General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> no, they werent

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/28/13 at 04:44:21

Title: no, they werent
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/28/13 at 04:44:21

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 11:22:54

Yup ... the that it wasn't ... need we even look any further ... toss them in jail ..

I mean hold both parties to a fire sale ... Yea. 2 parties need to have a fire sale.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:30:15

7D7C67606F7A660E0 wrote:
Yup ... the that it wasn't ... need we even look any further ... toss them in jail ..

I mean hold both parties to a fire sale ... Yea. 2 parties need to have a fire sale.


Wow, Srinath forgot about the IG's own letter to Democrats stating there was no targeting of liberal groups like there was of conservative groups. A real short memory. Fortunately, I can redirect his attention here:

Let's see if he can come up with and excuse for this source now that Associated Press isn't acceptable anymore. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 13:35:34

Right right right, a republican nominated IG "watchdog" blames the IRS targetting for the Republican loss ... yea we get it ...

On a related note, president Bush blames Obama for allowing  the taliban to attack the WTC.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:42:42

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
Right right right, a republican nominated IG "watchdog" blames the IRS targetting for the Republican loss ... yea we get it ...

On a related note, president Bush blames Obama for allowing  the taliban to attack the WTC.


So you are saying that GWB was soo crafty that he installed an inside man, a sleeper agent who would go active after the re-election of B Hussein Obama to punish some randon agency, in this case the IRS, to excuse the loss of the election for whomever the Republican candidate would be, in this case Romney.

WOW, GWB is a frikken genius!! Re-elect GWB!!! 4 more years!! 4 more years!! 4 more years!!! 4 more years!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:48:04

Maybe the bilder-bears made him do it with their orbital mind control lasers....the same lasers that erase Associated Press logos from internate news articles!!!

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 13:48:44

77525D56725F5F565D330 wrote:
[quote author=47465D5A55405C340 link=1372419861/0#3 date=1372451734]Right right right, a republican nominated IG "watchdog" blames the IRS targetting for the Republican loss ... yea we get it ...

On a related note, president Bush blames Obama for allowing  the taliban to attack the WTC.


So you are saying that GWB was soo crafty that he installed an inside man, a sleeper agent who would go active after the re-election of B Hussein Obama to punish some randon agency, in this case the IRS, to excuse the loss of the election for whomever the Republican candidate would be, in this case Romney.

WOW, GWB is a frikken genius!! Re-elect GWB!!! 4 more years!! 4 more years!! 4 more years!!! 4 more years!! ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

No RMoney is such a jackA$$$ that he'd lose the election no matter what unless it was for the world's largest scumbag, and after his loss, the Republicans will blame any possible thing @ random and since the IRS was the one with a republican in control, it was the IRS scandal. If it was the FDA that had republicans driving it, after RMoney's loss, they'd have blamed bad food @ the convention and how the FDA was complicit in letting bad food @ the convention affect the election.

The agency with a republican head and watchdog will be blamed and the republican will turn around and fire back @ his organisation and claim they cost them the election.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:56:42

494853545B4E523A0 wrote:
[quote author=77525D56725F5F565D330 link=1372419861/0#4 date=1372452162][quote author=47465D5A55405C340 link=1372419861/0#3 date=1372451734]Right right right, a republican nominated IG "watchdog" blames the IRS targetting for the Republican loss ... yea we get it ...

On a related note, president Bush blames Obama for allowing  the taliban to attack the WTC.


So you are saying that GWB was soo crafty that he installed an inside man, a sleeper agent who would go active after the re-election of B Hussein Obama to punish some randon agency, in this case the IRS, to excuse the loss of the election for whomever the Republican candidate would be, in this case Romney.

WOW, GWB is a frikken genius!! Re-elect GWB!!! 4 more years!! 4 more years!! 4 more years!!! 4 more years!! ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

No RMoney is such a jackA$$$ that he'd lose the election no matter what unless it was for the world's largest scumbag, and after his loss, the Republicans will blame any possible thing @ random and since the IRS was the one with a republican in control, it was the IRS scandal. If it was the FDA that had republicans driving it, after RMoney's loss, they'd have blamed bad food @ the convention and how the FDA was complicit in letting bad food @ the convention affect the election.

The agency with a republican head and watchdog will be blamed and the republican will turn around and fire back @ his organisation and claim they cost them the election.


Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 16:53:48

Delusions are your greatest Dane.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 19:20:27

2E2F34333C29355D0 wrote:
Delusions are your greatest Dane.

That isn't me you are seeing in the mirror!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 06/30/13 at 13:20:52

63464942664B4B4249270 wrote:
[quote author=2E2F34333C29355D0 link=1372419861/0#8 date=1372463628]Delusions are your greatest Dane.

That isn't me you are seeing in the mirror!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

Thank god.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 10:15:25

7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 wrote:
Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

This is only because Mr "I hold both feet to a fire when Bush/Cheneies look like they could be blamed for anything" decided to open 2 threads to talk about the same thing.

Maybe Mr "Both feet" can open a few more threads and you can delude yourself into debunking on a 10 fold scaled up version of these 2 threads.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/01/13 at 11:33:57

21203B3C33263A520 wrote:
[quote author=7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 link=1372419861/0#7 date=1372453002]

Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

This is only because Mr "I hold both feet to a fire when Bush/Cheneies look like they could be blamed for anything" decided to open 2 threads to talk about the same thing.

Maybe Mr "Both feet" can open a few more threads and you can delude yourself into debunking on a 10 fold scaled up version of these 2 threads.


Actually, I've debunked this foolishness in three threads, don't forget the original one you started. You know, you are always free to post real evidence backing up your claims, just like I did. That way, you would have at least some sort of foundation to stand on and others might pitch in. This desperate "all Republicans conspired to hurt Obama" meme just isn't cutting it.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Starlifter on 07/01/13 at 11:48:03

Pointless debate. Dane & Webster will always parrot the party line and will think what they are told to think.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 11:49:04

0A2F202B0F22222B204E0 wrote:
[quote author=21203B3C33263A520 link=1372419861/0#11 date=1372698925][quote author=7A5F505B7F52525B503E0 link=1372419861/0#7 date=1372453002]

Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

This is only because Mr "I hold both feet to a fire when Bush/Cheneies look like they could be blamed for anything" decided to open 2 threads to talk about the same thing.

Maybe Mr "Both feet" can open a few more threads and you can delude yourself into debunking on a 10 fold scaled up version of these 2 threads.


Actually, I've debunked this foolishness in three threads, don't forget the original one you started. You know, you are always free to post real evidence backing up your claims, just like I did. That way, you would have at least some sort of foundation to stand on and others might pitch in. This desperate "all Republicans conspired to hurt Obama" meme just isn't cutting it.[/quote]

Your "real evidence" is by the Fake "associate press" ... OK man I cant match that ... that level of lying is impossible.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 12:07:10

Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/01/13 at 14:19:41

7C7D66616E7B670F0 wrote:
Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


::) Huh, an article from the 24th which is before the IG's response letter to the same congressman. What congressman, you ask?

The Internal Revenue Service targeted liberal groups as well as conservatives seeking tax-exempt status, a Democratic congressman charged on Monday...

You didn't even read your own link?  ;D ;D ;D So all the lying is from one demo congressman making up stuff.

What is the point of keeping this going??? You know you are wrong and showing everyone else how unreasonable you are. Are you just sabotaging yorur own credibility on purpose because you think it gets under my skin or something? Well, it doesn't, and I enjoy helping you trash your rep.   ::) ;D ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/13 at 20:34:19

Look,, a 5th grader can see thru this.

Someone BUSTS you targeting conservatives.

YOU would KNOW that you had also targeted LIBERALS
you would IMMEDIATELY go get evidence to PROVE you had acted in an evenhanded manner.

that didnt happen.

screwed conservatives..,

why can you people never adimt being wrong?

i figure sri is right about that huge $$$ going to one address was a hoax,, okay? so what? whooppeee,, i posted something that didnt pan out,, guess what? my batting average is better than most,,

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/02/13 at 07:23:55

26030C07230E0E070C620 wrote:
[quote author=7C7D66616E7B670F0 link=1372419861/15#15 date=1372705630]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


::) Huh, an article from the 24th which is before the IG's response letter to the same congressman. What congressman, you ask?

The Internal Revenue Service targeted liberal groups as well as conservatives seeking tax-exempt status, a Democratic congressman charged on Monday...

You didn't even read your own link?  ;D ;D ;D So all the lying is from one demo congressman making up stuff.

What is the point of keeping this going??? You know you are wrong and showing everyone else how unreasonable you are. Are you just sabotaging yorur own credibility on purpose because you think it gets under my skin or something? Well, it doesn't, and I enjoy helping you trash your rep.   ::) ;D ;D[/quote]

OOoo really ... OK then try this - IG's own words - Republican IG's own words might I add -

He noted that his investigation, while still incomplete, found no evidence so far of intentional wrongdoing by IRS personnel, involvement by anyone outside the IRS or that targeting extended into other areas of the agency.

In that article by CNN - read it.

Yea and its time for you to post some fake BS by "associates press" and declare victory.

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
Look,, a 5th grader can see thru this.

Someone BUSTS you targeting conservatives.

YOU would KNOW that you had also targeted LIBERALS
you would IMMEDIATELY go get evidence to PROVE you had acted in an evenhanded manner.

that didnt happen.

screwed conservatives..,

why can you people never adimt being wrong?

i figure sri is right about that huge $$$ going to one address was a hoax,, okay? so what? whooppeee,, i posted something that didnt pan out,, guess what? my batting average is better than most,,

The opposite of "targeting conservatives" isn't targeting liberals. The opposite of targetiung conservatives is - no we didn't target conservatives. Which ever you targeted was likely to land you in jail. Even if you target both.

The second thing  is - When conservatives found out they were targeted, they promptly pulled everyone into "questioning" not letting them look for evidence of targetting liberals. That's was the whole analogy of "screaming baby and you cant find the toy ... baby stopd screaming and you find it in a sec" ...

Sorry that IRS lie is one more ding in the credibility of anyone who hopes to blame the IRS for this and that now that they are set to enforce Obamacare.
You should bear in mind that Bush/cheney also had the IRS target NAACP and other liberal organisations. That was under a republican director which was appointed by Bush.
Republicans @ the center of this all the way.

Yea JOG time for you to crawl back into your "hold both feet to the fire" strategy.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/13 at 15:19:24

horse CRAP

if YOU were accused of singling out ONE PARTY & you knew you hadnt, you KNEW you had given the other side the SAME scrutiny, then YOU would walk into YOUR office & drag out files that PROVED it.

That conservative groups were targeted is admitted. now, theyre trying to mitigate that by claiming they did the same thing to " progressive" foundations.. believe as you will.. i say its a lie..done

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/02/13 at 17:23:20

4342595E514458300 wrote:
[quote author=26030C07230E0E070C620 link=1372419861/15#16 date=1372713581][quote author=7C7D66616E7B670F0 link=1372419861/15#15 date=1372705630]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


::) Huh, an article from the 24th which is before the IG's response letter to the same congressman. What congressman, you ask?

The Internal Revenue Service targeted liberal groups as well as conservatives seeking tax-exempt status, a Democratic congressman charged on Monday...

You didn't even read your own link?  ;D ;D ;D So all the lying is from one demo congressman making up stuff.

What is the point of keeping this going??? You know you are wrong and showing everyone else how unreasonable you are. Are you just sabotaging yorur own credibility on purpose because you think it gets under my skin or something? Well, it doesn't, and I enjoy helping you trash your rep.   ::) ;D ;D[/quote]

OOoo really ... OK then try this - IG's own words - Republican IG's own words might I add -

He noted that his investigation, while still incomplete, found no evidence so far of intentional wrongdoing by IRS personnel, involvement by anyone outside the IRS or that targeting extended into other areas of the agency.

In that article by CNN - read it.

Yea and its time for you to post some fake BS by "associates press" and declare victory.[/quote]

Interesting, so in an article dated 6/24 the IG said his investigation is on going and then he issues a final notice letter to democrats on 6/27 with the results of the investigation and you can't figure out the timeline? :o :o :o

Ok, on the 24th the invetgation was ongoing, on the 27th the formal letter was sent with the results. Got it??

And, btw, I would take the word of Associated Press over CNN Politics any day!!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/13 at 20:48:36

Both sides are criminals. they work togethjer to keep the game working on US. shadow boxing on trhew worlds stage

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 07:06:05

0B2E212A0E23232A214F0 wrote:
[quote author=4342595E514458300 link=1372419861/15#18 date=1372775035][quote author=26030C07230E0E070C620 link=1372419861/15#16 date=1372713581][quote author=7C7D66616E7B670F0 link=1372419861/15#15 date=1372705630]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


::) Huh, an article from the 24th which is before the IG's response letter to the same congressman. What congressman, you ask?

The Internal Revenue Service targeted liberal groups as well as conservatives seeking tax-exempt status, a Democratic congressman charged on Monday...

You didn't even read your own link?  ;D ;D ;D So all the lying is from one demo congressman making up stuff.

What is the point of keeping this going??? You know you are wrong and showing everyone else how unreasonable you are. Are you just sabotaging yorur own credibility on purpose because you think it gets under my skin or something? Well, it doesn't, and I enjoy helping you trash your rep.   ::) ;D ;D[/quote]

OOoo really ... OK then try this - IG's own words - Republican IG's own words might I add -

He noted that his investigation, while still incomplete, found no evidence so far of intentional wrongdoing by IRS personnel, involvement by anyone outside the IRS or that targeting extended into other areas of the agency.

In that article by CNN - read it.

Yea and its time for you to post some fake BS by "associates press" and declare victory.[/quote]

Interesting, so in an article dated 6/24 the IG said his investigation is on going and then he issues a final notice letter to democrats on 6/27 with the results of the investigation and you can't figure out the timeline? :o :o :o

Ok, on the 24th the invetgation was ongoing, on the 27th the formal letter was sent with the results. Got it??

And, btw, I would take the word of Associated Press over CNN Politics any day!!  ;D ;D[/quote]

Ha ha ha ... you put up atricles by the fake associates press ... the real associated press has nothing to do with your associates press.

24th, 27th ... and its still unrolling.
Your own IG said it was not political. Kapische ... The republican IG watchdog says it was not politically motivated.

Like I said drunks fail sobriety test man.

Putting a political application in a non political application causes them to be caught and scrutinized ... imagine that. What next, stoners failing drug tests ? Will this targeting never end ???


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 07:08:10

7B646265787F4E7E4E76646823110 wrote:
Both sides are criminals. they work togethjer to keep the game working on US. shadow boxing on trhew worlds stage

You resort to this stance when the "BUBs" get blame man. That's what I keep pointing out to you.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/03/13 at 08:25:17

3D3C27202F3A264E0 wrote:
[quote author=0B2E212A0E23232A214F0 link=1372419861/15#20 date=1372811000][quote author=4342595E514458300 link=1372419861/15#18 date=1372775035][quote author=26030C07230E0E070C620 link=1372419861/15#16 date=1372713581][quote author=7C7D66616E7B670F0 link=1372419861/15#15 date=1372705630]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


::) Huh, an article from the 24th which is before the IG's response letter to the same congressman. What congressman, you ask?

The Internal Revenue Service targeted liberal groups as well as conservatives seeking tax-exempt status, a Democratic congressman charged on Monday...

You didn't even read your own link?  ;D ;D ;D So all the lying is from one demo congressman making up stuff.

What is the point of keeping this going??? You know you are wrong and showing everyone else how unreasonable you are. Are you just sabotaging yorur own credibility on purpose because you think it gets under my skin or something? Well, it doesn't, and I enjoy helping you trash your rep.   ::) ;D ;D[/quote]

OOoo really ... OK then try this - IG's own words - Republican IG's own words might I add -

He noted that his investigation, while still incomplete, found no evidence so far of intentional wrongdoing by IRS personnel, involvement by anyone outside the IRS or that targeting extended into other areas of the agency.

In that article by CNN - read it.

Yea and its time for you to post some fake BS by "associates press" and declare victory.[/quote]

Interesting, so in an article dated 6/24 the IG said his investigation is on going and then he issues a final notice letter to democrats on 6/27 with the results of the investigation and you can't figure out the timeline? :o :o :o

Ok, on the 24th the invetgation was ongoing, on the 27th the formal letter was sent with the results. Got it??

And, btw, I would take the word of Associated Press over CNN Politics any day!!  ;D ;D[/quote]

Ha ha ha ... you put up atricles by the fake associates press ... the real associated press has nothing to do with your associates press.[/quote]

;D ;D ;D Way to tell it like it isn't. It's only real if you can twist it to your own use, right??? And everything else is fake. Riiiiiight ;)

24th, 27th ... and its still unrolling.
Your own IG said it was not political. Kapische ... The republican IG watchdog says it was not politically motivated.

Nice dodge, deflect, evade tactic there. Conservatives were targeted, liberals weren't.

Putting a political application in a non political application causes them to be caught and scrutinized ... imagine that. What next, stoners failing drug tests ? Will this targeting never end ???


What is funny is you never seem to adress why only conservative groups were targeted as political and not of the liberal or progressive groups were targeted. Why did all the "political" liberal groups breeze through the system then?

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/13 at 08:58:00

34352E2926332F470 wrote:
[quote author=7B646265787F4E7E4E76646823110 link=1372419861/15#21 date=1372823316]I dont cARE IF A BUB SAYS THERE WAS NO POLITICS INVOLVED,
Both sides are criminals. they work togethjer to keep the game working on US. shadow boxing on trhew worlds stage

You resort to this stance when the "BUBs" get blame man. That's what I keep pointing out to you.

no, youre not getting it,, now lean forward, pay close attention here,,

reverse the roles, reverse the whole thing, then, have a dem come out & say,, nope,, uhh,, the bubs didnt do that.  just one set of liars protect6ing another,, theyre on the same team,, once ya figure that out, things get a lot easier..
like wrestlers, hate each other in the ring, stay in the same hotels & hang out in the bar. its a game, people

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 12:52:45

41646B60446969606B050 wrote:
What is funny is you never seem to adress why only conservative groups were targeted as political and not of the liberal or progressive groups were targeted. Why did all the "political" liberal groups breeze through the system then?

Sorry dane, that's because it happened in your mind alone.
Not the real world.
I see Republicans offering excuses for other republicans ... and call it as I see it.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 12:54:41

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
[quote author=34352E2926332F470 link=1372419861/15#23 date=1372860490][quote author=7B646265787F4E7E4E76646823110 link=1372419861/15#21 date=1372823316]I dont cARE IF A BUB SAYS THERE WAS NO POLITICS INVOLVED,
Both sides are criminals. they work togethjer to keep the game working on US. shadow boxing on trhew worlds stage

You resort to this stance when the "BUBs" get blame man. That's what I keep pointing out to you.

no, youre not getting it,, now lean forward, pay close attention here,,

reverse the roles, reverse the whole thing, then, have a dem come out & say,, nope,, uhh,, the bubs didnt do that.  just one set of liars protect6ing another,, theyre on the same team,, once ya figure that out, things get a lot easier..
like wrestlers, hate each other in the ring, stay in the same hotels & hang out in the bar. its a game, people

I get it ... but I still maintain we put the smaller dirt bags in office and stand by that. Nothing will improve when we have dirt bag 1 vs dirt bag 2 @ the elections.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/03/13 at 13:37:06

11100B0C03160A620 wrote:
[quote author=41646B60446969606B050 link=1372419861/15#24 date=1372865117]

What is funny is you never seem to adress why only conservative groups were targeted as political and not of the liberal or progressive groups were targeted. Why did all the "political" liberal groups breeze through the system then?

Sorry dane, that's because it happened in your mind alone.
Not the real world.
I see Republicans offering excuses for other republicans ... and call it as I see it.

And where do you see it? Because Obama is President and he can't be tied to any scandal or because the perception is liberals are totally corrupt? Since there isn't any evidence you can provide I am curious how you can possibly extrapolate such a far off conclusion, especially when the ones committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 13:45:03

70555A51755858515A340 wrote:
[quote author=11100B0C03160A620 link=1372419861/15#26 date=1372881165][quote author=41646B60446969606B050 link=1372419861/15#24 date=1372865117]

What is funny is you never seem to adress why only conservative groups were targeted as political and not of the liberal or progressive groups were targeted. Why did all the "political" liberal groups breeze through the system then?

Sorry dane, that's because it happened in your mind alone.
Not the real world.
I see Republicans offering excuses for other republicans ... and call it as I see it.

And where do you see it? Because Obama is President and he can't be tied to any scandal or because the perception is liberals are totally corrupt? Since there isn't any evidence you can provide I am curious how you can possibly extrapolate such a far off conclusion, especially when the ones committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act.[/quote]

You see Dane Its not "the ones committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act" as you say it  ... Its the republicans committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act ...

Not nominated by Obama = Obama didn't send them after his political enemies. The only reason for this scandal to come into view and exist now is to get republicans something to milk ... right after they failed with the whole Benghazi attack and pinning it on Obama ...

Political points and watering down Obamacare which is lead by the IRS are the 2 goals they hope to acheive.
Republican nominees fall on their sword and bury their organisation to acheive that.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/03/13 at 13:51:42

5F5E45424D58442C0 wrote:
[quote author=70555A51755858515A340 link=1372419861/15#28 date=1372883826][quote author=11100B0C03160A620 link=1372419861/15#26 date=1372881165][quote author=41646B60446969606B050 link=1372419861/15#24 date=1372865117]

What is funny is you never seem to adress why only conservative groups were targeted as political and not of the liberal or progressive groups were targeted. Why did all the "political" liberal groups breeze through the system then?

Sorry dane, that's because it happened in your mind alone.
Not the real world.
I see Republicans offering excuses for other republicans ... and call it as I see it.

And where do you see it? Because Obama is President and he can't be tied to any scandal or because the perception is liberals are totally corrupt? Since there isn't any evidence you can provide I am curious how you can possibly extrapolate such a far off conclusion, especially when the ones committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act.[/quote]

You see Dane Its not "the ones committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act" as you say it  ... Its the republicans committing the act admitted to and apologized for said act ...

Not nominated by Obama = Obama didn't send them after his political enemies. The only reason for this scandal to come into view and exist now is to get republicans something to milk ... right after they failed with the whole Benghazi attack and pinning it on Obama ...

Political points and watering down Obamacare which is lead by the IRS are the 2 goals they hope to acheive.
Republican nominees fall on their sword and bury their organisation to acheive that.


But of course you have no evidence for this...none of the hundreds of die hard Obama supporters would blow the whistle on this...The unions and media are essentially one group, like this wouldn't come out. Sorry, this falls within the realm of Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot, maybe one of them can vouch for this fantasy.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 14:03:11

5D78777C5875757C77190 wrote:
But of course you have no evidence for this...none of the hundreds of die hard Obama supporters would blow the whistle on this...The unions and media are essentially one group, like this wouldn't come out. Sorry, this falls within the realm of Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot, maybe one of them can vouch for this fantasy.

Of course not, no one has any evidence of it, the conservative media is busy milking the issue to score political points, the republicans who fall on their sword have deleted the evidence and the game goes round and round to try to make political hay.
Loch Ness monster is under fire from Cheney's rifle, and Big Foot - well both of Big's feet need to be in the fire.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/05/13 at 08:29:52

282932353A2F335B0 wrote:
[quote author=5D78777C5875757C77190 link=1372419861/30#30 date=1372884702]

But of course you have no evidence for this...none of the hundreds of die hard Obama supporters would blow the whistle on this...The unions and media are essentially one group, like this wouldn't come out. Sorry, this falls within the realm of Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot, maybe one of them can vouch for this fantasy.

Of course not, no one has any evidence of it, the conservative media is busy milking the issue to score political points, the republicans who fall on their sword have deleted the evidence and the game goes round and round to try to make political hay.
Loch Ness monster is under fire from Cheney's rifle, and Big Foot - well both of Big's feet need to be in the fire.


Conservative media????  Hilarious!! They would be the Leprechaun, just a mythical creature. Conservative media  :o ;D ;D

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 08:52:36

05202F24002D2D242F410 wrote:
[quote author=282932353A2F335B0 link=1372419861/30#31 date=1372885391][quote author=5D78777C5875757C77190 link=1372419861/30#30 date=1372884702]

But of course you have no evidence for this...none of the hundreds of die hard Obama supporters would blow the whistle on this...The unions and media are essentially one group, like this wouldn't come out. Sorry, this falls within the realm of Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot, maybe one of them can vouch for this fantasy.

Of course not, no one has any evidence of it, the conservative media is busy milking the issue to score political points, the republicans who fall on their sword have deleted the evidence and the game goes round and round to try to make political hay.
Loch Ness monster is under fire from Cheney's rifle, and Big Foot - well both of Big's feet need to be in the fire.


Conservative media????  Hilarious!! They would be the Leprechaun, just a mythical creature. Conservative media  :o ;D ;D[/quote]

Rush, Hannity, Faux news, CBS news talk, WSJ just to mention a few ... I guess they are all the leprechaun, and Loch ness monster then. OK cool good to know.


Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by Dane Allen on 07/05/13 at 13:22:11

5F5E45424D58442C0 wrote:
[quote author=05202F24002D2D242F410 link=1372419861/30#32 date=1373038192][quote author=282932353A2F335B0 link=1372419861/30#31 date=1372885391][quote author=5D78777C5875757C77190 link=1372419861/30#30 date=1372884702]

But of course you have no evidence for this...none of the hundreds of die hard Obama supporters would blow the whistle on this...The unions and media are essentially one group, like this wouldn't come out. Sorry, this falls within the realm of Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot, maybe one of them can vouch for this fantasy.

Of course not, no one has any evidence of it, the conservative media is busy milking the issue to score political points, the republicans who fall on their sword have deleted the evidence and the game goes round and round to try to make political hay.
Loch Ness monster is under fire from Cheney's rifle, and Big Foot - well both of Big's feet need to be in the fire.


Conservative media????  Hilarious!! They would be the Leprechaun, just a mythical creature. Conservative media  :o ;D ;D[/quote]

Rush, Hannity, Faux news, CBS news talk, WSJ just to mention a few ... I guess they are all the leprechaun, and Loch ness monster then. OK cool good to know.


To name a few?? To name them all, more like it with CBS and Foxnews being dubious claims. Scientific research has showed Foxnews skews only slightly right while Reuters, AP, ABC, CBS, NBC and most newspapers are almost off the charts leftist. But that is science, I am sure you have your own constructed beliefs, which is fine. But just realize how hilarious it is to blame a tiny minority and assert they have this near god-like sway over reality that just isn't remotely close to true.

Rush and Hanity are single individuals, the New York Times is an organization with thousands of employees that do liberal bidding with no journalistic integrity. Foxnews is your fallback because the media field is soo lopsided that you got to have at least one scapegoat. Foxnews fits the bill. I remember seeing somewhere else that a study showed NBC news programs with Matthews, Maddow, Sharpton, et. al. are only 15% news and the rest opinion. But that is science, and a distraction from the OP subject that Liberal and progressive groups were not targeted by the IRS like conservative groups were.

Title: Re: no, they werent
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 13:30:07

Yea Dane, everyone is out to get you and your guy. Anyone with a press card is Librull ... yea ... OK happy.
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