General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> yeah, but

Message started by JRLeathercraft on 06/30/13 at 21:43:12

Title: yeah, but
Post by JRLeathercraft on 06/30/13 at 21:43:12

With all the insanity and power struggle, this is still the best country to live in.

I think people forget that sometimes.


Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/13 at 22:36:07

How many countries have you lived in?...

I've lived in three... the other two were better,... but this one is closer to shops and has cheaper bike insurance...

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by WD on 06/30/13 at 22:42:13

Best country? I've lived in 5, this one is, at best, mediocre. If I had rotated off active duty while still stationed in Europe, I'd have never come back stateside.

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/13 at 07:36:33

see? there ya go. one more "truth" that simply aint so. just because we've been told something from birth doesnt make it so.
&, btw, fluoride? its not good for you.. just another lie

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 07:51:24

Lived in 3 - Canadia, India and USA, and US trumps the rest, but not by as much of a margin as you'd think, and its not in the order you think.

The last 12 years in the US I've had a green card and a after 10 citizenship. That aspect of my life has been way better.
Canadia I had the same legal status I had before as I did in the US I went there in 98. In US it was a H1-b and canadias was the equivalent of that. Talk about slavery ... Canada was dismal. US was bad too. Through most of my life in the US as a H1-b slave I had a set of bags packed ... so I could leave in 30 days if I didn't find employment soon after losing a job. Canadia was a lot worse. I could not wait to get back to being an american slave.

With that cumulative experience and having my background in IT - my order would be US, followed close by India and distantly by Canadia.

Of course you could have a different background and end up with a different order altogether.


Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by Starlifter on 07/01/13 at 12:46:50

Until the US has universal health care, stops initiating costly and deadly military adventures for profit, gets a handle on gun violence, brings back a truthful and free press and media, stops spying on it's own citizens, provides affordable higher education, enforces equality and justice under the law, and assures free and honest elections where every vote counts... This country will remain better than most, but not as good as many in my book.

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by Midnightrider on 07/01/13 at 13:16:16

I'm a patriot, love the citizens but I hate the governent. The longer I live the more I hate the government.You guys are the perfect example. I don't have to agree wth everyone but each and everyone of you mean a lot to me.

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by oldNslow on 07/01/13 at 13:34:34

Nice thing about the US is that it's a really BIG country and it's not at all the same everyplace. If where you're at dosen't suit you you're free(at least for the time being) to pick up your stuff and try somewhere else. State and local laws have more effect on peoples daily lives than the crap the feds do most of the time anyway IMO. Don't like yours? Maybe the state next door will suit you better. Don't like the cold - go where it's warm. Or vice versa. Don't like big cities. Move to the country. Etc.

I know you can't completely escape the clutches of our overreaching National government anymore, but I still think your options for living your own life on your own terms are better here than most other countries.

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 13:59:05

You may be like me ... stuck in the best place in the 200 mile radius ... and its getting worse ... But still not enough to move ...

Moving is not an option in a lot of cases.

This country has had a general shift downward overall, and is soon on the way to becoming "United states of mexico".

Welcome to the United states of mexico, where we reward criminals and punish the rest of us who have to compete with criminals for slave labor rates.


PS: I guess something in this topic makes me want to refer to slavery ...

Title: Re: yeah, but
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/13 at 20:21:30

436471627C7976647562100 wrote:
Until the US has universal health care, stops initiating costly and deadly military adventures for profit, gets a handle on gun violence, brings back a truthful and free press and media, stops spying on it's own citizens, provides affordable higher education, enforces equality and justice under the law, and assures free and honest elections where every vote counts... This country will remain better than most, but not as good as many in my book.

I dont care if its better than EVery Other place. I wont be happy until that list you laid out is handled. WE could be the least crappy place on EaRTH & STILL not be even close to what we Should be.. kinda depends on the competition.. BUt,, All I see is a continued downward spiral, socially, economically, morally, & your desire for honest elections is mine, too, but, i see us each painfully disappointed, & once elected, i just dont know WHO they are working for, but it doesnt feel to me like its US! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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