General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Hemp legal?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/13 at 09:32:51

Title: Hemp legal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/13 at 09:32:51

This would be a Great first step for American industry,,

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by Starlifter on 06/03/13 at 19:45:52

In the 40's tons and tons of hemp was grown in Kansas (and in most other agricultural areas of the country) to aid in the war effort.

In the 60's I was stationed in Kansas for a couple of months for training. It was noted that wild hemp was growing all over the place in ditches etc. No one ever bothered to harvest it because the THC content was so low that smoking it had no effect.

As for the "good stuff'', that should be immediately 100% legalized. To clog the courts and jails with pot smokers is pure folly.

A coworker of mine (a fellow FLEO) had a young wife in the last stages of cancer. He illegally obtained MJ for her every week to ease her nausea and pain. She died six weeks later. Had this act of kindness and mercy been detected by the agency he would have been fired on the spot...such stupidity on the part of our government.    

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by Midnightrider on 06/03/13 at 19:57:03

The pain pills I'm taking are literally destroying my body. Medical marijuana should be legal in every state but we all know why it isn't. Look what it would do to the drug companies. Their money comes before my health.

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by Midnightrider on 06/03/13 at 19:58:31

Henry Ford used Hemp in some of his cars. Its a great building material also.

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by JohnnyCash20 on 06/04/13 at 19:50:31

That would be outstanding!

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/05/13 at 18:13:27

Hemp isnt pot. Hemp only has enough THC to be found in a lab. You know, its got enough in it to find in a lab, but NOT enough to catch a buzz.
BUT, since that Horrible Chemical can be found, it MUST be made illegal,,
However, toxic things, absolute poisons, can be found in our water, yet, theyre in low enough concentration to NOT Kill US today, SO, its called "Inconsequential" & the water is deemed Okay!
No conflict in thinking there, thank you government,,

I would be SO much happier if I could just accept the truith as presented to me by my loving government. Jerry, I am TRYING!

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by Paraquat on 06/06/13 at 09:23:52

I'm taking a summer class in English Composition II.
The professor says that he picks a different topic de jour for each class; something he wants to learn about. I guess it keeps the class from going dull (for him).

I get the fortune of sustainability and the environment and da da da da.
Green solutions, dependency on fossil fuels, alternative energy. You get the drift.
For all this talk I don't understand why hemp is illegal. I mean, I do - I am aware of the dollar trails. But it's easy to grow, can be turned into darn near anything. It doesn't make sense... but it makes dollars to keep it illegal.


Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/13 at 09:28:07

but it makes dollars to keep it illegal.

Thats what got it Made illegal. Once upon a time, it was a commonplace crop. Go to Houston,, Theres a road down there named Hempstead Highway,,now, how do suppose it got that name?

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by srinath on 06/06/13 at 09:42:22

JOG hemp, hawaiian baby wood rose, and several other plants have been used by humans for 1000's of years to do various things - like reduce inflammation and what not. The best part is HBWR has a reverse snowball effect, the more you take it the less you need to take, your body forms pathways that make it work better.

Of course pharma cant make $$ if you need less and less progressively and if it will just grow out the ground. So its illegal or very very hard to find cos its been suppressed.


Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/13 at 11:45:52

Uhh,, thats a BIG "No Duuhhhh".. Now, to get the masses to understand that..

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by Starlifter on 06/06/13 at 18:41:58

Oh but the masses DO understand it. It's the money making powers that be who keep the MJ laws going.

Title: Re: Hemp legal?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/13 at 19:44:53

Ya know, that just may be cortrect.. IDK for sure, but there seem to be plenty here who get it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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