General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Gun Control Is Great!

Message started by Midnightrider on 06/17/13 at 20:29:36

Title: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/17/13 at 20:29:36

Over the weekend 33 people were shot in Chicago, the city of gun control.
“Our son is dead! Oh Jesus!” the 57-year-old screamed, referring to her other son, Cortez, who was killed earlier that morning on Chicago’s West Side. “Oh my God! Oh my God! We were just talking.”

At least 33 people were shot — six of them fatally — Saturday afternoon through Father’s Day Sunday, stretching from 94th Street and Loomis Avenue on the South Side up to about North Avenue and North Pulaski Road on the Northwest Side, according to authorities. The youngest person who was killed during one of the bloodiest weekends in Chicago this year was 16. Aint gun control great!!!

Read more:

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Paraquat on 06/18/13 at 06:12:02,0,515070.story

Street sweepers have been banned since 1994 in CT.
I'm sure he just lost his DPS approved "assault weapons" certificate though.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 06:59:54

The only surprise here guys is that you expect gun control implemented in one street/city/county/state to work.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 07:15:54

It may actually make more sense to assign the murder to the location and time of the purchase of the gun. Then Idiots who decide to impose gun control will know what works and what doesn't.

Of course we dont know in some cases cos the murder is unsolved and by extension the gun is unknown. Those we leave as un classified till solved.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Dane Allen on 06/18/13 at 07:41:52

51757872757B74686E7578796E1C0 wrote:
Over the weekend 33 people were shot in Chicago, the city of gun control.
“Our son is dead! Oh Jesus!” the 57-year-old screamed, referring to her other son, Cortez, who was killed earlier that morning on Chicago’s West Side. “Oh my God! Oh my God! We were just talking.”

At least 33 people were shot — six of them fatally — Saturday afternoon through Father’s Day Sunday, stretching from 94th Street and Loomis Avenue on the South Side up to about North Avenue and North Pulaski Road on the Northwest Side, according to authorities. The youngest person who was killed during one of the bloodiest weekends in Chicago this year was 16. Aint gun control great!!!

Read more:

I saw that, amazing that people still support gun control. Soo much evidence against and very little for it. It's probably a product of politicians who want to look like they are doing something without really doing anything. They are just clueless on what to do so they regulate and ban and the death toll keeps rising.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 06/18/13 at 08:13:14

It's probably a product of politicians who want to look like they are doing something without really doing anything. They are just clueless on what to do so they regulate and ban and the death toll keeps rising.

That's part of it, but the largest component is the refusal to confront the real issue, lest they be branded as racists. To solve the problem in places like Chicago you are going to have to figure out a way to deal with the perpetrators of almost all of this stuff; black urban youths. That's never going to happen in any city with a large black population where Democrats are in charge. They depend on the black vote to stay in power.

Being called a "racist" in todays political climate is a political death sentence in a lot of places. Once that label is slapped on someone - true or not - they are done as a politician in any liberal leaning city or state.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 08:27:32

7846474B5945442A0 wrote:

It's probably a product of politicians who want to look like they are doing something without really doing anything. They are just clueless on what to do so they regulate and ban and the death toll keeps rising.

That's part of it, but the largest component is the refusal to confront the real issue, lest they be branded as racists. To solve the problem in places like Chicago you are going to have to figure out a way to deal with the perpetrators of almost all of this stuff; black urban youths. That's never going to happen in any city with a large black population where Democrats are in charge. They depend on the black vote to stay in power.

Being called a "racist" in todays political climate is a political death sentence in a lot of places. Once that label is slapped on someone - true or not - they are done as a politician in any liberal leaning city or state.

Dude that may be the case ... however if gun control was implemented on a national level, as well as bullet control (as in you need to present a valid gun licence to buy bullets - again implemented nationally) the black urban youths can beat each other with sticks all they want ...

Gun violence in cities like NYC and chicago is because of easy availability of guns in other states and the easy availability of bullets without having to present ID to buy them.

Gun laws dont work ... because they are implemented in one little 10 mile radius, and outside of it its WFO. It will work if you wall the city and check everyone/thing going in and out.

The step 1 is to assign the murder to location of gun purchase. We will then know how many black urban youths are killing each other in chicago with guns from Texas or SC.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by mpescatori on 06/18/13 at 08:39:58

My two cents.

I was in Palermo last month for the European Labor Day long weekend (May 1st)

Palermo being considered by "those in the know" as THE Italian Mafia Capital of the world.

::) Uh... maybe. Maybe in the old days...

Yet, in the city center, the streets were (reasonably) clean, fewer gypsies canvassing than in Rome or Milan...

Fewer Police with blaring sirens than in (peaceful) Rome.

Even traffic jams were... quieter... ::)

You could walk the streets in the evening, even after dark, without fearing to be mugged or robbed.
Our host & hostesses swear they dine out and go to cinema and theater
and nobody in their right mind would try and rob you at gunpoint in the city center.

Where does the difference lay ?
Is it the food ?
Is it the drink ?
Is it that "discipline" is more efficiently enforced? By whom... :-X still,  the streets in the city center are safe.

So whether it's Puertorican street gangs, or Mexican street gangs, or Nigerian street gangs...
...somebody should realize you can teach them good manners... takes a firm fist, but they will learn... they will learn.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 09:08:34

Mpescatori - That method will take 1000 years ... The current generation of "parents" and the kids etc are not going to do it. We have to wait 50 years to start.
If gun control was imposed across the country + mexico and canada will stop gun violence in a few years. I am not talking about violence ... just gun violence.
It wont affect the good people getting guns at all.

It will only stop criminals from getting them ... criminals buy guns legally in SC or TX and truck em to where they sell them in NYC or DC or chicago to other criminals.

It will take a few years for the "reserves" to bleed out. We need to get numbers, rifling and register every gun to the owner. That way, there will never be an untraceable bullet ... OK there will be. It will just be fewer and fewer and fewer ...

Have you had a dirty floor that you had to clean 2-3-4 times ... that is the analogy. Gun control does not work because its imposed @ the city level. WTF ? I got gun in spokane WA. I then moved to CA. Bypassed. That should not happen.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Paraquat on 06/18/13 at 09:16:22

I don't think it will take 1,000 years to learn that lesson.
I believe it was MPescatori, actually, who posted something about a Chinese rape gang member that ended up being displayed in the town square?
Please, revisit that story if it was you, M.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 09:23:15

7342514252564257230 wrote:
I don't think it will take 1,000 years to learn that lesson.
I believe it was MPescatori, actually, who posted something about a Chinese rape gang member that ended up being displayed in the town square?
Please, revisit that story if it was you, M.


I believe he was talking about parents raising kids properly in this instance - I thought he did. That was what my reply was based on.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 06/18/13 at 09:51:16

srinath wrote:

the black urban youths can beat each other with sticks all they want ...

And they will; to death more than likely, even if you somehow manage to remove all the guns and/or bullets.

There's a hispanic gang running amok in a small city in Virginia where I have family, that uses machetes to chop their rivals up. Takes longer than a gunshot, but the guys they chop up are just as dead.

Its not the guns that are the problem. There are lots of guns where I live. I've got some myself. What we don't have where I live is a bunch of minority street gangs that earn their living selling drugs and robbing one another. There are a few- I suppose there are a few in any city of any size - and when there is a shooting around here it  almost always involves those guys. THEY are the problem. Wave a magic wand and make all the guns vanish tomorrow and they will just switch to sticks, or bats, or knives, or anything else they can use to cut ,stab or bash each others brains in.

Taking guns away from the folks who don't do that sh*t isn't going to fix anything.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/13 at 11:57:10

Its amazing,, gun control is shown to lead to more violence, where they reverse course & let people have their guns, crime drops,, & the answer is Universal Gun Control! Disarm ALL the law abiding people! Thats been shown to not work, Disarmed Law Abiding people just makes targets for criminals,Armed law abiding people is a deterrent to criminals,
Your theory that unless its done everywhere, to everyone, it wont work is silly,., It doesnt work in Chicago, CRIMINALS get guns. Thats the way it is,
Law abiding people wont go to a machine shop & have some kind of gun made,, but IF every gun could be taken from The People, just cross your arms & nod & Blibk & Poof! Every gun besides cops & military is GONE, it wouldnt take a week for some thugs to overwhelm a cop or 2 & take their guns & use them to get more. YOu have a rosy idea, but its not workable, nor is it even desirable,

The 2nd amendment addresses tyranny & it does so for good reason.
Scoff at the odds of the people resisting, but youre no seer. YOuve no idea who would win,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 12:18:05

JOG: Yes Gun control implemented 1/2 assedly leads to more violence ...
No one is disarming any non criminal. My idea is to register every gun and rifling marks to a law abiding non criminal, and make every sale complete with registration in the new owners name. No sales to a criminal. Period. Guns in criminal hands are not stolen - except the few that are, or got by beating up cops. They are bought legitimately in states with no gun laws (like TX, SC) and transported to DC, NYC or chicago where there are more laws.

Calling this gun control is a joke. That only plays into the hands of the NRA ... instead of thos "gun control" we could just hand guns to random people.
Like I said, a murder needs to be marked off to the location of purchase of the gun. Then we will know what is occouring. Of course the NRA wont let that happen, and they wont let guns be registered and they will spout garbage like "Criminals will never go through background checks"

Oldnslow: They can hack with toothpicks for all I care, they dont hack the 10 people standing round them do they ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 06/18/13 at 13:17:00

Oldnslow: They can hack with toothpicks for all I care,

Agree. I don't care if they murder one another by the dozens, hundreds, or thousands even.

What I object to is using their lack of morality and common human decency as a justification for useless laws that diminish my freedom,just so some elected dipshit can thump his chest and say "I'm doin' for public safety, or for the children or ...whatever " when you and I both know he doesn't care how may gang-bangers kill each other either. He just wants to make sure he gets reelected. Even a few innocent bystanders getting shot now and then is just collateral damage as far far as the politico-whores are concerned.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 13:27:35

You do know that if you are not a criminal you wont be prevented from buying a gun under any "gun control" system right ?
Its your right granted via 2nd amendment.

How do they verify you are not a criminal ?

More importantly, when states will hand over guns no questions asked to any one without looking at who they are, it really dilutes your right as a "non criminal" ...

I have a gun ... I am a non criminal. I hold an advantage over the common criminal by virtue of the gun - the criminal who has better skills @ doing harm than I do - hey he's a criminal - and the state of SC just negated that advantage I held.

Criminals have no right - or atleast they have very few rights. That is as it should be. They should not have the right to congregate and assemble, they should not have the right to freedom of roaming around free (which is why we put them in jail), right to do many things ...

By handing them guns without checking you have handed them the power to kill their enemies, witnesses and other who stand in their way. And diluted the rights of the law abiding.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/18/13 at 13:33:50

87% of gun shootings are done by minorities. Please don't label me as a racist, that's just the way things are. You take out our minority shootings and we have less than most European countries.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 13:47:50

082C212B2C222D31372C212037450 wrote:
87% of gun shootings are done by minorities. Please don't label me as a racist, that's just the way things are. You take out our minority shootings and we have less than most European countries.

I'm sure 90% of gun shootings are done by guns brought from other states.
Prevent that and you have a 90% reduction ...
I dont care about the 2 lowlives who killed each other.
I only care about the 8 bystanders on each side.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/13 at 13:55:39

I'm sure 90% of gun shootings are done by guns brought from other states.

YOu dont have one iota of evidence to back that up. What you DO know is, they werent bought in Chicago,.,

We cant even stop things as big as human beings from crossing our border. How you gonna stop somethin as small as a GUN from crossing a state line?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Dane Allen on 06/18/13 at 14:04:01

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
I'm sure 90% of gun shootings are done by guns brought from other states.

YOu dont have one iota of evidence to back that up. What you DO know is, they werent bought in Chicago,.,

We cant even stop things as big as human beings from crossing our border. How you gonna stop somethin as small as a GUN from crossing a state line?

Where the guns came from is totally irrelevant. Had these regulations not been in place there would be a lot less death.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 06/18/13 at 14:07:53

srinath wrote:

You do know that if you are not a criminal you wont be prevented from buying a gun under any "gun control" system right ?

Not exactly true. Under the "gun control" system here in NY I am prevented from buying a lot of guns. Even after undergoing a background check to prove I'm not a criminal- and in the case of handguns only after obtaining a a very expensive and somewhat difficult to obtain premit granted by the state - am I allowed to buy SOME guns. Only the ones that NYS has decided are OK. If I want a gun that NYS doesn't approve of I'm out of luck.  Same thing is true in several other states. It's not a huge leap to get from being allowed to only buy SOME guns to being allowed to buy NO guns.

There are a lot of people in our government who think the 2nd amendment is just an obstacle to implementing their agenda. They will try to circumvent it any way they can.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 06/18/13 at 14:13:51

Gun registration means diddly, if that. One of our farm guns is legal so long as it has an A.O.W. license on the premise. And the way it was registered allows anybody on the farm to use it as they see fit AND they are related to the license holder. Will cost me all of $5 to transfer the license when my father in law dies... But, he's switching it to a "corporation" held A.O.W., so anybody in the "corporation" can use it anywhere, any time, 100% legally.

So, in essence, I've got a perfectly legal shotgun with pistol grip and 14" barrel...

It violates federal gun laws of 1968, but, as long as that piece of paper is in the safe...

Even in a same day handgun purchase state like TN, there are background checks. The only exceptions for new purchase background checks is... black powder operated. Unless the law has been recently changed, the gun store isn't even allowed to ask you for identification. I've got a .54 Great Plains that is every bit as accurate and deadly as a scoped .30/06...

Universal registration is a pipe dream. Too many people across the land know how to operate a forge and a powder mill. And if they are crafting smoothbores, any rock that will fit down the barrel is a legitimate projectile. Where there is a will, there is a way... That reminds me, I need to order some more smithing coke, I'm running low...

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 06/18/13 at 14:33:33

WD wrote:

So, in essence, I've got a perfectly legal shotgun with pistol grip and 14" barrel...

It violates federal gun laws of 1968, but, as long as that piece of paper is in the safe...

Right. But what's happening in New York and some other places is much more insidious than just requiring a tax stamp  for something that would otherwise be prohibited. They are controling what specific firearms can be legally sold in the state; period. Just keep putting guns on that list year after year and pretty soon - BINGO - can't sell anything. Legal dealers,who are already regulated to death, will dissapear. For all practical purposes then you have almost total gun prohibition. The 2nd amendment or even any federal law notwithstanding.

If the feds decide to try something like this, and are ever even partly succesful, we are going to be in trouble.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 16:58:10

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
I'm sure 90% of gun shootings are done by guns brought from other states.

YOu dont have one iota of evidence to back that up. What you DO know is, they werent bought in Chicago,.,

We cant even stop things as big as human beings from crossing our border. How you gonna stop somethin as small as a GUN from crossing a state line?

Good point JOG, and one I have been making all along. We cant make anything work @ state level. I was using SC and TX just as an example. And as an aside to your point - They were not bought in chicago after 1994.

That's why we need to impose continent level - US, canada and mexico to go along with the gun control laws. You hand more guns to people when there is a drive by, all that will happen is a multi fold increase in deaths almost entirely all unrelated bystanders.
In drive by's, no one can defend themselves. Say they see the car that is a threat ... they all start shooting ... so do the car (afterall why should they stop, they are driving through ...) instead of 5 dead from 1 gang and say 5 by standers, you'd have 5 from 1 gang, maybe a few from the other (the one with the car) and maybe 20 bystanders (cos people shooting @ a car will be spraying far worse than those from the car ... killing people on the opposite side of the street.

An any case - you have made the exact point I was trying to make.
Chicago crimes committed by people who bought guns else where and there are no gun laws in that elsewhere ... You cant have that.

You cant buy a gun easier in 1 location than in another. Then criminals will always get the easier to get guns, and the law abiding will be sitting ducks.
If in 1 location a criminal doesn't have a particular right ... he should not have that right in any other location in the country ...

In NY I am a serial rapist ... but in SC I am free to hang around schools and see if I can offer a drink to a few young-un's ... how does that make sense.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 17:03:56

0D28272C0825252C27490 wrote:
Where the guns came from is totally irrelevant. Had these regulations not been in place there would be a lot less death.

How ? this was a driveby wasn't it.
So both sides weren't armed in the driveby ? So a gang was shooting @ a gang of pacifists ?
And if both sides were armed, ready and actively shooting @ each other ... instead of just 1 - there will be fewer deaths ?
Is that in all cases of drive by's or just this 1.

OK I should say that if there was a driveby and the side not in the car returned fire effectively ... they may not have returned the favor of the driveby on the other gang's turf ... or maybe they would have ...  :o


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 17:14:31

And here is the beauty part -

This is a below average weekend for chicago - 7 dead 26 shootings - below average -

Here is some unbiased media on that number -

It was a bloody Father's Day weekend in Chicago, but police said murder and shooting rates are significantly below those at the same time last year.

Seven people were shot to death and there were 26 "shooting incidents" from Friday to Sunday, according to Chicago Police Department spokesman Adam Collins.

But to put it into perspective, Collins said, eight more people were shot on the same weekend last year. He said overall crime in Chicago is down 14%, the lowest since 1963.

No wonder its only the gun nuts croweing about this ... and the unbiased media is like meeeh ... doesn't this happen every week ...

Anyway - you need to look @ the source, any one with a tilt can tilt it their way using un referenced sensationalism and numbers without a baseline ...

Much like this: I ate so much yesterday @ cici's pizza I now weigh a really crazy 235 lb.

Midnight - can you educate the people and give them a baseline ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Dane Allen on 06/18/13 at 17:52:17

2F2E35323D28345C0 wrote:
[quote author=0D28272C0825252C27490 link=1371526176/15#19 date=1371589441]
Where the guns came from is totally irrelevant. Had these regulations not been in place there would be a lot less death.

How ? this was a driveby wasn't it.
So both sides weren't armed in the driveby ? So a gang was shooting @ a gang of pacifists ?
And if both sides were armed, ready and actively shooting @ each other ... instead of just 1 - there will be fewer deaths ?
Is that in all cases of drive by's or just this 1.

OK I should say that if there was a driveby and the side not in the car returned fire effectively ... they may not have returned the favor of the driveby on the other gang's turf ... or maybe they would have ...  :o


I mean whether the guns were obtained locally or out of the area made no difference. And in regard to the total number of deaths, there would be less without all these gun restrictions. As we all can see, criminals won't follow the laws but the citizens will and will become easy targets.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/18/13 at 18:07:03

496C63684C616168630D0 wrote:
[quote author=2F2E35323D28345C0 link=1371526176/15#24 date=1371600236][quote author=0D28272C0825252C27490 link=1371526176/15#19 date=1371589441]
Where the guns came from is totally irrelevant. Had these regulations not been in place there would be a lot less death.

How ? this was a driveby wasn't it.
So both sides weren't armed in the driveby ? So a gang was shooting @ a gang of pacifists ?
And if both sides were armed, ready and actively shooting @ each other ... instead of just 1 - there will be fewer deaths ?
Is that in all cases of drive by's or just this 1.

OK I should say that if there was a driveby and the side not in the car returned fire effectively ... they may not have returned the favor of the driveby on the other gang's turf ... or maybe they would have ...  :o


I mean whether the guns were obtained locally or out of the area made no difference. And in regard to the total number of deaths, there would be less without all these gun restrictions. As we all can see, criminals won't follow the laws but the citizens will and will become easy targets.[/quote]

That's precisely 1 of the points I am making ... even though you're coolly stating something I'd consider far from a given - namely -
And in regard to the total number of deaths, there would be less without all these gun restrictions.
How do you know that ? I think I made the case where there will be a lot more.

Anyway to the other point  - Now law abiding citizens dont go fishing for easy states to buy guns in.
Criminals do.
This has put the balance of power in favor of the criminal.
Now having no gun laws will still put the balance of power with the criminal - cos  - well he's better trained to be a criminal.
To get that balance out of the criminals side - we need to have tight gun laws nation wide - and in fact we need to have it continent wide.
That way the criminal will progressively not get easy guns ... they will all be tightly documented ... rifling and serial number to the owner etc.

So a criminal will not have a incentive to get a gun ... its like every gun is known to the cops and has a body on it and is pointing right back to him ... and non criminals will still have the same laws as they do now in chicago etc and hence stay armed @ the same rate and use it as they do now.

Easy guns for all without restrictions and questions really puts criminals in charge ... they are criminals, experienced and battle hardened so to speak. Its like civilian vs a soldier ...

Guns being obtained locally or in a low restriction area makes all the difference - that is how criminals get guns. Fish for a co conspirator criminal who would drive the 1000 miles to a low restriction state and buy em and turn em over to him. That is the whole point.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by mpescatori on 06/19/13 at 06:57:01

First things first, thank you for not hacking away at me simply because I participated in this thread.

At first glance, by reading my post it may seem I am advocating mafia. I am not.
The message I tries to get across is that Mafia wants the city to be shipshape, clean as a fiddle, so that "business" can go on as usual.

Create fracas, and the Police will go ape. Whereas "kill a cop" may be a "rite of passage", it is just as true nobody wants an extra 1000 troopers shipped in because DoJ is foaming at the mouth.

As for the issue about the Chinese, no, it was not a chinese gang raping a girl, it was a young (late teens) mother clutching her baby who was taken, kidnapped and gandraped to death. Literally.

The Police went on the hunt, but the chinese community was mounrning and very tight-lipped, and by the few and broken witness reports obtained, the perpetrators were "possibly fomr the Middle East". Who knows, maybe they were.

What is certain, two young NorthAfricans (from Morocco) were found... one hung to a tree with his hand tied behind his back - clearly a suicide...
...the other beaten to hamburger standards...

(Yes, there was a case of 5 chinese gang-raping an Italian girl, one of these was the son of a High ranking diplomat. He was arrested all the same, there are ways you can waive diplomatic immunity and throw the guy in jail if you really want to.)

Anyway, back to the "Mafia" discussion, what I meant is that the Mafia will ensure that there are no "mad dogs", no "independent" petty criminals running about, because it raises public outcry for more law and order.

So, how does all this apply to "restoring Law and Order" ?

Make it extremely NOT worth it to break the rules.
Shoot first - a very unpopular move, but sometimes it will save lives.
When in Court, apply max. sentence, let them rot in jail waiting for the appeals Copurt to summon you.
Paradrop illegal criminals back where they came from; no need to fly, land and fly back, just open the hatch and geronimo! they're going, going, going... gone.
Soylent Green... inmates should be well fed... :-[ :o :-?
.  8-)

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/19/13 at 09:12:20

You dont happen to have read Homer's Iliad - the book from which Troy the movie was a part of have you ?

Not all issues have a begining and end ... some of these rapes and counter rapes and drive by's and counter driveby's and what not, are iterations upon iterations upon iterations passed on from mouth to ear from people alive and dead to the next generation ...

"Its always something isn't it" To quote Brad Pitt in Troy.

It is in fact a lot easier to settle with 1 st gen immigrants on both sides.
Wait till they spend 20 generations.

All this complaining and hand wringing about blacks committing crime - gee the whites should have thought about that before loading up ship fuls of them and dragging them across the ocean.

The one exception to this I'd say is - The mexicans who "came here looking for a better life". Those fools should be rounded up and air dropped into whatever hole they crawled out of anchor babies and all ...

If we did that, the blacks can go back to their traditional line of work without the illegal competetion and they will be busy making a living to try to make a life by killing.

We have millions of unemployed ... there are no jobs americans wont do. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Paraquat on 06/19/13 at 09:21:38

574A5F49595B4E5548533A0 wrote:
Soylent Green... inmates should be well fed... :-[ :o :-?

I've never heard a better argument for recycling.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/13 at 20:48:31

When you have private enterprise taking contracts to operate the prison system PROVIDED the State will PROMISE to Keep the Prisons at 90+% occupancy, you have a problem,, Especially when they Keep BUILDING them.

That translates to

WE, the State, will criminalize behaviors & prosecute people for the mundane in order to keep the prisons full,.,.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/19/13 at 21:15:06

The CiCi's in Mooresville is the best period. Sri gets excited when he's around. My racetrack is close to it and you can smell it. Sri gets all tore up when he's around it, no doubt he overloaded.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/19/13 at 21:21:37

It would have been knife blades if not bullets in Chicago. Chicago needs a new mayor. Chicago's mayor Rahm Emanuel worked for Goldman Sachs, do I need to say anymore? First thing he did when elected mayor was lay off half the police force. That money probably went in his back pocket. I'm sure he learned well at Goldman Sachs!

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/13 at 22:16:23

sachs suchs

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by mpescatori on 06/20/13 at 04:55:31

SRINATH, I frankly don't know whether to take this as an insult or as a joke, but, for the benefit of doubt, I'll choose the latter.

3A3B2027283D21490 wrote:
You dont happen to have read Homer's Iliad - the book from which Troy the movie was a part of have you ?

Not all issues have a begining and end ... some of these rapes and counter rapes and drive by's and counter driveby's and what not, are iterations upon iterations upon iterations passed on from mouth to ear from people alive and dead to the next generation ...

"Its always something isn't it" To quote Brad Pitt in Troy.

The ILIAD, the ODISSEY, the ENEID and the DIVINE COMEDY are Italian Junior and High School curriculum, bar none.

It's like asking an American if he ever read Tom Sawyer...

If this is all you have as a quote from Homer... no, I don't mean Homer Simpson, I mean Homer the Greek Poet...  :-/

It is in fact a lot easier to settle with 1 st gen immigrants on both sides... Wait till they spend 20 generations.

All this complaining and hand wringing about blacks committing crime - gee the whites should have thought about that before loading up shipfuls of them and dragging them across the ocean.

A few words here: look up the term "Appalachia"; then go and read comic strips such as "Snuffy Smith" and "Lil'Abner". (I would dare you to understand a telephone conversation with anyone of them... ;) )
The families and small towns described are NOT American, they are Bavarian and Czech immigrants who "spik Inglish" and carry on with their old world traditions in the New World.... including blood feuds and shootouts from one cabin to the next.

I can guarantee you there was more hot lead exchanged in Appalachia at any one time than in Sicily.

As for the blacks enslaved and sold off to American merchants... suffice it to say that:
1. black slaves were literally unknown in Greek/Roman society; slaves were either thieves off to hard labor, or people in debt "sentenced" to work off their debt for a fixed time by the Judge, or POWs;
2. black slaves, in those days as in the 19th century, were obtained by other blacks who would go off to pillage neighboring villages of other ethnic entities, and sell the "reap" off to arabic merchants - much, much before Mohammed or Islam; (for evidence, since you don't seem to read history, read "Roots" by Alex Haley)
3. slave merchants would sail to Dakar or Lagos, the main slave markets in West Africa, but the markets were run by Africans and Arabs, NOT by the English or the Americans; whites would simply go shopping.

So please blame black slavery on who would go off and pillage in the 1st place.
For evidence, see the Rwanda-Burundi events of the 1990's, or what is STILL going on in Mauritania, Mali and the Sudan, please.

The one exception to this I'd say is - The mexicans who "came here looking for a better life". Those fools should be rounded up and air dropped into whatever hole they crawled out of anchor babies and all ...

What ? And leave all the Asians ? Why not keep the Mexicans - they're North American after all - and expel all the Asians ? Don't forget the poorer Mexicans are ethnic Mayans, not Spaniards - those guys are the higher upper topper class...

If we did that, the blacks can go back to their traditional line of work without the illegal competetion and they will be busy making a living to try to make a life by killing.

The blacks' traditional line of work... Where ? When ? In which continent and which time period ?


We have millions of unemployed ... there are no jobs americans wont do. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.


YUP ! And who is to blame ? Would you place the blame according to granddad's name, or hair style, or skin color...
...or by the fact that some bankers have cheated the system to the point some Banks are richer than the Nations they reside in, and some Heads of State are literally held by the 84LL$ by banking cartels ?

Think about it.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by mpescatori on 06/20/13 at 05:43:06

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/20/13 at 07:15:06

Mpescatori - Not meant as an insult, I have no idea its required reading in italy, worse yet, I also didn't know tom sawuer ws required in the US. I have not read much more than the 2-300 page versions of both, not the original on either. I have not read my fave the count of monte cristo in the non abridged version either.

Asians in the US are likely to be lets just say a distant 30th in demographics of illegals aliens.

Trust me, the #1-28 are all south american. 29 may be canadian, I am not sure, I am joking about that. This obviously does not count people who have applied for some legal protection - refugee, political or religious persecution etc ...

Asians who have not applied for nothing - not refugee, not this or that, practically dont exist.

Then traditional labor - I guess I should have mentioned labor clearly as in "manual labor".

Mexicans have taken up the manual labor market almost completely.
It would be a good option for unemployed of any kind as long as they can ... since we cant do it for $2 an hour, which mexicans do, its not a viable option.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by RatdogWillie on 06/28/13 at 14:50:53

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic :

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Starlifter on 06/28/13 at 15:09:21

"Over the weekend 33 people were shot in Chicago, the city of gun control." Midnight

Maybe you guys have a valid point here....lets put a little twist on Midnight's opening post.

“Our son is dead! Oh Jesus!” (the 57-year-old father screamed, referring to his son, Travon), who was killed that evening in Sanford Florida. “Oh my God! Oh my God!"

...I sure wish Travon Martin had been armed that night when he was stalked by a murderer...agreed?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 16:26:54

He was murdered by a wanna be cop who disobeyed police orders. There are predators and their are prey. You take away the prey's only means of protection and its open game for the predators. Conn. has probably the toughest gun laws in the union, 22's only. Did that stop that madman? Laws are for the law abiding, not for the criminal. The government cant protect me or my family and they have no right taking away my tools to do it. The Congrespeople take an oath to protect the constitution, trying to take away the 2nd amendment makes them traitors. The government watches us with drones, listens in on our phone and internet conversations. For all practical purposes its become tyrannical. If everyone wants to turn their guns in including the cops I'll turn mine in but we both know that will never happen.33 people murdered in the city of gun laws, that should prove a piece of paper will protect nobody. The cities and the states with the most laws usually have the most gun crime. If Zimmerman hadn't have had a gun that night he probably would have beat Trayvon to death with a baseball bat. Zimmermans family is notorious for being racist, Zimmerman was out looking for trouble and he got it. I feel for Trayvon's family like I feel for the parents in Conn. Conn is the perfect example gun laws don't work. Write all the gun laws you want to and more innocent people will just get killed. There's evedince guns prevented over 100,000 crimes last year. How many did the gun laws prevent?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 16:46:09

Gun laws are for citizens ... and criminals wont obey it ... and progressively we will have to squeeze them out of existence ...
See you're fishing with a net with a Hole in it, a hole the size of texas + sc + other states ... start closing the holes ... the criminals will then get em from mexico. seeing as they now bring drugs from there ... you'd 1/2 1 problem for another ...

Gun control is useless ... unless it is continent wide.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 16:59:21

Oops! A study on guns that was ordered by Obama shows that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens save lives and prevent crime. StoryLeak 2013 Jun 27 (Cached)

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 17:04:31

47636E64636D627E78636E6F780A0 wrote:
Oops! A study on guns that was ordered by Obama shows that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens save lives and prevent crime. StoryLeak 2013 Jun 27 (Cached)

And that would be what gun control will do. Criminals dont get guns - Period.

Now Law abiding citizens jump through hoops in chicago and pay a lot more to get a piddly little gun. Criminals buy a more powerful gun bought by their "associate" in TX for a lot less ... and bust the little piddly gun owners ass ... he then tosses that gun and acts like a non criminal.

If there was no TX with loose laws ... the criminal wont get the gun ... and when he busts the law abiding guys's ass ... we'll get the bullets, and show up @ the criminals door cos its registered to him ...

Squeeze ... you cant squeeze with a huge hole in the net.
Any gun law that's not continent wide might as well put a target on every law abiding citizens back and front.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 17:33:37

I don't think there's a person that participates on the TT that doesn't own a gun. If you want gun control turn your guns in. Its real simple but until you do get rid of your guns you really have no right to argue with me.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/28/13 at 18:07:38

1A3E33393E303F23253E333225570 wrote:
I don't think there's a person that participates on the TT that doesn't own a gun. If you want gun control turn your guns in. Its real simple but until you do get rid of your guns you really have no right to argue with me.

What logic is that - register them and if they wanted rifling - they are welcome to put a bullet in it and fire it and get marks.
I am not for gun "confiscation" I am for gun registration and I am for preventing criminals from getting guns.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 19:25:51

Sri, dream on my friend. Criminals will always have guns. I bought 2 unregistered guns probably not far from where you live. The guys that sold them to me didn't want to see my license or anything, just the cash. Both of em are collectors pieces and I don't ever plan to shoot them. I wrote the license # of the vehicle they were driving down. My wife run the numbers and they're clean. Its better I got em than someone else, if you know what I mean. You don't need a gun to kill someone. Those Syrian Rebels Obama is wanting to give guns to cut two Christian Missionarys heads off with a knife and Obama is gonna reward them with guns. It wouldn't have been as slow and messy if they had just shot them.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Starlifter on 06/28/13 at 20:00:43

If you have the money someone is just around the corner waiting to open his trunk and deal.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 20:04:32

3D3C27202F3A264E0 wrote:
[quote author=1A3E33393E303F23253E333225570 link=1371526176/30#44 date=1372466017]I don't think there's a person that participates on the TT that doesn't own a gun. If you want gun control turn your guns in. Its real simple but until you do get rid of your guns you really have no right to argue with me.

What logic is that - register them and if they wanted rifling - they are welcome to put a bullet in it and fire it and get marks.
I am not for gun "confiscation" I am for gun registration and I am for preventing criminals from getting guns.

I'm not against gun registration but they wanted more than that. The bills tacked on to the gun registration bill were bullsh!t. If I die my wife or kids couldn't even get my guns. I would have to register a shotgun my grandpa give me when I was 11 years old. They wanted to know where every single gun was in the US. You know what comes next, confiscation. Wash. is becoming scared of us a little. They know we're getting fed up. Well they confiscate all the guns and the criminals are the only ones who own guns now because they never registered them in the first place. Most of my guns are registered because I bought them new. We have enough gun laws in place right now, I heard over 12,000. They're not keeping crazies from killing people but if it wasn't a gun it would be a knife or baseball bat. Some people are born predators and nothing written on a piece of paper will stop them. You have Racist, Drug Dealers, Rapist. The only way to stop them is to shoot first. If you have a gun learn how to use it.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/28/13 at 20:06:08

604752415F5A55475641330 wrote:
If you have the money someone is just around the corner waiting to open his trunk and deal.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/29/13 at 08:05:51

4C68656F686669757368656473010 wrote:
[quote author=604752415F5A55475641330 link=1371526176/45#47 date=1372474843]If you have the money someone is just around the corner waiting to open his trunk and deal.


Yes and nowadays its cheaper to buy it that way than from a proper gun store in say chicago or NYC. That's cos you're buying it from someone who bought it in TX or SC.
If that WFO market didn't exist ... criminals will be fighting for the fewer that come through from mexico ... as you know, it would be gun or cocaine ... so its worth its weight in cocaine. For law abiding, you can buy it @ a gun store.

Here are some more items to think about.
The law abiding people dont keep needing guns. You dont have a "need to get rid of a gun". That eliminates the constant turn over needed.

Criminals will keep needing guns ... they have 1 right now, its useful in the 1 crime they use it in, past that, its a liability, it ends in the bottom of the river. A cheap gun from SC is needed for their next crime.

Criminals are the target market of the NRA. Register every gun and the owner after background check and every sale and keep rifling marks on everything and you will almost instantly see a huge drop in gun crime, without any impact on gun defence. Of course that will deflate the NRA, cos unless criminals keep getting guns that they keep tossing in the river the NRA's backers the gun industry dont get squat.

Have you heard this one - if car companies had about 3lb of nickel average more per car in the steel they buy, you would never have to deal with rust. Of course they wont do that cos it cocsts them a sale. Same with guns and NRA.

They need it to be loosey goosey ... so anyone can buy a gun ... that way criminals will be able to always buy and restock after they toss their gun after a crime.

Then they tell you ... "criminals will always have guns" so you should get one ... or 20 ...
Utter garbage.

Yea I see all the registration = confiscation crap ... total BS.

Registration and rifling data are a big line of defence against criminals ... and it doesn't involve shooting the bullet before it shoots you.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 06/29/13 at 13:10:32

I dont mind rifling my guns, I will only use then in a self defense situation or target practice, but there again the criminals aren't going to do it. Sri you cant stop the criminals, all you can do is practice with your gun and learn how to protect your friends and family. I heard you mention moving. It would be nice if you could go to a suburb of Charlotte like Mooresville where the crime rate is a lot less.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 06/30/13 at 13:30:41

17333E34333D322E28333E3F285A0 wrote:
I dont mind rifling my guns, I will only use then in a self defense situation or target practice, but there again the criminals aren't going to do it. Sri you cant stop the criminals, all you can do is practice with your gun and learn how to protect your friends and family. I heard you mention moving. It would be nice if you could go to a suburb of Charlotte like Mooresville where the crime rate is a lot less.

I hadn't fired in 10 years ... and I shot a 17 a couple months ago, and @ 100 yards I was like 2-3" off, side ways - wind I think.

But Midnight - you dont throw a perfectly fine gun into the river do you ?
Criminals do. They then need to buy more. This is 90% of the sales of guns.
A gun lasts forever. Without this literal turnover there will be no need for guns companies to have any sale volumes like they have now.
I cant think of anything I own that I have had as long as my gun. Its even older than the GSXR I've got in late 95. Its second only to my marriage and by extension a few things like pictures etc.

I can see ammo being a volume business.
I cant see guns being a sustainable business without criminals tossing em in the river and buying more. Loose gun laws, allow that to happen. Criminals need that, the rest of the law abiding people dont.
The "criminals will never go through background checks" mantra is bogus. Criminals get guns legally bought in a state without any laws. They will "never go though background checks" ... cos they dont need to. They just drive 3-400 miles and pick em up in SC or TX.

Loose gun laws weaken every law abiding citizen's power over the criminal.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 06/30/13 at 22:49:25

Buying a handgun outside of your state of residence, legally, is a major leaguer pain in the ass. It has to be shipped from the FFL holder who sold it to an FFL holder in your state.

Register the rifling... I collect smoothbores... there is NO rifling to start with...  ;D

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 07:43:05

4457130 wrote:
Buying a handgun outside of your state of residence, legally, is a major leaguer pain in the ass. It has to be shipped from the FFL holder who sold it to an FFL holder in your state.

What ... this from the guy who says you can get a gun from the back door of a police station if you went there with drugs ...
Anyway, out of the trunk of a car, brand new guns in WA DC and NYC ... easy, bought legit from SC and driven to and sold in NYC. My neighbors do that with cigarettes and alcohol.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 07/01/13 at 08:09:36

I specifically said LEGALLY. If I want an unregistered, unmarked, untraceable, that's easy.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/01/13 at 10:08:25

0211550 wrote:
I specifically said LEGALLY. If I want an unregistered, unmarked, untraceable, that's easy.

That would be what the criminals want wouldn't they.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 07/01/13 at 21:25:53

Not just criminals. Serious collectors go for unmarked as well. Firearm serial numbers weren't standardized/required until the 1820s in the USA, and then primarily for military contract guns.

If I wanted a using untraceable, I'd just make one, it isn't difficult.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/02/13 at 07:37:17

190A4E0 wrote:
Not just criminals. Serious collectors go for unmarked as well. Firearm serial numbers weren't standardized/required until the 1820s in the USA, and then primarily for military contract guns.

If I wanted a using untraceable, I'd just make one, it isn't difficult.

Yes you can make them ... and criminals dont. You can make 1 gun ... criminals need several 1000 a day ... guess what If they make them, sure let them, the law abiding can buy them and hold their advantage.

Criminals get guns from states without gun laws and drive them over. Several 1000 in a matter of hours and all of it goes to ... you guessed it, criminals. How long will they take to make them ? A lot longer, I'm guessing several tons of machinery will be needed and several man hours per gun. Now its a few 1000 in a day.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 07/02/13 at 07:46:45

Bring your son over, we'll fire up the forge and make one the right way. Hand forged barrel and lock, handmade springs, hand made stock. I think I have enough scrap brass to sand cast a butt cap and trigger guard... .44 caliber work for you, only spare round ball shot I have right now.

Or, we can cheat, use tubing and the drill press to make a couple single shot cartridge types. Again, not difficult, takes about 20 minutes to fab a throw down. Costs about $10 in materials.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/02/13 at 08:11:46

190A4E0 wrote:
Bring your son over, we'll fire up the forge and make one the right way. Hand forged barrel and lock, handmade springs, hand made stock. I think I have enough scrap brass to sand cast a butt cap and trigger guard... .44 caliber work for you, only spare round ball shot I have right now.

Or, we can cheat, use tubing and the drill press to make a couple single shot cartridge types. Again, not difficult, takes about 20 minutes to fab a throw down. Costs about $10 in materials.

20 min and you have the know how and the equipment not to mention the willingness to do it. The common criminal does not. Gun control in NYC effectively hands the power of the second amendment to the criminal who has "associates" in SC and takes it away from the sap who has to apply and wait for a gun not to mention pay a lot more. I say screw that, impose that law nation wide, so the criminal + associate in SC is useless. That would leave the advantage in the hands of the law abiding, and the ones who can make it.

99% of criminal guns are not made, they are bought very legally in SC or other loose states, and driven to NYC or chicago and traded to their criminal associates.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/03/13 at 12:29:14


I'm sure you've heard the old saying before: "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

This couldn't be more true than in the case of Sarah McKinley, a young Oklahoma mother who recently defended herself and her infant child from two intruders who broke into her home.

Ms. McKinley didn't fight off these violent thugs with a knife or a broom, she used a good old fashioned shotgun.

You might have something similar in your home right now.

I know I do.

I have a strong-held belief that you have a God-given right to defend yourself, your property and your family -- and you shouldn't have to ask the government for permission to do so.

The Second Amendment is just that simple. You and I have "the right to keep and bear arms" -- period, end of story.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR).  If you are not, let me introduce myself and the organization I spend every day of my life leading . . .

My name is Dudley Brown and I am the Executive Vice President of NAGR.  I have fought for the Second Amendment rights of individuals like Sarah McKinley for more than 20 years.

During that time, a few passionate defenders of our Second Amendment rights and myself joined together to form the National Association for Gun Rights.

As I type this, NAGR counts nearly 3 million members and supporters, forming the fastest-growing and most effective gun rights organization in the country.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/03/13 at 14:26:46

Yup, we need to regurgitate 18 month old news over and over again to make the case for gun ownership I guess ...

January 4, 2012 3:53 PM PrintText
Okla. teen mom asks 911 for permission, fatally shoots intruder on New Year's eve

I have seen this same thing on this site earlier - and it was more complete then.
Of course It wasn't being milked by NRA Lite then ... so I guess it should be milked ad nauseum ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/03/13 at 21:10:31

686972757A6F731B0 wrote:
[quote author=190A4E0 link=1371526176/45#59 date=1372776405]Bring your son over, we'll fire up the forge and make one the right way. Hand forged barrel and lock, handmade springs, hand made stock. I think I have enough scrap brass to sand cast a butt cap and trigger guard... .44 caliber work for you, only spare round ball shot I have right now.

Or, we can cheat, use tubing and the drill press to make a couple single shot cartridge types. Again, not difficult, takes about 20 minutes to fab a throw down. Costs about $10 in materials.

20 min and you have the know how and the equipment not to mention the willingness to do it. The common criminal does not. Gun control in NYC effectively hands the power of the second amendment to the criminal who has "associates" in SC and takes it away from the sap who has to apply and wait for a gun not to mention pay a lot more. I say screw that, impose that law nation wide, so the criminal + associate in SC is useless. That would leave the advantage in the hands of the law abiding, and the ones who can make it.

99% of criminal guns are not made, they are bought very legally in SC or other loose states, and driven to NYC or chicago and traded to their criminal associates.


20 min and you have the know how and the equipment not to mention the willingness to do it. The common criminal does not.

amazing how you know the minds of others so well.. you DO realize that
only one or 2 need to know how,, equipment can be bought, people can learn.

or, maybe you think everyone who makes drugs was born with the equipment & knowledge?
youre very arrogant in your pronouncements of who lies & who can do what. your world view is a mess,,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 07/04/13 at 06:22:09

Read a few books, was issued a US Army Improvised Weapons and Munitions field book in ROTC, got bored in college and while on active duty, late wife's father was an armorer in the Vietnam War... previous wife, I'm still married to the current one, have been since 2/97, so nobody freak out...

Even The Backwoodsman Magazine has articles on how to make your own, cheap and effective.  ;D

My favorite local gun store just went Class 3 last week, I almost feel sorry for the next hood rat that tries to pull a fast one in there... there is a loaded WW2 Wermacht issue sub-machinegun at the secretary's desk and a nice "little" belt fed .308 in the backroom. Hope he gets his range built soon, I haven't fired a belt fed since 1995...

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/04/13 at 10:10:26

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
[quote author=686972757A6F731B0 link=1371526176/60#60 date=1372777906][quote author=190A4E0 link=1371526176/45#59 date=1372776405]Bring your son over, we'll fire up the forge and make one the right way. Hand forged barrel and lock, handmade springs, hand made stock. I think I have enough scrap brass to sand cast a butt cap and trigger guard... .44 caliber work for you, only spare round ball shot I have right now.

Or, we can cheat, use tubing and the drill press to make a couple single shot cartridge types. Again, not difficult, takes about 20 minutes to fab a throw down. Costs about $10 in materials.

20 min and you have the know how and the equipment not to mention the willingness to do it. The common criminal does not. Gun control in NYC effectively hands the power of the second amendment to the criminal who has "associates" in SC and takes it away from the sap who has to apply and wait for a gun not to mention pay a lot more. I say screw that, impose that law nation wide, so the criminal + associate in SC is useless. That would leave the advantage in the hands of the law abiding, and the ones who can make it.

99% of criminal guns are not made, they are bought very legally in SC or other loose states, and driven to NYC or chicago and traded to their criminal associates.


20 min and you have the know how and the equipment not to mention the willingness to do it. The common criminal does not.

amazing how you know the minds of others so well.. you DO realize that
only one or 2 need to know how,, equipment can be bought, people can learn.

or, maybe you think everyone who makes drugs was born with the equipment & knowledge?
youre very arrogant in your pronouncements of who lies & who can do what. your world view is a mess,,[/quote]

Laws are made for the way people act now JOG.
If we start seeing crimes committed by home made guns - we will have to enact laws - or reverse existing ones to counter that.

As it stands now, criminals in NYC can buy guns from the trunk of a car bought in SC by their "associates". Law abiding people have to wait for months and go through 1000 checks and pay 10X. That hands the power to the criminal. To even it back out, we have to stop the SC -> criminal supply line.
Let them make guns - we can work on what can counter that if and when it happens.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/13 at 10:31:18

those "laws" conflict with the Big C  and nature. primitive man had enough sense to strap a rock on a stick. its NATURAL to not want to be vulnerable. making laws that make people vulnerable? thats stupid.
we've seen the stats. an armed society has less crime, get over it.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/04/13 at 12:12:50

Its estimated guns prevented 100,000 attacks and attempted murders last year.I know I'm gonna catch hell for all the people they did murder. The lock on my door is for the crinimals safety because if he breaks into my home I'll cut him in half with my 12 gauge magnum shotgun. Its proven gun laws don't work, Conn proved that. This country is getting worse and riddled with crime. I believe more people would be alive if the gun laws were relaxed except for the background checks.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/04/13 at 16:46:08

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/04/13 at 19:40:47

7A5E53595E505F43455E535245370 wrote:
I believe more people would be alive if the gun laws were relaxed except for the background checks.

Really ... and you think You should have lets say NY with all those pesky background checks ... while SC will sell guns to anyone no questions asked ?

Better yet, how do you propose to prevent guns from getting into the hands of a criminal who is a first time criminal ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/04/13 at 22:58:22

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:
those "laws" conflict with the Big C  and nature. primitive man had enough sense to strap a rock on a stick. its NATURAL to not want to be vulnerable. making laws that make people vulnerable? thats stupid.
we've seen the stats. an armed society has less crime, get over it.

We have the stats ... and what we now have is a society where criminals have guns @ many times the rate of non criminals it looks like. That society has lots of crime ...

13373A303739362A2C373A3B2C5E0 wrote:
Its estimated guns prevented 100,000 attacks and attempted murders last year.I know I'm gonna catch hell for all the people they did murder. The lock on my door is for the crinimals safety because if he breaks into my home I'll cut him in half with my 12 gauge magnum shotgun. Its proven gun laws don't work, Conn proved that. This country is getting worse and riddled with crime. I believe more people would be alive if the gun laws were relaxed except for the background checks.

Yup 100,000 attacks were stopped per year. That's why the NGRA is milking a 18 month old incident. The other 149,999 incidents that should have occoured in the 18 months since this were I guess "untraceable" ...

Of course gun laws dont work ... cos there is no such thing as a gun law when its WFO in one spot and sewn up tight in another spot. Connecticut proved that.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/13 at 23:00:40

i think sc is starting the nics program,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/04/13 at 23:14:30

37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 wrote:
i think sc is starting the nics program,

English please.

AFAIK, SC is handing out weapons to criminals as well as the criminally insane. Someone bought a gun a few days after declaring they were not guilty due to insanity -

OK this is the news from usatoday -

The legislation was inspired by a recent case in South Carolina, where a woman who pleaded guilty by reason of insanity to threatening to kill the president was able to pass a background check and buy a pistol eight years later. She tried unsuccessfully to shoot people at a private school in Charleston last month.

Link -

Shining example of a second amendment friendly state. And less than 20 min away from me I might add. I could easily start a gun running operation ... get me a piece of that pie. Heck, I already have a Truck with a camper shell, and all I have to do is to give up on some morals ... easy.

Seriously, anytime you hand a gun to a criminal, you might as well be disarming a non criminal, cos criminals already have the upper hand, they pick their victim and have the element of surprise and are well prepared. Massive advantage if you ask me, gun is secondary.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/13 at 23:17:11

google nics, im 1 handed

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/04/13 at 23:24:54

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
google nics, im 1 handed

Oooo ... OK SC - no freaking way. I'll believe it when I see it.

And if so, there is only about 5-6 more states, TX, montana, KY, GA ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/13 at 23:28:53

texas has waiting periods on pistols, i think,, i KNOW papers are filled out, nics is run, even for a shotgun.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 06:21:55

495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 wrote:
texas has waiting periods on pistols, i think,, i KNOW papers are filled out, nics is run, even for a shotgun.

BTW the biggest one is in fact montana. TX and SC may be the culprits for sending guns to NYC and chicago and CA but montana is absolutely the easiest - no checks at all.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/13 at 07:13:03

well,, hows the crime rate in those places?
maybe you should start your thinking processes over,
go to where crime is low, use their laws as a model, see how that works.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/05/13 at 07:45:20

51504B4C43564A220 wrote:
[quote author=495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 link=1371526176/75#75 date=1373005733]texas has waiting periods on pistols, i think,, i KNOW papers are filled out, nics is run, even for a shotgun.

BTW the biggest one is in fact montana. TX and SC may be the culprits for sending guns to NYC and chicago and CA but montana is absolutely the easiest - no checks at all.Cool.

Wrong - Ncis checks apply to all the states. There are some state that have an exception for folks who posses a state issued concealed carry permit- which means those people have already undergone a STATE background check


Background Checks in Montana
Posted on January 2, 2012

Federal law requires federally licensed firearms dealers (but not private sellers) to initiate a background check on the purchaser prior to sale of a firearm. Federal law provides states with the option of serving as a state “point of contact” and conducting their own background checks using state, as well as federal, records and databases, or having the checks performed by the FBI using only the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (“NICS”) database. (Note that state files are not always included in the federal database.)

Montana is not a point of contact state for NICS. Montana has no law requiring firearms dealers to initiate background check prior to transferring a firearm. In Montana, all firearms transfers by licensed dealers are processed directly through the FBI, which enforces the federal purchaser prohibitions referenced above.1Federal law does not require dealers to conduct a background check if a firearm purchaser presents a state permit to purchase or possess firearms that meets certain conditions. As a result, concealed weapons permit holders in Montana are exempt from the federal background check requirement when purchasing a firearm.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 07:48:52

435C5A5D40477646764E5C501B290 wrote:
well,, hows the crime rate in those places?
maybe you should start your thinking processes over,
go to where crime is low, use their laws as a model, see how that works.

There is crime a plenty in those places. It just happens to occour in NYC or chicago.

SC is where criminals get their guns.
If we all had SC gun laws across the country, you'd have very little effect on NYC crime.
If we set the whole country to NYC's gun laws, it will create a reduction - that's my theory.
Montana has gun crime, but you have to realise, there are no people to shoot ... 800,000 people in an area just smaller than CA, 4th largest, and 48th in population density. SC has plenty of gun crime too including the "insane woman" who had a failed attempt @ a school shooting after buying a gun.

Tight gun laws dont work when you can get guns without no questions asked right next door.
Loose gun laws dont work, they put the criminals in charge of the second amendment. For second to work for the law abiding, guns need to be kept out of the hands of criminals. They already have the inclination and element of surprise.

Montana Gun laws will only work in montana. You're likely to get killed by a bear collecting your mail over there.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/13 at 12:54:34

Sri you keep talking about the gun laws in SC. I'm less than 100 miles away. What are the gun laws in SC?. I've never heard anyone mention them but you.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/05/13 at 13:02:01

45445F5857425E360 wrote:
[quote author=495650574A4D7C4C7C44565A11230 link=1371526176/75#75 date=1373005733]texas has waiting periods on pistols, i think,, i KNOW papers are filled out, nics is run, even for a shotgun.

BTW the biggest one is in fact montana. TX and SC may be the culprits for sending guns to NYC and chicago and CA but montana is absolutely the easiest - no checks at all.
Colorado, a neighborhood state passed real insane gun laws, its so bad the movie industries cant bring guns on the set. They're pulling out of Colorado, not to mention all the hunters who come in to big game hunt. They're gonna put 100's of people out of work and the state will lose millions.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 13:14:26

66424F45424C435F59424F4E592B0 wrote:
Sri you keep talking about the gun laws in SC. I'm less than 100 miles away. What are the gun laws in SC?. I've never heard anyone mention them but you.

SC is really loose ... JOG claims they are a NICS state, maybe for law abiding people. Criminals will never go through background checks, so they just give them the guns.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/05/13 at 16:19:25

SC is really loose ... JOG claims they are a NICS state, maybe for law abiding people. Criminals will never go through background checks, so they just give them the guns.


That's just total BS. ALL states are NICS states - its a federal law. All licensed firearms dealers, regardless of what state they are in, are bound by it. You want a gun, you fill out the form 4473, the dealer calls the database to make sure your name isn't on the list of prohibited persons. If it is, the dealer can't proceed with the sale. Some states have other restrictions above and beyond that, but ALL dealers in ALL states are required to do at least that.

Criminals don't by guns in gun stores even in SC unless the owner of the store is a criminal too. Very few of them are, and the ones that do break the law get caught pretty quick. That's just about the only thing the AFT is actually good at. Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 17:23:06

407E7F73617D7C120 wrote:

SC is really loose ... JOG claims they are a NICS state, maybe for law abiding people. Criminals will never go through background checks, so they just give them the guns.


That's just total BS. ALL states are NICS states - its a federal law. All licensed firearms dealers, regardless of what state they are in, are bound by it. You want a gun, you fill out the form 4473, the dealer calls the database to make sure your name isn't on the list of prohibited persons. If it is, the dealer can't proceed with the sale. Some states have other restrictions above and beyond that, but ALL dealers in ALL states are required to do at least that.

Criminals don't by guns in gun stores even in SC unless the owner of the store is a criminal too. Very few of them are, and the ones that do break the law get caught pretty quick. That's just about the only thing the AFT is actually good at. Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.

OK then explain that case of where a woman bought a gun after pleading insanity in SC. No dont even bother trying to discredit the source. USAtoday ... and a 100 others have em. Right wing ones too.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/13 at 17:37:53

you want to use one womans getting a gun,,
but you dont think people can make guns illegally?
you demand 100%, its not gun na happen.
youre unreasonable
you ignore facts
you have demonstrated sufficient intellect to grasp the points, yet, you will not,, you simply will not budge, regardless of evidence,,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/05/13 at 18:01:49

OK then explain that case of where a woman bought a gun after pleading insanity in SC.

Don't know the case, and I don't know what "after pleading insanity means" unless it means she used that as a defense, and wasn't convicted, in some kind of trial, but the explanation is probably pretty simple. Her name wasn't in the database, and therefore the transaction was allowed to procede.

If she was JUDGED insane someplace, then she lied on the 4473( a federal crime) because there is a question on the form about that. Answer it wrong and you don't get the gun.

Doesn't invalidate anything I said. The law works exactly the way I said it does. Does someone occasionally slip through. Sure. But show me any law that works 100% of the time.

You're the one that implied that the law in SC is somehow different from in other states and "looser". That's just not accurate. There may very well be more crooked gun dealers there, but that's a different issue, and it's not what you said. You said "so they just give them the guns" which is baloney. The ATF will pull a dealers license for recordkeeping errors that don't involve any actual wrongdoing. Do you really believe that a guy running a buisness would just hand out guns willy-nilly and put his livelihood in jepardy? An ATF guy can stop in an FFL dealer's store any time he feels like it and check the paperwork. Dealers go to great pains to make sure everything is in order. Their buisness depends on it.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/05/13 at 18:48:04

For what may be the 10 time -

The legislation was inspired by a recent case in South Carolina, where a woman who pleaded guilty by reason of insanity to threatening to kill the president was able to pass a background check and buy a pistol eight years later. She tried unsuccessfully to shoot people at a private school in Charleston last month.

Insanity well, in SC that is just a minor inconvenience.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/06/13 at 06:06:18

Ok. I read the story. Just as I suspected. Her name wasn't in the database of prohibited persons. A failure of the system. The system put in place by the government that you apparently think is the answer to protecting us from everything.

[quoteSC is really loose ... JOG claims they are a NICS state, maybe for law abiding people. Criminals will never go through background checks, so they just give them the guns.[/quote]

The comment above -yours- is still utter nonsense.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Gyrobob on 07/06/13 at 14:57:11

Criminals prefer areas where people tend to be armed less, rather than more.  They can ply their trade with reduced occupational hazard when the victims are less able to defend themselves.

I prefer to live in an area where most folks (including the criminals) know the law-abiding citizenry can get all the guns they want.  I would feel much less safe in an area where the criminals are fairly sure the law-abiders are not allowed to carry,.. where the law-abiders are victims, not adversaries.

A corollary to this thought,.. the crime rate is always lower in areas where law-abiders can arm themselves easily, and, as you would expect, the crime rate is higher where gun laws make it harder for law-abiders to own guns.  This is not rocket science or opinion,.. this is just the way it works.  Bad guys go for easy victims, they tend to avoid situations where they might get shot.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/13 at 15:49:45

A corollary to this thought,.. the crime rate is always lower in areas where law-abiders can arm themselves easily, and, as you would expect, the crime rate is higher where gun laws make it harder for law-abiders to own guns.  This is not rocket science or opinion,.. this is just the way it works.  Bad guys go for easy victims, they tend to avoid situations where they might get shot.

and the trumpets blare

dunt duh duh duuuuunt!

& reality was spoken aloud,

the crime rate is always lower in areas where law-abiders can arm themselves easily,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/06/13 at 17:25:53

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
A corollary to this thought,.. the crime rate is always lower in areas where law-abiders can arm themselves easily, and, as you would expect, the crime rate is higher where gun laws make it harder for law-abiders to own guns.  This is not rocket science or opinion,.. this is just the way it works.  Bad guys go for easy victims, they tend to avoid situations where they might get shot.

and the trumpets blare

dunt duh duh duuuuunt!

& reality was spoken aloud,

the crime rate is always lower in areas where law-abiders can arm themselves easily,

Yea its like when there is everyone armed there will be no crime by criminals ... except, if everyone was armed, the criminals will just pick the one they can surprise .. .which is why we see cases where criminals break into houses where the people are armed.

Having no gun restrictions doesn't mean there will be no gun crime. The crime will still be on the weakest and the ones who criminals can surprise ...

Remember this - There are gun rampages @ police stations when the rampager can get a gun - A man who worked for the New Jersey Department of Corrections grabbed an officer's gun and opened fire inside the Gloucester Township Police station early Friday, injuring three officers before being shot dead

Link -

There is very few shootouts @ police stations cos they take everyone's gun @ the gate and use metal detectors to prevent you from being armed inside a cop house.

Every one being armed will not prevent gun crimes.
The criminal being unarmed will 100% prevent a gun crime. And this - you cut criminal gun ownership in 1/2, it drops gun crime in 1/2 ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/07/13 at 11:34:46

"Every one being armed will not prevent gun crimes" You're right, you still have the gangs and dopeheads but I bet the crime rate drops.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/07/13 at 12:09:25

youre never gonna get 100% safety from goofy people,, this pretense that you can show a potential for freedom to fail to make EVERYONE safe is somehow enough to dismiss freedom as the right answer is tiresome. your " answer" doesnt create 100% safety, but IF it did, i would still support guns, because the 2nd clearly points out the danger to mankind by goobs.
i find it amazing the condition of society, the direct connection to "progressive
' ideology & the continued support to keep running down that road.
how much damage must be done by a group before they see they are wrong?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/07/13 at 18:35:59

If you removed all gun laws nation wide I'll bet crime rates stay nearly the same. Your theory is that since everyone will be armed you'd see a reluctance on the part of criminals to attack someone ... however they now attack people not knowing if they are armed or not. I doubt that will change. Removing all gun laws, wont change the criminals thought that .. .1. There may be no one in the house. 2. We could get in and out while still having the element of surprise. 3. They may still not be armed.

However It will wholly result an increase in people killing each other over a parking spot ... which the ydont now, they just bang each others cars ...
It will result in an increase in accidental shootings.
It will result in an increase in suicides.

BTW the biggest item stolen when you have home break in's - guns. I'd bet that increases.

You wont get a decrease at all in crime ... you get decreases now a days only cos the neighboring city/county/state laws are different.
If some town imposes gun control laws, the criminals in the next county think they stand a better chance finding an unarmed chump next town over. So crime increases in that 1 town. Now there is a siphon effect. If there was no town with a tight gun law, the criminal will just commit the crime in his county.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/07/13 at 22:15:04

I really don't believe anyone would be killed over a parking spot, especially if they think the other driver might be armed.. Any nonfelon can go out and buy a $100 shotgun now if he wants to commit suicide. You still bring up SC but they have to go through Federal Gun checks like NC. Every state does. I can buy black guns in NC,are they legal in SC? A lot of states they're not. Those states have more gun crimes. The more gun laws a state has leaves the honest people sitting ducks. The elementary teachers and principles are being offered at no cost carry classes in NC. I bet a madman would think twice now about attacking a school. He wants to kill and taking out a couple of people isn't gonna do it. more than 2 or 3. He wants to be famous forever.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/08/13 at 08:53:06

7B5F52585F515E42445F525344360 wrote:
I really don't believe anyone would be killed over a parking spot, especially if they think the other driver might be armed.. Any nonfelon can go out and buy a $100 shotgun now if he wants to commit suicide. You still bring up SC but they have to go through Federal Gun checks like NC. Every state does. I can buy black guns in NC,are they legal in SC? A lot of states they're not. Those states have more gun crimes. The more gun laws a state has leaves the honest people sitting ducks. The elementary teachers and principles are being offered at no cost carry classes in NC. I bet a madman would think twice now about attacking a school. He wants to kill and taking out a couple of people isn't gonna do it. more than 2 or 3. He wants to be famous forever.

Crazies dont care ... gun laws not going to stop any of that, a $100 bullet will, they are first time shooters ... they wont have a criminal record. We may get em with a psych test, but can you imagine the squealing from the gun nuts and NRA when we try to subject people trying to buy a gun to a psych test. Worse yet when one guy who's been rejected by a psych panel from getting a gun cos he's nuts gets killed by someone else that got a gun illegally, can you imagine the screaming then ? I can.

The assumption about parking space murder is that you think they are thinking ... oooo maybe he has a gun, maybe he this or that ... if they did that. it wont be road "rage" it will just be road "anger" ... or road "impoliteness" they now bash each others cars ... one person could still be armed and shoot the other ...

States with gun laws have gun crimes cos they suck them from the neighboring states that dont have gun laws. If we had the same laws all the way across, there wont be any commuting crimnials ... they will be resident criminals instead. Today I'm gonna go to charlotte rob a convenience store and drive back to my hood ... will just be, today I'll rob a convenience store in belmont and save driving to charlotte cos those guys are as armed as belmont.

More gun laws a state has, while the next state has fewer ... that leaves honest people in that state sitting ducks. AKA the SC and TX effect. People buy in SC in legit stores with a legit ID, and since SC throws them away after the sale, they promptly sell it to their "associates" who drive em to NYC or DC and supply the criminals there.
That leaves the Good people in DC and NYC (are there any left ? I thought its all white collar criminals in both places) vulnerable to being killed by a SC gun.

Regional Gun laws dont work so well ... cos roads do. Since roads are nationwide - so should gun laws.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/08/13 at 12:00:45

The long holiday weekend in Chicago was a bloody one as the Windy City's gun control laws again prove to be a failure. More from the Chicago Tribune: Rahm Emanuel should be made to walk the streets unarmed abiding by the gunlaws he created. When you live in the most violent city in the US, then you lay off half the police force you should be fired. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The money saved probably went into his pocket like Goldman Sachs taught him to do.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/13 at 12:29:20

2C2D36313E2B375F0 wrote:
[quote author=7B5F52585F515E42445F525344360 link=1371526176/90#95 date=1373260504]I really don't believe anyone would be killed over a parking spot, especially if they think the other driver might be armed.. Any nonfelon can go out and buy a $100 shotgun now if he wants to commit suicide. You still bring up SC but they have to go through Federal Gun checks like NC. Every state does. I can buy black guns in NC,are they legal in SC? A lot of states they're not. Those states have more gun crimes. The more gun laws a state has leaves the honest people sitting ducks. The elementary teachers and principles are being offered at no cost carry classes in NC. I bet a madman would think twice now about attacking a school. He wants to kill and taking out a couple of people isn't gonna do it. more than 2 or 3. He wants to be famous forever.

Crazies dont care ... gun laws not going to stop any of that, a $100 bullet will, they are first time shooters ... they wont have a criminal record. We may get em with a psych test, but can you imagine the squealing from the gun nuts and NRA when we try to subject people trying to buy a gun to a psych test. Worse yet when one guy who's been rejected by a psych panel from getting a gun cos he's nuts gets killed by someone else that got a gun illegally, can you imagine the screaming then ? I can.

The assumption about parking space murder is that you think they are thinking ... oooo maybe he has a gun, maybe he this or that ... if they did that. it wont be road "rage" it will just be road "anger" ... or road "impoliteness" they now bash each others cars ... one person could still be armed and shoot the other ...

States with gun laws have gun crimes cos they suck them from the neighboring states that dont have gun laws. If we had the same laws all the way across, there wont be any commuting crimnials ... they will be resident criminals instead. Today I'm gonna go to charlotte rob a convenience store and drive back to my hood ... will just be, today I'll rob a convenience store in belmont and save driving to charlotte cos those guys are as armed as belmont.

More gun laws a state has, while the next state has fewer ... that leaves honest people in that state sitting ducks. AKA the SC and TX effect. People buy in SC in legit stores with a legit ID, and since SC throws them away after the sale, they promptly sell it to their "associates" who drive em to NYC or DC and supply the criminals there.
That leaves the Good people in DC and NYC (are there any left ? I thought its all white collar criminals in both places) vulnerable to being killed by a SC gun.

Regional Gun laws dont work so well ... cos roads do. Since roads are nationwide - so should gun laws.

More gun laws a state has, while the next state has fewer ... that leaves honest people in that state sitting ducks.

so, how about all of them use the laws the ones with the lowest crime rates use?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/08/13 at 12:40:40

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
so, how about all of them use the laws the ones with the lowest crime rates use?

Once again for the 14,000th time will not pan out to be feasible, or even correct.
Here is why 1. - montana I would assume has the lowest crime ... and the lack of people provides the safety you wont have in NYC. Dane's Idea of banning people will work ... except, in the overall concept of use of resources, tightly crammed into small spaces is more energy efficient.

Montana's model for low crime, is to have no people. NYC cant implement that, and I wont like to live in NC if the population density in NC was montana-esque.

2. I agree with having the same gun laws across the country. However picking the lowest ... its right on par with your "an armed society is a polite society" so we should hand every one who walks into a police station, court house, and school including 1-2-3 rd graders a gun. That has been your suggestion all along ...

We should pick the NYC law and implement it everywhere. We should also keep a full on database of ownership, registration, rifling on everything we can.

Criminal guns will get tossed with each crime. They will then replace them (and that will make the NRA happy) with guns we have data on and we will keep their records, and when the bullets turn up @ a crime scene, we can find who shot up the place.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 07/08/13 at 13:44:01

Actually, what we need is to build big walls around NYC, Newark, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Los Angeles, Frisco, Seattle... and hit each one with fuel air devices until even the mole people are gone.

Followed by making violent crimes against children and the elderly capital offenses, sentence to be carried out immediately upon conviction, no appeals, no vacations at the loony bin on the tax payer's dime...

Then, and only then, consider modifying the existing federal gun laws. AFTER making sure there are no more traitors to the American way of life in any political, educational, media format, etc...

As a nation, the USA has devolved to the level of the Wiemar Republic, blended with the graft, sloth, greed and indifference endemic to Africa and the Middle East...

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/13 at 13:46:51

so, you see crime as a population density issue? maybe there is some validity to that, idk,, but, its really just a theory..

how about this?
lets TRY the more freedom aproach instead of the lefty louie ride some more,, i see gun laws relaxed follwed by de3creased crime, stats prove it over & over,, in the name of the big c, at least try freedom before we do more control of the people,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/08/13 at 13:50:44

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
so, you see crime as a population density issue? maybe there is some validity to that, idk,, but, its really just a theory..

how about this?
lets TRY the more freedom aproach instead of the lefty louie ride some more,, i see gun laws relaxed follwed by de3creased crime, stats prove it over & over,, in the name of the big c, at least try freedom before we do more control of the people,

Lets try common sense instead of the Righty RMoney Ride some more ...

I see tighter gun laws followed by reduction in crime in the surrounding area over and over and over, in the name of the Big C and lets try freedom of not having armed criminals and controlling the people and NRA pushing their garbage for their masters in the name of the second amendment by arming criminals.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/08/13 at 14:50:19

show me the stats,, fbi stats dont agree

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by WD on 07/08/13 at 16:02:38

JOG, the cities listed are all full of nanny state commies, who'd miss them?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/08/13 at 16:12:17

Srinath wrote:

Lets try common sense ...

Good Idea. You try first.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/09/13 at 07:02:07

God created man - Sam Colt made them even!

There are a couple things that might work:

1- Properly train and arm honest law abiding citizens so they can defend themselves against these predators - who tend to be lazy (hence their criminal behavior), and may seek other means of raising money for their various addictions if they are convinced we have the right to shoot back.

2- Install enough high resolution video cameras (big brother) everywhere, and then execute the violent ones (hopefully before they have a chance to breed indiscriminately with welfare recipients)

Yes, I realize that these are not politically correct solutions, but our police are overwhelmed, our cities are bankrupt, our prisons are controlled by alpha predators (gangs), and our political system (including its checks and balances) have been corrupted by money (hiding behind corporate veils), so what is the answer?

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 07:35:22

013F3E32203C3D530 wrote:
Srinath wrote:

Lets try common sense ...

Good Idea. You try first.

I am - and this is plain mathematics. Stop squealing after reading 1 sentence and read the whole thing.
0 guns = 0 gun crime.

1 gun handed out randomly into population = x gun crime (x is the ratio of criminals in that population - not a percentage its a fraction, 1 in 100 is .01). Every additional gun you had out gets added to that ...
10 guns = 10x.

@ 100 guns in this population - you have armed every criminal and every law abiding citizen for sure.

However we are not handing out guns @ random.

We are handing them out to those that ask for them.

So you're arming those that want to commit crime, and those that have been victims of crime.

You would reach that point of arming every criminal a lot sooner. Maybe @ 10 guns you've given all the victims and the criminal a gun. We are closer to 70% of people armed, with less than 1-2% criminals.

That is the situation you have now in the country.

What you have to realise is that the criminal has to replace the gun after each use.
You cut off their supply of free guns. This is how to do it.
Register every gun to its owner, and get rifling marks on every gun and keep it on file.
Register every new gun sold and keep its rifling marks.

Criminal will buy a gun, have his name tied to it with the marks, and when they use it in a crime, they will get caught. Done, toss em in jail.

This is all mathematics. Algebra, probability and calculus.

This of course will mean no future business for the NRA, if all criminals are in jail ... maybe we can pay the NRA everytime we look into some rifling records and criminal addresses. That way they can get their $$$ too.

We have to fight against "we dont wanna change what we are doing even if it means criminals get guns cos second amendment says so"

It also says about anchor babies and a whole load of other things that others are using to violate the country.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 07:39:50

7A7F702A27262C271E0 wrote:
God created man - Sam Colt made them even!

True, and the second amendment made the criminal way more power ful with the element of surprise, intention to do harm and with nothing to lose while the guy who's sitting @ home with 3 children and a pregnant wife is a sitting duck even with 10 guns, but it only takes 1 criminal with a gun to a baby's head to paralyse everyone ... Yeaaaaay second amendment.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/09/13 at 08:09:49

I agree, but I had over $10k of firearms and accessories that were locked in an expensive safe stolen a year ago - all of them had serial numbers recorded, and even though they recently caught the Meth addict who stole them, only a few of the guns were recovered.  

Logic tells us we can legislate (control) violence, but realistically, we can only control law abiding individuals no matter what we do.  Your solution, like others that have been proposed tend to make guns more expensive and like what happened when we tried to control drugs (and alcohol before that), makes that business more dangerous.  

I don't have an answer, and I'm glad there are people like you who are willing to propose alternatives, but in the meantime, I'd prefer not to make it harder (or more expensive) for honest people to secure the means to protect themselves.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 08:22:40

Brings me to the other point I have been making.

The biggest item stolen from people's houses, in fact some break in's are mainly to steal guns from people's houses. So much for being heavily armed ... the criminals wont be interested in you if you weren't.

Much like this "we need these here guns to protect us against the gubbamint that's coming to make us register these here guns."

Anyway you had em registered, so calling in stolen, gave you a full on immunity ... if there were rifling marks kept with the guns data, the cops will know it was committed by some criminal with gun stolen from you. Still doesn't help you.

Anyway, having guns makes yo ua target for a break in, I've had 2 neighbors One @ the house next door, and one who now lives next door, @ the house they lived in earlier, who were broken into and the most $$$ thing stolen was guns. The first guy had a 25g+ harley sitting in the garage with keys in it. They didn't touch it. Guns and laptop was what they stole. Nothing else.

Having a single gun, yes you may not be much of a target, have a bunch, you're likely to get broken into, just for that.

You've not read my solution at all. My solution is to make it easier for law abiding people to get guns, and harder for criminals to. Saying gun laws make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns is only true because we have one law in 1 state, and a totally different, no law at all in the state next door. Like a criminal cant drive 20 miles ... or 500 miles


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/09/13 at 08:39:39

30312A2D22372B430 wrote:
[quote author=013F3E32203C3D530 link=1371526176/105#105 date=1373325137]Srinath wrote:

Lets try common sense ...

Good Idea. You try first.

I am - and this is plain mathematics. Stop squealing after reading 1 sentence and read the whole thing.
0 guns = 0 gun crime.

1 gun handed out randomly into population = x gun crime (x is the ratio of criminals in that population - not a percentage its a fraction, 1 in 100 is .01). Every additional gun you had out gets added to that ...
10 guns = 10x.

@ 100 guns in this population - you have armed every criminal and every law abiding citizen for sure.

However we are not handing out guns @ random.

We are handing them out to those that ask for them.

So you're arming those that want to commit crime, and those that have been victims of crime.

You would reach that point of arming every criminal a lot sooner. Maybe @ 10 guns you've given all the victims and the criminal a gun. We are closer to 70% of people armed, with less than 1-2% criminals.

That is the situation you have now in the country.

What you have to realise is that the criminal has to replace the gun after each use.
You cut off their supply of free guns. This is how to do it.
Register every gun to its owner, and get rifling marks on every gun and keep it on file.
Register every new gun sold and keep its rifling marks.

Criminal will buy a gun, have his name tied to it with the marks, and when they use it in a crime, they will get caught. Done, toss em in jail.

This is all mathematics. Algebra, probability and calculus.

This of course will mean no future business for the NRA, if all criminals are in jail ... maybe we can pay the NRA everytime we look into some rifling records and criminal addresses. That way they can get their $$$ too.

We have to fight against "we dont wanna change what we are doing even if it means criminals get guns cos second amendment says so"

It also says about anchor babies and a whole load of other things that others are using to violate the country.


Read the whole thing a couple of times. That's not common sense, it's actually NONSENSE.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 09:20:14

754B4A46544849270 wrote:

Read the whole thing a couple of times. That's not common sense, it's actually NONSENSE.

Yea, one more of those, we dont like that we have to do something ... so we're gonna call in nonsense.

The second amendment, helping criminals get guns for 200 years cos we dont want to change nothing mantras.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by NormH3 on 07/09/13 at 09:36:32

I don't no why you people are fighting with this guy. He obviously doesn't understand why we have the 2nd Amendment. My guess he is some shill for an anti gun group. Ignore him and he will go away. Stop feeding the TROLL!

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 10:03:41

57766B74512A190 wrote:
I don't no why you people are fighting with this guy. He obviously doesn't understand why we have the 2nd Amendment. My guess he is some shill for an anti gun group. Ignore him and he will go away. Stop feeding the TROLL!

He he ... yea the troll is being fed by anti 2nd amendment conglomerate ... this was my game all along, get onto and post for 5 years then boom, post anti 2nd amendment posts.

I obviously dont understand the full impact of the second amendment ... obviously, cos I am not, and never intend to be a criminal ... that's who it is written for. I will be able to buy a gun with all the restrictions they can impose 100% legally, so I am not the one who's protected by the second amendment. Go to a jail and take a poll about the second amendment ... you'd get 100% support. Try the general population - you'd make 60-70% ... its for criminals mainly.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 10:22:17

This thread starter - Midnight, I have met a few times. He knows what a "TROLL" I am.
You are just mad the whole slew of gun nuts is getting beaten black and blue by simple arguments.
Dont worry, you always have "we dont wanna do nothing" as a fall back.
JOG has his "both legs in a fire", so you can take "we dont wanna do nothing" ...


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/09/13 at 10:43:13

To effectively communicate your ideas, you may want to refrain from insulting segments of the population who you apparently believe represent those advocating the right to keep and bear arms.

Your solution may work in a highly centralized authoritarian environment, but would require individual states (the people) to give up one of their rights to self govern.  Historically, the Federal Government hasn't necessarily done a better job of regulating many things, and by the time our politicians were done inserting special interest modifiers, your bill probably wouldn't even resemble what you intended it to be.

A national database of "rifling" and registration information might work as you describe, but rifling isn't hard to modify, and would certainly spawn another lucrative underground business.

There are a lot of things wrong with our system and if not addressed, we will likely end up being just another footnote in history, but there is also an obvious solution that is somewhat in line with your way of thinking.  

Program super computers to make decisions for us - if properly (with integrity) programmed, no special interests would be able to intervene in "common sense" solutions - no grid lock would prevent decisions from being made, and as long as everyone felt they were sharing (fairly) in whatever sacrifices were proposed there would be less anger and resistance.

This proposal would also finally unite both parties in a common cause as they (as well as those powerful entities hiding behind the corporate veil)did everything they could to scare the populace into believing that this would result in Armageddon.  That's why it will never happen under the current Masters!

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/09/13 at 11:12:58

7E7F64636C79650D0 wrote:
[quote author=754B4A46544849270 link=1371526176/105#111 date=1373384379]

Read the whole thing a couple of times. That's not common sense, it's actually NONSENSE.

Yea, one more of those, we dont like that we have to do something ... so we're gonna call in nonsense.
The second amendment, helping criminals get guns for 200 years cos we dont want to change nothing mantras.


Doing something, even if it doesn't make any sense, and won't actually help solve a problem, is the classic gun grabbers argument. How may time have you heard one of those guys say. "I know my new ban on blah,blah, blah ..., isn't really going to help much, and it's probably going to infringe on the rights of the law abiding, but we gotta do SOMETHING!!"

I'm not opposed to proposals that make sense. Yours don't. They are, like I said before, nonsense.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 11:22:30

Point taken, but I have been arguing this same point 1000 times for the last 6 months - or even earlier. Every few days someone brings up the same point over and over and over.

Anyway, We make laws for the way things happen now. Not a hypothetical future.

If people modify rifling or even switch to smooth bore -
1. We wont tell them we have the info.
2. Its one more step, need skills and $$$.
3. It still is traceable.
4. At the very least it will teach young punks a new skill and make them think and work. Maybe they wont try to be criminals and maybe try to be machinists instead.

In any case, the gun will be tied to the guy that's holding it electronically in a database.

I also have had the same reaction to the $100 bullet tax, so a nut case cant buy 30,000 bullets and spray them into a crowd. However criminals dont care ... they only want 1 or 2 bullets. That will hurt the law abiding too.
Wont bother a criminal 1 bit. Making guns more and more $$$ regardless of where they are bought will do some thing ... except it will affect the law abiding citizens too.

Keeping 100% gun ownership including rifling data is going to not affect law abiding users, but bite criminals hard, wont affect the nutcases though. Hiding behind the second amendment, is the rights for criminals to get guns via straw purchases. Buy 50 in SC, drive to NYC and unload them in the hood. Cant think of a better way to make a few $1000000 ...

Owning a gun is a responsibility too ... some people dont want that responsibility. Criminals dont care. They want guns, they want to commit crimes, they want to toss the gun, and they want the next gun. I use the second amendment 1 time in my life. A criminal uses it every week ... or every other week if he has a slow week. Who would be affected more when you clamp down with gun laws ?

Same as the anchor baby question. I have never been out of legal status. I had a child only after getting a green card (to prevent the kid from the trauma of having to move across the world) ... and compare that to illegals having babies with no father on record and no income, job or legal status ... baby on welfare from day 1, mommy is illegal and cant be deported due to anchor baby ... repeat 10X ...

Shred the 17th amendment - I'm never going to need it, and I am who it was written for. I guess the anchor baby mama is who it was written for.

Super computers, I've had enough garbage to deal with in my line of work to know its likely to fall on its face and the many 100 ways it will.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 11:35:21

4A7475796B7776180 wrote:
[quote author=7E7F64636C79650D0 link=1371526176/105#112 date=1373386814][quote author=754B4A46544849270 link=1371526176/105#111 date=1373384379]

Read the whole thing a couple of times. That's not common sense, it's actually NONSENSE.

Yea, one more of those, we dont like that we have to do something ... so we're gonna call in nonsense.
The second amendment, helping criminals get guns for 200 years cos we dont want to change nothing mantras.


Doing something, even if it doesn't make any sense, and won't actually help solve a problem, is the classic gun grabbers argument. How may time have you heard one of those guys say. "I know my new ban on blah,blah, blah ..., isn't really going to help much, and it's probably going to infringe on the rights of the law abiding, but we gotta do SOMETHING!!"

I'm not opposed to proposals that make sense. Yours don't. They are, like I said before, nonsense.


Yea ... you dont want to register gun to owner ... you know who else like that ... criminals.
They love it, they are counting on it. They are relying on the fact tha tthey can buy a gun from a chump and be assured its not been knwon to the gubbamint.

Classic case of arming the criminal under the guise of "keeping my guns"


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 11:47:28

6A5455594B5756380 wrote:
[quote author=7E7F64636C79650D0 link=1371526176/105#112 date=1373386814][quote author=754B4A46544849270 link=1371526176/105#111 date=1373384379]

Read the whole thing a couple of times. That's not common sense, it's actually NONSENSE.

Yea, one more of those, we dont like that we have to do something ... so we're gonna call in nonsense.
The second amendment, helping criminals get guns for 200 years cos we dont want to change nothing mantras.


Doing something, even if it doesn't make any sense, and won't actually help solve a problem, is the classic gun grabbers argument. How may time have you heard one of those guys say. "I know my new ban on blah,blah, blah ..., isn't really going to help much, and it's probably going to infringe on the rights of the law abiding, but we gotta do SOMETHING!!"

I'm not opposed to proposals that make sense. Yours don't. They are, like I said before, nonsense.


And I didn't say we should do "something" even if it doesn't work.

I refered to your attitude as - "Yea, one more of those, we dont like that we have to do something ... so we're gonna call in nonsense"

What I was saying there - in a dialogue type narrative:-

Srinath: Everyone should register their guns and give rifling data to be store in a database and every sale too so when a gun crime is committed we know who did it from the bullets or shells etc etc.

OldNslow: I have to go and do some work to register my guns. I dont like that, so I am calling your idea "nonsense".

Not ... we must do "something" even though its not going to work to appear like we care.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by oldNslow on 07/09/13 at 13:38:15

Srinath wrote:

I obviously dont understand the full impact of the second amendment ... obviously, cos I am not, and never intend to be a criminal ... that's who it is written for. I will be able to buy a gun with all the restrictions they can impose 100% legally, so I am not the one who's protected by the second amendment. Go to a jail and take a poll about the second amendment ... you'd get 100% support. Try the general population - you'd make 60-70% ... its for criminals mainly.

Well, at least you got that right. You don't understand the second amendment and why it was written. It's got nothing to do with criminals. It's purpose was to insure the the GOVERNMENT could never disarm the citizens of this country and render them helpless in the face of goverment tyranny. The fact that it has been subverted by folks that believe that the answer to everything is simply handing over our rights and responsibilities to a regulatory agency of some kind,or passing another stupid law ( your $110 per bullet tax for example) doesn't change that fact.

As far as registering rifling goes, the FBI already maintains a database of bullets recovered at crime scenes. And NY just scrapped a system that required every handgun sold here be fired and the spent case be sent to the State police along with the serial #. And since in NY ALL handguns are registered, that spent case was tied to the guns owner. After five years and untold millions of dollars spent implementing the system, the government here - one of the most restrictive states as far as gun laws go - admitted that the idea was worthless and a complete waste of money. Never solved a single crime. Maryland has a similar system still in place that is even older. Same dismal results.

Want to know what might actually help?

Fix the natiolal database so people who should be prohibited don't fall through the cracks. Provide the states the resources they need to actually provide the needed info to the database instead of leaving it as an unfunded mandate that they are supposed to comply with out of their own limited funds.

Actually prosecute straw purchsers and folks caught with illegal guns under the federal statutes which are much tougher than state laws. Hardly ever happens. Thousands of gun sales are denied every year because when the dealer calls the database the person attempting to buy the gun is identified as a felon. The sale is denied. But simply attempting to buy a gun if one is a convicted felon is a federal crime. Almost none of those cases are prosecuted - around a dozen a year or so.

Criminals do the things they do because they either don't think they will be caught, or because the consequenses of being caught don't make the crime not worthwhile. More laws on top of the ones that are already not being enforced won't accomplish anything.

The liberal political tune never changes. If the crap they're doing now isn't working they just want to do more of the same. Applies to almost everything, not just guns. It's insanity.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/09/13 at 16:45:27

Amen Brother!

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/13 at 16:46:33

The liberal political tune never changes. If the crap they're doing now isn't working they just want to do more of the same. Applies to almost everything, not just guns. It's insanity.

mots,, thats what we need.
look back. look at changes,
see results
continue? no,, time to turn around, has been for a long time,why the masses dont all see is simply amazing to me

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/09/13 at 17:50:21

Yea the librull tune never changes ... toss criminals in jail and dont give them guns.
The republican mantra is arm criminals, and I guess reward them and give rights to anchor babies ... that's the Republican mantra cos its the constitution ...

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/09/13 at 19:34:06

give rights to anchor babies ...

your honest american left had control of the whole thing for 2 years,,

didnt do nuts,,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 08:06:33

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
give rights to anchor babies ...

your honest american left had control of the whole thing for 2 years,,

didnt do nuts,,

Not enough time and I can still hear the squealing for healthcare from the right, which was a huge bit of legislation, and far more important IMHO.
Cant change the constitution when you cant change healthcare ... which is not in the C.
Had 2 years, may be we need 10, 20 ... 4 ... no clue.
The Right will have to go back to "nothing for illegals PERIOD" then the left will back off too. There is no reason except bad data that says the illegals will eventually turn into republican voters.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 08:22:53

Back to gun control -

More than a quarter of the firearms seized on the streets here by the Chicago Police Department over the past five years were bought just outside city limits in Cook County suburbs, according to an analysis by the University of Chicago Crime Lab. Others came from stores around Illinois and from other states, like Indiana, less than an hour’s drive away. Since 2008, more than 1,300 of the confiscated guns, the analysis showed, were bought from just one store, Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Ill., within a few miles of Chicago’s city limits.

From -

Apparently there are roads where people buy guns on the other end of the road and drive them into the gun controlled area.

Huh ... who'd have thunk that.

Now if you buy a gun, the gun should be tied to your name.
That way, when a gun is recovered @ a crime scene, you get you a$$ tossed in jail ... we will eliminate 1 trafficker @ a time ... then everyone will be more careful about selling them and get them off their name when they do.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Paraquat on 07/10/13 at 09:28:54

Chicongo (Love that name) is already over 1000 firearm related murders. The year is only half over though.
...but that's down 34% from last year!
Let's look at nearly a decade's worth of statistics, shall we?
Yea. Let's ban rifles.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 11:18:34

69584B58484C584D390 wrote:
Chicongo (Love that name) is already over 1000 firearm related murders. The year is only half over though.
...but that's down 34% from last year!
Let's look at nearly a decade's worth of statistics, shall we?
Yea. Let's ban rifles.


NYC is down cos its a lot longer to drive to SC from NYC than to Indiana from chicago ...

No we need to ban nothing - those Idiots banning this and that are slappinga shiny new paint job on a bike with a seized motor.
Nationwide we put in full on criminal checks for everyone wanting to buy a gun. Then when we sell them the gun, we keep that serial number tied to the person's ID. We also keep rifling info. We also get all that from every law abiding citizen out there.
That way, if a crimnial gets a gun, we can arrest the fool that gave him the gun for trafficking. If it was stolen from your house - call the cops, report these guns as stolen, and you're free of that gun. Repeat that 2-3-4 times, and you get tossed in the slammer for being a trafficker.
You should also present a valid ID and ownership of the gun you're buying ammo for.

The founders had no concept of a database. This check in their mind was going to take 25 years per purchase. Not now, its 10 seconds ...
They also didn't know you can drive 400 miles to buy something ... there were no cars and no gas stations and when you got to 400 miles away, you had no idea what was there.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/10/13 at 11:33:17

I still don't understand whats different about SC than the other states. They require a background check just like the other states.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 13:57:47

63474A404749465A5C474A4B5C2E0 wrote:
I still don't understand whats different about SC than the other states. They require a background check just like the other states.

NYC requires a bunch more, as does chicago, and some types of guns you cant even buy in those 2 ...Chicago - you cant buy a gun wihtout a concealed carry course and a permit and other BS.
I am tired of googling and pasting ... its easy to find.
Dont compare NC to SC, no one trafficks from SC to NC.
Compare NYC to SC. That's what the criminals are doing with the full guarantee of the second amendment.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/10/13 at 16:02:57

Most gun owners are hunters or target shooters. I consider myself a target shooter but I wouldn hesitate to use one if me or my family were being attacked. You're smart enough to know gun control wont work, I know enough about you to know you're no dummy. A madman that kills his mother to get a gun doesn't give a dam about a piece of paper.He wants to commit suicide or suicide by cops and be remembered forever. Black guns are illegal in Conn. yet a madman kills his mother and mows down 26 people. No law can stop sh!t like that from happening. If it happens to us our best defense is to have a gun and fire back. I didn't lock my house 20 years ago, never though I'd see the day I have to carry to protect myself but its here. You cant stop criminals, about all you can do is fire back. Our morality is all but gone. We drug our kids up with ridlin and let them play violent video games. They grow up and cant even check the oil in their cars. After being drugged up for so long a lot of them cant tell reality from the video games. The drug companies and the shrinks keep you bringing your kids back when all they need is discipline. What it boils down to is the parents do not want to do their job. I forgot the % of single parent homes but often the mother doesn't have the time to spend with her children like she should. A large % of unwed fathers just don't care. A child raised like that, odds are he will become a criminal. You cant change morality with a law, all you can do is protect your family and yourself.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/13 at 16:59:56

We drug our kids up with ridlin and let them play violent video games. They grow up and cant even check the oil in their cars. After being drugged up for so long a lot of them cant tell reality from the video games.

all parta da plan

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/10/13 at 17:36:05

Gangbangers who can't make it in the city are moving into rural areas up here.  Most seem to shack up with obese white women on welfare with kids from previous losers.  Apparently they aren't as likely to get shot dealing drugs as they would in the hood.  

If this market gets lucrative enough, more will come, and they'll start fighting over this turf as well.  They don't care about laws or whether all the guns get taken away - they'll use whatever is available to terrorize their neighborhoods.

I don't see any indication that this trend is changing, and don't have much faith in any solutions our politicians might come up with - they're too busy catering to corporate interests.

The "War on Terror" doesn't include these terrorists, and as long as those pulling the strings are insulated from the neighborhoods being terrorized, nothing will happen.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 18:47:08

45616C66616F607C7A616C6D7A080 wrote:
Most gun owners are hunters or target shooters. I consider myself a target shooter but I wouldn hesitate to use one if me or my family were being attacked. You're smart enough to know gun control wont work, I know enough about you to know you're no dummy. A madman that kills his mother to get a gun doesn't give a dam about a piece of paper.He wants to commit suicide or suicide by cops and be remembered forever. Black guns are illegal in Conn. yet a madman kills his mother and mows down 26 people. No law can stop sh!t like that from happening. If it happens to us our best defense is to have a gun and fire back. I didn't lock my house 20 years ago, never though I'd see the day I have to carry to protect myself but its here. You cant stop criminals, about all you can do is fire back. Our morality is all but gone. We drug our kids up with ridlin and let them play violent video games. They grow up and cant even check the oil in their cars. After being drugged up for so long a lot of them cant tell reality from the video games. The drug companies and the shrinks keep you bringing your kids back when all they need is discipline. What it boils down to is the parents do not want to do their job. I forgot the % of single parent homes but often the mother doesn't have the time to spend with her children like she should. A large % of unwed fathers just don't care. A child raised like that, odds are he will become a criminal. You cant change morality with a law, all you can do is protect your family and yourself.

You're confusing the psycho with the criminal. Psycho's cant be stopped except with a $100 bullet. They want to spray. Criminals use just what they need to get the job done. They dont care if its $100. They need to be stopped from getting a gun be it via a straw purchase or by themselves.

4F4A451F121319122B0 wrote:
Gangbangers who can't make it in the city are moving into rural areas up here.  Most seem to shack up with obese white women on welfare with kids from previous losers.  Apparently they aren't as likely to get shot dealing drugs as they would in the hood.  

If this market gets lucrative enough, more will come, and they'll start fighting over this turf as well.  They don't care about laws or whether all the guns get taken away - they'll use whatever is available to terrorize their neighborhoods.

I don't see any indication that this trend is changing, and don't have much faith in any solutions our politicians might come up with - they're too busy catering to corporate interests.

The "War on Terror" doesn't include these terrorists, and as long as those pulling the strings are insulated from the neighborhoods being terrorized, nothing will happen.


If they dont have access to guns, the body pile will be a lot smaller, and a lot slower, and not include as many bystanders.

Its a polite and peaceful world when criminals dont have guns my friend. When was the last time you had a shootout @ a police station. Yes, cops got guns, and everyone else gets metal searched @ the door. That makes for a polite society man. Yea they could still steal them, but you understand pretty soon that will also be cut off.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/10/13 at 18:47:15

[quote author=70757A202D2C262D140 link=1371526176/120#134 date=1373502965]Gangbangers who can't make it in the city are moving into rural areas up here.  Most seem to shack up with obese white women on welfare with kids from previous losers.
If this market gets lucrative enough, more will come, and they'll start fighting over this turf as well.  

ohh the mental image i just got!  fightin it out over "wal-mart shoppers",
coupla hoods goin at it w/ one ol fat chick watchin,,

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/10/13 at 19:05:19

Srinath, why can't you accept that Gun Control doesn't and hasn't worked?  Taking guns away does not make criminals suddenly turn into law abiding citizens, it only makes them turn to other means of violence!  

If you are in an area plagued with this problem, your best bet is to get a gun, learn how to use it, and get licensed to carry!

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/10/13 at 19:35:05

30353A606D6C666D540 wrote:
Srinath, why can't you accept that Gun Control doesn't and hasn't worked?  Taking guns away does not make criminals suddenly turn into law abiding citizens, it only makes them turn to other means of violence!  

This is my whole point. 100% of it. Thanks for bringing it back up. Now I know what you "didn't get".
We take their guns away and these people become knife criminals. Then we can just shoot their a$$ or beat em with a baseball bat, or spray em with pepper spray or kick em in the nuts ... or all of the above.
Best part ... this costs nothing. We dont have to do behavior therapy, we dont have to counsel them, we dont gotta bury the dead, we dont have to hide cowering in fear ... we just do a criminal check every time a gun is sold, and we check that same criminal check to sell them ammo. We will squeeze the criminals out of the market, and keep the law abiding in the market for guns and ammo.
I'll bet you never bought a gun you had a "need for" later that day. Criminals do. They also have guns they need to get rid of pronto. Usually that follows after they buy that next gun. You have never got rid of a gun by dumping it in a lake have you ... criminals do that too.

30353A606D6C666D540 wrote:

If you are in an area plagued with this problem, your best bet is to get a gun, learn how to use it, and get licensed to carry!

He he, I am likely to not get robbed. I only have 1 gun, no one has ever seen it, its not been used in 10+ years, and I can assure you, no one is assuming I am unarmed, and yet no one thinks I have a fortune in guns either. More than likely they think I'll stab em with a stray motorcycle part. Worse yet, most people think a bike gang lives @ my house. The ones that know me even a little bit, know I make a great friend and a near lethal enemy. It simply does not make sense to harm me, and it can hurt them a lot, and most people just know this.
I am everyone's motorcycle and audio and everything else repair man.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by dan49829 on 07/11/13 at 04:29:08

Yes, assuming it's not the government we fear, perhaps you're plan might eventually deplete the supply of unregistered guns, but if history has taught us anything it is that "criminals" always find a way to get the things we try the hardest to control (regulate), and that "governments" are what we should all fear the most!

BTW, with our own government's penchant for spying on us, your 10+ year old gun is now "registered".

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/11/13 at 08:17:31

696C633934353F340D0 wrote:
Yes, assuming it's not the government we fear, perhaps you're plan might eventually deplete the supply of unregistered guns, but if history has taught us anything it is that "criminals" always find a way to get the things we try the hardest to control (regulate), and that "governments" are what we should all fear the most!

BTW, with our own government's penchant for spying on us, your 10+ year old gun is now "registered".

Criminals haven't proven themselves to be exceptionally resourceful, or smart (those that are work for Goldman Sachs or the govt) ... the ones that break into your house are dumber than the nearest garden plant.

Seriously, lets eliminate stupid criminals being able to get guns and 90% of random violent crime will disappear.

This is the pattern of gun use and gun users. I am going to use a 1 year window - else it would sound like its extending into infinity. Its like 1 year from today.

99% of defensive gun users this year already own the gun they use in their defence. Clamping down on gun purchases wont affect them 1 bit.
99% (maybe not 99% but a very high number) of gun criminals this year will buy the gun they use in their crime.

The NRA doesn't care for the first set. You're not buying a gun this year. 99% of the DGU's aren't.
The second set, they buy more guns every year by a factor of atleast 10 X.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/11/13 at 08:39:09

The NRA doesn't care for the first set. You're not buying a gun this year. 99% of the DGU's aren't.
The second set, they buy more guns every year by a factor of atleast 10 X

your post makes sense to here. i think your hatred for the nra is way overblown. i dont think you truly know as much about them as you need to. they had a hand in the 68 gun laws, i despise the nra. theyre what i call controlled opposition.

your argument is reasonable, IF supply to the thugs could be cut down it would be great, but, that needs to be done w/o stepping on the rights of the People. If that cant be accomplished, well,, it just cant.

i have a very hard time expecting guns to be controlled, when 20 will fit in a suitcase & quietly smuggled, & the border leaks people by the millions. people are considerably harder to hide, yet, its as if theyr invisible..

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/11/13 at 09:36:16

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
The NRA doesn't care for the first set. You're not buying a gun this year. 99% of the DGU's aren't.
The second set, they buy more guns every year by a factor of atleast 10 X

your post makes sense to here. i think your hatred for the nra is way overblown. i dont think you truly know as much about them as you need to. they had a hand in the 68 gun laws, i despise the nra. theyre what i call controlled opposition.

your argument is reasonable, IF supply to the thugs could be cut down it would be great, but, that needs to be done w/o stepping on the rights of the People. If that cant be accomplished, well,, it just cant.

i have a very hard time expecting guns to be controlled, when 20 will fit in a suitcase & quietly smuggled, & the border leaks people by the millions. people are considerably harder to hide, yet, its as if theyr invisible..

Stepping on the rights of people - I want people to prove they are not criminals, not just when they buy from a gun store, but @ any time there is a gun bought or sold - private, gun show, corner deal, craigslist deal, any and all - the gun is in your name, you have to get it out of your name and into the name of the next owner after checking if he's a criminal. All I can say is ... you do that with a car (not the criminal part)

Smuggling across the mexico border already occours, only they're brining in drugs. We'll be trading guns for drugs ... however I should say its a huge reversal if that happens, mexico's guns now go from US, they bring in drugs and take back guns.

Border leaks people, however they are not bringing in nothing but the clotes on their backs. BTW illegals come in via plane too, as visitors, as students or this or that, and then simply overstay. The border fence is garbage, less than 30% come that way.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/11/13 at 10:11:57

One more of these beauties -

But while the woman swam naked and the distracted homeowner watched, someone robbed the home of nearly $1,000 in jewelry, cash, a handgun and prescription drugs, police said.

The most stolen item ... gun.

To make your house safe from break in's ... the last thing you need is a gun. I think a motorcycle is a much bigger deterrent ... and its even better if you had a bunch of em broken in your driveway.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/11/13 at 13:00:55

Sri I'm planning on racing tomorrow night if you can make it.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/11/13 at 13:04:23

03272A202729263A3C272A2B3C4E0 wrote:
Sri I'm planning on racing tomorrow night if you can make it.

I am going past that place today. I dont have time these days, too busy packing and dragging to storage.
I went to that cici's last wednesday, I looked in there, very few people were there.
If my friend backs out today, I'll be there tomorow. I'll know in the next hour.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/11/13 at 19:32:29

I went by there and to cici's. Tomorow is supposedly not crappie like today weather wise. Likely to ride ...

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/12/13 at 21:14:30

We're gonna need guns to protect ourselves from the gestapo police force. They've murdered several innocent people this month. I cant believe them shooting up the pickup those 2 old women were riding in when they were after that renegade cop. Sunday School teacher shot dead in a church parking lot? I was watching TV the other night and one cop had shot 7 people in the last year. Cant remember the city but they had 33 deaths by cops in one year.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/13/13 at 06:25:27

7C58555F585659454358555443310 wrote:
We're gonna need guns to protect ourselves from the gestapo police force. They've murdered several innocent people this month. I cant believe them shooting up the pickup those 2 old women were riding in when they were after that renegade cop. Sunday School teacher shot dead in a church parking lot? I was watching TV the other night and one cop had shot 7 people in the last year. Cant remember the city but they had 33 deaths by cops in one year.

How are 2 old women in a pickup truck going to defend themselves against cops using guns ?
They be shot even more if they used guns to say they are 2 old women and not the man the cops are after.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/13 at 09:38:29

sometimes bystanders will protect an innocent from an attacker.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/13/13 at 11:24:06

756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 wrote:
sometimes bystanders will protect an innocent from an attacker.

OK, so who should be armed in this scenario and what should they do ?
Yea yea these cops are stupid - but how does someone else being armed in this situation keep the victims alive ?


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/13/13 at 16:05:34

The cops are becoming tyrannical. There's 3 times as many swat teams as there were in the 80's. The government is giving surplus guns and armored vehicles to local police forces plus a grant if they accept them. There's no consequences for illegal searches. Police killed 33 people in Miami last year, 2 of them were unarmed. I got a brand new AR15 from a cop retiring. They get to keep their guns when they retire. There's no more trying to difuse a situation, they just open fire at whoever they think might be guilty. They bust your door down, come in your house and you're gonna get hurt, if you're innocent they'll plant something to keep from having to deal with the consequenses. Years ago cops were taught how to calm people down and turn a dangerous situation into a nonviolent one. Now there training consist of military tactics, shoot and call the meatwagon. I'm married to a cop so I know their side too. She took early retirement because of the new police mentality and she's working for Wake Forest Police Dept. now. She can pretty much run her own show there.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/13/13 at 16:16:57

Yea, I have been seeing that ... cops have made that transition from being lazy donut shop bar flies to being over active punk kids really seamlessly.

However how does being armed help against that ...

Yea you can slow down a govt takeover ... or make it bloodier ... but govt aint gonna come to you door to "take over" ... they'd do stuff you cant even imagine ... you'd be bombed by a satellite and not even have time to say "honey get the gun".

Being armed to resist a govt take over against a govt with our govt's capability is like comparing fart to thunder ...

And you cant arm yourself against a democratically elected govt and president and call yourself a patriot.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/13 at 16:37:14

2C2D36313E2B375F0 wrote:
[quote author=756A6C6B7671407040786A662D1F0 link=1371526176/135#149 date=1373733509]sometimes bystanders will protect an innocent from an attacker.

OK, so who should be armed in this scenario and what should they do ?
Yea yea these cops are stupid - but how does someone else being armed in this situation keep the victims alive ?


Hard to say in this instance, BUT, just as seat belts dont save evryone in a crash, guns widely available wont stop every travesty of justice. There is no 1oo% solution. Life isnt fair, bad things happen, people should be able to at least have the option to hopefully be able to defend themselves should they ever be in the victims seat.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/13/13 at 16:43:31

Sri there's nothing in my post about being armed except for my gun purchase. I put that gun up because one day it will be a collectors item. The post is about the new cop mentality and I know I cant take on a police force.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/13/13 at 16:49:07

"And you cant arm yourself against a democratically elected govt and president and call yourself a patriot." I'm not the one trying to do away with the Bill Of Rights that he put his hand on the Bible and promised to defend. He's the traitor and should be impeached.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/13/13 at 17:22:36

2C08050F080609151308050413610 wrote:
"And you cant arm yourself against a democratically elected govt and president and call yourself a patriot." I'm not the one trying to do away with the Bill Of Rights that he put his hand on the Bible and promised to defend. He's the traitor and should be impeached.

Who Says anyone was "elected"? Sure,, people walked in & poked their buttons, but to pretend the elections are not rigged is to pretend that things that get dropped fall UP.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 06:37:41

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
[quote author=2C08050F080609151308050413610 link=1371526176/150#155 date=1373759347]"And you cant arm yourself against a democratically elected govt and president and call yourself a patriot." I'm not the one trying to do away with the Bill Of Rights that he put his hand on the Bible and promised to defend. He's the traitor and should be impeached.

Who Says anyone was "elected"? Sure,, people walked in & poked their buttons, but to pretend the elections are not rigged is to pretend that things that get dropped fall UP. [/quote]

That doesn't mean you arm yourself to "change" it.
This can be changed via putting up and electing people without a hidden agenda ... The way I see it, if past 2016 Obama is still presdient, (2017 jan right) I'd say its a reason to have an armed revolution. Else its time to have a peaceful revolution.
I'm sorry people are easy to corrupt ... maybe limit everyone @ every level in politics ... Maybe its time to start randomly choosing people without an election ... Like a lottery ... Then we can completely outlaw lobbying. The only rule we have to impose then, the people that have to do the work of congressmen/senator etc etc have to be re instated in their jobs after completion of term - like jury duty.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Midnightrider on 07/15/13 at 07:38:19

I believe in doing away with career politicians. They might go to Washington with good intentions but there comes a point in time when all they want to do is vote against their electors wishes and pad their pockets and dumda$$ Americans will vote for them again. Look at Anthony Weiner running and that lying SC governor. I would post my genitals on the internet to get a $500,000 job in Washington but all I would get is a good laugh.

Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/15/13 at 13:33:57

I have a wicked idea ... I got this after hearing about "captcha" ...

Has anyone heard about those ...

Apparently when we see a "captcha" in a site where we need to authenticate that we are not a robot, the text you see could have been taken from an old book that has withering paper, fading ink etc etc.
We can scan em into the computer just fine, but computers can not read text that has begun to fade and paper that has begun to disintegrate ...

So the pieces are pulled in from those book scans, and we when we enter the "captcha" string, we have done the reading for the computer whch then uses it to translate the book into electronic media.

That should be possible for government ... its not just a "super computer ruling over us" It will be a super computer that uses our inputs to rule over us.

OK screw that, having said that, I think we can easily screw ourselves ... a huge coproration can similate billions of hits and make it so we get enslaved by it.


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by Paraquat on 07/17/13 at 09:11:13

7E5A575D5A545B47415A575641330 wrote:
I would post my genitals on the internet to get a $500,000 job in Washington but all I would get is a good laugh.

Get a better wiener?


Title: Re: Gun Control Is Great!
Post by srinath on 07/17/13 at 09:12:45

7F4E5D4E5E5A4E5B2F0 wrote:
[quote author=7E5A575D5A545B47415A575641330 link=1371526176/150#158 date=1373899099] I would post my genitals on the internet to get a $500,000 job in Washington but all I would get is a good laugh.

Get a better wiener?


Yes you can. That would be Mark Sanford.
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