as Dane pointed out from the heat and collapsed. There were no bombs set, the buildings didn't fall at free-fall speeds, none of that happened.

Yeah sure……all those times I have cranked up my wood stove to glowing red hot and never has it melted, collapsed, or even bent.

I still have yet to read any of these links which is why I am only commenting on this structural steel bit. Your wood stove isn't supporting several tons of weight. Set it on the ground and put it's room temperature structural capacity on top and then crank it up. If it maintains the load then the field of Physics and Metalurgy need to go back to the bronze age and start over. ;D

Title: Re: For Web
Post by srinath on 07/08/13 at 09:34:10

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
[quote author=587C717B7C727D61677C717067150 link=1372964422/0#7 date=1373057494]Jog what makes you not like Rand Paul.

i cant put my finger on it,, i just dont trust the guy,, he may be the greatest man alive, idk,, but something just isnt sitting well with me,,

I can ... in 08 Ron Paul and Rand Paul made sense.
Past the bail outs etc etc ... they had missed the fork in the road down the wrong path ... then they are trying to get the train on the original path (which is more devastating IMHO than the current one) but Ron Paul distanced himself from the new TEA party ... Rand Paul did not.

So - Ron paul is just out of time.
Rand Paul is a corporate sell out who is out of time.

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