General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> ADHD is a ficticious disease

Message started by Midnightrider on 06/25/13 at 08:59:22

Title: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/25/13 at 08:59:22

Before his death, father of ADHD admitted it was a fictitious disease

Teddy Lancaster <>
7:35 AM (4 hours ago)

(NaturalNews) If you or someone you know has a child that has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chances are the child is actually just fine. At least this is what the "father" of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg, would presumably say if he were still alive. On his death bed, this psychiatrist and autism pioneer admitted that ADHD is essentially a "fictitious disease," which means that millions of young children today are being needlessly prescribed severe mind-altering drugs that will set them up for a life of drug addiction and failure.

As explained by The Sons of Liberty host Bradlee Dean, who also writes for The D.C. Clothesline, ADHD was merely a theory developed by Eisenberg. It was never actually proven to exist as a verifiable disease, despite the fact that Eisenberg and many others profited handsomely from its widespread diagnosis. And modern psychiatry continues to profit as well, helping also to fill the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry by getting children addicted early to dangerous psychostimulant drugs like Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Adderall (amphetamine, dextroamphetamine mixed salts).

"ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction," said Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, back in 1998 about the phony condition. Adding to this sentiment, psychiatrists Peter Breggin and Sami Timimi, both of whom oppose pathologizing the symptoms of ADHD, say that ADHD is more of a social construct than it is an objective "disorder."

Psychiatric profession all about generating obscene profits for Big Pharma

The purpose all along for pathologizing ADHD symptoms, of course, was to generate more profits for the drug industry. According to the citizen watchdog group Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHRI), roughly 20 million American children today are taking dangerous, but expensive, psychiatric drugs for made-up behavioral conditions like ADHD. And another one million or so children have been blatantly and admittedly misdiagnosed with phony behavioral conditions for which psychiatric medications are being prescribed.

"Remember, there are two ways drug companies can make money: Invent new drugs, and invent new diseases already invented drugs can treat," writes Dr. Jay Parkinson, M.D., M.P.H., about the fake disease-creation industry. "In the past decade or so, Big Pharma has created no less than 10 new novel drugs per year," he adds, noting that many of the people who have been told they suffer from ADHD actually suffer from "the consequence of bad design," meaning a conventional social and educational system that is unable and unwilling to recognize unique individuality.

This is definitely true for Jacob Barnett, the 14-year-old autistic genius whose mother was told that her son would probably never read or write. Today, Jacob is already working on his Master's Degree in quantum physics while most of his peers are still in junior high. He is also currently developing his own original theory in astrophysics, according to recent reports.

"The psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars a year to convince the public, legislators and the press that psychiatric disorders such as Bi-Polar Disorder, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc. are medical diseases on par with verifiable medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease," explains CCHRI. "Yet unlike real medical disease, there are no scientific tests to verify the medical existence of any psychiatric disorder."

Sources for this article include:

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Dane Allen on 06/25/13 at 09:43:49

2E0A070D0A040B17110A070611630 wrote:
Before his death, father of ADHD admitted it was a fictitious disease

I think this has more than anything else to do with this:

"Yet unlike real medical disease, there are no scientific tests to verify the medical existence of any psychiatric disorder."

PTSD is very real, as are these other ailments, and the article is written in such a confusing style. I can't tell if they are splitting hairs and stating their belief that these ailments are miscategorized or are just figments of imagination altogether for the purtpose of selling a product.

If you define a disease as only those ailments you can measure with a blood test then that narrow definition would eliminate most if not all mental disorders. I'm not sure what the point of this is other than to show that some people only believe what they can see.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/25/13 at 09:59:44

Had to look up PTSD, never heard of it. When I was growing up I got a good ol fashion ass bustin, I think it worked. There's a verse in the Bible I like Proverbs 22:6, Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. I think vaccinations and processed food are screwing kids up.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/13 at 10:06:34

I think vaccinations and processed food are screwing kids up.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/25/13 at 11:00:14

You guys are on the wrong forum.
On, the vaccine poisoned crowd is having a tough time with the "neurodiversity" crowd.
Most of the neurodiverse crowd makes $$$ off autistic kids. be it doing therapy or glorified baby sitting ... and its bashed the vaccine poisoned crowd into submission.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/25/13 at 11:04:41

BTW do not ever contribute to Autism Speaks - its a charity founded by the CEO of Glaxo Smith Kline to divert attention away from vaccines as the culprit in mental disorders.

The CEO's grandson has autism.
After his founding of the charity, his daughter, The autistic boy's mom essentially walked away from her dad wanting nothing to do with him or his charity.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/13 at 15:58:27

autism speaks has a drop box at a store here. i said , when asked if id donate, nope,, if autism could speak, it would just say

stop sticking needles in me

clerk was aghast

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by WD on 06/25/13 at 21:48:47

ADHD, better known as... lazy parents disease. At least for every kid I knew in school or Scouts who'd been declared to have it.

Bipolar is unfortunately real. And is genetically inheritable based on personal observations.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 07:52:02

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
autism speaks has a drop box at a store here. i said , when asked if id donate, nope,, if autism could speak, it would just say

stop sticking needles in me

clerk was aghast

You are nicer than me.
I'd have dropped a diaper ... freshly used diaper open.

Followed by a brick.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Paraquat on 06/26/13 at 09:17:26

Anyone here watch South Park? See the ADHD one?


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/26/13 at 13:30:57

I have a good friend who has a stepson his mother takes him to the doctor and keeps him doped up instead of giving him the assbusting he really needs. Like WD said its the lazy parents disease or the chicken sh!t parents who should never have kids in the first place. There's a lot of responsibility in being a parent and if you cant take the good with the bad you don't need children. I whipped my son, I didn't beat him but I never had to do it but once for whatever crime he was guilty of. He's IT Head of a major retaraunt chain. My sister used to lecture me about whipping him. Two of her kids a re convicted felons, one was shot in an armed robbery. Back in the 90's my son developed a completely new website capable of doing things other websites couldn't begin to do. PC Magazine did a 5 page article on him. I don't think his whippings messed him up, as far as my sister goes she has one kid that comes home and demands money, if she doesn't have it he beats her up. I'd like to do something bit I cant spend the rest of my life in prison. If getting shot in an armed robbery didn't make him a believer the only thing left to do is cripple him for life or bury him. My Dad wont let her kids in his house because something always ended up missing when they come to see Grandpa.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by WD on 06/26/13 at 13:37:11

Deer slug or buckshot my friend, untraceable if your barrel is a smoothbore.

Jist sayin'...

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/26/13 at 14:59:04

Havent got a backhoe or a pond.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Dane Allen on 06/26/13 at 15:01:47

How do the Hindus do it?

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/26/13 at 17:34:29

24010E05210C0C050E600 wrote:
How do the Hindus do it?

Speaking for the only Hindu here ... WTH are you talking about ...

We spank the living daylights out of the kids when they deserve it ... its not illegal in our country ... of course you can't be a screw up drunk ass dad doing it for no reason or even with good reason sometimes ... cos the first time the kid realises he's stronger than you, you'd get whooped ...
I knew of one kid who pinned his dad to the wall with his foot by the time he was 15-16.
Of course the kid was a thug who later turned into a criminal and a drug addict and a drug dealer and eventually died of an OD ...
So you can beat your kid ... but you may get beaten back ... and not always cos you're at fault. Slippery slopes my friend ... everywhere, slippery slopes.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Paraquat on 06/26/13 at 18:15:17

I wish I could find a better version of this clip.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by arteacher on 06/27/13 at 05:21:08

This thread flabbergasted me. As a parent of a now 40 year old son who is on permanent disability due to a brain injury induced bi-polarity, and the grandfather of an 8 year old who has ADHD, I am sitting here in absolute amazement at the narrow minded drivel I am reading.
Do some actual research, using accredited sources, before you spout off.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/27/13 at 05:57:59

IF there is ANYthing that a kid can focus on, electronics, math, science,, then the diagnosis falters,

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Paraquat on 06/27/13 at 06:08:34

313A3A333F30312B2A5E0 wrote:
I am sitting here in absolute amazement at the narrow minded drivel I am reading.

You don't come to the Tall Table often, do you?


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 07:14:16

0F3E2D3E2E2A3E2B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=313A3A333F30312B2A5E0 link=1372175962/15#16 date=1372335668] I am sitting here in absolute amazement at the narrow minded drivel I am reading.

You don't come to the Tall Table often, do you?


Like we said @ one time last year this forum is 90% republicans.
They see a child needing extra help in school or otherwise and see government waste.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/27/13 at 07:22:39

needimg help/ extra attention is one thing. pumping them full of crap to make sit thru boredom is another

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 07:35:56

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
needimg help/ extra attention is one thing. pumping them full of crap to make sit thru boredom is another

And you propose one parent sit with them all day to keep them entertained ? great ... what if the people are broke ... or has only 1 parent ... right right, be wealthy and have 2 parents ... gotcha ...


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by arteacher on 06/27/13 at 09:33:31

61607B7C73667A120 wrote:
[quote author=0F3E2D3E2E2A3E2B5F0 link=1372175962/15#18 date=1372338514][quote author=313A3A333F30312B2A5E0 link=1372175962/15#16 date=1372335668] I am sitting here in absolute amazement at the narrow minded drivel I am reading.

You don't come to the Tall Table often, do you?


Like we said @ one time last year this forum is 90% republicans.
They see a child needing extra help in school or otherwise and see government waste.

It comes down to how much the tax payer is willing to fork over to the educational system. It has been known for decades that the ideal teacher student ratio is 1-10. In our board that would mean doubling (and then some) the number of teachers.
The big push since 1995 has been integration of special needs kids into a regular classroom. It is good for all kids, special needs or not, to do this. However, it is very difficult to teach 25-30 kids at different levels of capability, without extra help in the classroom. Educational assistants cost money, and the boards don't have it. Because they are funded from the general tax pool it becomes a political issue, and it shouldn't be.
Drugs for ADHD kids are a mixed blessing. The up side is-  a kid who is PROPERLY medicated can learn more effectively and is less of a disturbance in the classroom, so all students benefit.
The down side is that you are administering heavy duty drugs to these kids, and the evaluation procedure for identifying them is, in most cases, rudimentary at best. I coached my son and his wife on how to get their ADHD son properly evaluated. (the process takes months), they were coached on how to bring up an ADHD kid (behavior modification techniques), and a psychiatrist, after months of evaluation of the boy, prescribed the PROPER amount of the PROPER medication.
When he was first diagnosed by a GP he was put on Ridilin, and either he would run around the house or classroom like a hyperactive humming bird, or sit in a chair lethargically, depending on when his medication was given.
After the evaluation process, he is now doing very well at school, and behaves like a "normal" kid all the time.
Oh and WD- the regular beatings really helped as well. ;)

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 09:58:50

And Art - in the US we are closer to 30-1, and better yet, 30% or more are mexican. I am really thinking we oughta have a school fee system for Illegals. I cant imagine running a school system with this sorta under ground population.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 10:20:29

And on spanking - I am not really even sure its needed ... and if it works, or makes it worse ... or what. It desensitizes the kid to the point that only spanking works. Everything else is ignored by the kid.

There is plenty of other punishment that is effective. Not spanked doesn't mean undisciplined. My son has never been spanked but he responds very well to all other types of punishment. A "go stand in the corner for what you've done" will elicit a feeble OK followed by bursting into tears a few years ago. Now being 10 1/2 he tends to look very very sad instead of outright tears, he seems to think what he has done, will come out of that stand in the corner session and say something profound about it ... like I know I shoved this badly and spilt it and I'll be careful, but why dont we have this in a plastic cup with a cap on it. We'll go, we dont like teh tatse of plastic. he'd say OK I'll be more careful.
Important to keep kids in the sensitive zone.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/27/13 at 10:25:43

Oh and WD- the regular beatings really helped as well I'm the one that mentioned spanking, not beating's. I put this out there for discussion, not 3rd grade arguments. Parents that do not wanna discipline their children dope them up. I got whippings when I was growing up and I thank God my parents cared enough about me to discipline me.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 11:10:03

But midnight - you dont need to spank a kid ... you can have a better effect taking away his ipad and computer.
Much like taking away my cricket bat in the ole country.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/27/13 at 12:35:11

That's what my sister told me. You want my son or her children. Your son comes with his own problems and must be handled with kid gloves. He's lucky he has you for a father.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 12:47:55

5C78757F787679656378757463110 wrote:
That's what my sister told me. You want my son or her children. Your son comes with his own problems and must be handled with kid gloves. He's lucky he has you for a father.

Yea in a way the disciplining has to match the people involved. If my son thinks he can beat up his parents cos we spanked him - my wife will be in the hospital ... cos he can beat her up now.

I dont think he needs to be "handled" at all in any way - but disciplining without physical punishment works right and has the effect we desire it to.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by arteacher on 06/27/13 at 13:52:25

04202D27202E213D3B202D2C3B490 wrote:
Oh and WD- the regular beatings really helped as well I'm the one that mentioned spanking, not beating's. I put this out there for discussion, not 3rd grade arguments. Parents that do not wanna discipline their children dope them up. I got whippings when I was growing up and I thank God my parents cared enough about me to discipline me.

Sorry WD- I did not mean to miss quote you.
Corrected post:
Oh and Midnightrider- the regular beatings helped as well. ;) <This smiley means it is a joke.
A "whipping" is not a spanking.

Question- what is a spanking? How many strokes? with what implement? How hard? Where is the line?

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/27/13 at 18:28:39

arteacher its amazing I say something twice and you not only misquote it you turn it into a crime. I never left a mark on my son, is that a beating? Sri my son is 38 years old. I still had black and white television. All I did was pop his but and let him know I meant business. I probably never whipped him over half a dozen times because I could give him that look that it was coming if he didn't behave. I've been to modern day schools that are nothing but chaos. Theres no way a child could learn in that envirement Teachers are scared of the kids, the kids cussing the teachers out and you wanna take away their IPod. They kneed to learn some respect if you have to stick your foot up their ass. The children don't respect each other or the teachers. The teachers try to make it through the day without getting hurt.When I got home from school I worked. I did yardwork, garden work,took care of chickens and other animals. I see Dads mowing yards while 13 year olds are playing on their Ipods or whatever the latest gadget is. Then they moan about their kids being lazy. I drove a tractor, lawn mower, worked with all kinds of farm implements. I learned to shoot 22 rifles in school in the FFA. Can you imagine that happening now? Take away their Ipod or stand in the corner, you cant prove to me it works. Sri you have special circumstances and you have to do what works for your son. I was very impressed with him the night I met him. You're doing something right.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/27/13 at 19:52:46

The punishment has to fit the crime.
The punishment has to keep the childs sensitivity to the punishment intact.
Taking Ipad away or standing in a corner to think about what they have done works well for a 10 year old with the brain function of a 6yr old. I am getting him to ride his scooter ... I will teach him to ride a bicycle ... and when his follies escalate, we have things to take away ... we also dont ever use food or excercise as reward or punishment respectively. There are a lot of rules and pitfalls and so on ...

We used to punish him with denial of music ... till he lost interest in it ...
It works well the way we have changed to counter his change. The idea is to use the least amount of punishment to elicit the desired behaviour.
Dont make him stand in a corner for 3 mins when 2 min will have him welling up with regret.

He was on very good behavior that night ... and of late he does that a lot. In fact very very very rarely does he show bad behavior. He typically turns into a preachy prude in the presence of some over active kids, and has a fit cos he cant lighten up. Its been almost 18 months since his bad behaviour now that I think about it.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Paraquat on 06/28/13 at 06:14:40

Man, once in a while it's like we just agree on everything, Sri.


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 11:45:06

Sri and I disagree on a lot but I consider him a great friend. He's brilliant and he's done a great job with his son. I look forward to him showing up on race nights.

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 11:50:34

Stop you 2 ... you're making me all sentimental ...

Weren't you supposed to be bad ass bikers ... I know I am ...

Once the house is packed and put on the market I should have time, and nothing to do cos its all in storage ... race nights would be cheap entertainment ...


Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 21:33:37

Trying to watch me drive is the best comedy show on earth!

Title: Re: ADHD is a ficticious disease
Post by srinath on 06/29/13 at 08:09:51

2D09040E090708141209040512600 wrote:
Trying to watch me drive is the best comedy show on earth!

Those RC cars right ... not just you, the entire rest of the crowd as well as the whole atmosphere of the place. Its like going to a amateur bike race like I did @ VIR a few years ago ... sadly my friend werase643 on his GS500 on the first lap @ the pseudo cork screw the track has managed a spectacular 15 ft highside and ended up taking a trip to the hospital.
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