General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Americans have to be some of the dumbest people

Message started by Midnightrider on 06/11/13 at 15:19:45

Title: Americans have to be some of the dumbest people
Post by Midnightrider on 06/11/13 at 15:19:45

I just participated in a poll and 80% want Sarah Palin to run for Senator. I keep trying to not give up on the GOP because some of the ways of doing old things appeal to me, kind of my southern gentleman mentality. Any one dumb enough to want that woman to have a say so in any important decision is way past stupid. I know Webster's gonna come back with a list of dumb democrats but we would get rid of them if we could, not call them back for a second round to embarrass us again.

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/13 at 15:35:06

Do those people even know WHY they want HER? I wonder how many are men who just think she's Hot..

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by Ed L. on 06/11/13 at 16:13:15

Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, that's the ticket!!!  :D :D :D :D ;D

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/13 at 16:16:15

Id much rather have Ron Paul & Ross Perot.

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by Ed L. on 06/11/13 at 16:18:24

They would be better than the two bozos I picked,  ;)

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by Paraquat on 06/11/13 at 19:44:31

I'd like to see Trump run.

Look how many pitfalls and booby traps Perot had to dodge. After being so publically exposed the Arr's and Deez set even more booby traps up to ensure they would be the only candidates. Ever listen to a third party candidate describe how hard it is to get recognition?
Trump is the only one with sufficient financial backing to expose ANY of these booby traps. My hope is that once exposed someone will make a big deal about it and the people will rise up! Or lay down and eat Big Macs...


Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by Starlifter on 06/11/13 at 21:26:04

Trump is a nut...big time nut.

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/13 at 21:53:10

Id need to hear TRump answer some serious questions before I could possibly back him..

In fact,, Id need to hear ANY candidate answer some questions..

I would like to see Constitutional based questions posed.

OHH! & Id like to see candidates promises put in writing & they sign papers that Should they fail to keep those promises by the date they said( Like Bammy's "Ill bring our boys home as soon as I get in office & you can take that to the bank") & theyre just OUT of office,,

Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by Paraquat on 06/12/13 at 06:07:09

Don't misinterpret me. I don't want him to win. I just want him to run.


Title: Re: Americans have to be some of the dumbest peopl
Post by srinath on 06/12/13 at 07:16:41

Trump's toupee needs to run ...

Man I wish Sarah Palin would run, it would make for such a lot of good jokes.
Tina Fey is a national treasure. She needs to be on currency. Kick that pyramid eye seeing thing and put a nice pic of Tina Fey.

I think Tina Fey oughta run for president. Against Trump

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