General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep flaws

Message started by Midnightrider on 06/14/13 at 12:26:52

Title: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep flaws
Post by Midnightrider on 06/14/13 at 12:26:52

I think Barrack Obama has deep flaws. One scandal after another. The majority that supports him now are black. Its a racial thing.

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/13 at 13:33:40

Id be curious to know how many voted for him because of his skin. Id also like to know, of That group, how many have decided they made a bad call,.
Plenty of whites voted for him,, I know of at least one who didnt a 2nd time,,I knew better the first time,,but thats just me,
Id vote for pink with purple dots if I thot it would behave properly once in office.

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by oldNslow on 06/14/13 at 13:40:23

I think Barrack Obama has deep flaws. One scandal after another. The majority that supports him now are black

Change "black" to "dumb" and I think you got it.

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/13 at 13:45:13

Well, anyone who still supports him after all the lies are so obvious is dumb, thats a given,
& I dont CARE that others have lied, I dont,, anyone who supported THEM after it was so obvious was DUMB too,

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by Starlifter on 06/14/13 at 20:27:53

...what are you suggesting? A full scale revolution like in 1776??...careful, the NSA (AKA Big Brother) is watching you. :o

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by Serowbot on 06/14/13 at 23:42:00

If you see an excessive scandal problem,... it is that you have decided to pay attention...
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, (Ford, came away fairly clean), Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy...
When did you start paying attention?... ;D...

Make a list of Obama's scandals.... and show me how many involve unilateral action... and how many are either continuation of established protocol, or a compromise with Congress...(particularly the Right side of Congress)...
I can find many dozens from the Reagan, and GWB era...  all unilaterally original in action and thought...

Invention of scandal is an election tactic...

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by Midnightrider on 06/15/13 at 11:20:16

133421322C2926342532400 wrote:
...what are you suggesting? A full scale revolution like in 1776??...careful, the NSA (AKA Big Brother) is watching you. :o

When enough people get thrown out of their houses and go hungry while the Wall St boys get bailed out it might be time for one. What they give the Wall St boys would have paid off every mortgage in the country, ya talk about an economy booming, all that money being spent on house payments would go to new cars and other luxuries. I'd love to see Bush and Cheney captured and treated like the war criminals they are. We are being spied on, our phone and internet conversations are being listened to. If that's not a tyrannical government what the hell is. Its time to buy more guns, not get rid of the ones we have.

Title: Re: Barack Obama said the Constitution has deep fl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/13 at 13:15:05

Well,, as long as he is Comparatively clean.... his murders & crimes are less than those of that list of other criminals, so,, he is a Great Man deserving of continues support! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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