General Category >> The Cafe >> I hate the new weatherman

Message started by Pine on 06/19/13 at 07:27:35

Title: I hate the new weatherman
Post by Pine on 06/19/13 at 07:27:35

Our local weatherman left the state to go to TN ( Memphis) ... I used him to decide if it was safe to ride the bike to work each day. The new weatherman is crappy and it has caused me to not ride 5 of last 12 days to work when I really could have.

The problem is that the local TV stations cover a large area of the state. To "play it safe" they will report the chance of rain as a function of the entire TV coverage area.. so its always elevated.  The truth is the chance of rain where I am may be small. The old weatherman would elaborate so you kinda knew what was what.

What do yall do?

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by verslagen1 on 06/19/13 at 07:32:12

Rain? what the Ell is that?   8-)

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/13 at 07:33:13

Walk outside, look up, turn around.
Turn on TV to Weather Channel, look at Doppler Radar.
If unsure
Stuff rain gear into saddlebags.
Pack change of clothes in zip-lok.
If you have a place at work where you can stash a complete change of clothes, including socks & shoes, thats a good thing to do.

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by Dave on 06/19/13 at 07:34:10

You only have 2 choices when a chance of rain is forecast:

1)  Take a risk of getting wet and ride to work.
2)  Be conservative and miss some good riding days.

When were were in North Carolina last week, OldFellow, Old_Rider and I got caught in a heavy rain even though the weather forecast was great.  We were hiding under an awning of an old burned out building, and my Iphone weather showed "Partly Cloudy", and the same positive forecast was shown the whole time we were fighting the rain to get back to the campground.

We were not the only ones caught.....there was a Can Am 3 wheel gathering in Maggie Valley and there were hundreds of wet riders and 3 wheelers that afternoon.

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by prechermike on 06/19/13 at 07:49:06

Pine, I too try to watch the weather when I make my decision.  Shooting around town is not too bad, I can just wait it out wherever I happen to be.  My situation is a little different, I ride my bike to make visits, go to the hospital, and so forth.  Showing up at the hospital soaking wet would not be very professional or pastoral (like I ever really am).  I keep telling myself that whatever the % is, it is probably going to rain somewhere, maybe where I am, maybe not.  Justin's radar is a good bet, our cable has a local radar loop as well.

I am more concerned about going than I am about coming back.  If I get rained on coming home, I just take a shower and put on dry clothes.  My kids think it is hilarious when I get wet, I have been wet before, will be again, and  always dry out.  Oh well, at least they get a good laugh.

I don't really have rain gear, just dump the water out of my boots and put them in front of the fridge (let the warm air from the compressor blow in them, that is THE best shoe dryer  ;)).  I doubt any of that helps, but you asked.

And yeah, I missed Kwelyn when she left, not digging Dantaue so much.   :D

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by sjaskow on 06/19/13 at 09:30:51

Have you tried using the NWS page for your local area?  I have since it's Lunken Field and that's slightly lower than the airport so I get fog and chillier weather.

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by Serowbot on 06/19/13 at 09:32:26

Forecast for Tucson...

Mon. - Hot...
Tues. - Hot...
Wed. - Incredibly hot...
Thurs. - Unbearably hot...
Fry. - Really, really hot...
Sat. - Hot with chance of unbearable...  possibility of negative humidity turning water into powder...
Sun. - Hotter than the sun... Warning... Slurpee's may become combustible...

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by verslagen1 on 06/19/13 at 09:42:31

When I visit the east, I have to remember that partly cloudy doesn't mean a chance of clouds, it means a chance of sun.   8-)

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by ToesNose on 06/19/13 at 13:44:14

I typically check the weather out online, I check the possibility of precipitation hour by hour and also run the Doppler radar for the past 12 hours to see if there are any heavy weather patterns running near where I plan to ride.   :)

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by ZAR on 06/19/13 at 20:12:12

I've cased out every tobacco barn,gas station with island cover,feed mill with dock overhang and every other scrap of cover along the 40+ miles between the house and work. 1" per hour rain just slows me down,above that........I head for cover!

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/13 at 21:36:21

Countryside magazine has an article on how to be your own weatherman.
Vol 97 NUmber 4
July/August 2013.

Get a barometer & a notebook.
No one is perfect, its an Odds game..
Red sky morning is one thing, red sky at nite, opposite,,

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by WD on 06/20/13 at 02:33:46

Red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning...

Doesn't work, around here we get "pop up" thunderstorms that have a nasty habit of spinning out down drafts and micro bursts (better known as baby tornadoes).

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/13 at 05:34:46

Like I said, its a game of odds. No ones ever gonna have it Down Pat.
You see a few things happenin that  any One of would indicate some chance of rain,, ya got a pretty good chance O rain,

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by Dave on 06/20/13 at 06:18:22

3422352830252833470 wrote:
Forecast for Tucson...

Mon. - Hot...
Tues. - Hot...
Wed. - Incredibly hot...
Thurs. - Unbearably hot...
Fry. - Really, really hot...
Sat. - Hot with chance of unbearable...  possibility of negative humidity turning water into powder...
Sun. - Hotter than the sun... Warning... Slurpee's may become combustible...

Yea......But itsa' "dry heat".

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by ZAR on 06/20/13 at 06:57:48

467D7067767A61677C747966150 wrote:
[quote author=3422352830252833470 link=1371652055/0#6 date=1371659546]Forecast for Tucson...

Mon. - Hot...
Tues. - Hot...
Wed. - Incredibly hot...
Thurs. - Unbearably hot...
Fry. - Really, really hot...
Sat. - Hot with chance of unbearable...  possibility of negative humidity turning water into powder...
Sun. - Hotter than the sun... Warning... Slurpee's may become combustible...

Yea......But itsa' "dry heat".[/quote]

kinda like some of our humor,eh???

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/13 at 22:27:27

Dry Heat,, I can BUY that from the massage place. Yep, theyll rent ya their sauna,, 30 minutes of misery goes for about $15.00.. & its a dry heat,,

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by Pine on 06/21/13 at 06:21:25

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
Dry Heat,, I can BUY that from the massage place. Yep, theyll rent ya their sauna,, 30 minutes of misery goes for about $15.00.. & its a dry heat,,

hehe they stuck me in one of those one time... I lasted about 3 minutes. the heck with that.

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by kimchris1 on 06/22/13 at 08:17:52

Being as I was born and raised in Fla, I do know what
heat is.
Then having lived in Wa the past 35 years, I know what
it is like having the opposite.
As for weather riding, I do miss our weather gal we had.
She was right on for the most part. I could usually always
count on her to give me the correct forecast.
Then her and the station had some kind of disagreement
and she was gone in a flash..
Now I have to depend on the other ones that just aren't
as competent as she was.
I check it out myself and make my decisions based on that
as well as what it says online.
Rain is not a problem, yet I don't like hail. Got caught in it
once and as quick as I could, I found shelter from it. Unfortunately
I wasn't prepared for it and my gear I had on at the time got soaking

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by WD on 06/22/13 at 09:17:11

Was that MJ on 13 or Rebecca on I can't remember, switched from NW Cable News to one of the Seattle stations?

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/13 at 12:13:14

We lost one of our weathermen in Odessa back in the 80's.He decided the "New Rage" he had heard about just Might be FUN! Soo,, He went to the pet store & bought a gerbil. Whooped out a condom,,, Inserted gerbil, inserted them both INto his,, well,, Im sure anyone with a brain knows Where this ENDS,, In the Emergency Room,, He was laffed outta Town,,

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by kimchris1 on 06/22/13 at 20:09:34

WD, the gal was Rebecca from channel 7...
I still miss her forecasts...
Their calling for chance of rain after midnight.
I am gearing up for ride into work this evening..
I will take the chance and know in the a.m. my
ride home may be a slower one..:) kim

Title: Re: I hate the new weatherman
Post by kimchris1 on 06/23/13 at 10:02:28

Well dang it, for once the weatherman was right.
Rained during the night and was still doing so when
I got off of work.
So I geared up, prepared myself mentally and ventured
home. I am happy to say all went well with the exception
that my gear now has to dry out..
Then again the mesh jacket now has had it's official washing
for the year... ;D ;D ;D
Now I am hoping the weatherman is wrong in that the
rain is supposed to last most of the week.. :(  kim. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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