General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Stockholm riots

Message started by WebsterMark on 05/25/13 at 05:53:29

Title: Stockholm riots
Post by WebsterMark on 05/25/13 at 05:53:29

You need to read pretty deep in any article to find out the demographics of the rioters when you read stories on this topic. If you're getting your news from one of the major sources, forget it. They are keeping it a secret as usual.

Europe better get a handle on this. The policy of massive welfare benefits and no requirement to assimilate has led to Muslim immigrants, members of the Religion of Peace, doing what they do best: biting the hand that feeds them. We saw this to a small degree with the Boston bombers. Time to draw a line. The issues in the US with the large number of legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants is far different than what Europe faces with Muslims and it has to do with religion.

The difference between the large number of Hispanic immigrants in the US and the Muslim immigrants in European countries is the Catholic background of the Hispanics does not lean itself to a culture of death.
Chew on that for a while.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WebsterMark on 05/25/13 at 06:35:04

just read this stat: One in ten Britons under 25 is now Muslim. That number will increase, through immigration, disparate birth rates, and conversions like those of the Woolwich killers.

Does that concern any of our British friends on here?

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WD on 05/25/13 at 08:08:58

It had better wake a few of them up. When I was stationed in Spain, the Gardia Civile was allowed to use Gypsies, Muslims and other unwanted foreigners as targets. For the slightest of offenses. Spain has been (unsuccessfully) trying to purge its borders of Muslims for centuries.

I've been to a predominantly Muslim country. Hell on earth is fairly accurate. Massive poverty, massive indifference to the real world, filthy, crime ridden, religion trumps any other concern... And it was one of the few so called civilized North African nations, Egypt.

Google Muslim and any Scandanavian country... animals are less violent and destructive.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by oldNslow on 05/25/13 at 08:50:58

England is done for. Twenty five or so years ago they disarmed their natural born citizens, essentially made self - defense a crime, and opened their borders to darn near anyone. The government there is run by "progressive" idiots.

They will hang on for a few years longer than the southern European countries - Greece, Spain, Italy - but eventually they will just become third world crap-holes like the countries in northern Africa.

All you need to do is look at the countries that most of the immigrants are coming from to see the future.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by srinath on 05/25/13 at 09:56:04

You do know that this topic has been beat to death here right ? The riots were also in 2011.

And Yup catholics dont like violence with those that disagree with their point of view -

Eric Rudolph
Eric Robert Rudolph, also known as the Olympic Park Bomber, is a Christian terrorist responsible for a series of anti-abortion and anti-gay-motivated bombings across the southern United States read more here -

And yea christians are not prone to violence - sure - forgetting all about this -

And there is a reason why christians are not bombing left right and center, the same reason why you dont find Hindus doing that.
There is no country that is oppressing a christian country - atleast not since northern Ireland. And In the case of hindu's not since england and 1947.

Christians have had the upper hand for so long, there is no reason to opt to go guerilla.

Oppress any group for long enough, they will riot.


Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WebsterMark on 05/25/13 at 17:52:10

Oppress any group for long enough, they will riot.

Stockhold muslims are not being oppressed; what BS. They are rioting because that is what they do. That is all they ever do when they move into a country and start to take over.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by srinath on 05/25/13 at 18:10:26

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
Oppress any group for long enough, they will riot.

Stockhold muslims are not being oppressed; what BS. They are rioting because that is what they do. That is all they ever do when they move into a country and start to take over.

That means if you went over to India and occupied it and sat there putting up check points when my folks have to go buy milk so it takes 8 hours and the milk goes bad ... yea I'd be all cool about it ?

Yea ... oppressed ... not them in person, and oddly not by any of those scandinavian countries, but oppressed by christians none the less.


Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by Starlifter on 05/25/13 at 19:25:13

Webby Webby, hell, even the KKK (just like you) clams to be a Christian organization lighting the cross of Jesus with the light of Jesus to terrorize and remind the ungodly nig'ros, Catholics, and Jews that Amerika is a WHITE, Anglo Saxon Protestant Country!

No nig'ers, no Jews, no beaners, no gooks, no zipper heads, no slant eyes, no rag heads, no sand nig'ers, no camel jockeys, no museums, no gays, no lib'ruls, no OWS'ers, no hippies, no welfare queens, no socialists, no pointed headed educated eastern liberal socialists, no long-haired limp wristed pinko commy fags...

You long for no one but you and those of your ilk to hebetate our land.

Oiling and feeling your guns, thumping your bibles and keeping your women in their place, while you want the rest of us to be what? Banned? jailed? executed, expatriated to Greenland?

People like you give America a black eye, a stigma, a shame, a cancer on the precept of America and what she stands for. You are an embarrassment upon the rest of are a shameful reminder of what America is not and shall never be..

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by TheFid on 05/25/13 at 22:54:51

ust read this stat: One in ten Britons under 25 is now Muslim. That number will increase, through immigration, disparate birth rates, and conversions like those of the Woolwich killers.

Does that concern any of our British friends on here?

It certainly does. For many years now there has been a large percentage of our population  more than concerened regarding the massive influx of immigrants to the UK. So much so, that a small insignificant political party
UKIP.( united kingdom independant party)  has put the fear of christ into the main political partys by increasing its following tenfold or more, and whiping the smiles off the faces of the main partys, by winning a massive ammount of seats in the local civic elections. The people are now telling the government what they want instead of just moaning about it.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/13 at 04:24:38

Webby Webby, hell, even the KKK (just like you) clams to be a Christian organization lighting the cross of Jesus with the light of Jesus to terrorize and remind the ungodly nig'ros, Catholics, and Jews that Amerika is a WHITE, Anglo Saxon Protestant Country!

No nig'ers, no Jews, no beaners, no gooks, no zipper heads, no slant eyes, no rag heads, no sand nig'ers, no camel jockeys, no museums, no gays, no lib'ruls, no OWS'ers, no hippies, no welfare queens, no socialists, no pointed headed educated eastern liberal socialists, no long-haired limp wristed pinko commy fags...

You long for no one but you and those of your ilk to hebetate our land.

Oiling and feeling your guns, thumping your bibles and keeping your women in their place, while you want the rest of us to be what? Banned? jailed? executed, expatriated to Greenland?

People like you give America a black eye, a stigma, a shame, a cancer on the precept of America and what she stands for. You are an embarrassment upon the rest of are a shameful reminder of what America is not and shall never be..

Star; and I say this with all sincerity; you are incapable of complex thought if you really believe what  you just wrote.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/13 at 04:29:52

It certainly does

As it should. All things change, nothing remains constant; that much is a given.

On a long enough timeline, the demographics of every nation 'turns over' 100% of the time. However, when the turnover is clearly going from good to bad, at least the nation should fight to keep what they have as long as possible. England will not be England long, France will not be France long, and as we see, it doesn't seem as if Sweden can remain Sweden for much longer. There is a tipping point at which they cannot do anything to stop the inevitable. What that point is, I don't know. Low child birth and high immigration are fatal to a nation. Both of which are natural ramifications of liberal policies.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/13 at 04:58:44

Fid; would you agree with this statement about Europe.  

Europe's problem is declining birthrates combined with cradle to grave entitlements which require the bottom row of the "pyramid" which pays for those benefits to remain large, constantly replenished AND see a place for themselves at the top of the pyramid. However, the bottom row is not being replenished quick enough and the ones that are filling in the gaps are young immigrants who do not assimilate to the English culture and whose religion is (we'll be polite and say) combative at best.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WD on 05/26/13 at 05:23:55

Sounds like Star started his Memorial Day wake and bake session a bit early...  ::)

Getting me and "Webby" confused in his mind like that... Knowing full well that I'M the one who wants to deport ALL the "unmenschlich, nicht wert, nicht menschlich " or turn them into fertilizer.

Unlimited immigration by the "unworthy" led to the downfalls of Spain, Great Britain, Rome, Hellenistic Greece, Portugal, the various Germanic Empires, etc... Do we really want to see what is left of Western Europe and North America succumb to the same fate?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"... Um, no. The old green hag needs a new sign that says "No Vacancy"

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by TheFid on 05/26/13 at 06:20:08

Re: Stockholm riots
Fid; would you agree with this statement about Europe.  

I totaly agree.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by arteacher on 05/26/13 at 06:44:23

Don't forget that we were immigrants once too. What did we do to the native population?
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by srinath on 05/26/13 at 07:07:46

7B707079757A7B6160140 wrote:
Don't forget that we were immigrants once too. What did we do to the native population?
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

And we dragged blacks from 1/2 a world away kicking and screaming in the holds of ships.


Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by WD on 05/26/13 at 09:44:17

353E3E373B34352F2E5A0 wrote:
Don't forget that we were immigrants once too. What did we do to the native population?
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

Hmm, on the farm there is Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, Pawnee and Cherokee blood... Where'd I set those rocks at...

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by srinath on 05/26/13 at 14:58:10

6073370 wrote:
[quote author=353E3E373B34352F2E5A0 link=1369486409/0#14 date=1369575863]Don't forget that we were immigrants once too. What did we do to the native population?
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

Hmm, on the farm there is Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, Pawnee and Cherokee blood... Where'd I set those rocks at... [/quote]

You might want to give them rocks to the Cherokee and the pawnee.


Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/13 at 18:16:46

5A5B4047485D41290 wrote:
[quote author=7B707079757A7B6160140 link=1369486409/0#14 date=1369575863]Don't forget that we were immigrants once too. What did we do to the native population?
He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

And we dragged blacks from 1/2 a world away kicking and screaming in the holds of ships.


WE? WE bought them,, but I think if youll look at who owned those ships, WE didnt own near all of them..

NOW.,,, As to Who captured them & Sold them into slavery,,, well?

Other tribes, usually..
Im not defending slavery, just pointing out a few facts that arent exactly popular with the history book writers.
We also offered free rides home after the war. I wonder who did better.. those who went or those who stayed..

Title: Re: Stockholm riots
Post by srinath on 05/27/13 at 08:06:15

Ooo slave trade always has British involvement. They probably owned much of them, and more interestingly I would believe the recepients of these ships "cargo" also had brit heritage. The brits loaded ships full of Indians and dragged em to the west Indies and south africa and fiji and other places.

Either way, US has a hand in it, dont buy slaves and the market goes else where. We booted the british out but not our propensity for slaves.

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