General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Doooo Whaaaat?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/13 at 12:35:58

Title: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/13 at 12:35:58

NOw, dont get me wrong, I dont like seeing good, safe weapons destroyed.
I dont like these "Buybacks", at all.
BUT,, for a Goob agency to BUY guns, then turn around & sell them? I thot the whole idea was to Eliminate them from society... I guess Ive just been confused. Im sure someone will come along & explain it all to me soon,

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 05/31/13 at 12:40:25

Yea one more reason we should not get guns back from people.
The only people who would give them back are the good. Then by re distributing them, we have first stolen from good people, and we have now a good chance it gets to criminals.

Ooooo maybe they have put the rifling marks and serial numbers into the database and are selling it and its going to be registered so the people that buy em, if they shoot up a convenience store, they'd get caught ... probably ... or not.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Pine on 05/31/13 at 14:24:31

Kinda with you on this one Jus...

lets see if I got this right...

Money seized by force of law is taken from all taxpayers
Then that money is used to buy some guns
Then those guns are sold for more money

Well it may not get rid of guns... but it sure will make taxpayers go broke!

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Midnightrider on 05/31/13 at 15:28:21

Wondered who chose the licensed dealers? I saw a couple of pics one time in one of the buybacks and there were some high dollar S+W's. Rugers, Over and Unders, Brownings etc. I said to myself there's no way I could put those guns to a bandsaw. Its just another dam crooked racket the government is running like the one now. We can buy guns but we cant get ammo. It takes a while for the companies to produce 1.6 billion hollowpoints to shoot us with so production has slowed down on the lines of the pistols and non black gun calibers. How crazy would someone who lives in Chicago have to be to give away a gun. That's like going to the moon with no oxygen.

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 05/31/13 at 15:35:35

What we need to do is have a "gun collection drive".
Anyone that shows up @ that drive with a gun, should be educated how important it is that they hold on to their gun. Register it, collect rifle mark for it, and give them the gift certificate and the gun and a box of ammo for their gun. And a plaque with a bar code only a special reader read to hang in their window in their house.
These are the last people who needs to give up their gun.

Then we get out onto the street and confiscate the rest of the guns ...  ;D

Yea I have emoticon that is not serious.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/13 at 15:54:44

4243585F504559310 wrote:
What we need to do is have a "gun collection drive".
Anyone that shows up @ that drive with a gun, should be educated how important it is that they hold on to their gun. Register it, collect rifle mark for it, and give them the gift certificate and the gun and a box of ammo for their gun. And a plaque with a bar code only a special reader read to hang in their window in their house.
These are the last people who needs to give up their gun.

Then we get out onto the street and confiscate the rest of the guns ...  ;D

Yea I have emoticon that is not serious.


What we need to do is have a "gun collection drive".
Anyone that shows up @ that drive with a gun, should be educated how important it is that they hold on to their gun. Register it, collect rifle mark for it, and give them the gift certificate and the gun and a box of ammo for their gun. And a plaque with a bar code only a special reader read to hang in their window in their house.
These are the last people who needs to give up their gun.

YOure much more sane than Id thot,, I am impressed.
I Still have a problem with registration. Equating it to cars is not rational, cuz the goobs Need us able to get around, so we can engage in commerce.They dont need us able to defend ourselves.
How odd is it that everyone is always so quick to say how quickly & easily the People would be defeated should there ever be a squabble..
Look how long it takes for our Ohhh so Greeeat & Miiighty military to conquer these little postage stamp sized countries with only a few thousand opponents in them,,

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 05/31/13 at 17:04:50

JOG I had long said the people that would give up their guns are the ones that need to keep it.
The ones that want guns are likely to be either criminals or trying to be not victims of criminals.
Seriously, if we hand out guns to everyone that isn't applying for a gun permit, we'd really cut down on gun crime and indeed all crime - if we start out with no guns in society.

Anyway we shouldn't take guns from people who hand em in, and sell it ... cos you're definitely taking it from good people and probably handing it to criminals.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/13 at 20:41:34

Why do you say that selling them likely puts them in the hands of criminals? I have a few guns. Bought every one of them,, I know lots of people who bought guns,, in fact, I know of No One who bought a gun, who is a criminal,

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by oldNslow on 06/01/13 at 18:59:44

How exactly does a government agency - or anyone else for that matter- BUY BACK something that never belonged to them in the first place ? Or did I miss something ? Like that the goverment already does own everything????  >:(

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/13 at 13:58:38

Hmmm,,, 'atsan intristin thot,,

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by JohnnyCash20 on 06/04/13 at 20:01:03

0937363A2834355B0 wrote:
How exactly does a government agency - or anyone else for that matter- BUY BACK something that never belonged to them in the first place ? Or did I miss something ? Like that the goverment already does own everything????  >:(

I think "buy back" sounds better than "the government wants to buy all your guns."

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Starlifter on 06/04/13 at 21:57:40

We now have a bill in Michigan that is CLEARLY very stupid.

It requires parents to lock up their guns.

NRA: see, senate Bill 268, introduced by State Senator Martha Scott (D-2), would undermine a citizen’s right to self-defense by imposing onerous storage requirements on Michigan gun owners, rendering firearms useless in self-defense situations.

SB 268 would require households with children to store their guns in locked boxes or with trigger locks installed. A violation would be punishable as a misdemeanor offense if a juvenile gains access to the firearm.

The bill has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee but has not been scheduled for a hearing.

NRA: Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and let them know this bill is not only unnecessary, it is dangerous.

You hear that?? The NRA says it is dangerous to lock up your guns with young children in the house because you may instantly NEED those guns to protect your young children.

The NRA actually believes it is bad for people with kids to lock their guns up in a safe place, since there is no actual moneygrifting reason for them to oppose laws that tell people with kids to lock their guns up in a safe place.

Gun owners should store a gun in their kids’ room, according to a ‘Home Defense Concepts’ seminar offered at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting, comments that came just days after the fatal shooting of a two-year-old at the hands of her five-year-old brother.

Hard to imagine...

Why the hell would anyone with kids in a house NOT want the darned things locked up? The chances the kids will kill themselves are way far greater than the chance of an intruder. When it comes to taking chances, I'd take the chances on the intruder.

Frankly, I'm surprised the NRA hasn't sponsored legislation requiring gun owners to keep a loaded pistol under every pillow....Because what could possibly go wrong?

Hmm, I guess I do see their point... When the UN comes to take all our guns, a safe isn't going to stop them, our guns must be at the ready locked & loaded at ALL times.

NRA: what kind-of-idiot would keep his gun in a safe where his children cant even get to it??

Heh, guns don't kill people, baseball bats/string cheese/and dangerous minorities kill people. Why does Obama the Mooslim hate our freedumz??!

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Paraquat on 06/05/13 at 06:14:51

The law imposes criminal penalties on people who store loaded firearms on their premises if they know or reasonably should know that a minor (person under age 16) is likely to gain access to them without the minor's parent's or guardian's permission (CGS § 29-37i). A person is not criminally liable if the firearm is locked up or in a location that a reasonable person considers to be secure, or carries it on his or her person or close enough so that he or she can readily retrieve it.

A person is criminally negligent if the violation of these provisions results in a minor using the firearm to injure or kill himself or someone else (CGS § 53a-217a). A violator is strictly liable for damages if a minor obtains the unlawfully stored firearm and causes the injury or death of anyone (CGS § 52-571g). The provisions do not apply if the minor obtains the firearm by unlawful entry.

That's the extent of the law in CT.
Although "reasonably secure" is subjective.
My cousin got nailed for having his shotgun, loaded but not chambered, in his bedroom with his kid in the house. It had never been an issue until he started going through his divorce and was then flipped as leverage.
When I was a kid I knew I wasn't allowed in my parent's bedroom though. Kids will wander... I don't know how I feel about this or what the extent of "reasonably secure" is. I guess it's subjective on a case by case.
I'm wandering... the point is the NRA doesn't want your unaware, untrained children swinging your guns everywhere. I'm sorry your backwoods state has only just caught on to this.
You never hear about the kids who have been properly educated regarding firearms shooting themselves.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/05/13 at 06:49:46

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
Why do you say that selling them likely puts them in the hands of criminals? I have a few guns. Bought every one of them,, I know lots of people who bought guns,, in fact, I know of No One who bought a gun, who is a criminal,

The guy who set the house on fire and shot the fire fighters that showed up was a criminal. He bought guns at a gun show with a straw buyer.

You wont be so flippant acting as a straw buyer or selling to someone you dont know if your name was going to be on the gun. Worse yet, if the rifling pattern will be traced back to you, that is a huge incentive to keep guns with ownership trail for everyone that owns a gun.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by oldNslow on 06/05/13 at 07:48:31

The guy who set the house on fire and shot the fire fighters that showed up was a criminal. He bought guns at a gun show with a straw buyer.

The guns used in the Webster NY firefighter murders were bought at a Gander Mountain Sporting goods store not a gun show. The woman who bought them - a straw purchase like you said - is facing both state and federal charges and is probably going to jail.

She is claiming that Spengler - the murderer- stole the guns out of her car, but there is pretty strong evidence the she actually bought the guns for him and lied on the ATF form that she filled out at the time of the sale. Spengler was a convicted felon out on parole so he couldn't buy guns himself.

The background check system works pretty well if people are honest but I don't really know how it could be tweaked to prevent something like this. Lying when you fill out the form is a federal felony already. If someone is willing to risk that I'm not sure what will stop them. I do know that very few of these cases are ever prosecuted unless the straw purchase actually leads to another more serious and very high profile crime like the one in NY.

Law enforcement in this country is driven by political agendas just like most other things unfortunately.

As far as the so-called "gun buyback" programs go, as far as I'm concerned they are nothing more than Dog and Pony shows intended to generate publicity - usually for some blowhard with political ambitions.

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/05/13 at 08:13:04

You dont hand over the car keys to someone you dont know ... what if they robbed a bank and were seen leaving in it.
That's how gun and rifling marks registration should be.
You will be its Owner.
When you sell it - it will be tagged to a new owner.

Gun buy back drives under whatever name disarms the honest citizens who will give their guns up, and criminals who will not.

What we need to do is have a gun buy back drive, and those that have turned up there get gun education, gun registration with rifling marks and they are told to keep their guns. They also get something that can be used to detect they have offered to turn in their guns and hence are not to be harassed any more.

The rest of the population we need to get their guns. Or something like that. Those are the criminals - or ones threatened by criminals - I guess we dont get their guns but we do register and rifle mark them and keep it in a database. If the bullets show up @ a bank robbery, we easily go and pick up the criminals.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Paraquat on 06/05/13 at 09:10:40

Brilliant idea.
Until I go to a range, collect everyone's spent brass, and dump it at a crime scene.
Maybe I do it to cover up a crime I committed? Maybe I'm a jerk and I do it for jollies?

Or do we get a 75 dollar credit towards one's next 100 dollar bullet upon receipt of a spent casing?

You never let a friend borrow your car before?

Did you get my PM? Or is the system acting funky again?


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/05/13 at 10:53:37

7F4E5D4E5E5A4E5B2F0 wrote:
Brilliant idea.
Until I go to a range, collect everyone's spent brass, and dump it at a crime scene.
Maybe I do it to cover up a crime I committed? Maybe I'm a jerk and I do it for jollies?

Or do we get a 75 dollar credit towards one's next 100 dollar bullet upon receipt of a spent casing?

You never let a friend borrow your car before?

Did you get my PM? Or is the system acting funky again?


I replied to your PM yesterday. You didn't get that ?

Yea you'd put bullets into a crime scene. Why not do 1 better and empty the contents of a fast food trash can into a crime scene too.

I've heard all the jokes about that, I dont think any gun range owner ever wants bullets from his range in a crime scene. Besides - you're talking about casings, and they read bullets for rifling ...

The $100 bullet is only for stopping psychopaths. Those are first time criminals like the sandy hook guy. No amount of registration will stop them. $100 bullet only for that.

Criminals are people who rarely ever use a bullet, and when they do, its 1-2 and they cant be traced back to them and they get away, get rid of the gun and get another and we're left with a unknown bullet and an unknown gun and we never see that rifling again, so we never find the criminal.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Paraquat on 06/05/13 at 11:16:22

I did not.

Merely playing Devil's advocate.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/06/13 at 10:10:09

Anyway since you didn't seem to get my PM - I'll post here.

Those receivers you have - the pioneer is an sx680 isn't it and kenwood I dont recognize - are worth some $$, craigslist them, $50 for kenwood depending on model and $75 pioneer. Watch it fly ...


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/13 at 11:49:15

Ive got a Pioneer VSX108 receiver Id sell,, is it worth anything?How do I find out?

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/06/13 at 13:09:53

554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 wrote:
Ive got a Pioneer VSX108 receiver Id sell,, is it worth anything?How do I find out?

Ebay completeds my friend -

But I'd not walk across the street to pick it up.

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/13 at 13:24:17

Its worth the hassle to advertise it & box it up for that,, just barely,

Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Paraquat on 06/06/13 at 18:56:00

Cool. If you didn't want them I was just going to huck 'em.
Major cleansing going on in my basement.

Thanks for the tip off. I didn't know they were worth that much.


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/06/13 at 19:01:31

5D6C7F6C7C786C790D0 wrote:
Cool. If you didn't want them I was just going to huck 'em.
Major cleansing going on in my basement.

Thanks for the tip off. I didn't know they were worth that much.


What model of kenwood - I will be happy to take em off your hands ... if you were near by I'd have been there already.

BTW, but I am not going to tell you its not worth anything ...


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by Paraquat on 06/06/13 at 19:32:30

KR-3010 Kenwood
SX-680 Pioneer


Title: Re: Doooo Whaaaat?
Post by srinath on 06/07/13 at 07:41:35

58697A69797D697C080 wrote:
KR-3010 Kenwood
SX-680 Pioneer


I have a 4010 - the slickest looking kenwood series. The 10 series. I also have the 50's and the 00's. A 6050 and a 6200. Not worth much more than 40 or so.
Ergo - you got a $100 sitting there man. 60-70 for the 650, and 40 for the kenny.

The eq - I dont care much for em ... I have got over a $100 for a few big ones - pio sg9500/9800 or the ADC I got. 12 per side, rack handles and more gizmos and doohickeys than the space station. That is free with a full price purchase of a receiver ... help the sale along.

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