General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Say No to GMO march

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/13 at 12:35:04

Title: Say No to GMO march
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/13 at 12:35:04

It happened. But "The Media" ignored it! Gee, I wonder WHY!!

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by 45acp on 05/29/13 at 14:41:14

i never saw it on the nightly news

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/13 at 14:46:04

Because the people who run things dont want the people to know how many others feel the same way they do..

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by Paladin. on 05/29/13 at 17:45:22

More likely the news know that most people don't care about "GMO" -- what they want is enough food to eat at a price they can afford.  

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by Sheriff41 on 05/29/13 at 23:04:42

It was a pretty big deal here in Hawaii.  Big protest march with both sides represented and lots of local news coverage.  Pretty civil all around, though.

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/30/13 at 04:26:43

47767B76737E79170 wrote:
More likely the news know that most people don't care about "GMO" -- what they want is enough food to eat at a price they can afford.  

It's more like people would definitely care if they knew about the genetic mutilation of their food, but the media refuses to inform. An informed public would shun GM and the Corporate powers would suffer financially, and would be forced to back away from creating frankenfoods.

Shop organic! Your cells will thanks you.

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by Gheorghe on 05/30/13 at 07:36:39

1B283D2D262E1E202525202C490 wrote:
[quote author=47767B76737E79170 link=1369856104/0#3 date=1369874722]More likely the news know that most people don't care about "GMO" -- what they want is enough food to eat at a price they can afford.  

It's more like people would definitely care if they knew about the genetic mutilation of their food, but the media refuses to inform. An informed public would shun GM and the Corporate powers would suffer financially, and would be forced to back away from creating frankenfoods.

Shop organic! Your cells will thanks you.[/quote]

Very true, but then again the media does this for most important topics.  They will however  happily hound us with what new state has approved gay marriage, idiot bias gun control and other useless BS topics, but when it comes to the food we eat, the taxes and corporate BS we have to put up with, that is kept hush hush.

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/13 at 08:33:36

Palladin, it was left out of the news , not because people dont care, but because people are unaware.. They want them to Stay ignorant so they dont know enough to take sides. Theyt dont care because they dont know they are being poisoned. They dont know that there are others who know more & know its bad,.The media is owned & operated by the Big $$ & Monsatan is part of that power monopoly,

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/30/13 at 09:28:22

a short videos for those who desire to be informed.


There are some more detailed longer videos listed in the column on the right.

Don't buy corn at WalMart. It is GM corn.

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/13 at 09:46:03

At this point, GM pollen has been blown hither & yon to the point that I would doubt organic corn is available anywhere other than deepest Mexico.

But, the point of my post was to demonstrate the way things work,, to show people the way the media works for the corporations & against the best interest of the people.

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/30/13 at 17:14:42

Thursday, May 30, 2013
A Beginners Guide To Boycotting Monsanto
Mikael Thalen

After the worldwide March Against Monsanto last Saturday that saw over 2 million protesters in more than 52 different countries, the awareness of Monsanto’s genetically modified and pesticide laden food is at an all time high. Increasing numbers of people are looking to not only avoid Monsanto but to get healthier in the process. Here are 5 ways to do just that.

1. Support Local Organic Farmers!

The absolute best thing you can do to boycott Monsanto is to support your local organic farmers by purchasing their products or even offering to lend a helping hand. Many people are amazed to learn that they have lived next to an organic family farm for years without knowing it. Some farms may even offer you free food in exchange for help. Remember to always ask if their foods are non-GMO.

Learn More: 20 Places To Find Local Food And Family Farms Near You

2. Buycott

The smartphone app “Buycott” allows consumers to scan food barcodes to figure out if that particular company supports many different causes including GMO labeling. This is a quick and easy way to hit Monsanto where it hurts by refusing to purchase their products or support companies who opposed labeling while getting healthier food in the process. Other campaigns allow you to support companies who share your views on several issues including civil rights and education.


Other Must Have Food Apps:

Fooducate – Lose weight, eat real food, and track your progress. Fooducate grades your food, explains what’s really inside each product, and offers healthier alternatives. It has the largest database of UPCs – over 200,000 unique products and growing.

3. Support Non-GMO Project Companies

“The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices.” Support companies who choose to voluntarily have their food tested and approved as non-GMO.

Learn More: Non-GMO Project

4. Drink Almond Milk!

Unless you are receiving raw milk from a local farm, milk should be avoided for several reasons. Contrary to popular belief, pasteurized milk kills almost all beneficial stomach bacteria that promotes healthy digestion. Although many companies have stopped the use of injecting cows with Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH), which has been linked to many health issues including cancer, cleaner calcium rich drinks are available. Blue Diamond's Non-Dairy Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk not only contains twice as much calcium, but Blue Diamond is also a supporter of GMO labeling and awareness.

5. Join A Food Cooperative

A Food cooperative or food co-op is a voluntary organization comprised of individuals who work together for mutual benefit, similar to what you would see with several friends sharing an apartment to decrease rent. This is not only a great way to help your local community but also a great way to decrease your food bill while getting healthier.

Find A Co-Op Near You:

Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by Paraquat on 05/31/13 at 09:16:14

Just being silly here but how does one milk an almond?


Title: Re: Say No to GMO march
Post by RatdogWillie on 05/31/13 at 10:33:22

6C5D4E5D4D495D483C0 wrote:
Just being silly here but how does one milk an almond?


I think you would need very tiny hands and an itsy bitty bucket.....but luckily you don't have to. It is already in a carton at the store. I drink it every day, and I like it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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