General Category >> The Cafe >> Grappa.

Message started by arteacher on 05/30/13 at 17:02:49

Title: Grappa.
Post by arteacher on 05/30/13 at 17:02:49

Bought a bottle of Mazzetti d'Altavilla Grappa di Moscato today. It is definitely an acquired taste. It has a unique flavor that is hard to describe.
Grappa is made from distilling the "must" ( smashed up grape husks left over from the primary fermentation in the wine making process) and varies in flavor depending on the grapes used, and the primary fermentation process. It is expensive as far as liquor goes.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by jcstokes on 05/30/13 at 18:00:18

I've got a bottle that has lasted quite a while, apparently it's about 70% proof alcohol, I'm told by an Italian you drink it out of a liquer glass when you are having coffee. The Italian had it with his breakfast.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/13 at 18:18:21

Don't know about the drink,.. but the name is a mouthful... :-?...

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by apache snow on 05/30/13 at 18:22:43

Drank a gallon of Boones Farm once. Now that was an experience. :-?

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/30/13 at 18:49:41

4A5B4A48434E5845445C2B0 wrote:
Drank a gallon of Boones Farm once. Now that was an experience. :-?

Me too. The girl I was with got stopped for reckless driving in my 1963 chevy station wagon, and the cop told me to drive. I got in behind the wheel and started to drive. I was wine blind at that point (7 bottles of Boones Farm Apple wine). I pulled from the curb and he flashed on theirs red and blue lights behind me and I about crapped myself, but he pulled around me and sped off. I pulled over and told Janet to drive, but sanely. This was 1970 or 71.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by apache snow on 05/30/13 at 19:15:41

Was Strawberry Hill. It would make you walk backwards and speak in strange tongues. :o

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by MiCTLaN on 05/30/13 at 22:56:41

I keep a bottle of Boone's Farm in the wine rack in the dining room, just to see if people notice.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by old_rider on 05/31/13 at 03:44:51

Oh, yeah strawberry hill....those where the days.  8-)

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by ToesNose on 05/31/13 at 04:36:18

I used to crew on a 42' sailboat, every trip we would drink a bottle of grappa   :D

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by groupus on 05/31/13 at 09:21:07

Grappa is gross. Kinda reminds me of black liquoice. I work at a fine restaurant as my second job and they serve it as a digestivo (drink at the end of the meal). I think we carry that Moscato. They serve it in a tulip glass, which is about 2 oz.

I don't understand fine dining. Why would I want to spend $200 on spare parts like goose liver, snails, and monkey brains (seriously, think Indiana Jones Temple of Doom) and wash it down with a $20 shot of fermented butt? I could spend that money on so many motorcycle parts!  :D

I've tried a lot of the more expensive wines there and I still prefer mine out of a box.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by jcstokes on 05/31/13 at 12:42:36

Each to his own, does a fine dinner car about motorcycles, or bobbing or customising, tuning etc?

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by arteacher on 05/31/13 at 12:43:45

312633263B2124540 wrote:
Grappa is gross. Kinda reminds me of black liquoice. I work at a fine restaurant as my second job and they serve it as a digestivo (drink at the end of the meal). I think we carry that Moscato. They serve it in a tulip glass, which is about 2 oz.

I don't understand fine dining. Why would I want to spend $200 on spare parts like goose liver, snails, and monkey brains (seriously, think Indiana Jones Temple of Doom) and wash it down with a $20 shot of fermented butt? I could spend that money on so many motorcycle parts!  :D

I've tried a lot of the more expensive wines there and I still prefer mine out of a box.

Like I said- it's an acquired taste. ;)

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/13 at 13:25:49

Creme de' Menthe,,thats an acquired taste, looks & tastes like Nyquil..
but the effect is much nicer,

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by Pine on 05/31/13 at 14:35:11

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
Creme de' Menthe,,thats an acquired taste, looks & tastes like Nyquil..
but the effect is much nicer,

My mom goes through a bottle of that every year....

She make "candied" pecans. Basically frosted pecans. The green ones are Crème de Menthe, I forget what the red ones where... but the ones that looked like they were rolled in pepper ... burbon!

When I go to her house... she is always ready with a cup of Irish coffee for me ( Bushnels).

I never did the wine thing to the point of problem. I like a glass or two with a meal... no stories.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/13 at 16:35:50

Well,, get organic wine, man,, Grapes are one of the Most Highly pesticided crops on the planet. Wine is concentrated grapes.
Its not important to get organic in all foods, but tomatoes & strawberries are also high in pesticides.

I dont agree with their "Corn isnt all GMO"..

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by ZAR on 05/31/13 at 18:35:30

5C4D5C5E55584E53524A3D0 wrote:
Was Strawberry Hill. It would make you walk backwards and speak in strange tongues. :o

Used to buy Boones Farm Apricot Splash by the case. That,along with a quart of Makers Mark and a case of Miller would last me a holiday weekend. and a lady guest that is ;) . Never walked backwards but we sure spoke some exotic languages :-X

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by Dave on 06/02/13 at 09:18:35

When I saw Grappa in the subject line....I figured we were going to hear a story about your grandkids!

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/02/13 at 13:31:22

Wine of any sort all tastes like vinegar to me.  Last night my daughter did a really good job of fixing some walleye that her hubby and I caught a couple of weeks ago.  She put it in an egg wash, then some bread crumbs with spices of some sort, then sautéed it in a pan with olive oil.  Yummy.
But, she served some sort of white wine, and I woke up at 2:30 this morning needing Pepcid to put out the belly ache from the wine.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by arteacher on 06/02/13 at 14:10:36

You might think about getting checked out for an ulcer, or an allergy.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 06/02/13 at 14:17:52

I have what's called Peptic dysphasia, and have had it since college, 45 years ago.  Back then I could barely eat a small pizza without my belly being on fire.
Now, it's almost totally gone - I'll eat Mexican tonight with no problem, but any kind of wine sets it off.  Thankfully, Scotch doesn't.
Thanks for the concern, though.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by mpescatori on 06/04/13 at 00:30:44

555A565C575A515D5A4D585A4D3F0 wrote:
I have what's called Peptic dysphasia, and have had it since college, 45 years ago.  Back then I could barely eat a small pizza without my belly being on fire.
Now, it's almost totally gone - I'll eat Mexican tonight with no problem, but any kind of wine sets it off.  Thankfully, Scotch doesn't.
Thanks for the concern, though.

Sorry to read of your ailment. It has nothig to do with the wine, but with your system.

The yellow highlight makes me think alcohol isn't a problem, but sugars and tannin are.

My blue highlight also makes me think you may have an issue with some natural acids.

What about mayonnaise ? Hard boiled eggs ?

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by mpescatori on 06/04/13 at 00:42:48

6C7B6E7B667C79090 wrote:
Grappa is gross. Kinda reminds me of black liquoice. I work at a fine restaurant as my second job and they serve it as a digestivo (drink at the end of the meal). I think we carry that Moscato. They serve it in a tulip glass, which is about 2 oz.

I don't understand fine dining. Why would I want to spend $200 on spare parts like goose liver, snails, and monkey brains (seriously, think Indiana Jones Temple of Doom) and wash it down with a $20 shot of fermented butt? I could spend that money on so many motorcycle parts!  :D

I've tried a lot of the more expensive wines there and I still prefer mine out of a box.

I'll take your first comment as an insult, thank you very much.
Grappa is the traditional Mediterranean liqueur, whether it's called grappa or graspa or aquavit. Or raki (Greece).  Or Yeni Raki (Turkey).
The only other Mediterranean traditional liqueur is made from aniseed, so that you will find it called "Anìs" in France, "Anice" or "Sambuca" in Italy,
"Raki" in Turkey (without the "Yeni") or "Arak" in Arabic speaking Countries.

Neither belong to the traditional US culture because your culture is North European... there you go with Whiskies of all sorts, or vodka distilled from grains.

We eat grains, you distill them.

Northern Europe is too cold and doesn't have the required sunlight for grapes to grow, so that you lack this fruit.

But to define grappa as gross is like defining scotch whiskey as gross.

Talisker or Laphroaig... gross?  :-?

Your other comment means you, to my eyes, either don't understand or don't deserve your second job... like a vegetarian working in a butchery.

Please define "fermented butt"...  :P

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/04/13 at 01:01:20

Grappas What is Grappa? Grappa is brandy made from pomace. Pomace is the pressed skins and seeds of grapes - a winemaker's leftovers.

Ahhh! Now I get it,, Its the bologna of Booze!  

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by mpescatori on 06/04/13 at 01:29:18

C'mon, JOG...

Brandy is distilled from wine... you should know that.

Grappa is made form the leftover pulp, after you're done pressing the grapes.

Grappa can be sharp and harsh, or very mellow and sweet, it all depends on the type of grapes and when they were picked and how much of the little branches are actually allowed in the press.

Overall, grappa can and will be just as mellow as most blended whiskeys.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/04/13 at 02:03:49

Hey,, I LIKE Bologna,, awwrite?

I dont Care that its made from the stuff left over after the wine makers are done,, heck NO,, It would be silly to let all that go to waste. Id try it,. IM not gonna go BUY any,, but if I was somewhere & someone said "Hey, you wanna shot O this?" Id try it,,

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by arteacher on 06/04/13 at 04:14:46

In my opinion the best vodka is made from potatoes, the second best from corn.
The rest is good for mixing in drinks. ;)

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by apache snow on 06/04/13 at 06:22:53

Hey, we got rot gut wine as well. Theres Thunderbird, MD 20/20, Wild Irish Rose, Night Train Express, Cisco Red, and others too terrible to mention. All a winos delight.

Then there are wines from the past that no longer exist that bring tears to a wino's eyes. Red Ripple, Boones Farm. Annie Green springs, and Balli Hai, With Pagan Pink Ripple being at the top of the list. May you rest in peace. :)

If I left out some ones favorite I apologize, I don't want to offend any self respecting winos. ;)

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by mpescatori on 06/04/13 at 06:46:08

Don't forget "Pigswill"...

Brewed right by where I lived, only made a small quantity at any time because it would go sour faster than average...

But then when word got out that another batch was at the local Pub, time never went by so quickly !

;D ;D ;D

PS There was "Blue Nun" as well, but I could never muster the courage to drink any of that stuff...  :P


...garbage... :-X

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by arteacher on 06/04/13 at 08:48:02

Here in London Ontario we have one of Canada's oldest breweries- Labatts. Their biggest seller is something called "Blue", a kind of lager.
Because we are a college town this awful stuff sells well, as we all know college kids have no taste, and will drink anything. Since all the small breweries appeared, which make much better beer, the only reason Labatts or Molson sell anything is because of all the advertising they do.
They used to make a seasonal stout, which was very good, but they quit making it for some reason.
My youngest son considers himself to be a "connoisseur of the brew" and brings over some very obscure and very good beers from time to time.  :)
When I was a teen we used to make "three week wine" from Welches grape juice, brewers yeast and sugar. Put it together in a gallon jug and set it on the furnace for three weeks. There were three of us doing this so we had a fresh jug every Saturday night. Then we graduated to London Still Rose, $1.65 a bottle (again made locally). We made moonshine once, but nearly killed ourselves drinking too much of it, so we never did it again. :o
When I was in college an Italian friend's dad made home made grappa.
It was about 75% alcohol and he gave a 54 oz bottle to his son. He and his roommate drank about 1/3 the bottle one night. He passed out while standing up and hit his head, giving himself a concussion, so he gave the rest to me. I took it to a couple of friend's place and the last thing I remember was drinking some of it- the next thing I remember is that it was the next day and I was staggering down Bloor St in Toronto several miles from my house.  :-[

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by groupus on 06/04/13 at 09:03:12

64796C7A6A687D667B60090 wrote:
[quote author=6C7B6E7B667C79090 link=1369958569/0#9 date=1370017267]Grappa is gross. Kinda reminds me of black liquoice. I work at a fine restaurant as my second job and they serve it as a digestivo (drink at the end of the meal). I think we carry that Moscato. They serve it in a tulip glass, which is about 2 oz.

I don't understand fine dining. Why would I want to spend $200 on spare parts like goose liver, snails, and monkey brains (seriously, think Indiana Jones Temple of Doom) and wash it down with a $20 shot of fermented butt? I could spend that money on so many motorcycle parts!  :D

I've tried a lot of the more expensive wines there and I still prefer mine out of a box.

I'll take your first comment as an insult, thank you very much.
Grappa is the traditional Mediterranean liqueur, whether it's called grappa or graspa or aquavit. Or raki (Greece).  Or Yeni Raki (Turkey).
The only other Mediterranean traditional liqueur is made from aniseed, so that you will find it called "Anìs" in France, "Anice" or "Sambuca" in Italy,
"Raki" in Turkey (without the "Yeni") or "Arak" in Arabic speaking Countries.

Neither belong to the traditional US culture because your culture is North European... there you go with Whiskies of all sorts, or vodka distilled from grains.

We eat grains, you distill them.

Northern Europe is too cold and doesn't have the required sunlight for grapes to grow, so that you lack this fruit.

But to define grappa as gross is like defining scotch whiskey as gross.

Talisker or Laphroaig... gross?  :-?

Your other comment means you, to my eyes, either don't understand or don't deserve your second job... like a vegetarian working in a butchery.

Please define "fermented butt"...  :P[/quote]

No offense meant. It is all a matter of opinion.

I hope I didn't come off as some uncultured and ungrateful redneck sucking swill out of a mason jar. I live in Pennsylvania, which has some of the best grape growing conditions on the east coast and over 100 wineries. You should know that my mother is an Italian immigrant and works at one of these wineries. Her parents grow their own grapes and make their own wine, which is quite good. So, yeah  :P They also make a potent limoncello; some people think that is gross.

The restaurant job is, well its a job. There are a lot of personal issues I have with this place, but the food and service are incredible. This particular restaurant is a money pit and only exists to inflate the owner's ego. I also don't like that a group of 4 people can somehow think it is ok drop over $1000 on one meal when the same money could feed a hungry family for a month. I am a realist though and hate wastefulness.
I have had the opportunity to try many things that I would not have opted to spend my own dime on. I also got to try a lot of wines because you need to be able to describe the taste and history, especially since people are more familiar with French wines than Italian. Because Italy is closer to the equator than France, the grapes and wine will have a different flavor.

Now that you know me a bit better, I still don't like grappa, but that's cool if you do. I like micro brew beers, good whiskey and gin when it gets hot. Again, those are not for everyone. they can have subtle differences depending on region and quality too. Macallan 18 and Jonnie Walker Blue are some of the best I have had.  [smiley=beer.gif]

fermented butt = a fermented beverage with a strongly unpleasant flavor ;D

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by mpescatori on 06/06/13 at 07:20:03

Limoncello. I've had so much - through gifts, samples, etc. - I just can't stand it anymore.

Whereas I do admit it is a wonderful liqueur made from lemon peels - not lemon juice - I may have... OD'd ...  ;)

As for your comment
"I also don't like that a group of 4 people can somehow think it is ok drop over $1000 on one meal when the same money could feed a hungry family for a month. I am a realist though and hate wastefulness."
may I suggest you read Mk 14:3 or John 12:1, or Mt 26:7...  or Lk 7:36...

All these passages say the same thing (even John, whose Gospel is certainly different from the three Sinoptics)

"Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took about a pint[a] of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

4 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5 “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.[b]” 6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

7 “Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8 You will always have the poor among you,[c] but you will not always have me.”

Now... why have a whole Savage 650, when you could commute to work on a moped?
What's your family drive? Couldn't you do just as well on a Lada?

See what I mean ?  :D

PS I love a good Gin&Tonic... lime or lemon ?  8-)

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/13 at 09:59:06

UGGGH! Gin! My swallow muscle will not function, no matter how hard I try, with gin or "buttermilk" from the store..
Buttermilk from the raw milk place is absolutely great,,, from the store,, Gakk!

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by arteacher on 06/06/13 at 16:33:07

PS I love a good Gin&Tonic... lime or lemon ?

Definitely lime!
Tonic was invented as a way to take quinine to combat malaria in India by the British during their occupation. To make it palatable they started mixing it with gin, but they drank their gin and tonics WARM.
Icey cold, there is no better thirst quencher on a hot day. (plus you will never get malaria ;D)

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by groupus on 06/07/13 at 08:48:43

Lime, though sometimes i like to get a little fancy and make a Tom Collins. I like old lady drinks in the summer.

A Lada would be nice, but i like my 27 year old e30 BMW better. It was only $1200. Between that, the savage and my GL1000, i have less that 5G in vehicles. A vespa costs more than that. I don't think I'd ever buy a new vehicle, there's no sense in it.

Title: Re: Grappa.
Post by mpescatori on 06/08/13 at 11:45:24

2E392C39243E3B4B0 wrote:
Lime, though sometimes i like to get a little fancy and make a Tom Collins. I like old lady drinks in the summer.

A Lada would be nice, but i like my 27 year old e30 BMW better. It was only $1200. Between that, the savage and my GL1000, i have less that 5G in vehicles. A vespa costs more than that. I don't think I'd ever buy a new vehicle, there's no sense in it.

You have an e30! Kudos, man !!!  8-) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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