General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Oklahoma Tornados

Message started by Starlifter on 05/20/13 at 22:24:23

Title: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by Starlifter on 05/20/13 at 22:24:23

Horrific tragedies such as Hurricane Sandy, Newtown and now Oklahoma just demonstrate to me how important it is to have a strong socialistic system. At times like these we all need to count on each other, we are one people helping each other to survive and get through these kinds of events.

I for one am happy to pay my taxes that I know, in part, are going to much needed disaster relief. Probably the best return on our money I can imagine...helping our fellow citizens cope with such tragedies.

Moore Oklahoma devastated. President Obama Signs Disaster Declaration for Oklahoma, federal disaster funds on the way.

First responders working around the clock on search and rescue. Oklahoma National Guard mobilizing.

Thank God for our socialistic response teams....paid for by our tax dollars.

It's enough to make a wingnut's blood boil.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/13 at 04:32:10

Using equipment to save lives developed and sold by greedy selfish bastards.....

I actually worked for the rich, wealthy, greedy selfish bastard that developed the oil that allows the Jaws of Life to work.

Screw those people; let 'em die;  right Star? Don't use equipment that made rich guys wealthy! Only use equipment developed by Peace Corp members and poor homeless guys wondering the streets....

You just sit there in your nice house using all those nice products like computers, internet, motorcycles etc... developed by those evil capitalist and eat your hypocrite bacon and eggs for breakfast. (which by the way were probably brought to you by evil food producers.....)

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by Paraquat on 05/21/13 at 06:17:53

Doesn't a "Disaster Declaration" mean that he can put the state on lock down under martial law?


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/13 at 06:24:14

Your "wingnuts" blood IS boiling, Im so darned sick of your snotty assed attitude I could nuts. You act like disasters went UNresponded to by Americans until you darned left wing loonies got your hands on DC. Well,, Americans have been rescuing & helping Americans Forever, even Before LBJ's "Greeat Suhsighutay". YOU act like Bammy hisself put it all in place,, hell fire, get over yourself.,

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by 45acp on 05/21/13 at 09:21:56

ive been lucky lived here 28 years and never got directly hit by a tornado. we have seen them go through the feild behind our house. before i lived here a tornado went through where my house sits now. used to be a barn there now just old footings. they dont call it tornado alley for nothing.
as far as federal assistance goes. every few years when a big city gets hit they send in the feds. no big deal.  

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by Starlifter on 05/21/13 at 11:56:18

"Im so darned sick of your snotty assed attitude I could nuts."

Dude you should smoke a big fatty, that'll manage some anger.

"Well.. Americans have been rescuing & helping Americans Forever."

Oh my, how you ranted against "big government intrusion", and now suprise, suprise, it's needed. The National Weather Service, whose actions saved lives because people had a 30 MINUTE WARNING about this tornado, was created by Congress. FEMA and first responders are funded by congress.

This is why we have we can help each other in times like these. There is only so much that neighbors and family can do in tragedies like this. That is why we choose to work together as one people, not every man, woman, and child for himself. Government is not bad. Government can help to alleviate the pain and suffering. We should all pull together.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by srinath on 05/21/13 at 16:05:34

003235242332251A36253C570 wrote:
internet, motorcycles etc... developed by those evil capitalist and eat your hypocrite bacon and eggs for breakfast. (which by the way were probably brought to you by evil food producers.....)

Ha ha Internet was developed by the govt. Darpa to be exact. Look it up.
Those guys are still churning out inventions at a breakneck pace using govt $. Then they cut em loose, and pass it on to anyone who wants em.

Anyway I have been thinking of one other thing listening to the tornado victims on the radio.

Jeff Foxworthy is an a$$.
His joke You might be a redneck if "youve been on TV more than 3 times describing what the tornado sounded like". Funny sheite ... but after many many tornadoes in the last few years, its sounding very crass.


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/13 at 18:25:13

Ha ha Internet was developed by the govt. Darpa to be exact.  and was obscure and unknown to the general public until commercialized by someone trying to make a buck.  Everything you have around you was because someone wanted to improve his or her lifestyle.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by srinath on 05/21/13 at 18:53:33

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
Ha ha Internet was developed by the govt. Darpa to be exact.  and was obscure and unknown to the general public until commercialized by someone trying to make a buck.  Everything you have around you was because someone wanted to improve his or her lifestyle.

And somehow that is a credit to the republicommunists ?

Maybe it will be a whole lot better if the republicommunists paid taxes @ the same rate as the rest of us working poor.


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by Starlifter on 05/21/13 at 19:16:43

Wingnut Alex Jones Explains How Government "Weather Weapon" Could Have Been Behind Oklahoma Tornado

(JOG, I'll bet you're all over this one.)

Conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones explained to his audience today how the government could have been behind the devastating May 20 tornado in Oklahoma.

On the May 21 edition of The Alex Jones Show, a caller asked Jones whether he was planning to cover how government technology may be behind a recent spate of sinkholes. After laying out how insurance companies use weather modification to avoid having to pay ski resorts for lack of snow, Jones said that "of course there's weather weapon stuff going on -- we had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago, killed thirty-something people in one night. Turned out it was the Air Force."

Following a long tangent, Jones returned to the caller's subject. While he explained that "natural tornadoes" do exist and that he's not sure if a government "weather weapon" was involved in the Oklahoma disaster, Jones warned nonetheless that the government "can create and steer groups of tornadoes."

According to Jones, this possibility hinges on whether people spotted helicopters and small aircraft "in and around the clouds, spraying and doing things." He added, "if you saw that, you better bet your bottom dollar they did this, but who knows if they did. You know, that's the thing, we don't know."

Read more:


Alex Jones, who has called President Obama the "global head of Al Qaeda," and claimed that the terrorist attacks in Boston, New York City, and Oklahoma City were carried out or sponsored by the government, has gained influence with the right wing media. Recently, Drudge Report's Matt Drudge promised that 2013 would be "year of Alex Jones."

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/13 at 19:33:40

And somehow that is a credit to the republicommunists ?

first; not even sure what you mean by republicommunitst, but to be fair, not sure what you mean 90% of the time.

second; my original point to Star was that he whines and whines like a spoiled suburban teenager about evil rich people, but has no problem taking advantage of everything they bring to the market....  Sort of like the punk OWS kids protesting globalization while wearing their levis and nikes.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by srinath on 05/21/13 at 19:48:45

506265747362754A66756C070 wrote:
...  Sort of like the punk OWS kids protesting globalization while wearing their levis and nikes.

Punk OWS kids - Uhmmmm OK as long as you think of 40 and 50 yr old laid off men and women as Kids - Fine ... and I'll tell them to be naked next time I see them ... OK.

And they were protesting "globalization" really ? what world do you live in Web ?

In Wall street and in charlotte they were protesting banks and financial institutions taking tax payer bail out, proceeding to ignore their own promises to refi loans etc, ask for paper work over and over again and kick people out of their houses ... and paying huge bonuses to executives.
In asheville - which is the weird capital - there was a legalize Marijuana twist to it.

I didn't see where they protested globalization.

OWS was about banks and their riding high on the backs of the tax payer.


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by Starlifter on 05/21/13 at 19:49:18

"Second; my original point to Star was that he whines and whines like a spoiled suburban teenager about evil rich people, but has no problem taking advantage of everything they bring to the market....  Sort of like the punk OWS kids protesting globalization while wearing their levis and Nikes."

Yeah wearing their (billionaire CEO's) Levis and Nikes made in Bangladesh with slave labor (too dam* cheap to pay an American worker a living wage) just to pocket their ever growing profits for themselves.

How can they sleep at night in their gilded mansions knowing that the poorest of the poor are killing themselves in sweatshops for food so the 1% can live like pigs at the trough.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/13 at 05:17:15

How can they sleep at night in their gilded mansions knowing that the poorest of the poor are killing themselves in sweatshops for food so the 1% can live like pigs at the trough.

You are the 1% compare to them; a pig living at the trough. The computer you type your nonsense on was made by them; the clothes you're wearing; half the products in your house. Don't sprain an ankle getting off your high horse.... The motorcycle you ride was developed and sold by a company in a country that at the time, everyone bought their products because they were low cost; made my low cost workers. That's changed over time.

Business trends are just that, trends. India's middle class is now supposedly larger than the population of the US. the standard of living in many places in Asia continues to rise.

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by srinath on 05/22/13 at 06:24:51

053730212637201F332039520 wrote:
How can they sleep at night in their gilded mansions knowing that the poorest of the poor are killing themselves in sweatshops for food so the 1% can live like pigs at the trough.

You are the 1% compare to them; a pig living at the trough. The computer you type your nonsense on was made by them; the clothes you're wearing; half the products in your house. Don't sprain an ankle getting off your high horse.... The motorcycle you ride was developed and sold by a company in a country that at the time, everyone bought their products because they were low cost; made my low cost workers. That's changed over time.

Business trends are just that, trends. India's middle class is now supposedly larger than the population of the US. the standard of living in many places in Asia continues to rise.

The middle class in any country isn't the 1% compared to the middle class in any other country. That's not what the 1% was all about.
In India I could live on $1 a day when I lived there in the 80's. Happily ... and have savings left over. Its called cost of living.

No one @ OWS was protesting that Bangladesh people were the 99% and the 1% are robbing them blind.
You have no clue. OWS was protesting the 1% sent their busniess offshore and evaded taxes on it, asked for and got a bailout when they liked and shafted the rest of us.


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/13 at 07:01:57

You have no clue. OWS was protesting the 1% sent their busniess offshore

really? explain the stupid little girl I saw in St. Louis with the sign saying "Pay for my college education"?

Didn't you see the interviews with OWS protestors; they had no idea why they were even there....! It was a joke! It was liberalism on full display!

Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by srinath on 05/22/13 at 11:41:22

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
You have no clue. OWS was protesting the 1% sent their busniess offshore

really? explain the stupid little girl I saw in St. Louis with the sign saying "Pay for my college education"?

Didn't you see the interviews with OWS protestors; they had no idea why they were even there....! It was a joke! It was liberalism on full display!

That whole college education garbage I saw too. They didn't ask you to pay for it, they were asking the 1% and even so it was far from universal.
College kids who sign up for 30,000 a year in tuition to become social service grads are stupid. If fact as soon as you sign up for the loan and turn up @ college, they should say - you signed up to go 120K into debt to get a 20K a year job if you're very very very lucky. Sorry we cannot educate our way out of that kind of stupidity, and there fore you are refused admission into our college.

However, the mainstay of the OWS was the fact that the rich got bailed out and are continuing to rob the rest of us. Be it college loans, home loans, car loans any and all of it.

Remember that ... the rich got bailed out. The rest of us got sold out by Bush, Obama and co. The "pay my tuition" is an extension of that.

Yes it was liberalism ion display - but WTF were republicommunists doing when the bail out was handed out - that's right, using 2 hands to hand it out.

The Republicommunists presided by Bush are the worst offenders of liberalism in this context.

Seriously I think we should have arrested everyone asking for a bail out without informing the rest of the world. And investigated them for fraud.

Like say B of A asked for bail out. We ask them to come to a meeting, and promptly keep them there. That way citi bank, JP morgan wells fargo etc etc wont know, they would also come for bail out. We keep all of em in that same room "negotiating". When we have all the culprits in, we arrest them and investigate their dealings. If fraudulent, they go to Jail like Bernie Madoff did. That is what true conservatism is about.

That was not done. Bush handed them the $$$ Ron Paul tried to stop it, but was rail roaded. Obama handed out the rest of the $$ after he was elected.

Liberalism in tghis context was first made popular by republicommunists. They were in power then. Then Democraps continued that.

OWS in effect was about that.


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by srinath on 05/22/13 at 13:25:50

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
Ha ha Internet was developed by the govt. Darpa to be exact.  and was obscure and unknown to the general public until commercialized by someone trying to make a buck.  Everything you have around you was because someone wanted to improve his or her lifestyle.

Thanking a "capitalist" for the internet is like thanking starbucks for inventing coffee.

All I'd ask is - did that many people have to starve to death for us to have "this". Could we have had that same thing only starving 1/2 that number. How about 1/4 ... could it have been done with 1/8th ... 1/16th ?

There is capitalism and there is capitalism man. One kind gets us things and hurts very few, ideally should be 0.
The other kind hurts the most, probably even us in the name of making a buck like Monsatan and Pharmaceutical companies pushing mercury in vaccines cos it was going to cost them $1 more for 1000 doses.


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by Serowbot on 05/22/13 at 15:28:21


Title: Re: Oklahoma Tornados
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/13 at 17:08:12

Radio reported some debris in Tulsa.. What a vicious storm. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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