General Category >> The Cafe >> I gotta tell ya!!!!!!

Message started by luvmy2009 on 06/19/13 at 17:39:52

Title: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2009 on 06/19/13 at 17:39:52

Hi, I joined this place in 2009, after I had bought a showroom Fushia and Pearl 2009 S40.
A lot has happened since then, and I thought I was due for a "Harley", Yep, you heard it from me, a 56 YO female rookie rider. I had valid reasons, or so I thought. I have just come through cancer, (1 year clean), 32 marriage fell apart after that, only child survived 2 incidents in Iraq, USMC, you get my drift. So last winter, I stumbled on a perfect 2009 Sportster, Low. I bought it. In the snowy winter of North Idaho. I didnt get to ride it until recently, and in the meantime, I sold my perfect 2009 S40.
I put 41 miles on the Harley. Realized a few things. It was not near as much fun as my S40, not near as nimble, was at least 150 lbs heavier for my 5"2 inch frame, etc, etc.
The day I accidently laid it down in my own driveway, on top of me, with no help in sight, was the day I said, "I want my sweet S40 back!!!!! I actually emailed the person I sold it too, tho they didnt respond. I would have bought it back! Anyways, I found a perfect 2011, with 277 miles on it, and 3 more years extended warranty, and am THRILLED! My Marine son drove it over for me last weekend in his truck, and laughed at me.
Didn't understand my excitement at downsizing from a perfect Harley!!!!! (He's a Harley guy!!)
So the jest of the story is this....I didn't know how good I had it with that sweet bike, till I didn't have it anymore!!!! I am back in the groove, and if it were to fall on me, I can lift it off of me.
Live and learn??????
Wanted to share, the Suzuki s40 ROCKS!
Thanks for letting me bend your ear.
Now I am off to my garage, to install a new battery, just to be on the safe side. I ran it out, left the lights on  :-/
Only about 40 minutes tho.
PS better change my name to 2011

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Dave on 06/19/13 at 18:45:11

Welcome back to the sane (or nearly sane) mutual admiration society we

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by ToesNose on 06/19/13 at 19:12:15

Welcome back to the "light side" and glad you just laid the bike down instead of dumping it on the road!  :)

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by raydawg on 06/19/13 at 19:33:21

I love your story.....why, because as a 3 year rider of necessity, I'm the perfect mark to hype and advertising, and do I dare say, ego  :-/

At 57 I got up on two wheels, tho years ago I rode dirt, I doubt I ever clocked over a hundred or so on pavement. Paranoid or just cautious, I started with a new 250 Rebel on my daily 26 mile RT commute. I got many a smirk directed at me....and pretended they missed the mark. When it became apparent, as my confidence and skills grew, not to mention a new top end and a clutch while still under 3000 miles on a bulletproof Honda, I knew I needed a bigger bike. The S40 was a natural fit, and served its purpose perfectly, adding a safety factor of power and speed to correct any bad judgments on my part, and adding fun as I could relax more instead of constant shifting up and down to stay in its power range on my twisty, turny, hilly commute....

But now the "pressure" to "man up" and be a real dude w/ a BIGGER bike often pricks my ego upon tease, and scorn by those who go a taunting...... me  :-*

I know many here have rode many different bikes, yet all have either come back to this one, or still have it in their harem...
And I use the wisdom they share to combat the ego re: justifying a BIGGER bike solely because it's.....BIGGER  ;D

Thanks for sharing and affirming ( plus I could afford to just buy it cash, new, instead of being saddled with payments of $15,000.00 to appease my frail lil' ego).    

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by ZAR on 06/19/13 at 20:00:05

Welcome back to the wonderful world of the thumper Joni!  Being one of the old "scooter tramps" from back in the 1960-1980 era and having owned and ridden a lot of bikes from Triumphs to BSA to Norton to Harley,Singles,paralell and V-twins I'll tell you when I got back into riding a couple of years ago,I wanted a Triumph not a harley! Then I found the Savage/S40.  And for this 58 year old scooter's the most fun you can have with your clothes on :o ;) ;D!!!

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2009 on 06/19/13 at 23:39:13

Thanks all, I am SO RELIEVED!!!!
I can have fun again.
I was a mess on the Harley, because I was worried about how heavy it was. A gal bought the Harley, 5 days after I posted it on craigslist.
She is 53, and just had returned from her CCW class that day.
I wonder why the women in North Idaho over 50 want to ride a bike and pack a gun?
It happened to me too.
Is it that way everywhere????
Nice talking to you, will talk again soon.
PS Raydog, who the heck cares how big your bike is......
I have always believed size does not matter.
Don't let them get to you!!!!
I am glad you enjoyed my post, it most likely saved you all kinds of money and headache, trust me.
I just wish it had a gas guage!!LOL
I just remember to fill it every time the speedometer rolls a hundred.
Thanks guys.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Dave on 06/20/13 at 03:46:03

Size does matter! least when talking about gas tanks.

Get a small luggage lock.  Attach it to a cable up on the handlebars, and set it to match the mileage at your fillup (or plus 100).  Then you will know when it is time to fill up again.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Pine on 06/20/13 at 05:53:18

Welcome back.. Luvmy2011, though I am rather new here myself. Though I live down in Mississippi now, I use to live up in the wilds of Idaho... well OK it was Twin Falls/Boise( from '68 to '75). That's where I was taken for a ride on my first motorcycle. I still compare all bikes to that: Honda 750Four. We rode down into the Snake River Cannon. The guys were riding all over the North west.. those bikes were tough and reliable.

I also learned my love of guns from living up yeah its definitely a part of ID lore... cant say its in the water...aint none! I bet riding the Sawtooth range would be blast on the bike! That's were we did all fun times.. camping, hunting, skiing, playing with rocks.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by old_rider on 06/20/13 at 07:56:29

WB LM11, even tho I wasn't here before when you were LM09, even tho I am a guy, i'm falling into the same catagorie as you have. I am in remission also (six months) and all my muscle mass (well most) has dissapeared and picking up a heavy bike is no longer possible. I bought the wife a 2002 savage and i've been riding it more than she has! Now I am in the process of selling my triked (temp trike kit) 2007 roadglide and use the monies to buy me a savage that I can call my own! I own a small sport bike also but don't think I will sell it just yet till I get me a savage set up the way I want it.
This sept. is a meet at WD's place, if you got the time, I went up to the blueridge for the dragon meet and met a few of these guys, great bunch of folks! and i'm planning on going up to meet WD and a few others.
CYA round the forums!

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2011 on 06/20/13 at 10:41:10

Wow, luggage lock, cool idea, Thanks!
So was the brake pad idea, going to do that too.
Those rides sound fun.
What is the Dragons tail?
I was hoping to join the Patriot Guard, but my bout with cancer was really really hard on my husband of 32 years, and he started up some old behaviors, in order to cope, (it must be very hard to be the other one, if your mate has cancer) Anyways, I can't live with those old behaviors.
I did when I was young, cant do it now.
We are great friends, still love each other, but not married, he lives in another state. And he was my driver on those long trips.
I stick close to home these days.
Its a crazy place out there for a female these days.
Thats why the guns and the range time.
I met a guy recently, and outshot him when he took me on a date to the range. He changed after that.
Was that a bad thing???????LOL
Have a great day,
Raining Day 2, darn was on a heat streak while I had the Harley, go figure.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Dane Allen on 06/20/13 at 11:03:59

A truely amazing story, I wish you the very best!! And a hearty welcome!!  :)

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by WD on 06/20/13 at 13:42:24

Welcome home.

I'm one of the "keeps one in the harem" type's Ray talks about.

The party at my place is not just for Savage riders... if you've got a pre-1972 Dodge truck (or a Warlock, L'il Red Express, or Dreamer, any year they were made) or a pre-73 Mopar car, stick the bike in the back and head down. And guns are more than welcome...

If you get up around Lewiston ID and Clarkston WA, see if my 2 Ironheads are still in the river... I fed 2 broken down Piglets to the Snake River, one was by the stern wheeler, one on the other side of the river...

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/20/13 at 15:19:38

5B606D7A6B677C7A6169647B080 wrote:
Size does matter! least when talking about gas tanks.

Get a small luggage lock.  Attach it to a cable up on the handlebars, and set it to match the mileage at your fillup (or plus 100).  Then you will know when it is time to fill up again.

Jeeze Dave sometimes you are just briliant! Ive been contemplating a trip meter for acouple of months now and that is perfect, of course I am also thinking about removing the speedo from its factory location and putting it on the bars because that little round hole is the perfect size for my dunkin donuts cup! I need me a cup holder! Im just trying to figgue out what speedo would be best to replace it with due to the gearing... if you have any idea i would appreciate it.

Yes I know... I have a coffee issue, cant go without my iced coffee!

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2011 on 06/20/13 at 19:16:29

Old_Rider, congratulations on the good medical report.
It was a wicked 8 month battle, but The Lord and I prevailed. I am a better person because of it, and I see life through a Post-cancer lens. The view is spectacular.
I do not mind being the poster girl for colorectal cancer.
Its a hard thing for some to talk about, but let me just say this......I am 56, and I just outlived my own father, who passed away 30 years ago, from the same type of cancer I had. I cannot say it enough, PLEASE anyone, everyone, male and female, get the dreaded colonoscopy test, please. The prep for it the night before is the hardest part. I would private message anyone a few tips on how to make it through the night before easier, I have learned, I am old hat now.
The praise belongs to God, I just went along with what I needed to do.
Old_Rider, get that new S40 and have yourself some fun!!!!! It's your turn.
God Bless you,

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2011 on 06/20/13 at 23:19:08

OK, on a lighter note...........tough subject back there.
I can't decide if I want saddlebags or not.
I like the simple clean look without.
I like the skinny messenger style stock Suzuki ones, tho they are not real leather, and they dont hold much.
I know I would need the supports too.
I like the look with them placed UNDER the seat, but dont like the idea of ruining my paint, even tho its under the seat,  (I can be OCD)
So I go round and round about it and since I wouldnt carry much anyways, I keep a black leather backpack handy.
Its the simplicity of the S40 that has me hooked, so I am not about to tweak everything I guess, keep it simple stupid.
Another question,
Will my pipe discolor over time for sure?
The 2009 I sold had 900 miles, and no discolor yet.
I told you I am a bit OCD, sorry.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by ToesNose on 06/21/13 at 05:03:00

Im just trying to figgue out what speedo would be best to replace it with due to the gearing...

I got this one from Dime City, love it and no issues at all. It even corrected the speed difference from the original speedo  ;)

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Charon on 06/21/13 at 10:50:58

Pipe discoloration seems to be "luck of the draw." My '07 is box stock, except for the add-on Viper windshield. Mileage at the time of the picture was about 12,600.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2011 on 06/21/13 at 12:48:44

WOW! Charon, very cool, still looks new, I hope mine stay that way.....


Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Charon on 06/21/13 at 13:15:47

I think it helps that I can keep it under cover when I'm not using it. Of course there have been a few trips where it had to stay out in the motel parking lot for a couple of days.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/23/13 at 16:59:12

4C777D6B56776B7D180 wrote:

Im just trying to figgue out what speedo would be best to replace it with due to the gearing...

I got this one from Dime City, love it and no issues at all. It even corrected the speed difference from the original speedo  ;)

Thanks Toes, I kinda want something alittle bigger though (typical woman) I would like something the same size only because I like the look of the chrome at the bars. I just find that since I wear a ff helmet that its a pain to see the stock one. I like to glance at it not have to push my helmet into my chest to try to see the darn thing

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by ZAR on 06/23/13 at 18:26:40

Braggin now are ya Yvonne? ;)

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Todd James on 06/23/13 at 23:39:05

I agree with Charon that pipe discoloration seems to be the luck of the
draw. Like Charon's, my S40 was a new, box stock '07 and the header
pipe discolored to nearly black within the 1st 100 miles.

When I decided to install a Harley Dyna Muffler I removed my complete
stock header pipe and muffler assembly and set it in the corner so that
I could return everything to stock if I ever wanted to.

So I bought a used header pipe from Pinwall Cycle that was also from
an '07 S40 with about 1600 miles on it. That pipe was nearly
showroom shiny with no discoloration. I fitted my Harley muffler to it
and it still hasn't discolored after another 1000 miles.

My opinion is that the quality of metal and/or plating varies widely even
within the same model years. I've read others on the forum say that
they have no discoloration after thousands of miles while others
discolor while riding home from the showroom.

Your carburetor settings will affect the exhaust heat and thus the
pipe discoloration, but in my case they weren't changed from one pipe
to the next. If anything, the Harley muffler would have leaned it out
and caused mine to discolor sooner.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by luvmy2011 on 06/24/13 at 00:39:25

Thanks for the pipe/discolor info.
My 2009, with 900 miles didnt have any discolor when I sold it, I had thought that maybe, since I was such a rookie, and it hadnt been ridden hard yet, nor any freeway miles to speak of, that somehow it may have had something to do with all that, like tempering it or something. Only riding it a couple miles here and there.
I had seen a product once, that claimed to remove that, but I didn't believe it, because my mind says its the actual metal, and cant be removed.
I am hoping I have "good luck" if thats what it is.
Well, the new owner of the Harley got it out of my garage on, the extra room is nice, maybe I need to turn it into chic cave? I already have the "original pink box" toolbox from Sears, and have even used it!!!!
What a pain it was to attach the battery tender leads to the battery! Oh well, it was a good first lesson in wrenching my own bike. My son thinks I should change my own oil too, not to trust anyone at a dealer.
I have been lookin at those Corbin seats, I wish they were not so spendy. The shipping is a ton too, darn....oh well, I can wait a while. But they sure look comfy.

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by Dave on 06/24/13 at 03:59:11

The luggage lock was not my idea.....just repeating it from a previous post somewhere.

If you just need a place to put small things....check out a magnetic tank bag.  They have small handles and can be taken off the bike when you leave it great for my wallet, camera, GPS, etc.  I bought one that is just big enough that I can squeeze in a rainsuit if I leave the rest of the stuff out.  You really need to stop by a dealer and see how they fit on your bike.....and which one works best for you and still lets you see the speedo.

Shovelbum.....I put the Trailtech Vapor speedo/tach and dashboard on my bike, and it works great.  It has a clock, speedometer that can be calibrated, engine temperature, odometer and trip odometer, and a Timer that shows the time total time and time the engine was run if you want trip data.  It also has an ambient air temperature that is waaay off and always read 15 degrees high.  I also use the dash board that has the neutral light, turn signal indicators and high beam indicator.  The stock speedo and turn signals are so hard to see when they are located down by your knees.  

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by ToesNose on 06/24/13 at 04:25:51

644F434B5D7A414A4A2E0 wrote:
I agree with Charon that pipe discoloration seems to be the luck of the

Pipe discoloration can be caused by a potential number of things- possible flaws in the pipe, running/idling the engine improperly or to extremes, and in my opinion the most common heat triggered interaction with residue left on the pipe. All it takes is residue from certain types of wax, oils or cleaning solutions, sometimes from the bike being prepped new at the dealer with residue left on the pipe you can get discoloration almost immediately  :o

Title: Re: I gotta tell ya!!!!!!
Post by shovelbum87 on 06/24/13 at 15:09:23

675C5146575B40465D555847340 wrote:
The luggage lock was not my idea.....just repeating it from a previous post somewhere.

Shovelbum.....I put the Trailtech Vapor speedo/tach and dashboard on my bike, and it works great.  It has a clock, speedometer that can be calibrated, engine temperature, odometer and trip odometer, and a Timer that shows the time total time and time the engine was run if you want trip data.  It also has an ambient air temperature that is waaay off and always read 15 degrees high.  I also use the dash board that has the neutral light, turn signal indicators and high beam indicator.  The stock speedo and turn signals are so hard to see when they are located down by your knees.  

Silly question but how does the digital speedo/tach and whatnot work. Was it hard to install? I seriously suck at electrical work mostly. Im interested in that though it has so much and is pretty cheap » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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