General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the IRS

Message started by srinath on 06/25/13 at 12:17:04

Title: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the IRS
Post by srinath on 06/25/13 at 12:17:04

Washington (CNN) -- The Internal Revenue Service targeted liberal groups as well as conservatives seeking tax-exempt status, a Democratic congressman charged on Monday after the agency acknowledged the inappropriate practice continued until last month.

Rep. Sander Levin said the term "progressives" was included on IRS screening lists of applicants for tax-exempt status made available to Congress on Monday.

It was the first confirmation that the "Be on the Lookout" or BOLO lists used criteria targeting liberal groups after an inspector general's report made public last month said the IRS had used words such as "tea party" to determine possible extra scrutiny.

Earlier, the first substantive review of the controversy by the IRS showed the agency used multiple lists of inappropriate criteria in assessing tax-exempt applications up until this month, more than a year later than previously revealed.

From the link -

Looking for the IRS refunds of 43 million to 23,000 people in 1 atlanta address - nothing turned up in that search ... but this did ...

So not only TEA was targeted, so was everyone who sounded political in a social welfare application.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/25/13 at 12:42:17

Very suspicious, why didn't this come out a long time ago? I highly doubt this really happened, they probably needed all this time to create a fake trail. Definitely not buyin' it.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/25/13 at 12:46:05

11343B30143939303B550 wrote:
Very suspicious, why didn't this come out a long time ago? I highly doubt this really happened, they probably needed all this time to create a fake trail. Definitely not buyin' it.

It didn't come out cos republicans found something and started screaming about it ... and that was all we heard ... the republican appointed head of the agency quit and the republican media was intent on crucifying Obama for it. That was all the news we heard.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/25/13 at 13:21:06

6D6C77707F6A761E0 wrote:
[quote author=11343B30143939303B550 link=1372187824/0#1 date=1372189337]Very suspicious, why didn't this come out a long time ago? I highly doubt this really happened, they probably needed all this time to create a fake trail. Definitely not buyin' it.

It didn't come out cos republicans found something and started screaming about it ... and that was all we heard ... the republican appointed head of the agency quit and the republican media was intent on crucifying Obama for it. That was all the news we heard.


REPUBLICAN MEDIA??? Oh, do tell about this Republican media that can shout down the combined market share of AP, Reuters, MSN, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, Google, NYT, LAT, Huffpo, CBS, and most of the national newspapers, magazines and digital media. I have been looking for such a powerful source of truth for a long time and can't believe I have missed it. I must know the name of this all powerful Republican controlled news outlet!!!

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/25/13 at 13:25:35

66677C7B74617D150 wrote:
[quote author=11343B30143939303B550 link=1372187824/0#1 date=1372189337]Very suspicious, why didn't this come out a long time ago? I highly doubt this really happened, they probably needed all this time to create a fake trail. Definitely not buyin' it.

It didn't come out cos republicans found something and started screaming about it ... and that was all we heard ... [/quote]

Soo weak, not even a real answer, just a dodge to Republican Media.  ;D Seriously, though, why are we just hearning about this now. Obama runs everything with an iron fist and the fanboy/fangirl army would do anything for him, why wouldn't the legions of Obama lovers not immediately present this info when this whole thing started? They faked a reason for letting Ambassador Stevens die for Obama's re-election bit, this seems like a much easier lie to foist on us so why wait soo long if it is legit?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/25/13 at 13:37:53

Republican media - easy, Faux and all the ones you claim are liberal - CBS ? WTF ... that's hard core republican media. They air nothing but 3 hours of Rush, followed by 3 hours of Hannity followed by some talking heads who parrot those 2 as it were gospel.

There is a lot of republican media ... seriously you need to wake up ... They overwhelm the rest of the public media.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/25/13 at 13:52:46

4C69666D4964646D66080 wrote:
REPUBLICAN MEDIA??? Oh, do tell about this Republican media that can shout down the combined market share of AP, Reuters, MSN, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, Google, NYT, LAT, Huffpo, CBS, and most of the national newspapers, magazines and digital media. I have been looking for such a powerful source of truth for a long time and can't believe I have missed it. I must know the name of this all powerful Republican controlled news outlet!!!

Let me see if I can explain this to the comprehension challenged.
AP and Reuters are reporting services. I used to work for a subsidiary of Reuters, and I still deal with data from reuters on the financial news side. As hardcore financial as they come. I would say they are republican, however I will just say they just report news, you'd find news from every corner of the world on API and Reuters. Floods in assam, to whale beachings in madagascar ...

MSN and NBC are not 2 - MSNBC and it is liberal.
ABC - ABC is owned by Disney so I would say they would be the most conservative of the list. Nice of you to "forget" faux, but I wont.

Nice - you list NPR and PBS as liberal, those 2 are actually very centric. Which you would hate, cos they're liberal to you. Everyone in the world recognizes these 2 as centrist.

Last I checked, Google was a search engine, and the owners of google are huge republican contributors.

Nice of you to leave out Wall street journal - as conservative as they come. Its a mouth piece for Rupert Murdock, and it was even before he bought it.
LAT ? Latina times ? Conservative, with the republicans handing over citizenship its going to be all about republicans on that.
HuffPO - Blog - who cares.

CBS - yes with 20 hours of Hannity, Rush and other talking heads, hardcore conservative.

You forgot the biggie - Faux News - enuff said.

You can easily see Republican media overwhelms the airwaves.
Of course I didn't say conservative media ... there aint nothing conservative in this whole thread.
There is plenty ... and several others, just blogs and talking heads ...

However you are yet to show me a credible bit of news about the IRS refunds to 1 address in atlanta.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/13 at 14:06:00

if someone was pointing at me & accusing me of wrongdoing for how i treaqted conservatives i believe i would have said i did this, too, & pointed it out & PROved it..,

 ii call bs,

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 07:57:24

726D6B6C71764777477F6D612A180 wrote:
if someone was pointing at me & accusing me of wrongdoing for how i treaqted conservatives i believe i would have said i did this, too, & pointed it out & PROved it..,

 ii call bs,

I think the people who were looking for it had no time to look for it cos they had to listen to and respond to the screeching form the republicans ...

I see that all the time ... some fool is asking for an update every 5 seconds ...
It takes me 3 hours to do a 5 minute job.
When my phone battery dies ... I finish the job in 3 min and send out an email saying its done.
Multiply that times 1000, cos they have to fly to whatever hell hole the screaming is occouring ...

Sorry a lot of things turn up late cos the screaming starts and it further delays. Have you ever tried to find a toy a child is looking for ... only to find in in seconds once the screaming stops.

Yea ... that.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/26/13 at 09:28:35

whaaat? if i accusaed you of doing saomething you wouldnt have enough senswe to point out you did it to the other side too?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 09:39:29

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
whaaat? if i accusaed you of doing saomething you wouldnt have enough senswe to point out you did it to the other side too?

I would for sure ... but If you asked me to find the few 100 pieces of paper in a pile of millions while you're constantly screaming and making me walk to the stand to answer your dumb questions, it may take me a month ...

And look, it took a month ... huh funny coincidence that.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 09:56:29

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
[quote author=3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 link=1372187824/0#9 date=1372264115]whaaat? if i accusaed you of doing saomething you wouldnt have enough senswe to point out you did it to the other side too?

I would for sure ... but If you asked me to find the few 100 pieces of paper in a pile of millions while you're constantly screaming and making me walk to the stand to answer your dumb questions, it may take me a month ...

And look, it took a month ... huh funny coincidence that.

With all the thousands of employees they have on hand to do this, that isn't a very good excuse.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 10:17:05

785D52597D505059523C0 wrote:
[quote author=47465D5A55405C340 link=1372187824/0#10 date=1372264769][quote author=3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 link=1372187824/0#9 date=1372264115]whaaat? if i accusaed you of doing saomething you wouldnt have enough senswe to point out you did it to the other side too?

I would for sure ... but If you asked me to find the few 100 pieces of paper in a pile of millions while you're constantly screaming and making me walk to the stand to answer your dumb questions, it may take me a month ...

And look, it took a month ... huh funny coincidence that.

With all the thousands of employees they have on hand to do this, that isn't a very good excuse.[/quote]

If they were making this up, wont they have done it sooner ?

I see stuff like this all the time ... I need access to something, and the one person that needs to approve that is on vacation ... or out sick, or is dead ...
Big lumbering bureaucrazies - crime and lies are far easier and quicker to commit than actually doing the right thing. That's why its called the right thing.

You can cry foul all you want ... it needs to be proved its fake.
The republicans are looking at it now ... the screaming should start soon ... wait and see ...

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 10:40:36

Ok, time to cut to the chase. There was no targetting of liberal or progressive groups. Didn't happen - period!!

Liberals say they weren't targeted, IRS says on conservative groups targed, Inspector General report says liberals weren't targeted, IRS appologizes for targeting only conservative groups and giving liberals a free pass. Any other claim is pure fantasy.

"A November 2010 version of the list obtained by National Review Online, however, suggests that while the list did contain the word “progressive,” screeners were in fact instructed to treat “progressive” groups differently from “tea party” groups. Whereas screeners were merely alerted that a designation of 501(c)(3) status “may not be appropriate” for applications containing the word ”progressive” – 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from conducting any political activities – they were told to send those of tea-party groups off IRS higher-ups for further scrutiny.  That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not. Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT,” which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not."

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 10:45:50

No Dane looks like its time to post outdated and out of context links to republican groups and news papers it looks like.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 10:49:30

To put it in english for the hard of copmprehension ...

Nothing newer than middle of may, and all of it from Right wing papers and blogs.

Sorry - that was then, this is now ... he said no targeting then ... but later the papers for targetting was found. Since he was a republican appointee ... the republicans questioned a republican appointee, who turned around and blamed themselves.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 10:59:14

From the Daily Caller - for those who prefer to not follow links.

Twelve different IRS units nationwide targeted conservatives

Posted By Patrick Howley On 9:21 AM 06/25/2013 In Politics | No Comments

Twelve different groups within the IRS targeted conservative organizations applying for tax-exempt nonprofit status, according to the attorneys representing tea party plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against the IRS.

The revelation disproves the suggestion by a top congressional Democrat that only one IRS group was responsible for scrutinizing tea party and conservative applications.

Group 7821, Group 7822, Group 7823, Group 7824, Group 7827, Group 7828, Group 7829, Group 7830, Group 7838, EOG-7887, and EOG-7888, and the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division in Washington, D.C. all targeted conservative groups between 2010 and 2012, according to documentation compiled by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has filed a class-action suit against the IRS.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee investigating the IRS targeting scandal, previously suggested that tea party applications were sent only to Group 7822 for scrutiny. Cummings released transcripts of an interview his staff conducted with John Shafer, an employee of the Cincinnati IRS office, who claimed that he sent tea party applications specifically to Group 7822.

“Based upon everything I’ve seen the case is solved,” Cummings said on CNN during a June 9 interview.

The ACLJ disagrees.

“[John] Shafer was just one individual describing his experience interacting with one group [Group 7822]. If he was only interacting with one group then his involvement in this process was minimal,” ACLJ senior counsel David French told The Daily Caller.

“Group 7822 was pinpointed because of the release from Rep. Cummings, which created the impression that there were one or two agents that referred to a single group,” French said. “In fact we are dealing with multiple IRS offices across the nation that were targeting conservative groups, and eleven different IRS groups beside Group 7822, including the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division in Washington. Each of these groups  was working on tea party and conservative cases.”

“After Rep. Cummings’ statement, the media fixated on Group 7822 as the patient zero of the outbreak when the reality is it was many groups, so the IRS hierarchy is much more implicated,” French said.

Between 2010 and 2012, the IRS sent letters to tea party applicants across the country demanding more information before their tax-exempt applications could be approved. On the upper left-hand corner of these letters, the IRS identified the working group within the agency requesting the information. Twelve different groups appeared on these letters, according to French.

The El Monte, California IRS office, for instance, sent a letter requesting additional information to Oklahoma City Patriots in Action, dated February 9, 2012,  which listed the IRS group EOG-7887 in the upper left-hand corner.

“We’re going to find out the differences between these IRS groups in litigation,” French said. “Which personnel were in each group? Was there overlap in personnel?”

It remains unclear whether these IRS groups existed prior to the targeting. It is also unclear whether these groups each had their own physical locations, according to French.

Despite claims by IRS officials that the targeting occurred only in the agency’s Cincinnati office, the ACLJ compiled letters proving that IRS offices in Washington, D.C. and the California cities of El Monte and Laguna Niguel also targeted conservatives. The Daily Caller has also reported that the agency’s Baltimore and Chicago offices engaged in the improper targeting.

Cincinnati-based IRS employee Elizabeth Hofacre told congressional investigators that Washington-based IRS lawyer Carter Hull oversaw her office’s targeting, and even instructed her on how to demand additional information from tea party groups. “I was essentially a front person, because I had no autonomy or no authority to act on [applications] without Carter Hull’s influence or input,” Hofacre said.

“We know that the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division in Washington, D.C. was involved, and that’s where Carter Hull and Lois Lerner were working. We have 14 letters directly from Lois Lerner,” French said. “When Lois Lerner said on May 10 that this was just a few agents in Cincinnati, we were literally holding in our hands 14 letters that she wrote to conservative groups.”

The IRS did not immediately return a request for comment.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 11:04:32

383922252A3F234B0 wrote:
To put it in english for the hard of copmprehension ...

Nothing newer than middle of may, and all of it from Right wing papers and blogs.

Sorry - that was then, this is now ... he said no targeting then ... but later the papers for targetting was found. Since he was a republican appointee ... the republicans questioned a republican appointee, who turned around and blamed themselves.


Yes, for those who have difficulty with analytical and logical thinking, everything was pretty much settled and everything that happened has come out. Therefore all this extra crap is just that, crap, made up after the fact. This would have come out long ago were it true and it just isn't.

And, sorry to break it to you but Right Wing papers and blogs are all that can be trusted nowadays, along with foreign news outlets who do not suffer from Obama Fanboy/girl syndrome, at least not anymore.

This whole "liberals were targeted too" trope is just smoke and mirrors over two years too late.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 11:05:17

Wow Dane, Daily Caller Dane ? Why was not available ?

Yea I'll say case closed ... you toalded us.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 11:06:58

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
Wow Dane, Daily Caller Dane ? Why was not available ?

Yea I'll say case closed ... you toalded us.


Sorry, Chris Matthews is too busy calling anyone who disgrees with his boy-crush Obama a racist to cover any real news.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 11:07:30

0D28272C0825252C27490 wrote:
And, sorry to break it to you but Right Wing papers and blogs are all that can be trusted nowadays, along with foreign news outlets who do not suffer from Obama Fanboy/girl syndrome, at least not anymore.

Oooo But ... but ... but I thought it was all librull media ?
No ? OK Right wing blogs to be trusted ... gotcha ...

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 11:08:49

37362D2A25302C440 wrote:
Wow Dane, Daily Caller Dane ? Why was not available ?

Yea I'll say case closed ... you toalded us.


Feel free to provide any evidence to the contrary, or is discounting the messenger the only tool you have????

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 11:13:46

01242B20042929202B450 wrote:
[quote author=47465D5A55405C340 link=1372187824/15#18 date=1372269917]Wow Dane, Daily Caller Dane ? Why was not available ?

Yea I'll say case closed ... you toalded us.


Sorry, Chris Matthews is too busy calling anyone who disgrees with his boy-crush Obama a racist to cover any real news.[/quote]

And so was lets see ... Faux news ? CBS ? NBC ? ABC ? PBS ? WSJ and all the Murdoch papers and news outlets ? Gotcha ... jus making sure.
OK The best is Daily Caller. They are the only ones not to busy to report real news right as its said by Mitt 'I paid 13% in taxes and told someone who lost her house in a flood to go home and call 311" RMoney. I should remember that for next time.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 11:18:53

OK lets try this -

It wasn't just Tea Party groups that had a "be on the lookout" list at the IRS. A "broad spectrum" of groups were also targeted for increased scrutiny on other lists, which the agency has stopped using under its new acting leader Danny Werfel.

The article is longer - use the link to read it.

CNN:- CNN Reports: IRS Also Targeted ‘Progressive’ Groups For Tax-Exempt Applications

With the new acting commissioner of the IRS Daniel Werfel releasing the first report on the agency’s targeting of conservative groups comes a big revelation: liberal groups received very similar treatment. CNN’s Dana Bash reported Monday afternoon that the term “progressive” was used by the IRS, in addition to conservative buzz words like “tea party” and “patriot” to identify applications by groups for tax-exempt status.

There is more, and from every reputable news service in the world.

Sorry Dane, someone's blog - well anyone can have a blog.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 11:32:57

Can't help but notice you are ignoring large groups of facts to make your point. I will post this bit a second time to help you remember:

"A November 2010 version of the list obtained by National Review Online, however, suggests that while the list did contain the word “progressive,” screeners were in fact instructed to treat “progressive” groups differently from “tea party” groups. Whereas screeners were merely alerted that a designation of 501(c)(3) status “may not be appropriate” for applications containing the word ”progressive” – 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from conducting any political activities – they were told to send those of tea-party groups off IRS higher-ups for further scrutiny.  That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not. Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT,” which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not."

Where are all the affected liberal groups then? You still haven't answered how this is all coming out now, AFTER the investigation and Inspector General's report. I also notice how you gloss over treatment of the different groups. If liberal groups were singled out then it was probably to fast-track their approval before the election to help Obama or provide them with private data from conservative applications.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 11:46:23

Wowwweee ... National Review online ... I guess that is even better than and huh ...

Sorry my bad, I did not see that opinion piece oops I mean Real accurate non biased and true factual piece. My bad. Like I said before ... You Toalded us. I guess that means we stay toalded.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 11:52:56

5C5D46414E5B472F0 wrote:
Wowwweee ... National Review online ... I guess that is even better than and huh ...

Sorry my bad, I did not see that opinion piece oops I mean Real accurate non biased and true factual piece. My bad. Like I said before ... You Toalded us. I guess that means we stay toalded.


Dodge, Deflect, Evade  ;D ;D ;D

It is actually honorable to admit when you're argument is beat, regardless of what the liberal culture says. I prefer to deal with the facts and not criticize the messenger of the facts, so if that is all you have left at this point then I am satisfied I have proven my position successfully.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 11:57:07

The fact that you call "National review's opinion" as "fact" really tells me everything I need to know about your standards for truth.

Really ... That blog is right on par with Mother jones on the liberal side. And no isn't much better ...

I have countered it ... I just cant find the National review level of fact ... I'd just have to settle for CNN. Sorry.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 12:08:55

292833343B2E325A0 wrote:
I have countered it ... I just cant find the National review level of fact ... I'd just have to settle for CNN. Sorry.


Would you care to share it with the rest of us?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 12:25:28

Once again for the very hard of comprehension

7E5B545F7B56565F543A0 wrote:
[quote author=292833343B2E325A0 link=1372187824/15#27 date=1372273027]
I have countered it ... I just cant find the National review level of fact ... I'd just have to settle for CNN. Sorry.


Would you care to share it with the rest of us?[/quote]

OK lets try this -

It wasn't just Tea Party groups that had a "be on the lookout" list at the IRS. A "broad spectrum" of groups were also targeted for increased scrutiny on other lists, which the agency has stopped using under its new acting leader Danny Werfel.

The article is longer - use the link to read it.

CNN:- CNN Reports: IRS Also Targeted ‘Progressive’ Groups For Tax-Exempt Applications

With the new acting commissioner of the IRS Daniel Werfel releasing the first report on the agency’s targeting of conservative groups comes a big revelation: liberal groups received very similar treatment. CNN’s Dana Bash reported Monday afternoon that the term “progressive” was used by the IRS, in addition to conservative buzz words like “tea party” and “patriot” to identify applications by groups for tax-exempt status.

There is more, and from every reputable news service in the world.

Sorry Dane, someone's blog - well anyone can have a blog.


And you do know that news from 2013 from CNN and NPR trumps opinion from National review in 2010 right ?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 12:37:56

Ok, let's try this, let's focus on a fact:

That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not.

Nothing you have said or posted addresses this fact.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 12:39:21

Fact #2 - Please adress this item as well:

Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT,” which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not."

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 12:52:53

66434C47634E4E474C220 wrote:
Ok, let's try this, let's focus on a fact:

That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not.

Nothing you have said or posted addresses this fact.

6F4A454E6A47474E452B0 wrote:
Fact #2 - Please adress this item as well:

Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT,” which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not."

National review Facts ... may be comepletely made up.
This is a fluff piece ... nothing about this needs to be dis-proved.
Its National Review ... enuff said.

What next ... I have to disprove National Enquirer ... apparently Miley Curys has gained 300 lbs and is going to be the new Roseanne in the New Roseanne show ...
Yea ... disprove that if you dare.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 12:54:54

And yea Dane, its time for the fall back position ...

You need to now accuse me of "Dodge, deflect, evade ...  ;D ;D ;D ..."


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 13:04:20

3C3D26212E3B274F0 wrote:
[quote author=66434C47634E4E474C220 link=1372187824/30#30 date=1372275476]Ok, let's try this, let's focus on a fact:

That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not.

Nothing you have said or posted addresses this fact.

6F4A454E6A47474E452B0 wrote:
Fact #2 - Please adress this item as well:

Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT,” which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not."

National review Facts ... may be comepletely made up.
This is a fluff piece ... nothing about this needs to be dis-proved.
Its National Review ... enuff said.

What next ... I have to disprove National Enquirer ... apparently Miley Curys has gained 300 lbs and is going to be the new Roseanne in the New Roseanne show ...
Yea ... disprove that if you dare.


There ya go, discount the messenger and ignore the facts. Nothing you have said or linked shows liberal groups got the same treatment as conservative groups so it didn't happen. This is after-the-fact smoke and mirrors.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 13:05:33

31302B2C23362A420 wrote:
And yea Dane, its time for the fall back position ...

You need to now accuse me of "Dodge, deflect, evade ...  ;D ;D ;D ..."


You said it this time, not me.  ;D ;D ;D

Hey, don't do the crime if you can't do the time!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 13:11:20

3233282F203529410 wrote:
Wowwweee ... National Review online ... I guess that is even better than and huh ...

Sadly, these all are more trustworthy than any of the MSM these days, Keith Olbermann and Al Sharpton included.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 13:39:45

15303F34103D3D343F510 wrote:
[quote author=3233282F203529410 link=1372187824/15#25 date=1372272383]Wowwweee ... National Review online ... I guess that is even better than and huh ...

Sadly, these all are more trustworthy than any of the MSM these days, Keith Olbermann and Al Sharpton included.[/quote]

They are making sheiete up.
I can see how they get news first ...

Then even the right wing media doesn't pick it up.
You know what that is called ...

Yes Lying. Look it up.

I cant explain it to you ... remember how the story first got run by Breitbart a few years ago about what was that - was it the houing authority ? It got to breitbart first ... and got picked up by all the rest of em ... right and left wing. That is a "real" story.

If after showing on, it doesn't get picked up, even by fox - its a lie, even fox cant find any corroborating facts.

AKA - this story is a lie as is the 46 million in IRS refunds to 1 house in atlanta.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 13:45:16

46475C5B54415D350 wrote:
[quote author=15303F34103D3D343F510 link=1372187824/30#36 date=1372277480][quote author=3233282F203529410 link=1372187824/15#25 date=1372272383]Wowwweee ... National Review online ... I guess that is even better than and huh ...

Sadly, these all are more trustworthy than any of the MSM these days, Keith Olbermann and Al Sharpton included.[/quote]

They are making sheiete up.
I can see how they get news first ...

Then even the right wing media doesn't pick it up.
You know what that is called ...

Yes Lying. Look it up.

I cant explain it to you ... remember how the story first got run by Breitbart a few years ago about what was that - was it the houing authority ? It got to breitbart first ... and got picked up by all the rest of em ... right and left wing. That is a "real" story.

If after showing on, it doesn't get picked up, even by fox - its a lie, even fox cant find any corroborating facts.

AKA - this story is a lie as is the 46 million in IRS refunds to 1 house in atlanta.


You can make all the excuses you want, bury your head in the sand, dodge, deflect, evade, whatever. You need to understand that shooting the messenger and ignoring the message isn't winning you any points. I have debunked everything you have linked and posted and all you can say in reply is Rosanne is fat and you only will listen tot he true if it is spoon fed to you by Obama approved media. I'm not even sure why you keep trying to change the subject here because I am going to keep bringing you back on topic.

Which is if any of this were true it would have come out years ago. Where are the liberal "victims" of the profiling? Why is it only conservative groups? It's plain to see no matter how much you muddy the waters.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 13:46:10

You've "debunked" nothing. You're using a source that is lying to prop yourself up.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 13:52:15

494853545B4E523A0 wrote:
You've "debunked" nothing. You're using a source that is lying to prop yourself up.


Prove it!! It's that simple, but you know you can't.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 16:05:20

63464942664B4B4249270 wrote:
[quote author=494853545B4E523A0 link=1372187824/30#39 date=1372279570]You've "debunked" nothing. You're using a source that is lying to prop yourself up.


Prove it!! It's that simple, but you know you can't.[/quote]

Prove what Dane ?
That daily caller is lying ?

OK easy ... lets see if other right wing nuts have picked up on it and screamed their heads off ... um ... no, OK done.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 16:13:39

5253484F405549210 wrote:
[quote author=63464942664B4B4249270 link=1372187824/30#40 date=1372279935][quote author=494853545B4E523A0 link=1372187824/30#39 date=1372279570]You've "debunked" nothing. You're using a source that is lying to prop yourself up.


Prove it!! It's that simple, but you know you can't.[/quote]

Prove what Dane ?
That daily caller is lying ?

OK easy ... lets see if other right wing nuts have picked up on it and screamed their heads off ... um ... no, OK done.


I don't think you know what the word "prove" means. On a side note, that clears up a lot of things.

You are claiming that Liberal and Progressive groups got the excat same treatment as conservative groups. That I have debunked so if you continue to push that liberal talking point then you are going to have to prove it with more than just "I don't like the people who are reporting the news" trope you have adopted. You need to get out of your echo chamber once in a while.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 16:25:36

5A7F707B5F72727B701E0 wrote:
I don't think you know what the word "prove" means. On a side note, that clears up a lot of things.

You are claiming that Liberal and Progressive groups got the excat same treatment as conservative groups. That I have debunked so if you continue to push that liberal talking point then you are going to have to prove it with more than just "I don't like the people who are reporting the news" trope you have adopted. You need to get out of your echo chamber once in a while.

You've "debunked" it via a 2010 blog post on National Review ?
Is that your standard for "debunking" ?

OK maybe - lets see -

OK there -
Here's an interesting tidbit from the newsletter Tax Notes. As we all know by now, the IRS applies extra scrutiny to a group applying for tax-exempt status if it suspects the group is political in nature. In 2010, they decided that having "tea party" in a group's name was sufficient to raise a red flag.

The Inspector General's report about this included an audit of 298 groups that had been given special scrutiny. Of these, 96 had "tea party," "patriots," or "9-12 project" in their names. But that's all we know. We have no idea how many of the 298 groups were liberal and how many were conservative, because the IRS doesn't release the name of groups that have applied for tax-exempt status.

However, the IRS does publish the names of groups that have received special scrutiny and been approved for tax-exempt status. They recently released a list of 176 organizations that have been approved since 2010, so Martin Sullivan checked each one to figure out if it was liberal or conservative. Here's what he found:

   122 conservative
   48 liberal/nonconservative
   6 unknown

This doesn't tell us anything definitive about the entire set of groups that got special scrutiny. If the whole set is similar to the approved set, then about two-thirds were conservative and one-third liberal—most likely because of the boom in new tea party groups in 2010. But that's just a guess.

One thing isn't a guess, however: Two-thirds of the groups who were approved for tax-exempt status were conservative. If the IRS was on a partisan witch hunt against conservative groups, that's sure an odd way of showing it, isn't it?

Yea there ... got it, proved and debunked ...

I didn't know I had to raise my level of proof to National Review standards man ... but there it is. No national papers have got it ... so it must via your example of proof it must be the best. The MSM is asleep.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 08:36:33

Ok, giving you the benefit of the doubt I went though this last night and it still doesn't address any of the core issues. I'm not sure how many times I have to go over the same thing. There was a two year timespan in which all conservative groups were held up while liberal groups sailed through. There is no other way to put it, conservative groups got all the scrutiny and liberal groups sailed through. The IRS is completely politicized for Obama and the evidence proves it.

So, no, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted and definitely not scrutinzed like the conservative groups were. Debunked!!!

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 08:45:20

70555A51755858515A340 wrote:
Ok, giving you the benefit of the doubt I went though this last night and it still doesn't address any of the core issues. I'm not sure how many times I have to go over the same thing. There was a two year timespan in which all conservative groups were held up while liberal groups sailed through. There is no other way to put it, conservative groups got all the scrutiny and liberal groups sailed through. The IRS is completely politicized for Obama and the evidence proves it.

So, no, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted and definitely not scrutinzed like the conservative groups were. Debunked!!!

Apparently you dont read too well ... or should I say read too good -

Right above this post of yours -

However, the IRS does publish the names of groups that have received special scrutiny and been approved for tax-exempt status. They recently released a list of 176 organizations that have been approved since 2010, so Martin Sullivan checked each one to figure out if it was liberal or conservative. Here's what he found:

   122 conservative
   48 liberal/nonconservative
   6 unknown

Un Debunked ... or is that just Bunked ?


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 09:00:19

60617A7D72677B130 wrote:
[quote author=70555A51755858515A340 link=1372187824/30#44 date=1372347393]Ok, giving you the benefit of the doubt I went though this last night and it still doesn't address any of the core issues. I'm not sure how many times I have to go over the same thing. There was a two year timespan in which all conservative groups were held up while liberal groups sailed through. There is no other way to put it, conservative groups got all the scrutiny and liberal groups sailed through. The IRS is completely politicized for Obama and the evidence proves it.

So, no, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted and definitely not scrutinzed like the conservative groups were. Debunked!!!

Apparently you dont read too well ... or should I say read too good -

Right above this post of yours -

However, the IRS does publish the names of groups that have received special scrutiny and been approved for tax-exempt status. They recently released a list of 176 organizations that have been approved since 2010, so Martin Sullivan checked each one to figure out if it was liberal or conservative. Here's what he found:

   122 conservative
   48 liberal/nonconservative
   6 unknown

Un Debunked ... or is that just Bunked ?


The Treasury Department's inspector general has revealed that just six progressive groups were targeted compared to 292 conservative groups. Was a false report filed by the Inspector General? How do you explain that?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 09:04:12

And the inspector general also said that 100 percent of Tea Party groups seeking special tax status were put under IRS review, while only 30 percent of the progressive groups felt the same pressure.

You still haven't addressed why no conservative groups got approved for two years while liberals groups went through.

You still haven't addressed why liberals groups could be approved by analysts while conservative groups got bumped up to managers.


Liberals enjoyed access that everyone else did not.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 09:10:25

55707F74507D7D747F110 wrote:
[quote author=60617A7D72677B130 link=1372187824/45#45 date=1372347920][quote author=70555A51755858515A340 link=1372187824/30#44 date=1372347393]Ok, giving you the benefit of the doubt I went though this last night and it still doesn't address any of the core issues. I'm not sure how many times I have to go over the same thing. There was a two year timespan in which all conservative groups were held up while liberal groups sailed through. There is no other way to put it, conservative groups got all the scrutiny and liberal groups sailed through. The IRS is completely politicized for Obama and the evidence proves it.

So, no, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted and definitely not scrutinzed like the conservative groups were. Debunked!!!

Apparently you dont read too well ... or should I say read too good -

Right above this post of yours -

However, the IRS does publish the names of groups that have received special scrutiny and been approved for tax-exempt status. They recently released a list of 176 organizations that have been approved since 2010, so Martin Sullivan checked each one to figure out if it was liberal or conservative. Here's what he found:

   122 conservative
   48 liberal/nonconservative
   6 unknown

Un Debunked ... or is that just Bunked ?


The Treasury Department's inspector general has revealed that just six progressive groups were targeted compared to 292 conservative groups. Was a false report filed by the Inspector General? How do you explain that?


As reported by I am sure the National review ? And IG was a republican appointee wasn't he ... out to bury the IRS before quitting to work in Cheney's firm I am sure ...

Anyway I have a counter to that claim -

The Inspector General's report about this included an audit of 298 groups that had been given special scrutiny. Of these, 96 had "tea party," "patriots," or "9-12 project" in their names. But that's all we know. We have no idea how many of the 298 groups were liberal and how many were conservative, because the IRS doesn't release the name of groups that have applied for tax-exempt status.

Sorry your numbers are not accurate. 96 republican groups out of 298 - you got 6 - ? your website may be eating @ the left margins - maybe time to switch to from national review and daily caller. I hear the coffe is stronger ... as are the lies.

Un non anti re pre de-bunked.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 09:11:30

694C43486C414148432D0 wrote:
And the inspector general also said that 100 percent of Tea Party groups seeking special tax status were put under IRS review, while only 30 percent of the progressive groups felt the same pressure.

You still haven't addressed why no conservative groups got approved for two years while liberals groups went through.

You still haven't addressed why liberals groups could be approved by analysts while conservative groups got bumped up to managers.


Liberals enjoyed access that everyone else did not.

Sorry proven wrong.

However, the IRS does publish the names of groups that have received special scrutiny and been approved for tax-exempt status. They recently released a list of 176 organizations that have been approved since 2010, so Martin Sullivan checked each one to figure out if it was liberal or conservative. Here's what he found:

   122 conservative
   48 liberal/nonconservative
   6 unknown


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 09:33:54

Ok, since to you the same fact is more or less true depending on who is saying it then maybe this source of the same facts will sway you (most likely not)

An exerpt:

J. Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, told Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) in a letter dated Wednesday that the IRS did not use inappropriate criteria to scrutinize groups with “progressives” in their name seeking tax-exempt status.

Bring on the squirm-your-way-out!!! Debunked for, like, the 20th time.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 09:38:51

Another tidbit:

The inspector general also stressed that 100 percent of the groups with “Tea Party,” “patriots” and “9/12” in their name were flagged for extra attention.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 09:51:53

5F7A757E5A77777E751B0 wrote:
Ok, since to you the same fact is more or less true depending on who is saying it then maybe this source of the same facts will sway you (most likely not)

An exerpt:

J. Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, told Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) in a letter dated Wednesday that the IRS did not use inappropriate criteria to scrutinize groups with “progressives” in their name seeking tax-exempt status.

Bring on the squirm-your-way-out!!! Debunked for, like, the 20th time.

Sorry no squirming - wrong, lies and and more lies - all from you.

IRS employees weren't only looking for conservative buzz words as they examined political nonprofit groups; they were on the watch for groups of all political stripes.

And calling yourself TEA in a non political application = you've called yourself political. Why is that not clear.

Its like saying 100% of drunks fail this sobriety blood test. Duh ... they are drunks ... they will fail ... cos that's what the test is supposed to do.

Non political = can not be political ... TEA is political.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 09:53:33

52777873577A7A7378160 wrote:
Another tidbit:

The inspector general also stressed that 100 percent of the groups with “Tea Party,” “patriots” and “9/12” in their name were flagged for extra attention.


Made up bs without reference and random republican appointee spew



Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 10:53:33

45445F5857425E360 wrote:
[quote author=5F7A757E5A77777E751B0 link=1372187824/45#50 date=1372350834]Ok, since to you the same fact is more or less true depending on who is saying it then maybe this source of the same facts will sway you (most likely not)

An exerpt:

J. Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, told Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) in a letter dated Wednesday that the IRS did not use inappropriate criteria to scrutinize groups with “progressives” in their name seeking tax-exempt status.

Bring on the squirm-your-way-out!!! Debunked for, like, the 20th time.

Sorry no squirming - wrong, lies and and more lies - all from you.[/quote]

But you refuse to refute it, it's a lot easier to hurl insults than back up you spurious claims, I see.

And calling yourself TEA in a non political application = you've called yourself political. Why is that not clear.

First off, no it doesn't, it's just a name. And second, thank you for admitting that the leftists in the IRS saw these names as a threat to Dear Leader Obama and targeted them for excessive scrutiny that liberal groups didn't encounter.

Non political = can not be political ... TEA is political.

No it isn't and thank you again for admitting what the rest of us already know. Of course groups with progressive and Obama in the name sailed right through the process, which you also don't deny.

I think your goal is to just keep posting no matter how unsupportable your argument is in the hopes that I will get worn out. Well, the truth has come through and this foolishness about liberals being targeted also have been thoroughly debunked. You even admit to it in this post. You can rail against reality in support of Obama all you want but facts are facts and you just don't have reality on your side.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 11:08:10

Of course TEA is political. You're the only one that thinks it is not.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 12:53:53

282932353A2F335B0 wrote:
Of course TEA is political. You're the only one that thinks it is not.


I think you are the only one that thinks it is.

And more evidence, (and don't be fooled by the link verbiage - this is an Associated Press article - Associated Press Writer Alan Fram contributed to this report.), that demonstrates that liberal groups were not targeted like conservative groups were.

Hopefully you still agree that Associated Press is suitable media. Maybe even though the media are all saying the same thing that you will attribute more truth to the AP's reiteration of the exact same reports by other media.

An exerpt:

WASHINGTON -- A government inspector who detailed the U.S. federal tax agency's tough treatment of conservative groups says he has no evidence that liberal groups were similarly targeted, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday.

Wanna keep denying reality or what?


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 13:29:20

Sorry dane - That's the gool ole Fake Associated press. Of course for GOP USA it hardly matters.

The real Associated press -

Look for their logo - its on every real associated press article - and this says

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats are unhappy that newly revealed Internal Revenue Service documents show the agency screened for progressive groups seeking tax-exempt status, not just the tea party organizations for which the IRS was already under fire.

Read the whole article at that link - and better yet, click on the "AP" logo and you are taken to associated press's site with 1000's of news feeds - including Nik Wallenda walking the tight rope across the colorado canyon and James Gandolfini's funeral articles on the right. I deal with Reuters financial data all day. Dont kid me with fake AP, I can also show you fake reuters crap ...  

This is the real AP - yours is a fake.

Stop digging - you're already 6 ft under.
And look this article is on yahoo - not on

And its bunked again ... booya ...


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 14:06:23

51504B4C43564A220 wrote:
Sorry dane - That's the gool ole Fake Associated press. Of course for GOP USA it hardly matters.

The real Associated press -

Look for their logo - its on every real associated press article - and this says

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats are unhappy that newly revealed Internal Revenue Service documents show the agency screened for progressive groups seeking tax-exempt status, not just the tea party organizations for which the IRS was already under fire.

Read the whole article at that link - and better yet, click on the "AP" logo and you are taken to associated press's site with 1000's of news feeds - including Nik Wallenda walking the tight rope across the colorado canyon and James Gandolfini's funeral articles on the right. I deal with Reuters financial data all day. Dont kid me with fake AP, I can also show you fake reuters crap ...  

This is the real AP - yours is a fake.

Stop digging - you're already 6 ft under.
And look this article is on yahoo - not on

And its bunked again ... booya ...


Screened, the operative word being screened. 100% of conservative groups were screened and I've seen 30% batted about for liberal groups. BUT, conservative groups were targeted in that their applications were held up and one point two years went by without an approval for a conservative group while liberal groups sailed through.

This play on words you are doing is not working, face it, liberal and progressive groups went easily through the process while conservative groups were targeted. You admitted it yourself, Tea = political so they all got help up. Liberal = good so, of course, those all went through.

You won't even accept Associated Press now  :o

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 14:11:36

24253E3936233F570 wrote:
Sorry dane - That's the gool ole Fake Associated press. Of course for GOP USA it hardly matters.

The real Associated press -

Look for their logo - its on every real associated press article - and this says

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats are unhappy that newly revealed Internal Revenue Service documents show the agency screened for progressive groups seeking tax-exempt status, not just the tea party organizations for which the IRS was already under fire.

Read the whole article at that link - and better yet, click on the "AP" logo and you are taken to associated press's site with 1000's of news feeds - including Nik Wallenda walking the tight rope across the colorado canyon and James Gandolfini's funeral articles on the right. I deal with Reuters financial data all day. Dont kid me with fake AP, I can also show you fake reuters crap ...  

This is the real AP - yours is a fake.

Stop digging - you're already 6 ft under.
And look this article is on yahoo - not on

And its bunked again ... booya ...


This is literally yesterday's news:

An Exerpt:

Democrats also want to know why the Treasury Department inspector general who investigated IRS targeting of conservative groups didn't mention that terms like "Progressives" and "Healthcare legislation" were on the same lists agency workers used to find applications to review closely.

Todays news - Inspector General responds with they didn't target liberals groups. You saw the response letter to Democrats.

Seriously, how long are you going to beat a dead horse. Conservative groups were targeted, liberals weren't. You should be happy the lengths to which your side will go to win. Isn't that in the Saul Alinsky handbook?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 14:24:03

And from Foxnews:

I can present the true facts all day, how much longer can you dodge, deflect and evade?

Conservatives were targeted ahead of the election and liberals weren't, it is a fact. The IRS admitted to it, they appologized for it and they are being sued for it. Maybe it isn't the people here you need to convince but those who confessed and appologized for it and convince THEM to recant and take back the appology.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 14:40:32

And here is the Inspector General's letter stating all these facts, if you need more proof then I don't think anything will sway your beliefs.

Being a PDF I don't know how the cut and paste will work for the link-follow-challenged but here goes.

From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you
identified, labeled "Progressives," were used by the IRS to select potential political
cases during the 2010 to 2012 timeframe we audited. The "Progressives" criteria
appeared on a section of the "Be On the Look Out" (BOLO) spreadsheet labeled
"Historical," and, unlike other BOLO entries, did not include instructions on how to refer
cases that met the criteria. While we have multiple sources of information corroborating
the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including
employee interviews, e-mails, and other documents, we found no indication in any of
these other materials that "Progressives" was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for
political campaign intervention.

(Note the words "Finale Response")  DEBUNKED!!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 14:44:21

At this point, if anyone still thinks liberal and progressive groups were targeted just like the conservative groups then this has gone into the realm of religious belief and displaying real world facts that destroy your religion is not the best use of my time.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/27/13 at 15:03:00

3332292E213428400 wrote:
There is more, and from every reputable news service in the world.

Sorry Dane, someone's blog - well anyone can have a blog.


Interesting how every reputable news servicve in the world missed the IG's response letter, in his own words, debunk the "liberals were targeted too" scam that has been circulating around. Makes one think that maybe Foxnews and "someone's blog" are more reputable than the liberal media... ;D ;D ;D

Soooo....are we done here?  ;)

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 19:40:33

0D28272C0825252C27490 wrote:
You won't even accept Associated Press now  :o

Ha ha ha ... "your" Associated press is a fake.

This is the real one -

Their logo appears on all their reports, and when you click it, it goes to their site.

If it has a proper AP logo and a link that is real. You're passing off some fool with a notepad who is only reported on GOP USA .com as associated press.

Really ... you cant do any better than GOPUSA ?


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 19:42:16

6E4B444F6B46464F442A0 wrote:
[quote author=3332292E213428400 link=1372187824/15#23 date=1372270733]
There is more, and from every reputable news service in the world.

Sorry Dane, someone's blog - well anyone can have a blog.


Interesting how every reputable news servicve in the world missed the IG's response letter, in his own words, debunk the "liberals were targeted too" scam that has been circulating around. Makes one think that maybe Foxnews and "someone's blog" are more reputable than the liberal media... ;D ;D ;D

Soooo....are we done here?  ;)[/quote]

Wow ... you know when Faux news doesn't report it, you know what it means ...

It means its such a big lie even faux news wont go near it.

Blame the press all you want ... it may be that you get your truth from the national enquirer ... sadly, the rest of the world does not.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 20:05:14

46636C67436E6E676C020 wrote:
And from Foxnews:

I can present the true facts all day, how much longer can you dodge, deflect and evade?

Conservatives were targeted ahead of the election and liberals weren't, it is a fact. The IRS admitted to it, they appologized for it and they are being sued for it. Maybe it isn't the people here you need to convince but those who confessed and appologized for it and convince THEM to recant and take back the appology.

Ooooo Thank You, you brought up Russell George - for the life of me I was trying to remember the dude's name -

Once again ... a Republican nominee promptly turns around and buries the organisation he is a "Watchdog" for to blame for the loss in the election -

J. Russell George
Treasury Inspector General for Tax
Following his nomination by President George W. Bush, the
United States Senate confirmed J. Russell George in November 2004, as the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Prior to assuming this role, Mr. George served as the Inspector General of the Corporation for National and Community Service, having been nominated to that position by
President Bush and confirmed by the Senate in 2002.

And you still need to read the actual testimony of Russell George in its entireity, and not what Faux news has exerpted ... because the entire report - well it says something else. Not what Faux news has decided it says.

That testimony is here -

That says in one of its conclusions -

[ch61623] In early Calendar Year 2010, according to an IRS Determinations Unit specialist, the IRS began searching for applications with “Tea Party,” “Patriots,” or “9/12” in the organization’s name as well as other “political-sounding” names (hereinafter referred to as potential political cases).

Gee political sounding names ... huh ... in a non political 501c application ... imagine that.

You cant take bits and pieces of that and parrot what Faux news says and say "Debunked" over and over again.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 20:14:02

07222D26022F2F262D430 wrote:
And here is the Inspector General's letter stating all these facts, if you need more proof then I don't think anything will sway your beliefs.

Being a PDF I don't know how the cut and paste will work for the link-follow-challenged but here goes.

From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you
identified, labeled "Progressives," were used by the IRS to select potential political
cases during the 2010 to 2012 timeframe we audited. The "Progressives" criteria
appeared on a section of the "Be On the Look Out" (BOLO) spreadsheet labeled
"Historical," and, unlike other BOLO entries, did not include instructions on how to refer
cases that met the criteria. While we have multiple sources of information corroborating
the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including
employee interviews, e-mails, and other documents, we found no indication in any of
these other materials that "Progressives" was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for
political campaign intervention.

(Note the words "Finale Response")  DEBUNKED!!! ;D ;D ;D

Imagine that ... a republican blames the IRS for targeting republican groups there by causing election laws ... you could have knocked me over with a feather ... you know what else ... Donald Rumsfeld has blamed Obama for the war against Iraq. Such an awful president, he's waging war against Iraq.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 12:53:13

47465D5A55405C340 wrote:
[quote author=07222D26022F2F262D430 link=1372187824/60#61 date=1372369232]And here is the Inspector General's letter stating all these facts, if you need more proof then I don't think anything will sway your beliefs.

Being a PDF I don't know how the cut and paste will work for the link-follow-challenged but here goes.

From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you
identified, labeled "Progressives," were used by the IRS to select potential political
cases during the 2010 to 2012 timeframe we audited. The "Progressives" criteria
appeared on a section of the "Be On the Look Out" (BOLO) spreadsheet labeled
"Historical," and, unlike other BOLO entries, did not include instructions on how to refer
cases that met the criteria. While we have multiple sources of information corroborating
the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including
employee interviews, e-mails, and other documents, we found no indication in any of
these other materials that "Progressives" was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for
political campaign intervention.

(Note the words "Finale Response")  DEBUNKED!!! ;D ;D ;D

Imagine that ... a republican blames the IRS for targeting republican groups there by causing election laws ... you could have knocked me over with a feather ... you know what else ... Donald Rumsfeld has blamed Obama for the war against Iraq. Such an awful president, he's waging war against Iraq.


Such a sad, telling response  :(

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:24:31

292833343B2E325A0 wrote:
[quote author=46636C67436E6E676C020 link=1372187824/60#60 date=1372368243]And from Foxnews:

I can present the true facts all day, how much longer can you dodge, deflect and evade?

Conservatives were targeted ahead of the election and liberals weren't, it is a fact. The IRS admitted to it, they appologized for it and they are being sued for it. Maybe it isn't the people here you need to convince but those who confessed and appologized for it and convince THEM to recant and take back the appology.

Ooooo Thank You, you brought up Russell George - for the life of me I was trying to remember the dude's name - [/quote]

His name is all over the news, well, the news the rest of us reads and not in the liberal's echo chamber media.

Once again ... a Republican nominee promptly turns around and buries the organisation he is a "Watchdog" for to blame for the loss in the election -.......

Wow, I couldn't tell which of the dodge, deflect or evade tactics that you consistantly use applied to the above and then I realized that you may have gotten all three into one response. AND I think you have added desperate to the mix. Bravo, my good man!!! That is some serious squirming under the onslaught of truth.

I especially love how you imply that the IG somehow backstabbed the organization he is a "watchdog" for, as if he is some sort of traitor or snitch. Like the Inspector General should turn a blind eye to corruption in a government organization.

What do you think he is, a liberal?? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 13:39:10

No A republican nominated IG should find a reason why the republicans lost ... and bingo ... IRS targetting political groups in a non political application process ... bingo, there that is it.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:54:48

60617A7D72677B130 wrote:
No A republican nominated IG should find a reason why the republicans lost ... and bingo ... IRS targetting political groups in a non political application process ... bingo, there that is it.


Not normally being one to go deeper into the nut forest I am throwing caution to the wind and asking what an Obama appointed IG should have said in his/her response to Democrats.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 13:59:07

Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 14:28:52

13363932163B3B3239570 wrote:
[quote author=60617A7D72677B130 link=1372187824/60#70 date=1372451950]No A republican nominated IG should find a reason why the republicans lost ... and bingo ... IRS targetting political groups in a non political application process ... bingo, there that is it.


Not normally being one to go deeper into the nut forest I am throwing caution to the wind and asking what an Obama appointed IG should have said in his/her response to Democrats.[/quote]

Oh that's easy -
IG says - we will review all the evidence for the entire period following the citizens united ruling and the 501c applications and we will show you everything tha twas done or not done on all of them. You will see what the task we were given was and you can decide for yourself how the agency did as well as how each specific office vs another etc etc ...
All the data will be collected and put on this website/database.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 14:29:59

6F4A454E6A47474E452B0 wrote:
Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

You actually are that delusional that you're debunking it 3 ways from tuesday ? ...
You're debunking it 3 different ways ... cos you're not even debunking it 1 way.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 15:01:46

31302B2C23362A420 wrote:
[quote author=13363932163B3B3239570 link=1372187824/60#71 date=1372452888][quote author=60617A7D72677B130 link=1372187824/60#70 date=1372451950]No A republican nominated IG should find a reason why the republicans lost ... and bingo ... IRS targetting political groups in a non political application process ... bingo, there that is it.


Not normally being one to go deeper into the nut forest I am throwing caution to the wind and asking what an Obama appointed IG should have said in his/her response to Democrats.[/quote]

Oh that's easy -
IG says - we will review all the evidence for the entire period following the citizens united ruling and the 501c applications and we will show you everything tha twas done or not done on all of them. You will see what the task we were given was and you can decide for yourself how the agency did as well as how each specific office vs another etc etc ...
All the data will be collected and put on this website/database.


HA, sorry, it was a trick question. I clearly said "Obama appointed IG" and based on Obama's track record of transparancy there is no way in heck that anything the governmnet did would ever be put on an open, public website/database for everyone to see.

And before you read this a a cue to blame Bush for something let me stop you right there, Bush had neither the abuse of citizen scandals nor the historic lack of transparancy and corruption that Obama instills in government.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 15:04:46

6F6E75727D68741C0 wrote:
[quote author=6F4A454E6A47474E452B0 link=1372187824/60#72 date=1372453147]Not often I get to debunk the same wacky story in three different threads but here I am.  ;D

You actually are that delusional that you're debunking it 3 ways from tuesday ? ...
You're debunking it 3 different ways ... cos you're not even debunking it 1 way.

Wow, page 6 and you are still clinging to the idea that liberal groups were targeted just like conservatives were, amazing. Against a deluge of solid facts and data and the IG's very own letter, the IRS appology and admission of guilt and pending lawsuit, you still can't admit this was a huge scam and a complete lie? Your high priest will be very proud!!

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 16:48:44

You're going round and round thinking you're winning every round ...

The summary of the situation is: Republican watchdog IG of the IRS says Republicans were targeted by the IRS and that made them lose the election.

Kapische ...

Page 6 ... cos you're spamming a long dead horse in the hope it will get up and neigh ...


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/28/13 at 19:19:10

6E6F74737C69751D0 wrote:
You're going round and round thinking you're winning every round ...

The summary of the situation is: Republican watchdog IG of the IRS says Republicans were targeted by the IRS and that made them lose the election.

Kapische ...

Page 6 ... cos you're spamming a long dead horse in the hope it will get up and neigh ...


I have won every round. I have provided evidence and back up to evidence and you can't let it go. Obama controls the IRS, or did you forget we have an executive branch of government to run these agencies? So your saying the watchdog run the show? Maybe if all the other coruptocrats didn't plead the fifth then we could find out the depths of the wrong doing.

Transparent, my back side ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/29/13 at 07:50:13

Yup, won ... yup, daily caller, and GOPUSA say you have won ... along with your "Assoiate Press" ... gotcha ...


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 06/29/13 at 16:26:56

50514A4D42574B230 wrote:
Yup, won ... yup, daily caller, and GOPUSA say you have won ... along with your "Assoiate Press" ... gotcha ...


Don't forget the IRS own admission and apology, oh, and the Inspector General's own words. May as well take the liberal media's embargo of this story as a bonus proof since they have sold their souls to marxism and will sacrifice all professionalism and credibility for Obama.. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/29/13 at 16:47:33

once in a whilew you step forward toward credibility, sri, but this one has destroyed what small gain youd made.

anyone in an organization that got busted messing with conservative groups like the irs did would immediately drag out the evidence that they did the same thing to "the other side" IF they had any. IMMEDIATELY,, & you know it.. this little show is manufactured & IF it was bush & IF it had been librulls who got shafted, youd see it..
youre intellectually dishonest & can not be debated. your bias outweighs your character.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/30/13 at 13:17:30

4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 wrote:
[quote author=50514A4D42574B230 link=1372187824/75#79 date=1372517413]Yup, won ... yup, daily caller, and GOPUSA say you have won ... along with your "Assoiate Press" ... gotcha ...


Don't forget the IRS own admission and apology, oh, and the Inspector General's own words. May as well take the liberal media's embargo of this story as a bonus proof since they have sold their souls to marxism and will sacrifice all professionalism and credibility for Obama.. ;D ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

Yup The other IRS's republican nominee Douglas Shulman also blamed the IRS for RMoney's loss in the election ... gee what a surprise.

In fact that was what we started out with when started arguning about this a month ago.

If it had been say the transportation department with a Bush appointee then we'd be hearing stories about how there were detours placed in front of the RMoney bus and he had been slowed down to get to the fake charity supplies he was sendiong to Sandy victims. Promptly after that idea gets floated, the republican head of the dept of transportation will say, yes "RMoney bus had been targeted ... so RMoney lost".


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 06/30/13 at 13:20:01

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
once in a whilew you step forward toward credibility, sri, but this one has destroyed what small gain youd made.

anyone in an organization that got busted messing with conservative groups like the irs did would immediately drag out the evidence that they did the same thing to "the other side" IF they had any. IMMEDIATELY,, & you know it.. this little show is manufactured & IF it was bush & IF it had been librulls who got shafted, youd see it..
youre intellectually dishonest & can not be debated. your bias outweighs your character.

Dude liberals did get shafted under Bush via the IRS.

How should a non political category of the tax code review an application that is blatantly political ?


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 07/01/13 at 08:05:30

3F3E25222D38244C0 wrote:
[quote author=4E6B646F4B66666F640A0 link=1372187824/75#80 date=1372548416][quote author=50514A4D42574B230 link=1372187824/75#79 date=1372517413]Yup, won ... yup, daily caller, and GOPUSA say you have won ... along with your "Assoiate Press" ... gotcha ...


Don't forget the IRS own admission and apology, oh, and the Inspector General's own words. May as well take the liberal media's embargo of this story as a bonus proof since they have sold their souls to marxism and will sacrifice all professionalism and credibility for Obama.. ;D ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

Yup The other IRS's republican nominee Douglas Shulman also blamed the IRS for RMoney's loss in the election ... gee what a surprise.

In fact that was what we started out with when started arguning about this a month ago.

If it had been say the transportation department with a Bush appointee then we'd be hearing stories about how there were detours placed in front of the RMoney bus and he had been slowed down to get to the fake charity supplies he was sendiong to Sandy victims. Promptly after that idea gets floated, the republican head of the dept of transportation will say, yes "RMoney bus had been targeted ... so RMoney lost".


Well, I've proved my case, that liberal and progressive groups weren't targeted like Conservative groups were. Now, it's your turn to prove any of that stuff about Shulman only apologizing because he was a Bush appointee. Enjoy!!!

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 10:12:13

6B4E414A6E43434A412F0 wrote:
Well, I've proved my case, that liberal and progressive groups weren't targeted like Conservative groups were. Now, it's your turn to prove any of that stuff about Shulman only apologizing because he was a Bush appointee. Enjoy!!!

Yea ... so says you ... I dont gotta prove nothing.
Shulman was a bush appointee ... enough said.

This whole thing is a sorry apology for RMoney's loss from the republican establishment, after the republicans rail roaded Ron Paul. Its like they're telling their base ... we put the best guy on the planet RMoney on the ballot, and we were killed by the IRS ...

On a related note - Drunks fail sobriety test.
And suprise of all surprises - fat people are Obese.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 07/01/13 at 11:40:23

76776C6B64716D050 wrote:
[quote author=6B4E414A6E43434A412F0 link=1372187824/75#84 date=1372691130]
Well, I've proved my case, that liberal and progressive groups weren't targeted like Conservative groups were. Now, it's your turn to prove any of that stuff about Shulman only apologizing because he was a Bush appointee. Enjoy!!!

Yea ... so says you ...[/quote]

No, so says the evidence I have provided, feel free to provide any sustantive rebuttal, if you can.

I dont gotta prove nothing.

Mission Accomplished!!  ;D ;D ;D

Shulman was a bush appointee ... enough said.

More like nothing said, what does that have to do with anything?

This whole thing is a sorry apology for RMoney's loss from the republican establishment, after the republicans rail roaded Ron Paul. Its like they're telling their base ... we put the best guy on the planet RMoney on the ballot, and we were killed by the IRS ...

Your tinfoil hat is a little too tight...

On a related note - Drunks fail sobriety test.
And suprise of all surprises - fat people are Obese.


Is this one of those apples/oranges comparisons you love soo much?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 11:46:02

Dane your sources - Daily caller, national review etc are lying. Even Faux news isn't regurgitating that.
Its one more of those "46 million in refunds given to 23,000 prople at one address in atlanta" garbage.

Yea crawl back to your "Shoot the messenger" hole now.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 12:07:34

Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Starlifter on 07/01/13 at 12:21:27

Dane, you have won nothing and you have proved nothing in this debate (or any or any other debate here).. Your post's are laughable e.g. the "liberal media", and your mind is as closed as a steel trap. You are not subject to facts, and you are unacquainted with reality. I only respond to your posts because it's amusing to read your responses...kind of like "the joke of the day" in the newspapers.

...(Cue webster to chime in about now with some more name calling.)

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 12:33:05

6B4C594A54515E4C5D4A380 wrote:
...(Cue webster to chime in about now with some more name calling.)

And to JOG to hold both feet to a fire or something.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 07/01/13 at 14:22:42

77766D6A65706C040 wrote:
Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/02/13 at 07:34:11

1C39363D1934343D36580 wrote:
[quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/02/13 at 14:30:59

George said there was no evidence of a political motive.


& here, we have no evidence of a fire.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 07/02/13 at 17:35:06

5B5A4146495C40280 wrote:
[quote author=1C39363D1934343D36580 link=1372187824/90#91 date=1372713762][quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...



Dodge, Deflect and Evade  ;)

The IG's report clearly states that no liberal groups were targeted like conservatives were, which is the title of this threat (that I have thoroughly debunked with hard evidence.) Now, if you want to change the subject and start arguing a different point about political motive then why not start another thread and present your case there?

Again, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted like conservative groups were!! FACT!!  :)

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 07:27:11

71545B50745959505B350 wrote:
[quote author=5B5A4146495C40280 link=1372187824/90#92 date=1372775651][quote author=1C39363D1934343D36580 link=1372187824/90#91 date=1372713762][quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...



Dodge, Deflect and Evade  ;)

The IG's report clearly states that no liberal groups were targeted like conservatives were, which is the title of this threat (that I have thoroughly debunked with hard evidence.) Now, if you want to change the subject and start arguing a different point about political motive then why not start another thread and present your case there?

Again, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted like conservative groups were!! FACT!!  :)[/quote]

Hell no ... lets try this one more time for the very hard of comprehension ...

Republican IG says Republicans only were targeted by IRS and made republicans lose the election.

No dodge, ford.


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 07:27:46

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
George said there was no evidence of a political motive.


& here, we have no evidence of a fire.

Man you should put both feet in that now ...  ;D


Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 07/03/13 at 08:16:57

50514A4D42574B230 wrote:
[quote author=71545B50745959505B350 link=1372187824/90#94 date=1372811706][quote author=5B5A4146495C40280 link=1372187824/90#92 date=1372775651][quote author=1C39363D1934343D36580 link=1372187824/90#91 date=1372713762][quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...



Dodge, Deflect and Evade  ;)

The IG's report clearly states that no liberal groups were targeted like conservatives were, which is the title of this threat (that I have thoroughly debunked with hard evidence.) Now, if you want to change the subject and start arguing a different point about political motive then why not start another thread and present your case there?

Again, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted like conservative groups were!! FACT!!  :)[/quote]

Hell no ... lets try this one more time for the very hard of comprehension ...

Republican IG says Republicans only were targeted by IRS and made republicans lose the election.

No dodge, ford.


Where does it say it made Republicans lose the election? What does being a Repulican appointee have to do with anything?

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 13:07:18

0B2E212A0E23232A214F0 wrote:
[quote author=50514A4D42574B230 link=1372187824/90#95 date=1372861631][quote author=71545B50745959505B350 link=1372187824/90#94 date=1372811706][quote author=5B5A4146495C40280 link=1372187824/90#92 date=1372775651][quote author=1C39363D1934343D36580 link=1372187824/90#91 date=1372713762][quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...



Dodge, Deflect and Evade  ;)

The IG's report clearly states that no liberal groups were targeted like conservatives were, which is the title of this threat (that I have thoroughly debunked with hard evidence.) Now, if you want to change the subject and start arguing a different point about political motive then why not start another thread and present your case there?

Again, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted like conservative groups were!! FACT!!  :)[/quote]

Hell no ... lets try this one more time for the very hard of comprehension ...

Republican IG says Republicans only were targeted by IRS and made republicans lose the election.

No dodge, ford.


Where does it say it made Republicans lose the election? What does being a Repulican appointee have to do with anything?[/quote]

That's the implication as I see it.
In words you'd recognize - they're attempting an Al Bore 6 months after the fact and without an actual greivance.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by Dane Allen on 07/03/13 at 13:34:12

21203B3C33263A520 wrote:
[quote author=0B2E212A0E23232A214F0 link=1372187824/90#97 date=1372864617][quote author=50514A4D42574B230 link=1372187824/90#95 date=1372861631][quote author=71545B50745959505B350 link=1372187824/90#94 date=1372811706][quote author=5B5A4146495C40280 link=1372187824/90#92 date=1372775651][quote author=1C39363D1934343D36580 link=1372187824/90#91 date=1372713762][quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...



Dodge, Deflect and Evade  ;)

The IG's report clearly states that no liberal groups were targeted like conservatives were, which is the title of this threat (that I have thoroughly debunked with hard evidence.) Now, if you want to change the subject and start arguing a different point about political motive then why not start another thread and present your case there?

Again, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted like conservative groups were!! FACT!!  :)[/quote]

Hell no ... lets try this one more time for the very hard of comprehension ...

Republican IG says Republicans only were targeted by IRS and made republicans lose the election.

No dodge, ford.


Where does it say it made Republicans lose the election? What does being a Repulican appointee have to do with anything?[/quote]

That's the implication as I see it.
In words you'd recognize - they're attempting an Al Bore 6 months after the fact and without an actual greivance.

Ok, I gotcha. Just so that we are all clear that this has no basis in fact.

Title: Re: Liberal and progressive groups targeted by the
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 13:55:28

4C69666D4964646D66080 wrote:
[quote author=21203B3C33263A520 link=1372187824/90#98 date=1372882038][quote author=0B2E212A0E23232A214F0 link=1372187824/90#97 date=1372864617][quote author=50514A4D42574B230 link=1372187824/90#95 date=1372861631][quote author=71545B50745959505B350 link=1372187824/90#94 date=1372811706][quote author=5B5A4146495C40280 link=1372187824/90#92 date=1372775651][quote author=1C39363D1934343D36580 link=1372187824/90#91 date=1372713762][quote author=77766D6A65706C040 link=1372187824/75#88 date=1372705654]Once again - CNN - not daily caller or GOP -

IRS targeting included liberal groups

That is just the heading - I am not posting the whole atricle - go read and listed and watch ... and weep.

Link to the real deal CNN - not a fake associate press type -

See that cays CNN - not CMM or some other bogus.

Bunked the de-bunking again ?


You didn't even read the link, which is about a liberal congressman lying to cover Obama. Thanks for more evidence to debunk this crazy claim.[/quote]

What ... can you even read ?

In his report that disclosed the misconduct, George said there was no evidence of a political motive. However, George is continuing to investigate the matter, along with the FBI and the congressional committees.

Yes find some BS on Daily and declare victory now ...



Dodge, Deflect and Evade  ;)

The IG's report clearly states that no liberal groups were targeted like conservatives were, which is the title of this threat (that I have thoroughly debunked with hard evidence.) Now, if you want to change the subject and start arguing a different point about political motive then why not start another thread and present your case there?

Again, liberal and progressive groups were not targeted like conservative groups were!! FACT!!  :)[/quote]

Hell no ... lets try this one more time for the very hard of comprehension ...

Republican IG says Republicans only were targeted by IRS and made republicans lose the election.

No dodge, ford.


Where does it say it made Republicans lose the election? What does being a Repulican appointee have to do with anything?[/quote]

That's the implication as I see it.
In words you'd recognize - they're attempting an Al Bore 6 months after the fact and without an actual greivance.

Ok, I gotcha. Just so that we are all clear that this has no basis in fact.[/quote]

Right, and the republicans are trying it.
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